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Africa’s vampires gather in Tokyo

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ethiopians and all peoples of Africa would forever be indebted to the Japanese if they round up these vampires and put them in jail for making Africa a land of misery.

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ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia’s fascist dictator Meles Zenawi left here Monday for Japan to join other African leaders at the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), scheduled to take place in Yokohama city from 28-30 May.

African dictators turned the continent into a hell on earth

The Conference’s main agenda is the continued development of Africa.

Besides reflecting on the 15 years of TICAD, the Summit is scheduled to discuss, among other topics, ways of boosting Africa’s economic growth, ensuring human security, Environmental issues/climate change, Asia-Africa cooperation and African development frontiers.

Meanwhile, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the NEPAD Business Group, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) are organising on the sidelines of TICAD IV a meeting on ‘Innovative Approaches to Private Sector Development for achieving the MDGs in Africa’.

As part of the general campaign to revitalise efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), these partner bodies maintain that there is a particularly acute need to scale up the role and involvement of the private sector in develo p ment.

The meeting is intended to share this understanding of the positive contribution s of the private sector in promoting poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa, as well as the role of the public sector in development.

Delegates from Africa and Asia, UN agencies and other partners as well as repres entatives of Japanese organisations registered to TICAD and representatives from the private sector will take part in the meeting.

Selected new and innovative approaches by global partners will be showcased to demonstrate how market-based business activities and private sector investments can help achieve the MDGs.

According to the event organisers, presentations will include actual case studies developed by the UN organisations and first-hand testimonials from various local private sector actors who have been beneficiaries or advocates of TICAD-inspired private sector development initiatives in Africa.

UNIDO Director-General Kandeh K. Yumkella is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the opening of the meeting on ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial Transformation through investments Value Chains: The scope for Public-Private Partnerships’.

19 thoughts on “Africa’s vampires gather in Tokyo

  1. Elias, please, do not make any African look like an animal, but criticize them for what they have done as human beings. You see, when you call them animals , or make them look like animals, then you are making yourself an animal. I am sure the KKK would love to hire you to help them further their agenda.

    What is sad is that you do not ealize the implication of what you are spousing; you are too immature for that.

  2. Whose Child…
    Woo to all Africans!
    Whose child is it?
    No day care
    to comfort and feed but
    under the watch of a Vulture.
    Whose child is that
    dozing off
    under the watch eye
    of the Vulture?
    Whose child
    is waiting
    by the desert
    for comfort?

    Lemlem Tsegaw, June 29, 2000
    Inspired by famine in Sudan’s documentary


  4. It is poignat about the Woyanes, they are worse than vampires. They are blooking stupid, mean and dangerous.

    Ethiopians need to use any means necessary to get rid of them before they starve our people to death and pit one group against another, while they enjoy the creme de la creme.

    Dawit h

  5. what a fitting name to these blood suckers! Except a few, most are dictators holding on to power by force. It is unfortunate developed world is feeding these vultures and vampires with more money and arms to kill Africans,

  6. last year it was the japaneese doctor called saragawa who wrote rabish about ethiopian IQ now they are going their,i mean the barbaric and the premitives woyanes to confirm his claim, then it will be a stigma for us ethiopians.

  7. To editor

    I would first like to thank you for a continued job well done. Despite many criticizm, your site still remains popular and is up to date with the latest Ethiopian news/events.

    You have shown a firm stand for what you believe in and my respect goes out to you. However some of the vulgar and inappropriate language as well as the name calling used may start to harm your reputation and does not directly help improve the condition. It may even result in more anger and frustration among the many people that visit your site everyday. I truly believe your choice of words originate from genuine love of your/our home country and shows your emotional response and frustration with the status quo.

    I would kindly like to suggest you tone it down a bit while still continuing your hard work and making ethiopianreview the first site to visit for ethiopian related news.

    Thank you



  9. Millions are going hungry evryday. There is starvation The country is turning into waste land{desert}. If millions die for the lack of food, there is no more important tak than saving our people. There is no an important task than dealing with the isue of draught and hunger. A hungry nation does not listen the cry or democtray , equality or the miracle of the free market. The trend clearly indicates the end of history. Save the people and then we talk about the cause of our suffering, humilation, lack of degnity etc. I am fully aware though, how much the present scessionist Tigre Liberation Front contributed the present crisis.We do not hold Meles alone for the present crisis but all founders and members and loyal supporters of the evil organanization,i’s the true vampire.

  10. Wushet Bekuina,
    Do you think A frican leaders (Except Ghana & S.Africa)
    are better than Animals ? if you think try to review again
    what animals do and what the savage A fricans Do

  11. If I were in a position where meles is now, 1. i would work more on coordinating the diasporas to envolve on economic develpopment, make the door open to any one regardless of his political orientation. 2. Be suspicious to any kind of foriegn aid. 3.I think that there are milions of people think much better than me so i need to listen there consults,opinions, ideas.5 be result oriented no too many meetings for nothing…etc

  12. Meles Zenawi goes to Japan to learn karate, a self-defense Japanese sport.

    When Meles goes to Japan, he goes with a clear understanding that the Japanese people have confidence in their democratically elected leaders; his are not. The Japanese love their Emperor; the Ethiopian leaders murdered their Emperor and their religious leader. The Japanese leaders run their elections fairly and democratically; the Woyanne gangsters run their local and national elections by intimidating, persecuting, jailing, and even killing their opposition leaders. Therefore, ashamed of his bad governance at home, Meles would prefer to stay in one of the Japanese gymnasiums, learning karate instead of showing up at the conference where the United Nation experts presenting “actual case studies,” perhaps, about Ethiopia – case studies that include the slaughters of innocent Ethiopians in 2005, the starvations of millions of Ethiopians, and the misuse of the United Nation’s donated money to help the Ethiopian hungry children.

    At the conference some participants of the conference, may ask where Meles is, and someone would answer that Meles is at the Gym, learning karate. Then Meles in a hurry, changes his Gym. Clothes and dashes to the conference room; he angrily denounces the pictures of hungry, necked, and dying Ethiopian children posted at the door of the conference room. He protests that those pictures do not represent the happy living of the Ethiopian people under his regime. He continues to assert that those pictures are form Eritrea or Somalia but not from Ethiopia, that he has never seen such pictures before and that Ethiopia does not have necked and hungry children like those pictures on the wall.

    As we all know, the main purpose of the conference is to find out new ways to help Africa expand its economic growth, and this growth includes, among many other things, “human security.”

    In many African countries and other nations, human security is a big problem; in Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi does not care much about human security; if he does, he couldn’t have jailed, persecuted, killed several innocent Ethiopians; if he does, he couldn’t have sold the Gondar land to the Sudanese government; if he does, he couldn’t have lied to the Ethiopian parliament that he has not sold any Ethiopian land to a foreign country but later admits he has indeed sold land to the Sudanese government.

    For almost twenty years in power, Meles has failed to give meaningful security to the Ethiopian people. He has failed to give his people economic security, political security, religious security, and health security.

    Economically, almost 3.4 million Ethiopians are on the verge of starvation, and, at present, about eight million Ethiopians are starving to death, and the Woyanne regime has done nothing to help them; in fact, Meles denies such a problem exists in Ethiopia while the Ethiopian children are dying every day because of hunger.

    Politically, the governing party continues to mute the people, denying them their human rights to speak out their problems, to criticize their government, to write what they want to, to elect their political leaders democratically and fairly, and to live their own lives without being oppressed, harassed, and being persecuted by the Woyanne gangsters.

    Religiously, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church members are prohibited from having their legitimate Patriarch who is in exile in America; they want to have him back, but Dictator Meles refuses to bring him back; instead he has appointed an illegitimate Patriarch whose spirituality is questionable after his encounter with that beautiful and seductive holy wood actress, Ms. Beyone. His education in political science is unquestionable, because he has Ph. D. in that area, but his dedication to serving the member of his Church is practically not visible in the eyes of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church members who are accustomed to be served by a spiritual Patriarch rather than by Ph. D. holders in political science.

    Medically, most of the Ethiopian people never have health insurance in their lives; Ethiopian women continue to deliver their babies at their homes instead of at a hospital; only the privileged ones, those who are associated with the Meles political gangs, have health insurance, and, because most Ethiopians do not have health insurance, the infant mortality rate is about 86.9 of 1,000 live birth; doctors, nurses, and hospitals are rare to find in the country side.

    So human security in Ethiopia and in other parts of the world is very essential but hard to find it; most Ethiopians want to have the security of their children, the security of their lands, the security of their properties, the security of their natural resources, and the security of their religious and historical artifacts. Those who are responsible to secure everything Ethiopian are found to be liars, traitors, bandits, and exploiters, and such people are the Woyanne political gangs.

    Also, the conference is expected to discuss how to develop private sector; however, this type of discussion will definitely frighten Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) because Meles’ exclusive private development does not fit the agenda in the conference. Meles private development excludes the Amharas, the Oromos, the Ogadens and the many other Ethiopian regions except the Mekelle region. Generally, Meles wants to develop only one region, and that region is Mekelle. Therefore, we have to wait and see what the conference in the Yokohama city of Japan will accomplish within these two days, and what economic results Meles is going to bring to the 80 million Ethiopians who are waiting to hear good results from their fake leader, Meles Seitanawi. To be present at the conference for photo opportunities is something else, but to be present there to convince the participants and get massive aid to one’s economically devastated country is quite another thing. I hope Meles is there to influence some foreign companies to come to Ethiopia and to open new businesses that would hire thousands of Ethiopians from all Ethiopian regions.

    Before Meles returns to Ethiopia from Japan, he will express his deep gratitude to the Japanese people not for their delicious food, not for their hospitality but for their important lesson they gave him, free of charge, the karate lesson that he would use against his political opponents in case he is suddenly caught and forced to go to Qaliti.

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