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Meles admits to parliament secret land deal with Sudan

EDITORS’S NOTE: Meles Zenawi admitted yesterday in the parliament that he signed a border agreement with Sudan, but as usual he lied that no body was displaced as a result. Members of the fake parliament did not dare to point out to him that agreements with foreign countries must be approved by them. We wonder what explanation Woyanne cadres and sympathizers will come up with now after telling us that there is no border deal with Sudan.


-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) The demarcation of the Ethiopia-Sudan border will not displace anybody on either side, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zewani told parliament on Wednesday.

He said Sudan and Ethiopia have agreed that the border demarcation, to start in the near future, will not displace any individuals from the land they occupy.

“We, Ethiopia and Sudan, have signed an agreement not to displace any single individual from both sides to whom the demarcation benefits,” he said.

The border between Ethiopia and Sudan dates back to 1907 when Sudan was under British colonial rule.

The two countries have so far been unable to physically identify their borders.

Recent reports said that Ethiopian farmers were displaced by Sudanese troops at two border areas but Meles told the parliament that this was land that was occupied by Ethiopia in 1996, which was given to two investors by the Ethiopian government, and Sudan complained about it.

“We have given back this land, which was occupied in 1996. This land before 1996 belonged to Sudanese farmers. There is no single individual displaced at the border as it is being reported by some media,” Meles said.

33 thoughts on “Meles admits to parliament secret land deal with Sudan

  1. Dear Meles, it is not your land to give back. You discuss it with the Ethiopian people first before you agree to anything regarding your country. You can give your money, your property, your family without consultation but when it comes to Ethiopia we have as much say. You don’t seem to understand this simple principle, or you just don’t care. We assure you that when we hung you in Arat Kilo we will consult the people first then hang you and your accomplices.

  2. This is a classic Woyanie-Tigraian lie! This is how the liars of Dedebit college graduates ruled Ethiopia for 17 years.
    For a small tiny and dusty village called Badmie, the Woyane Tigraians used and sacrificed 130,000 Ethiopians just like a condom because they thought Badmie was Tigraian land. When it comes to a Gonder or Gojam land who happen not to belong to the “golden” race of Tigrai, the land becomes disposable just like the innocent Ethiopians who were used like a cheap condom.
    What a shame! May God have mercy on poor Ethiopia

  3. Totally a lie, woyanne leader and his co. are going to do any thing up to dismantling the country to accomplish there mission. mr melles has already seen that people can’t do any thing to fulfiling his assignment. To make people keep silent they are doing everything like torchering, killing, firing people from there jobs, confisicating people properties, deliberate food shortage in the nation so that people don’t give a damn about them. The fake nation tigray wants an outlet to the sea through portsudan by railway and that is why the offering is done and they are talking about it open. How they degrade our people! It is quite surprising though people from tigry keep quiet when there land from so called tigray region is sold out. Is it because they are dreaming going to portsudan beach once a week by train for fun? The sole owner of the sovergine land is Ethiopian people. Ethiopian people don’t recognise what has been done in the name of negotiation with Sudan and the document is illegal. By hook or crook woyanne thugs will go and we will go after our land otherwise there will be a full scale war with sudan and our people is ready for that.

  4. Our great prime minister Meles did a good thing for peace. If we have to give Addis Ababa for peace, “let it be”. We can always move our Capital City to Mekele or Baher Dar.

  5. how dare you Meles…how dare you? this is not your mothers land or your uncles land that you just give it away. it belongs to the 70 million ethiopian. you gave away our land and made us examples of starving africans by allowing the living expence to sky rocket. i think enough is enough, we have to stand up and challenge this monster. DIR BIABIR ANBESA YASIR.

  6. We Ethiopian’s shoudn’t be conserned at all for what woyane doing against our land Ethiopia. We like talking,talking and talking.even we dont support our opposition groups.I think we have good “opposition” with no result(EPRP),go goin them and more talking.By the way it is not only our land we are loosing,woyane also plants explosives in publick transportation.

  7. i must adimt the spin that you have done for the last several years ,has meaning less .your lies cant buy beard for you and your liemeagers . i knew what kind ethiopia you are waiting to see .poor ,illetret ,and ill.well not in meles s watch.just give him time every thing will be answer on time

  8. የወያኔ ሰዎች ‘በኛና በሌላ ሀገር፡ ዴግሞ፡ በሁለት ጎረቤታም በሆኑ ሰዎች መሃከል የሚነሳን የመሬት የይገባኛል ግጭት’ በአንድነት ይመለከታሉ። ሀገር ማለት፡ ሉአላዊነት ማለት፡ ኢትዮጵያዊነትንም ጭምር አያውቁትምና።
    መሬት በባለሀብቱ ይሸጣል፡ ይለወጣል። ሀገር ግን ተቆርሶ በግለሰብ ሆነ በመንግስት አይሸጥም።
    ባለፈው ሳምንት የአንድ ኢትዮጵያ ራዲዮ ላይ ሚኒስትር ሙሉ የተባለ ካድሬ ወያኔዎች ለምን በሚስጥር ከሱዳን እንድሚዋዋሉ ሲጠየቅ ያለው ልክ አቶ መለስን ነበር ያስመሰለው ። ይሄውም፡ ባለ ጉዳይ ከሆኑት፡ በስፍራው ያሉ የቀበሌ ነዋሪዎችና የወረዳ ባለስልጣናት ጋር ተወያይተናል፡ አማክረናል ነበር ያለው! አላፈረም ሁሉ።
    ሌላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በሞላ የድንበር ጉዳይ አይመለከተውም ሊሉን ነውን? ይህ ልክ ‘ላሊበላ ለትግሬ ምኑ ነው?’ አቶ መለስ እንዳሉት አይደለምን?
    ተጨማሪ ደግሞ፡ ኢትዮጵያውን አርሶአደር ዜጎች ከመሬታቸው ተፈናቅለው በሱዳን ወታደሮች ወደ ባእድ ሀገር ለእስር እንደተወሰዱ አቶ ሙሉ አምነዋል።
    ይህ ተግባር እንዴት በወያኔና በአቶ ሙሉ በኩል ሉአላዊነታችንን እንደመድፈር ያክል አለመቆጠሩ፡ አሳዝኖናል።
    ደሞ ‘ማንንም ከሁለቱም አገራት ሳናፈናቅል ድንበር እንካለላለን ይሉናል’ አቶ መለስ። እንደት ነው ይህ የሚቻል? ዜግነት ለማስቀየር ይሆን? ተዛሬ ጀምሮ በመንግስት ትዛዝ ሱዳን ሁኑ ሊባሉ ነውን?

  9. He is telling us that no one will be displaced as long as he/she accepts the new demarcation and lives peacefully under Sudan’s laws and rules.


  11. I must express my admiration to the poster “Ketema.” Very intelligent analysis.

    The only thing I have to complain about is the “dear Meles” phrase which might be sarcastic but still very much disagreeable to the eye.

  12. What an amazingly sad story we are witnessing these days!!! Because Woyane in general and Meles in particular are not Ethiopians, it is not surprising to hear such news. Unless we eradicate Woyane and its anti-Ethiopian sentiment once and for all, any thing can happen to the country we love and we call Ethiopia. I am now tired of forwarding bitter and deeply felt comments against woyane. I think it is high time for all of us to stand together and to act.

  13. King Yohanes IV must be spinning in his grave. I have nothing more to say. Meles always appeases our enemies, even when they are at their weakest points. Sudan was not in a position to demand a land from Ethiopia at this point in its turbulent being. Yet, Meles rushes to award them Ethiopian land.

    Meles is out to destroy Ethiopia. What baffles me the most is the fact that there are people who are blinded by temporary benefit to let this happen.

    Shame on all of us!

  14. The leader of the tplfrobbers stole Ethiopia’s land and lied to millions of Ethiopians.

    You, robbers, in the past you collaborated with the enemies of Ethiopia, and now you decided to give the Sudan the land that belongs to all Ethopians.

    Robbers, Go Home!!!

  15. I think Meles and his primary organization TPLF can sign such an agreement without seeking the permission of the parliament. You should all remember that if the territory belongs to a specific ethnic region, then that administration has the sole authority to enter and agreement with another party. It will be obligated to report the agreement to the parliament after it is signed and done. Get it morons!!! In stead of flopping your injera-filled mouth here in comfort, why don’t you go back home and teach those panhandling bums how to be creative to make a decent living. At least wean themselves from food aid. They are addicted to aid foods. You beggars and children of beggars!!!! I am disgusted with you all!!!!

  16. Civility room , Aiga Forum and others Waynne agints Forum The Melese defedant what you want to say about this now your boss adimted .Do you know Abew what they said ? “Ewnaten tenageroo yemeshebet mader” Ethiopian we stand together and we will win at that time who diside to hand over ethiopian land to….. they get it back

  17. Now is the time to pay the ultimate sacrifice to get back our land as well as the natural sea frontier vital for our security and economic development. This is not a matter of vying for political power; it is a matter of moral obligation of bequeathing to our children dignity,liberty, freedom and territorial integrity of Ethiopia that we had inherited from our heroic forebears.
    This latest secret deal of ceding land to the Sudan by the tyrant Meles vindicates those of us who had been accused by some in the US Embassy in Addis Ababa for our, as they put it, ‘vitriolic attack’ on this traitor.

  18. If you can not do some thing about this ass hole dictator of yours.Please let those who love our mother land do the rest.Berket We know he is your father.may be some day she will tell you long live Ethiopian freedom fighters.long live Elias and the rest of us (Ethiopans).

  19. truth~ says:
    He is telling us that no one will be displaced as long as he/she accepts the new demarcation and lives peacefully under Sudan’s laws and rules.

    We have more grave problems

    that belongs to all Ethopians

  20. Abebe Shenkute: Tigray does not have any land that borders Sudan. If you are talking about the fertile lands TPLF stole from Gonder, then that is another topic.

    you low life thief!

  21. ከጥቂት አምታት በፊት አንድ ድረ ገጽ ላይ ስለ ጋምቤላ አኙዋኮች መከራ ቦታው የነበረ ሰው (ተወላጅ) ያገኘሁትን መረጃ ህዝብ እንዲያውቀው ሳደርግ ሰውየው እንዳለኝ ” እኛን ኢትዮጵያውያኖቹን (አኙዋኮች) እያፈናቀሉ የሱዳን ዜጋ የሆኑትን ኑሮች እያሰፈሩና እያስገደሉን ነው” እንዳለኝ አሁንም አልዘነጋውም:: ቁም ነገሩ እርስ በርሳችን በሌለ ስልጣን ስንራኮትና በኢትዮጵያዊ ስም ማህላችን እያስገባን ሲያምሱን ይኽው እዚህ ደርሰናል:: ጥያቋዬ የኛ ምሁራኖች መቿ ይሆን አርቀው ለዜጎችና ለሚከተለው ትውልድ የወደፊት እጣ ማሰብ የሚጀምሩት:: በሙያ ከማገልገል ይልቅ እህዝብ ትከሻ ላይ መከመር መሻት አይበጅምና መለስና ቡድኑ ሳይጨሩስን ማሰብ ቢጀመር ይበጃል::

  22. The notorious crime boss, that criminal and murderer Meles Naziawi shamefully told millions of Ethiopians that he gave away the sacred and protected land of Ethiopia to his another a friend and a murderer dictator of the Sudan, and attempted to fool Ethiopians that nobody will be displaced because of the land which belongs to Ethiopia is being tossed away into the hands of the Sudanese.

    Ethiopians replied: You thief and murderer, you can never ever think of going back home, don’t ever think you have a home to call after you stole our land and traded it with something that you had in your satanic head for so long. What belongs to Ethiopians can never be traded, traded off, exchanged, or replaced.

    You can’t win a victory by doing despicable and shameful things to Ethiopia and Ethiopians; but you know what, when you are captured alive, you shall first blame then hate yourself for what you are and for what you did to Ethiopians. At the end of the day and at the end your crime, you shall receive what you deserve to receive in the most appropriate way which is tantamount to all sorts of crime you and your crime families committed against Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

    You have been dishonest and refused to obey Ethiopians chiefly because you were conceived in unfavorable womb and developed into venomous little monster and came into Ethiopia with a lot of bullets and guns just to steal and murder Ethiopians. Little by little you are nibbling Ethiopia to death; but at the same time you are opening wide the gate of hell through which all members of the crime family walk through it to their final resting place.

    Make no mistake and take this for granted as nothing but the truth. As you secretly negotiated and traded the lands that belong to Ethiopia to your likes, you will definitely stand cold, num, deaf, and blind in front of millions of Ethiopians and watch your cheap tenuous soul leave your strange body for a place where your dead mentors buried.

  23. Relax…folks,no body said any thing when he sold his own wife to alamoudine,couple of years ago,what do you expect from a coward?.he is gonna sell his stincky ass…to stay in power.[Dedebit 101, article 8,”SELL EVERYTHING TO STAY IN POWER.]

  24. ok it looks like this government is doing weak all the region and break Ethiopia. I thought having education suppose to help people think better but this governmnet is killing the people, the land and our history. I don’t get it what he is going to say when his children ask him about Ethiopian history and what he did. He went to far by creating this problem with Gonder. I really don’t know what he has against Gonder people? Instead of protecting his land he sign a paper freely with out asking the people. Why did we have the war with Erteria the people we are close to for the land we don’t use but we are doing nothing for the land people live and need? The big question is what is the Ethiopian people doing about this?

  25. what a joke! melese, is that his name, is going to far. one mistake after another. the consequency will be unmeasurable three to ten years from now.

  26. If the land was the Sudanese before, then I completely support Melese’s action. Remember during the first few years of Woyane rule, Shabia and Woyane were policing East Africa from Djibouti- Somalia, from Yemen to the Sudan! Their allied joint army openly attached Sudan and Yemen to claim land whose land you tell me but it happened. What I did not understand is why this is happening while Woyane sacrificed over 100,000 young Ethiopians over a piece of land claim with Eritrea. I did not forage Woyane’s eager recognition of Eritrea as a country and the news conferences it gave to explain how much Ethiopia owes to Eritrea for the ports it used before 1991. I would like to hear from historians, geo-politicians, and international lawyers about this if possible to have informed judgment. If we try to condemn our enemy based on falsehood and unfounded allegations we are actually handing over the gun to it to shoot us back. It demoralizes our supporters and embellish the moral of Woyane demagogues. It is good to look out for the truth.

  27. Dear Meles,

    Ethiopia is for all Ethiopian people, you don’t have the right to give our land to foreiners with out consulting the people. History will judge you when we are free under your colonial rule!!

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