Several Ethiopians had gathered in front of the Woyanne-occupied Ethiopian embassy in Washington DC on Monday to demand freedom for Teddy Afro, a popular singer who appears to have been thrown in jail on trumped up charges. The protesters chanted “Free Teddy!” as heavy rain poured down on them.
Teddy Afro is currently being held at the infamous Kaliti prison inside a dark room. He is charged by the Woyanne government with hitting and killing a homeless man with his car about two years ago.
Listen to the VOA report for more on Monday’s protest rally at the Ethiopian embassy in DC. Click here.
14 thoughts on “Ethiopians in DC held rally demanding freedom for Teddy Afro”
Experiences from victims of” weyane” regime showed that every opposition party members or supporters, even some “weyane” members too are periodically listed long before to be politically arrested, systematically to be killed or tactic fully to loose their jobs or endangering their organization, at any time “weyane” beliefs “this is the appropriate time this person/group/organization has to be erased”. Don’t know that MELES and his group are the followers of MAKIYAVI ideology, demoralization strategy. Weyanes are in a DAILY NIGHT DISCUSSION about everybody in multiples sites of the country while the rest of us in sleep. Still Meles alive in power only by his hidden intelligence part since his party birth, neither by his strong military nor by his social support. This is the most neglected part by most Ethiopian. So it is the core issue to attack or compete his tactics/intelligence more than shouting. See history no one share power by shouting/disorganized movement except “eyarico” in the bible. We should not twist his left hand while he is right handed.teddy may be one of the victims to be demolarized
who knows if he did that?only knows TEDDY and JESUS!!!!so i can say nothing!!!
I don’t know what kind game game wyeanes are playing in the country. eka eka. The use everything for their personal things. They should abide for the law the Ethiopia. They just reveging Teddy. Who killed the 193 people? wheyane.
Blood suckers.
መቼም የወያኔዎች ስራ በጣም የሚሳያዝንና ትዉልድ ይቅር የማይለዉ ነዉ።
ማንም ሰዉ ቢሆን ቴዲ አፍሮ በመኪና ሰዉ ገጭቶ ገድሎ ከሆነ በበቂ ማስረጃ ተገቢዉን ፍርድ ቢቀበል ተቃዋሚ ያለ አይመስለኝም።
እየተደረገ ያለዉ ግን ሌላ ህግን የተላበሰ የሚመስል ጥቃትና ቂመኝነት ነዉ። ይህ ደሞ በሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ (ወያኔን ጨምሮ) ልብ ዉስጥ ያለ ዕዉነት ነዉ። ወያኔን ከህዝቡ ልብ እያራቀዉና የበለጠ በህዝቡ እንዲጠላ የሚያደርገዉ ይህንን የመሰለዉ አድራጉቱ ነዉ። ቂመኝነት እና ተራ ድርቅና !!!
ለነገሩማ በአዲስ አበባ ዉስጥ በርካታ የወያኔ ባለስልጣናትና ካድሬዎች ሰክረዉ ያለ መንጃ ፈቃድ በማሽከርከር በየምሽቱ የስንቱን ሕይወት እንደቀጠፉትና ከፍተኛ የንብረት ጉዳት እንዳደረሱ የአደባባይ ሐቅ ነዉ። ታዲያ አንዱም ለፍርድ ቀረበ ሲባል አልሰማንም።
ለማንኛዉም ሁሉን ቻይ የሆነ እግዚአብሔር ፈጥኖ ይድረስልን !!!
ጃህ (ክርስቶስ) ያስተሰርያል !!!
I would like to offer my time and service as a neutral party to negotiate for an amicable solution to this sad situation. This will be done in the framework of our tradition and current law. The victim’s relatives will be located and compensated by Ted. Ted will be fined up to $250,000 birr and he will be required to make a donation of $500,000 birr to organizations that provide shelter and food to the homeless and orphans in that country. He will be required to write songs that will appeal to the world the dire needs of the poor and the country (like Bono). And he will be put on probation for 5 years. I think that will be a good and practical solution. Rallies and stubbornness will cut the mustard.
what the hell are you thinking ordofa? did you even complete middle school? this is insane.(your idea)
let theme make him free whenever they want.he is not the only woyane victim,there are so many thousands may be 70 millions.
እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው! ወያኔ የተባለ ሰው በላ ጭራቅ ከስልጣን እስኪወገድ ድረስ የተቃውሞ ሰልፉም ሆነ ትግሉ መቀጠል አለበት!!!!
እግዚአብሔር ሆይ ቴዲን ና ሃገራችንን በምህረትህ አስብ!!!!
If the demonstration was about Justice in Ethiopia as a whole, if it was about the Human Rights in Ethiopia or about Free press, I would have taken off from my Job. Sorry, I would not go just for Teddi. Sorry! Tamagne, wake up man.
Dagne, you are the one who needs to wake up. They are asking justice in Ethiopia as a whole if you get it.Teddy represents everyone who are suffering like him.
Locking that azmari up wouldn’t do weyane no good, politically.I am sure they would have locked him up 2 years ago if they really wanted to go after him for his political affiliation.
Teddy is an opportunist werada you pretends to be a Rasta to be close to the Marley family and preaches hatred towards Tigray.If weyane or “Tigres” really wanted to off that fool one of us would have blows his head off.
Regardless i am glad he got what he deserved.
Teddye Kumta suri jegna yebereha lij harbegna new yemitatekew.Ante setaset wendagered.Edme leweyane netsanet amtitolih ante bekt wuletabis tisadebaleh weyanen.Derg bihon wefelala yilitish neber.
p.s. death to all ahya adgis.
Hey wodi Bole!!!
እንደ አንተ አይነቱ ምላስ እንጂ ራስ የሌላቸው ወያኔዎች: ሽቶች: ደረቅ ሌቦች! ትግል የተደረገዉ እኮ ዴሞክራሲን ና ነጻነትን ለማምጣት እንጂ የእኛኑ ደም ለመምጠጥ አልነበረም! ነገሩ የተገላቢጦሽ ሆነና በእናንተ እጅ ወደቅን. በቅርቡም እንደምናሸንፍ እናምናለን!!!! አንት መናጢ ቅማላም!!! ስለ ቴዲም ለማውራት ብቃት የለህም እሺ አንተ ባዶ ጭንቅላት!!!!!!!!
WediBole, don’t forget tomorrow is your turn.
Wedi Bolle, Minew kumta surehin aferkebet meches berha sitewaga ahun yelebeskewen sufe lebseh alneberem Yanen bej yetesefa kumta enji bemaneneteh atefer. Demo yetewagahew letegre netsanet enji leEthiopia aydelem. Jegna malet hagerun kewerari yemitebek enji leand zer yebelaynet wendmochun yemigedel aydelem. Esu Hodam, Jib Ahya new yemibalew. Yeweyane jegna yelewem. Yehageritun birr eyesebesebu meznanat, nitsuh sewochen maserna megdel jegna ayasegnem. Teddy endante seletemenja bicha yemiyasib dedeb eras aydelem. Esu sile fikre ena andenet yemiyaseb Jegna ye Ethiopia lej new. Endante balew mehayim afe yemisedebem aydelem. Yehen hulu zermanzereh yemikeflebet gize eruk ayhonem