The Woyanne kangaroo court has instructed the Federal Police that the death sentence against the former Ethiopian air force pilots must be carried out humanly inside Qaliti prison compound.
“በሞት እንዲቀጡ ውሳኔ የተላለፈባቸው ተከሳሾች በአገሪቱ ርዕሰ ብሔር ከፀደቀ በኋላ በማረሚያ ቤቱ ቅጥር ግቢ ሰብአዊ ርህራሄ በተሞላበት እንዲፈፀም ትዕዛዝ አስተላልፏል፡፡” – የኢትዮጵያ የዜና አገልግሎት
29 thoughts on “Court orders ‘humane’ execution of air force pilots”
i guess humane death for a person who has inhumanely executed innocent citizens is fair. do not you think Elias?
The Weyane criminal groups they will face the same fate tomorrow.
Is this the case of humane treatment of humans Naga Tuma is eagerly talking about? Hmm…!
How about AGAAZEE? who savagely murdered 200 pepole on the streets.
Weyane kelled tens and hunderd thousends of people before they setteled in Minilik palace. Weyanes thinks they are innocent as Pilatos did say “I am innocent of this man’s blood”. Ygermal zendro new negeru hulu.
Humanly death means by giving injections which is fast acting, and not by other means( gun, hunging, etc.). So, it is not new. Those Derg officials and military commanders who killed thousands of our brothers and sisters everywhere in the country deserve it! Whatever is woyane, no one should claim about the innocence of those criminals! For Derg remenants and residues, it is okay to shout. But those of you who condemn this verdict, only by hating the current tyranny (woyanne), should thnk over it again and again if you want to be supported and followed.
The undemocratic nature and illegitimacy of the current regime doesnot make the previous regimes democrat or legitimate.
So, you pro-Dergs and pro-Feudals better shut up!
TPLF is a foreign mecerenarry, so we should not surpise if TPLF revenges against ethiopians for not be colonized by foreignerss. they will pay later on. no way to escape these arrogant bandas. our pilotes are free from any crime. TPLF’s crime is even beyond ethiopia. in somalia. the current revengers will be thye next . it is good off them if TPLF release all the herioce pilotes. the weyane’s pilotes are killing innocent somalians in their own vilages. they will pay also very dearly.
I wish Elias the criminal was one of the people to perish shortly.
Anyways, wait for your turn.
How can we defend our pilots?I can’t believe I don’t hear any reaction against the descion of the court.I hope they will not kill them.
anbessaw,Elias is a man of the people,unlike your Tigrain war lords,Elias believes,humans should have fundamental right,to live with out fear,intimidation,or death threats.Unlike your tigrian hemogomy ,Elias is alowing you to express your feeling here in this public forum with out intimidation.Did you get?
#9 you don’t know what you are talking
‘mulugeta’, ‘melaku’, and ‘anbesaw’: Do you have healthy minds? Why do you wish others death? You and rour relatives (meles and company) have killed many thousands of innocent Ethiopians; however, I don’t wish you death, and I don’t say you deserve to death.
How on earth do you enjoy others death???
The execution of these officers sets a precedent for current and future Ethiopian leaders and their government officials and military leaders to watch what they are doing .They will be accountable and brought to justice.We have to adopt a culture of accountability.As for those soon to be executed former Durg officials- I only say let your soul burn in hell.
Who ever bombed Hawzen was so inhumane and viscous! However, I don’t think justice is being served when a group of criminals are punishing another group of criminals!! Let law preside over all Ethiopian citizens (including Eritreans Meles, Sebhat and Bereket Simon), we will then talk about on whther punishing or pardoning any perpretor of our miskin people!!
ለሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ ወገኔ የማሳስበው እባካችሁ ይህንን የወያኔ የቂም በቀል ስራ እና ቀልድ እያናፈስን በእነሱ ወጥመድ አንግባ።
እነኚህ የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ይዋጉ የነበሩት ይህንን አሁን የምናየውን ግፍኛ መንግስት እንዳይመጣ ነበር። እውነቱ ይውጣ ከተባለ ይህንን በደል በሀውዜን ህዝብ ላይ እንዲፈጸም ያቀነባበሩ ህዝቡን ወደ ገበያ እንዲወጣ እና በእዛም እህል እንደሚታደል ቀስቅሰው ያወጡ እና ከደርግ ውስጥ ከነበሩ አጎብዳጆቻቸው ጋር በመተባበር ሀሰተኛ የሆነ መረጃ እንዲተላለፍ (የወያኒ ጦር በገበያ ቦታ ላይ አጠቃላይ ስብሰባ በመሪዎቹ አማካኝነት እንደሚያደርግ በመንዛት)በማድረግ እና የዚህም ስራ ለአየር ህይሉ እንዲተላለፍ በማድረግ እንደውም በወቅቱም የአየር ሀይል አዛዥ መረጃው አጥጋቢ አለመሆኑን እና እርግጠኛ ለሙሆኑም እንዲጣራ ተቃውሞአቸውን አስተላልፈው የነበረና እሳቸውንም በቁም እስር እንዲቆዩ አስደርገው ስራው እንዲፈፀም እና የወያኔ አላማ ግብ እንዲመታ አድርገዋል። አላማውም ከአውሮፓ ድረስ የፊልም ቀራጭ ቡድን ቀጥሮ ትርኢቱን (እልቂቱን) ለመቅረፅና ለአለም ህዝብ በማሳየት ለፖለቲካ ጨዋታው አጋዥ አንዲያገኝ ሲረዳው በሀገር ውስጥ ደግሞ (በትግራይ)ህዝቡን እንደሚያስቆጣ የታወቀ በመሆኑ ተመናምኖ የነበረውን የሰው ህይሉን በዚህ በተቆጣ ህዝብ ለማሞአላት እንዲያስችለው የሀውዜንን ህዝብ ለእርድ ማቅረቡ ምንአልባት ለጥቂቶች ካልሆነ በስተቀረ አብዛኛው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የሚያውቀው እና ሆድ ይፍጀው ብሎ ዝም ያለ ሲሆን ዛሬ ይባስ ብለው እነኛን የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ወደው ሳይሆን የስራ ፀባያቸው አስጋድዶአቸው የስሩትን ስራ በግፍ እና በማን አለብኝነት በሞት እና በተለያዩ ቅጣቶች ሊያስፈርድባቸው ችሎአል።
እውነት ትዘገይ እንደሆን እንጂ በመጨረሳ መውጣቱዋ አይቀርም እን የእዛ ሰዎች ይበለን።
The judge must be out of his mind. However when it is time to hang that paticular judge, he will show us how to do it.
in the first place weyane is a criminal anti Ethiopian group who has betrayed Ethiopia and how on earth a banda anti Ethiopian group who has got a criminal records in betraying Ethiopia got a morale ground to judje Ethiopians?
These air force pilots are heroes ,when Ethiopia was against the bandits weyanes ,they were fulfilling their duty as a soldier ,they got an order they have to fulfil it ,the huizen case was like that ,so the responsible man would be the highest military commander ,or the policy maker at that time .
what comes around goes around, all weyane officials, memebers and supporters will face the same type of death penalities which seem dream to them would happen sooner or later. Just a matter of time, history never forget the crimes done by tplf….in addition the person who has given a comment by the name anbessaw … are the one who should wait your turn for the atronicities that you and your partners have done for the last 17 years….AREE GOBEZ ENETEBABER….lets minimize talking and start acting together against only tplf…lets stop fighting among oppositions, especially those political dreamers who have been spent most of your time around political organization but keep failing to pass as a freind of mine who had failed the ESLCE( known as matrik) many times. you guys setting in the name of oppositions but jumping here and there to fulfill your interests while cussing and insulting major strong weyane opponents, please stop insulting and start acting. united we win…
Wait a minute! Haven’t we heard that the hawzen masacre was woyane drama? If they didn’t fly the planes, they set them up, they made the pilots fire on the people while they were waiting with cameras to record for their propoganda. The drama was played by both parties. By killing one oparty the other party can not be cleansed from the crime.
God save Ethiopia from these… I can’t find the right word to discribe them.
Dros keweyane fasheste mengest mene entebkalen egziabeher le ensume ande ken ferdun yestachwal beserut gef wagachewn yagegalu.
The existing government is a government of meles and sibihat ,there is no more weyane as an organization after siye and his groups had been defected from the weyane ,which means that Ethiopia falled down under the controlof two Butchers meles and sibhat .These guys to get the heart of the tigray ppl they do any thing what they could do .
The hawzen massacre was a drama which has been engineereed and mislead the derge military information in order to kill the civilians at that time .weyanes were inside the civilians using the civilians as shield ,accordingly the derge got a misinformation ,at times weyanes were waiting with cameras to record the event ,they have done it ,the weyanes used the record as a propaganda.
what ever the reason ,who is responsible for this massacre? ,weyanes and the derge officials would be the responsible for tht massacre not the airforce pilots,these pilots had done their job ,their job was to fulfil their duty which means they have to obey as a soldier .
these guys ( weyanes)are merci less to the real Ethiopians ,they want to destroy the Ethiopian sprit , any how The Ethiopian ppl is hero ,never and never no body can destroy Ethiopia and the Ethiopian sprit , The Ethiopians are far from Ethino/cebtric beliefs ,we are intertwined one and united .
We Ethiopians we consider these pilots as our heroes .
I am not surprised , what do you expect from Ethiopian
justice and Meles ? NO humanity at all .
I am so sorry for him and the family .
God be with you !
What kind of justice is this….. ‘Mengistu and his co’ were sentenced to life in prison after killing thousands of people in the name of red teror (they are not sentenced to death except Melaku Tefera). Now the pilots who were accused of killing people in Hawzen were condemned to death penality. Does this mean the lifes of some were more worthy than others. I personally consider the verdict a vendetta not justice!!
the same justice will go to ethiopianriview
I do not know how i could express my feeling over this ” inhumane ” decsion. Special whom they call themselve as ” democrats” need to wake up! They need to reboot thier attitude from a sleeping mode. Thier decsion making process is dragging us down leavin a negative a long lasting impact on our personalities! We were and are still talking/worrying about wars since past decades. I mean ” they” need to wake up! ” they” need to start working with citizens regardless of race , religion,… ! If they know about globalization and are part of the global community then the so called democrats need to grow ” our ” country!
Wa woyane wa woyane what goes around comes around beware of killing proffesional soldiers those who served their country with out treason.
But then it was Woyane who instigated the bombing by falsely informing the Derg where to bomb. Double insult to the victims..tsk tsk!
The Courts in Ethiopia are not free institutions and can not be relied upon to render justice to anybody. Once again Ethiopians must wake-up wake up and do whatever they can to stop this criminal regime from excuting these people who were under orders.