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Kinijit youth league founding conference to be held in Dallas, Texas

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Kinijit North America announced today that the Kinijit Youth League founding conference will be held in Dallas, Texas, on July 5, 2007. The conference coincides with the annual North America Ethiopian Sports Federation event which starts tomorrow, Sunday, in Dallas.

Kinijit Youth Leaue Founding Conference

6 thoughts on “Kinijit youth league founding conference to be held in Dallas, Texas

  1. this is what we were waiting for.ethiopian youths need to participate in our countries social economic and political as an ethiopian i am asking evry ehtiopian youth to do your part.LIVE FREE OR DIE! OUR P.O.C. YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Long awaited! One step forward in the struggle for Democracy,Respect to Human Rights, Peace and Prosperity for Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa! Congratulations!
    This brings another hope for the unconditional release of the respected P.O.Cs from Kaliti prison of Zenawi.

  3. WELL DONE KINIJIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All ethiopia’s youths must stand together firlmy to save your courty from destruction and drive out ethiopia from under poverity line and give hope to our ppl at home. so the formation of KINIJIT’s youth league is one of the corner stone to the struggle for democracy and freedom in ethiopia.KINIJIT is love , bright future to all ethiopians regardless of our language, religion and ethnice back ground. To stand by KINIJIT AND PROTECT IT From party hijackers should be our first obligation. The ethiopian’s ppl have paid and are paying the highest price for kinijit, it is a party of an innocent ethiopia’s ppl at home and in diaspora. So all ethiopian’s youth in diaspora proude to be a members of kinijit . I wish you all the best .GOd bless you. ethiopia needs more attention and protect from you. you are ethiopia’s future hope to it.s ppl at home

  4. This is a fantastic idea!
    It should be applied through out the world where ever Ethiopians live! The youth in Ethiopia the heroes I should rather call, have paid the ultimate price in the struggle With a tyrant who is equipped with sophisticated modern weapons and trained by the worlds “powerful countries

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