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CORRECTION: Aba Gebremedhin’s building ready for rent

The building in this photo is not owned by Aba Gebremedhin. It belongs to Sunshine Construction owner Samuel Tefesse. We will post the correct photo shortly after making verifications. We are also gathering photos of buildings that are owned by Bereket Simon, Dula Aba Gemeda (real name: Menase Wolde Giorgis) and other high level Woyanne officials. We apologize for the mistake we made here.

Aba Gebremedhin’s (formerly Aba Paulos) recently built rental property in Addis Ababa is ready for lease. The Woyanne-installed fake patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is becoming one of the richest businessmen and real estate developers in Ethiopia. When does he have time to conduct his ‘religious services’?

Samuel Tafesse's house near Bole Airport
Samuel Tafesse’s house near Bole Airport
Samuel Tafesse's house near Bole Airport
Samuel Tafesse’s house near Bole Airport. It can house at least 20 middle-income families.

31 thoughts on “CORRECTION: Aba Gebremedhin’s building ready for rent

  1. he also packs a gun and uses 450k dollars worth of Hummer which specialy designed for high profile people. And, also sends money to his extended family living abroad in canada and USA money to attend in prestigious schools!!

  2. he is not aba.he is melese’s right hand cadre. it is good he is building in ethiopia not in tegray. all eviles are building their villa in out side tegray. that shows their ignorancy.

  3. It is good that he built it in Ethiopia. What would have you said had it been built in China???kkkkkkkk
    These people are doing thier business. Just either fight them neck and neck or shut up your mouth.

  4. now aday i have failed to found one ethiopia whose abstract logic can pound my head and makes me to think hard.the level of moral wickdness and weakness among us is beyond rational person expectation.nobody respects anything and anyone…fellows what is wrong with us?

  5. Tazabi says,

    Comchambawe, are you asking us to respect the patriach cadre??? We respect our clergy people by their deed not by their title or “kaba and kobe”

  6. This man along with his cadre forces aka Mahbere Kidusan will be an eternal reminder of the most heinous, heretic forces who pelage Ethiopia’s sacred church since Geragn Mohammed. God shall not forsaken his temple and the faithful who stood vanguard against these evil forces as he will undoubtedly sweep them into the hip ash of history.

    God Bless Ethiopia! and her church. Amen

  7. Hello Mr. Moral Mentur

    Things are out of control and that is why people are not using logic. What do you think in Ethiopia is logical? hnad picked head of the church? one man and one ethnic rule? division of people among ethnic lines? what? If any of these things are logical, then I will asure you that we will start using logic. Other wise shut up!

    As to the case of Ababa Leba, he has never been in church at all. He did his P.hD in poltical science in California. so he is another meles type poltician.

  8. for the record he did not do his phd in politics but rather theology in princeton University, New Jersey. Then again you know that and you keep lying just to defame his name. keep spreading lies to those that believe you but you wont fool all of us all the time.

  9. I strongly oppose the deeds of Abune Paulos but I can firmly say something not out of ignorance but in depth knowledge about it, Mahibere Kidusan is not an ally of the Patriarch but instead opposes him very much but if they get into major conflicts with him, they will be permanently be cut off from teaching in Churches and from the influences they are making right now let alone being hunted down by the woyannes. They are well educated Church children both in religious and secular subjects which we need to confront the secular world and the minds of dictators, if Mahibere Kidusan acts stupid while living in tyranny, then its like losing their grips and we losing Church children who can tell us about our Church in our languages, as an Ethiopian living in diaspora and so much in love of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, I strongly advice my felow Christians brothers and sisters to act more like Christians in deeds and words rather than accusing someone we don’t know very much, speaking of Abune Paulos, our insults and rampage won’t bring a change but a prayer to the Most High can set us free from a person like him whom he is there because of our own sins. God Bless Ethiopia and the World. And God Bless America in which we are talking freely. Thanks You

  10. hi that is realy intersting becouse this people build their bulding in ethiopia not out side êthiopia ,who knows for tomorow.but i want to say one thing egehen egeziabehr bekebaw sew lay atansa yesun hatyat ante tesekemalhena.

  11. dear COmchambawu, the real comchambawu was very wise and intellegent. One ethice group in minilik’s palace, in the churches, in military , police , bank and evry where. if you check aba diabilos , you will find bullete proof jacket and short gun. he is narrow minded criminal.

  12. tazabi,the level of ignorancy among us is beyond any normal human expectation. atleast u should respect ur faith by being tolerant ,objective and exercising ur utmost moral values in proper fashion.character assasination of someone without bothering to venture truth creats only further confusion.some of us really need to have holy water” tebbel”. whether u like it or not he is our religious father despite of his time u should try to make ur independent views basd on what u know ,not what u hear. i thank u brother/sister

  13. As a spiritual leader of millions of Ethiopian Christians, Abune Paulos is renting his house, the house of the Ethiopian people, perhaps at a higher price for any one who can afford to buy.

    The house he is renting was probably built by the Ethiopian tax payers’ money or donation, so it is the Ethiopian people’s house. If his house is for rent, then where is he going to live, in the basement of St. Mary Church or at the Menelik Palace? I think he is going to one of those Ethiopian monasteries and live there because he could not stand Meles’ unacceptable attitude such as asking him to sell some church properties and bring the money to him, or perhaps Abune Paulos is renouncing the world and joining the spiritual world. He knows the imminent danger that is impending upon the Meles regime, so that ahead of time he is preparing himself to flee the country on time before he is captured and brought to justice and be sentenced to life imprisonment for the dereliction of his spiritual duties.

    Is it safe for him to go to one of the Ethiopian monasteries in Jerusalem or come to the United States? He may prefer to go to Jerusalem to any other countries because the Ethiopians in diaspora may not welcome him for his usurpation of ecclesiastical power from the legitimate person Abune Merkorios. We should not really be concerned too much about his safety because he has never cared about the welfare of the other Ethiopian Christians; he has never intermediated between those Ethiopians who have been unjustly jailed and the Meles’ political judges who have jailed them.

    The duty of a spiritual father, according to the prophet Isaiah, is not only to just fast and pray but “to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke” (58:6). However, in Ethiopia, the duty of a spiritual father, such as Abune Paulos, has become to indulge in worldly affairs and putting one’s treasure not in heaven but in the banks of this world.

    Any way, Abune Paulos has to leave because his reputation has been badly damaged after his encounter with that beautiful Hollywood celebrity; he has to leave because he may be one of the suspects of that Ethiopian fake gold; he has to leave because Meles Seitanawi has found him untrustworthy in his political affairs; and he has to leave because he is tired of the Ethiopian ecclesiastical day to day affairs. Or he may just disappear from the public eyes without telling anybody as such thing of disappearing without telling to any person, even to your own family, is common among the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians who renounce the world as evil, so they just disappear and live disguised as menanie – a person who rejected the carnal world and joined the spiritual world.

    Perhaps, Abune Paulos is renting his building for he wants another bigger house that has many bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, swimming pools, so that, in case, he could not resist the temptation of this glamorous world, one day he may throw away his hat and marry a beautiful girl like the one who visited him several weeks ago, so there are many speculations why Abune Paulos is renting his building. After all, this is not the type of person with Ph. D. in political science that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is used to have as its spiritual father; the Church would rather prefer to have a spiritual father with Ph. D. in spirituality rather than in political science. What has a political science to do to fight against our spiritual enemy – diabilos, the devil? One fights such an invisible enemy with a divinely made weapons – prayer, fasting, humbleness, love, generosity, setting free the unjustly imprisoned souls, carrying the Cross every day, and denouncing lawlessness, which is sin with its multitude of forms.

  14. The former patriarchies didn’t have personal properties.Instead they gave their monies away for philantrophic activities or allocated their financies to the construction of churches such as Gofa Gabrial by Abune Tewoflos,the martier patriarch murdered by the order of the killer,Mengistu Hailemariam Owing to his opposition to mass murder by the Dergue.
    Although I didn’t see the photo of the building on this or another web site,I can conclude saying that the present patriarch works hand-in -glove with his kinsman, the prime minister.He is a trader in religion.What can we do except being beweildered by such immoral or shameful acts?

  15. dear salha

    don’t tell me to shut up!!! i have every right to make my own independent need to have self review because u sound like a typical dictator.ur temper seems to be in a state of madness.i am just wondering whay would happen if u were given power and gun!!!

  16. Elias, did you say this houses can shelter 20 middle class Ethiopianas? What middle class are you talking about? there is no middle class in ethiopia, we have either the very poor or the very rich. About kesu, i say he is part of the big operation of wipening out the country resources so i would not be surprised if he has mulpile properties. when the time comes, it wil be a housing for the lower income families. so let him build!

  17. dear gebereye, i am laughing at ur comment not because it is funny ,but because of ur clouded judgement. for record i am a hard core amhara and have no association with either aba or weyane. i was just suggesting a discourse to have reasonable argument.

  18. aba or leba, they are doing their business. the sadest thing is their hand shakes when they give land to the ethiopian. Now, Ethiopians can not get a plot of land where close friends of the government own these kinds of homes and lands. may God save this earth

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