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4 thoughts on “Addis Dimts Radio special event, April 6

  1. You also walk the walk not only the talk Mr. Abebe Belew.
    Go boy! You’re the man!

    On last week Addis dimts radio show, Almost at the end of the show, some idiot guy just out of the bloom cursed out the host.
    Mr. Abebe the way you handled that, showed what you were made of. I mean was a test for you. I believe, this was not your first, but for me it was an eye opening.
    Boy! You knocked that ባለጊ/ያልተቀታ out. That was some heavy weight. But what can I say? You did it with grace and wisdom.
    Mr. Abebe! You’re the Man.

    You know what Mr. Abebe, ” እናት አንተን ወለድሁ ትበል”. I will be proud to have you for a son in low. Just a mother wish. I know Mr Abebe, you are married. God bless and protect your family.

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