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President Girma goes to Germany

(ENA) – On Monday, March 17, 2008, the Federal President of Ethiopia, H.E. Mr. Woyanne puppet Girma Woldegiorgis will be received in Berlin, Germany by the Federal President of Germany, H.E. Mr. Horst Köhler.

The Ethiopian President is off to Germany after an official invitation from the President inviting him to Berlin to converse on issues of mutual concern for both nations.

It is to be recalled that President Köhler visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on December 12, 2004 and also visited the African Union. Furthermore, German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel also visited Addis Ababa on October 4, 2007.

Diplomatic relations between Germany and Ethiopia are 104-years-old, from the first diplomatic communications to the establishments of embassies in Addis Ababa and Bonn (later to Berlin).

The current Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia in Berlin is H.E. Mr. Kassahun Ayele; likewise H.E. Dr. Claas Dieter Knoop is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany in Addis Ababa.

24 thoughts on “President Girma goes to Germany

  1. Where are Berliner when Girma visit your city?
    Girma is not elected by the people.
    Brandenburger Tour is not for dictators like Girma.
    No for Dictator and YES for HR-2003.

  2. Elias, you have not stoped surprizing me. It is pretty hard to swallow your asssociation of Girma with an innocent donkey. Donkeys have been in the forfront of serving our nation. Has Girma been ever serving Ethiopia? If so when? I would say that we have been rather serving him.

  3. In America, donkey is the mascot of the Democratic political party while elephant is for the Republican party; however, the donkey on this picture looks as a happy and smiling donkey, perhaps Barack Obama is winning the presidential election, or what is it that makes even the donkey on this picture smile?

    It looks though the area surrounding the donkey is a volcanic area, and the donkey, I think, is braying for help; in the same way, the fake President Girma Woldegiorgis is going to Germany to ask the German people for help: help one, catch the Ethiopian refuges and send them home; help two, buy Ethiopian gold and give us some weapons or buses; help three, adopt or buy some Ethiopian infants; help four, send us some German doctors and nurses; and help five, give me and Meles political asylum in case something unexpected happens in Ethiopia.

  4. Elias,

    I do not like either the Ethiopian president nor the prime minister, but for you post the photo of donkey to depict the president is unacceptable and stupid.
    First, the preisdent is doing what is written in the constitution, and any crticism you may have should be directed at it.
    You view of politics and politicians is very elementary and very crude. You are out of your depth in talking about politics and politicians, and that is the trouble with you people in the diaspora

  5. I didnt know girma is beautiful as it is on the picture, I beleive he must’ve have been 10 years yonger when he had this picture. But, i didnt see his six wheel chair supported by seven other people. They say AMAMUATEGNE ASAMIRELGNE…How, come girma had been working all over his life to be a puppet to meles, shame on girma

  6. Ethiopian review: you described girma almost correctly. He is a an old and disabeled stupid animal that is not yet classified under animal kingdom. May the Germans help us in doing so…..

    You know he is a demented, HODAM, who would like to live as a president for the next 1000 years. I do not think that is possible. I will be around only for the next 50 years if my country needs me. (of course my contry can not breath with out me).


  7. Elias

    You now girma cannot walk or stand, right? So the donkey that represent Girma should be a donkey that cannot move around. Or Perhaps a fat pig with with food but no legs would be fine as well.

    I heard he has installed metal teeth as well. To bite the Ethiopian peopel very well as ordered by the pig Melese

    Remarkable, Elias

  8. Hi Elias,

    I can’t stop laughing when looking at the picture and imagined the analogy. You know what the donkey says, “Enena Moti Embi Giram … min yalalinbet daget yelem”. But the donkey labours to serve all people and its owner, while motembi giram serve his master only, meaning he has never been President of the people. Let me ask you one thing, does not the donkey excel Motembi Girma: I think she looks energetic and can make a pefecet walk, but i am afarid he can do that even to the ba……

  9. I think it is a little bit reflective of bad judgement to put the picture. If you want to report, just report it. If you are not happy, why bother carrying the story.

  10. Hi Elias,
    The analogy you made recalls the Ethiopian students’movement when the Rivo students made a similar analogy with the Emperors’parliament.Therefore,there is nothing new in this respect.
    Regarding the leadership,it is known that the gentleman is a puppet of the tribalist regime.He is put above merely to appease the Oromos.I support that Ethiopia should have an Oromo president or a prime minister for that matter, but the problem is that The representation under Meles regime is a trike made to camoflage the domination of Tigreans.
    Happy travel for the Trojan horse president!

  11. The Crime “President”:

    Good to have some body in this difficult time
    In history of the land you are special one
    Your body is perfect with “Metabolic syndrome”
    Ethiopia has got one to trust, relay upon
    Man of year, no question for every citizen.

    There you have the word “truth” very strong opponent
    Advising you wisely -” not to live just to eat”
    But “to eat just to live -” not to become too fat
    And acquire “heart attack”, ‘stroke” or may be “gout”
    You should properly think about the land’s fate
    Otherwise leave the throne don’t be an instrument

    Ethiopia in misery can you cope with the task?
    Or you fill your belly when the enemies attack?
    Your children’s blood flowing can’t you see or just think?
    The Oromo Killings, the Amhara murder or the people of Anuak
    Even Tigray killings or murder in a Bank
    “Mr. Crime president” opportunist and fake
    Repent your sins and leave better be a good monk.

    Elected true leaders suffering in prison
    Infested by disease inhuman condition
    Accused of “genocide” and laughable “treason”
    For they seek justice, truth, for the entire nation
    Even you, your master, who swim in blood ocean
    Honorable they are release them without pain

    “Mr. Crime president” let me ask you please this
    What have you done to solve the Addis massacres?
    The hunger of millions the world condemns?
    Corruption and health care the deadly disease AIDS?
    Are you there on the post to just receive commands?
    Or represent a country and million Ethiopians?
    You didn’t proved it Sir don’t decide things for us.

    you went to America to thank authorities,
    The Missouri’s success in humanitarian aids,
    For they make difference in the lives of millions,
    The task you failed promote as president’s duties
    Springfield Missouri welcoming the highness
    Be aware “president” of all the “Habeshas”
    They have prepared for you big slogans for”HODAMS”

    (Anonymous Ethiopian 07/03/2007)

  12. hey all,

    First of all, I think Elias’ act of associating the donky with Mr Girma, is like the act of a looser.
    So Mr Elias, fight the real fight not such low ones.

  13. I believe this is a camoflage of the Tigrains manuplation for putting a puppet who is an opportunist and doesn’t care about anything. But the iorny is that, they are no better than the hilerious donkey they have potraid him because with the measure you give, is measured back to you!

  14. i relley surprize with your guys comment about 100 aleka girma.What to expect from him he was offer ajob at age 85 by our beloved prime minister he is doing very well by Kissing ass. Let him enjoy it until he die.

  15. Leave alone president Girma because he has been overwhelming by the obisity that he has been suffering for two long has had a real problem having a lear thinking ability.

    He couldn’t even be enabled to lead his daily life chiefly because he was sort of imobile and quick sweaty. He would never have a normal life in the very near future, but as for now, he might get medical treatment for his debelitating health condition in Germany.

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