Hailu Shawel and his stooge, Donkoro Taye, once again have embarrassd themselves and disgraced the Ethiopian people’s struggle for democracy on the Washington DC-based WAMU Radio’s Koji Nnamdi show yesterday. It would have been a total disaster had it not been for Berhanu Nega who saved the day by his eloquent presentation of the real condition in Ethiopia. Click here to listen.
27 thoughts on “Hailu Shawel’s qilet (shame)”
Yes it is indeed a shame for Hailu and his Donkoro Taye. I am surprised by Terrons Lyons
some stupid guys were blaming Dr. Berhanu on Ethiomedia forum. He is a smart guy. Look how Hailu Shawel have behaved. He claim fighting for democracy when he has never been democrat. Look what Taye is alos talking about the possibility of winning election in Ethiopia by democratic means.
I would like to point out that Taye W.’s BIG LIE! He keeps on lying about his academic credential and giving misleading information to the media. TAYE W is NOT a Professor of Political Science at Illinois Wesleyan University: Look:
Taye was so pathetic in both his english grammer and the points he wanted to make. No wonder this man has never written anything anywhere even an article related to his profession. Sombody should investigate how he got his PhD. Kojo asks him something and he answers a different thing. Hailu must be thinking NPR is the same as Mirchaw’s radio where he can choose who he can talk together with. This dumb has cheated all of us inlcuding Bedru Adem. Thank God they are gone. Taye woldemsmayat, thank you for embarassing us.
Taye is delusional. Beside his limitation in the language he was also ignorant about HR 2003 which he referred as HR 2002 during the interview.
The shameless assistant prof, meaning any one who works as a teacher in a college, should go back to school in Chicago and learn about democracy 101 with his leader Hailu….
Prof of shame Taye Weldesemayat
Tokichaw ,
You have a point there. To this day, I haven’t seen a book authored by the denkoro Taye. To this day, I haven’t seen a single article authored by the denkoro Taye.
To this day, I haven’t seen a single sentence written by the denkoro Taye.
Compare that with the numerous, vibrant, books and articles authored by Dr. Berhanu Nega and Andargachew Tsigie.
Stupid Hailu and Taye both tongue tied idiots who are still
in their mender wore mode. I was so embarassed by what Kojo
and Terrence would think about the CUD. Poor Dr. Berhanu, how in the hell did he ever work with a real denkoro like Hailu Shawel??? No class, no smarts, what a shameful swine!
what would calling this folks stupid, and denkoro serve our cause? please help me understand. we must show what makes us better than our counter parts through our works… especially our behavior.
DENKORO Taye was the only student in the class when he was doing their first and second degree that is why he was not being dismissed.Did he write a single article about ethiopia’s politics when he was sitting and eating in qality for six years ad Dr Birhanu did with in six months? The problem in CUDP is so wise and well educated ethiopia’s intellectuals like Dr Birhanu, Dr hailu, Dr YACOB, judge Birtukan ,Ato MUlluhen and others were being led by such an arrogant, selfish ,mentally sick and invalide man like hailu shawul. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A LAIR MAN ON EARTH AT HIS AGE. Both donkeys can not even express them selves in their first langauge oromogna and in their second langaUGE AMHARAGNA.Political prostitue denkoro taye can not understand the question even properly.hodams are always hodams.Foreign agent denkoro taye had been doing his business in the name of ETA and finally he realised that no more business in the name of ETA,So he should change his direction where he can get more money to fill his bloody big belly. He has only one big belly.
I can’t finish Taye’s talk, what is wrong?
Is it only 24 minutes or there is part of it left?
Dear editor?
I just stopped by your website to grab some news and a couple of comments caught my eyes and wanted to say something about our corrupt behavior. Has any one of you(including the editor of this website) ever been to any of the colleges in the US? Do you really understand what it takes to graduate from a college let alone holding a Ph.D? Speaking of Taye Woldesemayat,as far as I know Taye was a chairman at the department of Political Science at AAU before any one of you have had a high school education (from your comments it seems to me that most of you have been kids at that time). I have known Dr Taye(in the acedemic field) very well for several years and his academic credential never been questioned neither by the AAU academic commision nor by his students. Taye’s comand of english has always been better than most of the lecturer’s at the sidist killo campus. I assure you he has both the pottential and the skill to write a number of articles in his profeesion either in english or amharic and he has done that several times in the past. He doesn’t have to tell us all his publications because we scold him. Folks you just don’t know who Taye is for God’s sake. You can ask peole like Nigusie Ayele(Ph.D)who was at one time a Political Science professor at AAU and Messay kebede(Ph.D)who was a chairperson at the department of Philosophy about Taye’s credential.Both gentlemen are currently teaching at higher insstitutions and living in the US. I tell you folks Taye was one of the outstanding Lecturers in the department of Political Science at the time when I was a grad student at AAU. I disagree with Taye in many ways when it comes to politics, but I always have a respect for his education and love of his country. I have a vision which I claim is in the best interst of Ethiopia and Taye has his own vision which is completely diffrent than mine. Do I need to call him “Stupid” and “Denkoro”? No way. These are ghetto languages used by those people who live in the hood and like to use the “F” word in their everyday ebonics language. You can disagree with all what one says, but calling someone “Denkoro” is a grave mistake, uncivilized and outragious.I mean what happened to our moral values? are we totaly screwed up when we left our beloved country? Are we Ethiopians in the diaspora in a moral crisis? Please…..Please…. let us go back to the basics. Who ever they are,what ever political affilitation they have…let us respect our intelectuals!! After all we are sons and daughters of our blessed Ethiopia. God bless all.
Doctory Taye did you think you got interviewed on Merchaw Radio? Maferya. Atafrem sele kinijit setawera.
Its unfortunate to read articles and comments that insulting individuals not their views.
I completely disagree with the dictatorial behaviour of Hailu and the unwise move of Taye but don’t refer them as donkoro etc. My fellow Ethiopians lets be frank and honost to ourselves and rationalise why we insult to each other.
Acknowledging our differences and debating on issues without insulting on individuals are perfect and must be encouraged. I’m disgusted by Hailu and Taye’s action but respect their choices and I will continue disagreeing with their views.
Attacking the person will not help to move forward just like what Hailu did against Dr Berhanu and Judge Birtukan. What is Hailu’s benefit out of his action? He lost his respect…
So lets focus on the ball (political views) other than individuals…
Berberew, Australia
Actually Dr Taye explained the whole circamstances very well much better than Berhanu, It is not clear what Berhanu said at all
Dear Elias,
Thank you very much for your informative news.It is good that you are taking your time to enrich our mind with your journalistic approach.
But here I have some thing that I saw in your approach.The one whom you said Denkoro was speaking his views but you cut it.The intelligent Dr. Birhanu who represented us in the foreign media has done well.But the loophole in your presentation shows that you are one sided.That is not good and that is a weak side of your journalistic strategy.You could have given us also the chance to evaluate if really the one whom you labelled as DENKORO is really Denkoro.
Mr. Elias do you have any problem with Dr. Taye?Your presentation showed me that you are not comfortable with him.Could you elaborate on that?You know the one who was interviewing the personalities was giving equal chance to present their truth.But you as a journalist you lacked that quality.You could have given chance to Dr. Taye,the one whom you called Denkoro though I have a resevation on that,to speak and to be judged by the public.Please give us the full scene of the drama rather than coining unethical names on individuals,and blackballing them.
See you with your full picture of the interview.Do not deny us our right to get full information just like Melese Zenawi.
Aghere, I did not cut out any thing. The audio file is on WMAU’s radio, not ER. We have no control over it.
Anonymous የ ታየ ደንቆሮነት የታወቀው እኮ ያልሰራው ቤት ገብቶ ባለበትነቱን ካወጀ በሁዋላ, ሰው መስዋእት የከፈለበትን ትግል ካኮላሸ በሁዋላ,የመምሀራን ማሀበርን ገንዘብ ምን እንዳደረገ ሳያሰረዳ ልክ እንደ ባለሟል ቅንጅት የኔ ነው ማለት ሲጀምር ነበር::ለነገሩማ የቅነጅት መሪዎች የሚነግሩዋቸውን አልሰማ ብለው ነው የታሰሩት ሲለን አልነበር? ሊፈቱ አንድ ሃሙስ ሲቀራቸው ደግሷ እንዳማረላት ወይዘሮ ላይ ታች ማለት ጀመረ እንጅ:: አንድ ሰው የሚከበረው በተግባሩ እንጅ 10 ዲግሪ ቢደረደር ዞር በሎ የሚያየው የለም:: ተራው ኢትዮዽያዊ ቦታ የለውም ማለተህ ነው? ከዚህ ወዲያ ምን ያርገን? ለመሆኑ ታየ ማነው? የት አደገ የት ተማረ? በተማሪዎች ንቅናቄ ውስጥስ ምን አይነት አስተዋፅኦ ነበረው? ከዛስ በሁዋላ እንደት አሜሪካን አገር መጥቶ ለመማር በቃ? ሲማርስ ምን ያቀረበው ፅሁፍ አለ? 6 አመት መታሰሩን እንደ ተልቅ ጉዳይ ሲናገር ዪሰማል ክእዛ እስር በት ምን ፅሁፍ ይዞ ወጣ? ይህንን ያልኩበት ምክንያት ሃይሉ ክብርሃኑ ጋር አብሮ ያልቀረበበትን ምክንያት ታየ ሊያሰረዳ ሲሞከር እራሱን ስላዋረደ ምን ይዞ ነው ግርግር የሚያበዛው ለማለት ነው:: ማክበሩንማ አክበረነው ነበር እኮ::
Elias: I know you are the most up to date on Ethiopian news. But I wonder very much why you turned out sharply sectarian after first being most passionate about Kinijit leaders as a whole during the election turmoil. Having seen the kind of way you portrait politicians, one wonders what you really want to come out of Ethiopian politics. Nowadays You have resorted to advocating what Esayas Afeworki is conspiring around Ethiopia following the election. Instead of having animosity to people I would call up on all politicians to make a thorough discussion on Ethiopian political issues. I would generalize saying Ethiopian politics is the most difficult one to get solution for.
[email protected]
ዉድ አዘጋጂ
አንዳንዴ ይህንን ድረ ገጽ በመክፈትህ ሳመሰግነህ በሌላ ጎኑ ግን አፍርብሃለሁ
ዘመኑ ያፈራውን ተክኖሎጂ ለሃገር እድገት ብልጽግናሃሳብን በሃሳብ ለማሸነፍ አንዳንዶች ሲጠቀሙበት ሳይ ደስ ሲለኝ በጥቂት ህሊና ቢስ አባላት ይህ ድረ ገጽ ግን በየቀኑ ደረጃው ወደ ሁዋላ እያሽቆለቆለ መታየቱ በጣም አሳፋሪ ነው
በመሰረቱ ማናቸዉም ሃሳቦች በድረ ገጹ ከመታየታቸው በፊት ጥንቃቄ ማድረግ የሁላችንም ሃላፊነት ቢሆንም አልፎ አልፎ ጸያፍና ስድብ ነክ አስተያየቶችን በተመለከት ወሳኝ ሚና ከአንድ አዘጋጂ እጠብቃለሁ ይህም ማለት የግለሰብ ስብእናን የማያገናዝብ ግለሰብ
ራሱ ስለስብእና መናገር የማይችል መሆኑን በመገንዘብ ሃሳቡን መሰረዝ ያለብህ ይመስለኛል
በሁለተኛ ደረጃ ምናልባት (የኔ ግምት ነው) ርስዎ ራስዎ ይህንን አሉባልታ ጸያፍ አነጋገርንና የመጽፍ ወይም የመናገር ነጻነትን ትርጉአሜ ያላጤኑት ይመስላል
የመጻፍ ወይም ሃሳብን የመግለጽ ንድፈ ሃሳብ መሰረቱ ሃሳብን በሃሳብ የማፍረስ ብሎም መሰረታዊ አመለካከትን በመሸጥ ደጋፊን ማበራከት እንጂ በመሳደብ በማሽሙዋጠጥ በመዝለፍ የሚገኝ ዉጤት እንደሌለ ለታዳሚዎችዎ ማስረዳት የመጀመሪያ ስራ መሆን አለበት
ስለዚህ እባክዎትን እንዲህ ፈር የለቀቀ ሃሳብ እንዳይስተናገድ የበኩልዎን ጥረት ያድርጉ
ወደ መሰረት ሃሳቡ ልምጣና የተደርገዉን ዉይይት አስመልክቶ መዘገቡ መረጃ ወሳኝ መሳሪያ እንደሆነ አጠያያቂ አይደለም ሆኖም ሂስ ለመስጠት ድንበር ያለፈ መሆን የለበትም ምክንያቱም ሁሉንም በሂደት እያየነው ያለ ጉዳይ በቃለ መጠይቁ የተንጸባረቀበት በመሆኑ እንደዚህ አይነት ሁኔታዎች በየጊዜው እንደሚከሰቱ መጠበቁ የግድ ነው
FolK we got to learn and move on. Hailu has never understood what is all about democracy. He has been simply fighting to be a prime minster. He has tried all the possibilities to get elected. When reality comes in a clear plat form, he pulled out his card and keep it in his pocket.He will never and ever be having a public deal with Berhanu as he knows that he will not stand him.
Ato Kemal go and litsen again what Dr. Berhanu say.
You can listen the full speech of Taye from Ethiomedia
the comment from some individusls were very disturbing. How come some one say “Denkoro” for Dr. Taye,if we like it or not he is a brave Ethiopian who test woyanes iron hands in woyane jail. Yes he is aman of doing not talk. Real Ethiopian please you have to know who is good or bad for Ethiopia. In short your berhanu in his own book told you he was drinking whisky with his friend bereket during election 1997, while others were under house arest including haliu shawel and the smartest Lidetu Ayalew who knows who berhanu was at that time. Please leave the ethiopia “yequrt qen lidjoch” alone.
ANONYMOUS, why do you need to write such a trash article in support of shameless Dr koremalemolam? do you think only Dr messay kebede and Negussie ayele were AAU ‘s teacher when shameless taye was dictating by his dictatorial behavor against his own students. you can ask his students about him. he was the weakest teacher in AAU.ANONYMOUS, FOR God sake , have you ever heard his interview by any medias? He can not even understand the question properly that is why his answers and the forwarded questions have been come acrros . Where has ETA accomplished under his leadership? you told us ” he loves ethiopia” when he doesn’t have any respect for ethiopians , how could you bravely tell us he loves his country? He told us ” he did not vote for CUDP,because i do not support cudp’S manfestos” so what is he doing aound CUDP? HOW COULD HE FORM KIC? WHATY is the difference between melese’s and gudu’s taye way’s of jumping on power? CAN he be a leader of any party ETA at the same time? so where is his accadamical intellectualism? can any normal human being stand with him talk about melese’s dictatorship? ANonymous, based on his destructive action against CUDP,most ethiopians believe he is a foreign agent. what is your comment on this issue? when USA’s ambassador created one Kinijit in USA’s embassy and assigned ayele chamisso as a leader of that fake ” kinijit” to dismantle the real and the popular ethiopia’s PPL party, shameless taye gathered some idiots and created another ” kinijit” at the same time to dismantle kinijit in diaspora. for that reason and othere ethiopians suspected him of being a member of foreign agent against his own country and ppl. How do you explain this and convice ethiopians about his innocensy? In the first place , does he have any legal right to collect idiots and form KIC when He had still ETA’s responsiblity? IS not his move a shame for an international teachers association who had been fighting before his releasment from prison?
Learn to creat a leader,
Distroying one leader and creating another.The one we created happened to be a monster then we wanted another leader.That again became a double monster.What do you want next brothers and sisters?
We adored Mengistu Hailemarian because of his “ETHIOPIA TIKIDEM YALEMINIM DEM”slogan.Then the majority of the Ethiopians who wanted land supported him to get land.Those who had a problem with the land lords in the city and towns who lived on rented houses wanted to be relieved from the burden and supported Mengistu Hailemariam.Some who were factory workers wanted to support Mengistu and just shouted loud to be free from the factory owners assuming that the factory will be theirs.Then Mengistu became happy and took the ride on the shoulder of the common people.He coined his own communist manifesto and said “ABIYOT LOJOCHUAN TIBELALECH”.Then he started to eat all the intellectuals,the young and the educators.People who voted for him andcalled him JEGNA started to retreat from the camp of Mengistu and they hated him and his activities.They started to fight him but failed miserably.Instead we got another leadership which is YEKEN JIB”
This YEKEN JIB started to eat whatever is in the way.Killing and killing and killing.Spreading hatred and making people not live in their own country in peace.This is the Woyane YEKEN JIBOCH.
We wanted to remove this YEWOYANE JIBOCH and we supported the civilian leaders who did not come from the jungle or from the military base.We did good in supporting these civilians and intellectuals.But again we failed for this leadership failed us.We supported them.We the supporters are united but these civilian leaders betrayed us and started to distroy our future for democracy and security.They divided us and made us to fight against one another.We had an idea of fighting the WOYANE YEKEN JIBOCH.Now we are fighting one another and giving JIBOCH to finish us.What kind of leadership?
Where is the mistake and where did we missed the element that builds leadership that unite and lead the people with unity and common goal?What happened to our contribution when we supported our leaders?Did not our leaders come out from our society?Did we miss the quality of building leaders?If we missed the quality and the elements of building a quality leader that give his ear to his people and humble himself, where can we get the elementts?
Is that not partly our fault in ctreating such leadership that is dishonest,cruel,egoistic and disgusting?Are we the Ethiopians as a whole not responsible for such a mess?The leadership that we supported in the CUD are demonized,blackballedand abused by us.Yesterday we heard some of the leaders speaking in the paltalk and we glorified them.Now we are throwing at our leaders YECHIKA JIRAF.Brothers and sisters ,you who are enlightened,educated,international scholars,professors,psychiatrists and psychologists who are in the diaspora, could you give us clue to get formula for creating a healthy leadership in our country?We need your help for you are YETEMARACHIHU by the western standard.You are giving us jargons that are like fast food of Macdonald that make us fat and unable to move.Please give us a lesson that make us build our healthy and lively leaders.Insult,insult and insult and abuse and abuse does not take us any where.Please help us to stop and think about the formula of creating a sane leader.You international scolars and professors please for heaven sake teach us to be productive and constructive.
+are not the so called intellectuals who have led ethiopia towards political, soci- economical crsises? most of the intellectuals in diaspora were and still they are the part of the problem at home.
ወይ ታየ ማፈሪያዉ!!!! የሚገርመዉ ግን የሃይሉ ሻዉል በስተእርጅና ባንተ እጅ መዉደቃቸዉ ነዉ! በሁለታችሁም በተለይም በአቶ ሃይሉ አፍረናል! ምናለ እንዳማረብዎት ቢሞቱ?????????? ወይ መካሪ ማጥት!!!!!!
Shame on us. Just because people have a difference in opinion they shouldn’t be called Denkoro. It takes a lot of work and effort to get a PHD. Denkoro is the person who calls names. We all should stop this nonsense if we love our country. We should set aside our differences, and fight our common enemies the woyanes. They are the Denkoros. It will make them happy to see us divided, and we are just doing that. Grow up people!!!!