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Review of Tesfaye Gebre-Ab’s “The Journalist’s Memoir”

A new book by Ethiopian author and journalist Tesfaye Gebre-Ab entitled “The Journalist’s Memoir” is creating a huge political wave already. So far the book is available only in Europe and it will hit Ethiopian markets in the U.S. around Wednesday next week.

It is available in Sweden at the following location:
Ebony Afro cosmetics, Bryggergatan 6, 111 22 Stockholm
Tel 00468205818 or 00468203818

Germany: Mainzerlandstr.12360327, Frankfurt am
email: [email protected]
Tel.069/24249008; Fax.069/24249145; Mob.015205197907

In Dallas, Nashville, and Atlanta, the book can be ordered in stores and online. Write to Selama Distribution at [email protected]

The book exposes a great deal of information that have been held in top secret by Ethiopia’s current ruling party, the Tigrean People Liberation Front (Woyanne).

Girma Zerihun in London has written this interesting review of “The Journalist’s Memoir” for EMF. Click here to read.

Tomorrow, with the author’s permission Ethiopian Review will post a chapter about Aba Dula Gemeda, Meles Zenawi’s puppet president of the Oromiya Region, in light of his recent donation of the million-dollar villa he owns to the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO), a fake political party that was created by Woyanne to subjugate Oromos.

31 thoughts on “Review of Tesfaye Gebre-Ab’s “The Journalist’s Memoir”

  1. ትንሸ ቆየህብን ቢሆንም በጣም የሚደንነቅ
    መጽሃፍ ነው:: በጣም አመሰግነሃለሁ
    አቶ ተስፋየ ገብረአብ

  2. Wait…Aba Dula did not exactly donate stuff that belongs to him. Remember, the story on Reporter says that when he donated the house, he turned in the bank documents with which he borrowed money to build the house. He probably got the land for free or with money he borrowed from the bank and borrowed the money for construction from the bank…so he basically donated HIS DEBT. It’s not even zero donation; it is in the negatives. lol…what a mockery these ppl make out of our country bakachihu.

  3. frist of all dont call him aba dula his relly name is menase(aba gara) kkkkk MENASE Leav just to full his bale no more no less we agazi use aba dula to conterol all oromia, relly he is good agazi dog he obey us what ever order to give from us(from yohans lijoch)
    with the help of ppl like aba dula and addisu we can our power tell the end of the world

  4. I bought the book yesterday, and already finished it today. What an author. He knows how to tell a story.

    I am gratefull that author writes in his native language, Amharic butI think someone (or the author himself) should translate his books into English. They are without doubt of wider importance and would interest other Africans and even western scholars of Ethiopia.

  5. Girma Zerihun’s writing/review on “The Journalist’s Memoir” is briliant and is a booster for those of us who intend to buy the book and read. I see beauty and content/substance in both write ups. Thank you both.

  6. A very timely work by Mr. Gebre-Ab. The information in here will contribute a great deal in puting the missing puzzles together on figuring out the current anti-Ethiopia government political system.

  7. This is a very informative work that awakens us.Good job!! by Mr Tesfaye Gebre-Ab.I sure hope everybody comes together in exposing the current Governmental mischiefs.

  8. TPLF ushers the birth of neo-nazism on the soil of Tigrai.Formerly, the governers of Tigrai were merely from Tigrai provinces. Especially from Adwa, Shire, Axum, etc.
    No Shewaye, No Gondere or no Harere ruled any single in Ti8grai. All those sufferings were performed by their own native Tigrais.
    Why are Todays Woyane cliques quelling other ethnic groups?

    It simply shows the spread of neo-nazism all over Ethiopia.
    This faschism must be halted immediately.
    The Woyane Faschism has spread across EastAfrica from Somalia to Eritrea.
    The ring leaders of this faschism, SebhatNega & his families, Meles Zenawi, Abadula, Abay Tsehai and Seyoum Mesfin should be removed from governing Ethiopia. Because they are the actors of all these evils. Even Aba GebreMedhin has collaborated with those evil doers. As a christian, he never denounced those criminal act. The church has been a unifier, but he promoted tribalism within the church itself.
    Hence, birds of the same feather flock together.

    Let us remake Ethiopia with genuine people.
    Ethiopia stretches its hands unto God.

  9. ሌሎች ጸችሃፊዎችም ያንተን አራአያ ይወስዱ ዘንድ እማጸናቸዋለሁኝ::
    አንተም ቃልእንደገባሀው በዚሁ እንድትቀጥልበት አደራህን::
    See you soon Ato Tesfay

  10. what a great book, please every one read it and you will know many things about weyanne, from the moment it arraived at my hand it didnt even stay for one day, i couldnt stop thinking what this goverment is doing to our country.

  11. Tesfaye Gebreab´s book is must read book. The way he writes is very sensational. I read it twice and I am about to read it soon for the third time. Shame to the weyane scholars like Dr. Solomon and Dr. Negaso. To Dr. Solomon Inqay and Dr. Negaso! If I were you I could offer my PhD to Tesfaye Gebreab as he deserved it. All the same to serve Weyane you don’t need to have a brain but only to sell your soul! Alas for what…? Well done Testaye you owe much respect not only from your readers but also from your ex Wayne bosses and comrades as you tried your best to give the most balanced account on each and every case.

  12. An amazing book from an amazing persona .what do you expec from a person that was a friend and a colegue of Sebhat G/zgabiher.keep on writing keep on informing as the inside stories of the weyane regime and their dream of Abye tigrie!

  13. A splendid, authoritaive and a must-read book. The experiences of Tesfaye, the author is boundless. He makes you, the reader to aspire to be a friend of his. It is impossible not to trust the author while reading it. Such a creative and humours writing. I am dying to read his earlier ‘controversial’ book: ye burka zimita. Many who read this book have unpleasant experience. I must see it for myself.

  14. Ato Tesfaye you truly have a great gift of writing. Thank you for an excellent story telling. It was not the expose that attracted me very much but your capacity of your delivery is amazing. I can not get it out of my mind your interview with the elder gentleman form Dorze ( Arba Minch). I have been laughing all day to the amazement of people around me.

    I can not wait to buy this book. I hate to admit that I have already read part of it, just to make me feel good I am going to purchase 2 copies.

    I always wish to support our people of the arts. I hate to see when their sweat is taken away free of charge.

    best of luck

  15. Well Done! really amazing and sensational book!Thanks for exposing the true reality to the Ethiopian people. You are a true journalist! True democracy is all about expressing your thought with out being persecution. It’s a shame that we cannot do it in our homeland thanks to this satanic, barbaric government!

  16. it is the most amazing book that i ever read in my life! i am always dreaming justs day and night since i read the book, anyways i wish long life and return to Bishoftu for the author.

  17. Oromai by the great man BeAllu Girma, the Animal farm and 1984 by Gorge Orwill, Alweledm books are some of the books I enjoyed and read them hiding from the derge during the worst time of my life.Tesfaye did well to say what he knows and wait more to hear from him. We have to encourage him and the dogs of Weyane will bark as usaul but they don’t have teeth to bite.
    keep the good work.

  18. I can’t tell you how exhilerated when i read this magnificent book.Tesfaye, you really proved how you are a genuine son of ethiopia by exposing what the enemies of our beloved country are doing behind the curtain.Feel proud that you are with the truth until time the judge gives jurisdiction.then you will see the value of your unprecedented contribution to your ppl.
    Please never give up to dwell in truth.

  19. Dear Gebre,
    I real appreciate your report and honesty. I was searching in your book from introduction to end pages, I didn’t see about the separation of Eretria and the Aseb deal. Way you didn’t include Eretria in the writing? It is history, I wish someone writ the deal of separation of Eretria. We are the same people but our politician, for their interest dividing us, we believe what they teaching us most their teaching and philosophy are wrong if we willing be truthful. They wash our brain; we need know the true history.

    Beast regard,

  20. Hi folkes,

    I live in Manchester(UK). I have been desperatly looking for this book but all in vain. Can anyone of you tell me where and how I can get hold of it.


  21. በጣም በጣም ትልቅ ስራ ነው ፡ ሳነበው ልክ የበአሉ ግርማን ኦሮማይ ነው የመስለኝ ፡ስህተትህን አምነሀል ፡ አገራችንን ኢትዮጵያን እንዴት ጠላቶቻችን እንደገደሉአት አሳይተህናል፡ ስራህን እየተወጣህ ነው ፡ እባክህን ደግመህ ፃፍልን ፡ብዙ ብዙ ትዝታ ነው ያጫርክብን ፡ ሌላው፡ወያኔን ህዝቡ ያውቀዋል ግን እንዴት አድርገን እናሸንፍ ፡አገር እንዴት እናድን ፡ነፃ አውጪ አንጠብቅ ፡እኛው እንተባበር፡ ፡በቃ ፡፡
    ራስህን ጠብቅ ፡ እኔም ሳሳውልህ ፡ በርታ ፡፡ ኢዛና ከሜሪላንድ

  22. WE ALL ARE ANIMALS. Do not try to pretend as u have to civlized way of thinking to help the country,u just criticized all untill u get the chance to repeat what they are doing now.

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