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Al Amoudi to intensify investment in Tigray

Source: EWNA (Woyanne News Agency)

Sheik Mohamed Hussein Al Amoudi, the renowned parasite businessman, and the Tigray State Administration signed an accord on Thursday that enable the former to launch various investment projects in the state.

Signing the agreement, the owner of sister companies of MIDROC-Ethiopia, vowed to launch various investment projects in the region particularly in mining, leather, and leather products development sectors.

The investment projects due to be launched in the state include, among others, establishment of glass, sugar, and soft drinks manufacturing factories.

The renowned tycoon held discussions with senior officials of the regional government in order to share ideas on trade and investment options that exist in the region.

Chief of the state administration, Tsegaye Berhe said on the occasion the regional government will provide the necessary assistance to the businessman and it is ready to work together with the tycoon.

The regional administration granted 3,000 sq. meter of land to the tycoon meant for the construction of a residence. A street leading to the investment site of the Mekele town was also named after Sheik Mohamed Hussein Al Amoudi.

The chief inaugurated same day a billboard that shows the photograph of Sheik Mohamed Hussein Al Amoudi, as development hero of the town.

Meanwhile, the Tigray State Administration awarded Sheik Mohamed Hussein Al Amuodi the ‘highest martyr’s medal’ for his exemplary deeds in expanding trade and investment in the state.

The tycoon also received a special document containing the signatures of 3,000 women and youth as a gesture for his contributions in development endeavors.

The tycoon pledged on the occasion to donate 50 million Birr in support of the construction of a stadium in the town. He also pledged to re-construct a road that connects Enticho town of Tigray with a locality in North Wollo Zone of the Amhara State, which is said to be the birthplace of the tycoon’s mother.

17 thoughts on “Al Amoudi to intensify investment in Tigray

  1. What a Pig – Al Amoudi paying back the Tigreans for THE WOYANE SANCTIONED CHILD MOLESTATION which he has been carrying out unchecked for the last 17 years. He continues to corrupt Ethiopia something he can not do in Saudi Arabia or anyother place on earth except his playground “disneyland” Ethiopia.

    Woyanes are using Al Amoudi to launder money they are looting from Ethiopia and the money they are borrowing in the name of Ethiopia from World Bank and IMF.

  2. Well!
    What is next for the richest man in Africa. AL Amoudi wil be the next prime Minister of Ethiopia. Woyane is willing to sell Ethiopian for the highest bider so all gredy lowlife millionaires get ready to get your share.

    Amazing how a business man is awarded the ‘highest martyr’s medal’ by TPLF wolf pack for donating $50 million Birr for a stadium construction in Tigray. This is economic development TPLF mafia style while millions of Ethiopian starving the TPLF crowned business man is spending $50 million Birr for a grand stadium

    Ayyy Ethiopia Eki Yehun

  3. That is good news for Eritrea too. Once we have peace, they can migrate south and work in those factories. They do not have to go as far as Europe or Canada to make money. They can do it next door!

    Thank you Mr. Alamudie.

  4. Ato Elias, How many poor orphans or sick Ethiopians have you helped. If you did, would you mind letting us know so we know the job you are doing and respect you for it?

    Thank you,


    ER is not an NGO. It is an informatiom medium.

  5. Well, what is there in the package, Ethiopians ask this. In the Woyanae’s package where Al Amoudi is included,the package was signed and would be delivered in timely manner when Woyane and shabia made Ethiopia under control.

    Al Amoudi is part and parcel of Woyane and Shabia deal. Now, the deal is done, and we Ethiopians must deal with it. Of course, woyane has infinite tentacles through which the loot is channeled to different parts of the world in the form of hard currency and assests, and Al Amoudi is one the main conduit through which millions dollars is leaving Ethiopia.

    What did Al Amoudi get in return for doing a fever for woyanae crime family and the nazi regime? Woyane treates Al Amoudi as a special executive alumni of TPLF for all those years where Al Amoudi poured millions of dollars into the anti-Ethiopia criminal organizations to wage an illegal war against Ethiopia and Ethiopians, and also Al Amoudi acted as a middle man to negotiate and deliver military armaments to the anti-Ethiopia organizations by directly contacting and requesting all those Arb coutries to extend their rich hands to help and abate anti-Ethiopia activities in all forms and shapes.

    On the surface, the work and activities of Al Amoudi seems normal and generous business activities, but, but in clandestine it’s all about doing his diry missionary obligations by slowely and gently contaminatiing the souls of all Ethiopians leading to unending conflict amongest Ethiopians for years to come.

    All Arab conuntries are aware of his holly mission to Ethiopia and have been congradulating and encouraging him in his mission by all means he could or he can. Today, woyanae and Al Amoudi are hand-and-glove doing identical dirty work in all forms and shapes.

    The deal is, you are me and I am you. The chinese proveb in its adage, it says this:- Give before you take. Al Amoudi, since he stepped in our blessed Ethiopia, or the moment he stepped in Ethiopia with all his sins, he has been doing his dirty work through his recruited agents, a few hoddam anti-Ethiopia elements and dispatching them amongest unsuspecting Ethiopians to spread words about Al Amoudi and his disguising poisonous mission by making him appearing genuine an Ethiopian, only now, millions of Ethiopians have come to conclusion, in fact, millions of Ethiopians have been fooled terribly in many ways.

    The time where Al Amoudi exposed himself to Ethiopians was when he publically and officially disrespecting all Ethiopians and showed millions, indeed he is a woyanae looter in different forms; also, the time that he was scared to death was that when woyanae lost the election to genuine and real Ethiopians in 2005. Although, he could afford buying millions guns and hire anti-Ethiopia Jannawit missionaries, he first and desperately asked Meles Naziawi this, “Then what? Are you failling me? Are you going to humiliate me in front of the Kings and the Wariors? Haven’t you told me to cout on you gurys?

    The replied that he got was, “You shall be marching with us and we will do what is needed by any means and you must trust us.”

    WHEN WOYANAE IS FINISHED, Al Amoudi will be sent back packed.

  6. Elias,

    Why do you bother to answer the unanswerables like the stupid question posted by some weyane siko (#7) above. Isn’t that sicknening to see that the Weyane kiss asses pretend as new convert Ethiopians (more Ethiopians than the rest)? You notice he/she used the pen name as “Eth”? Lol, you ain’t confusing us buddy.

  7. If the sheik is indeed a true business man who is there for only business matter, then he should stay away from those blatant, murderer, tyrant TPLF’s.

    He knows for sure that they have been oppressing the people of Ethiopia at gun point. He knows for sure that they are a group of tyrant who will never share power with someone else than their group. He knows for sure that the poor people have no choice but to be slaved by his own leaders.
    However, we know for sure that one day he will be subjected for investigation. We know for sure that one day he will admit that he was wrong or he will confess that he was also forced by those murderers.

    For now, let’s keep watching while the pigs praise and award each other.

  8. Al amoudi is trying all his best to keep woyane in power so that both will continue sucking the country’s wealth. Though born at Woldya, his mother fled religious prosecution in Axum. He is the same narrow nationalist as Meles & Co.

  9. It is hard and difficult to know who Al Amoudi is in terms of the principle of international brotherhood. However, he is one and the same as woyanae looters in his own way.

    when woyanaetplf is removed from Ethiopia, and Ethiopians begin to assess the damage done, the big shocking surprised would come from the area where Al Amoudi did the damage; it would definitely make Ethiopians too shocking and num.

    Although, Al Amoudi is a permanent executive member of woyanaetplfeprdf, he is currently fooled or tricked either knowingly or unknowingly into pouring millions dollars in Tirgray by tplf planners so that he would also be sucked his wealth and money in building Tigraye. This is just the beginning not even the middle. The question is, for Al Almoudi knowing the market opportunity is so weak and the buyers’ capacity is so low, how could he be daring wasting millions dollars in Tigraye?

    Is it that may woyanaetplf executives suspecting something fishy of Al Amoudi or cheching upon Al Amoudi about his willingness or unwillingness to help out the people of Tigraye?

  10. Forget about who Al Amoudin is. Let us reason about investment. Is bad to invest in something:something that others can benefit from? Everycountry, including Ethiopia, is strugling hard to attract foreign investment.What is wrong in investing? The latins,the Indians, the Chinese, Arabs are better off today because of investment.When we are trying to get a foreigner invester, is fair to remove or discourage a homeborn invester? Al Amoudin is Ethiopian whether we like or not. He is from an Ethiopian mother. It is irrelevant whether he is from Enticho or Weldaya localities but that he is an Ethiopian by birth. So this country belongs to him also. We have to recognize this.
    The fact that he is not supporting the party I champion should not prompt me to consider him as a non-Ethiopian. In this small Ethiopia, we have some 80 plus policical parties(I thik we are the richest in the world in political parties of which some 90% of them are libertation fronts). As an individual, I hold Al Amoudin can support a single party like what all of us do. Please let us put politics behind bars and join hands to develop this Great nation.

  11. I commend people who inspire other people to invest their money on something that benefits mostly the poor. I have no idea who has inspired Al Amoudi, the busyness tycoon, to invest his money on building a factory that produces glass, sugar, and soft drinks in Tigray province to help some of the unfortunate Tigray’s people – those who are left out from Meles’ special project for his particular political groups. I wish we had more people able to persuade several business tycoons to come to Ethiopia and invest their money on education, health care, road building, and oil exploration.

    Ethiopia must open its doors to the wealthiest Arabs to come to Ethiopia and do business with its people without compromising its culture, tradition, and political aspiration for democracy, justice, and the rule of law. Some of us may not want to see any economic growth in Ethiopia as far as Meles Zenawi whom we hate because of his dictatorial method of governing the country is in power; which means, if Meles stays in power for many more years, the country should remain poor until Meles leaves office. Yes, our struggle should be headed to remove the person whom we abhor without frustrating the rich who try to help our country. Our struggle should not be to score political points with Meles but to render our country score the highest points in economic growth that brings prosperity to the Ethiopian people in general, especially to the poor ones.

    Some of the business tycoons may have political connections with the Woyanne regime, yet knowing such connections between the two will eventually evaporate when a democratically elected person takes over the responsibility to govern Ethiopia, we should remember, then, the factories the tycoons have built will never disappear; it will continue to benefit the locale people where the factories are located, whether they are in Tigray, in Gondar, in Wollo, in Gojam, or in Wollega. Therefore, whether Meles is in power or not, let the milliners come to Ethiopia in a great number and open thousands of businesses that hire millions of Ethiopians; however, our focus should always be on the economic growth of our country, not just on grabbing power and becoming the sole rulers of Ethiopia.

    I’m sure our Kinijit is more interested in the prosperity of Ethiopia and the rights of the Ethiopian people rather than in playing a political game – Meles’ bailiwick. Also, I hope, Mr. Al Amoudi’s interest in investing his money on building factories in Tigray has nothing to do with politics; it is, I believe, just an honest interest that has come out from his good heart to help the poor in Tigray, not to please Meles but to please God by helping the poor Tigrayns as the Scripture says: “And Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men…” (Colossians 3:23).

  12. this alamoudi guy is the enemy of ethiopians he is corrupting our nation and our people but the people who are surrounding him are the scum of the earth they do any thing for a few dollars even give their wifes shame on you all you parasites you dont have an ounce of pride in you keep on sacrefising our young girls for this dirty old man history will judge you.

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