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The motive of Siye Abraha

By Ebissa Ragassa

A shocking event occurred within the last months: Siye Abraha was released from prison all of sudden. That was indeed a surprising event. Our justice system must have been working for a man that was denied a due process. Yet he was released at a critical time when mass uprisings threatened the TPLF regime from all corners. Why now, why not 3 years ago or why not even 2 years from now? Why now? While I am glad that Siye is no longer in prison, I am questioning the motive for his timely release. What is Meles’ motive? What is he distracting us from? How does he benefit from this? And how can a man of Siye’s caliber be free to leave the country without being a risk to Meles and come to the Diaspora, without posing some security threat to TPLF, to preach the gospel of peace, unity, forgiveness and reconciliations? … Read more >>

14 thoughts on “The motive of Siye Abraha

  1. That was what I exactly said in my comment “is Siye a changed person?”
    Woyane led by Meles is loosing ground on every aspect. There should be a backup plan to salvage Weyane principles “Greater Tigray”, and Siye is picked to be an actor using his time in jail as a coverup to differ from Meles? Woyane is a threat to Ethiopia and this man is again trying what he can to reinstate and rebuild the collapsing Woyane. I appreciate what he is doing, that is their principle, I am surprised what we are doing? Don’t we have a gut to say no to tyrant? even while we are in dispora. where there is no federal police or Agazy? The question is do we need freedom or not? If we need freedom and humanright to be respected, then Siye should be back in jail, not in stage to embarace us. let us close our doors and heart for criminals.
    God bless Ethiopia!

  2. I would like to congratulate Ebbasaa for his articulate and unbiased observation of Seye Abraha’s “Crusade” for peace. I have nothing to add to the realities behind Seye’s hollow speeches. I feel sorry for the Ethiopian Masses who always rally behind pompous songs of populists who paraphrase that Ethiopia is a unique and special country on the surface of the Earth. The Kinjit Gangsters had finished their terms and after a relatively calm weeks or months we have another “born again” humanitarian.
    The only thing that rings in my mind about Seye Abraha is his famous Phrases of “Tornet mashenef bicha sayhon, tornet mesrat inchilalen” as he was referring the to TPLF’s capacity to agonize the Ethiopian people. His testimony of the thousands of Inmates in Ethiopian Prisons is his own making. Hence, his campaign for forgiveness does not apply to him. He has nothing to forgive us. He is asking for forgiveness for himself. We do not have the power to forgive him on behalf the blood that he already shed. It is unfair for those who ultimately paid the price with their lives as a results of Seye’s arrogance.
    Seye is going too far. He is still sitting infront of us campainging for a come back to resume his second round of blood bath against our people. And we still admire him.

    Are we really stupid enough or should we be more stupid in order to pay the way for Seye?

  3. Bravo Ebissa: I share your concern that his major agenda is to dismantle AFD and once again continue to victimize more Oromos together with his old colleagues.

    As far as I am concerned Siye is a CRIMINAL who has yet to pay for all the crime he has committed against fellow Ethiopians. Siye is being heralded as a hero by those whose motive is questionable – the Tambien clan or those who share his values or benefited from the period of his crime. Siye is a criminal who has sent hundreds of thousands of people to their death – who have no voice anymore – those who are trying very hard are mocking all his victims. This is an “insult to injury” – and the voices of his victims are calling beyond the grave.

    Siye’s motive is no different than the tyrant Meles – deception and crime to get to power – I say again let him go to hell!!!

  4. Ebissa Ragassa analysis makes sense. Why would Meles release and let Siye go to the “Vocal” Diaspora as Siye supposedly challenged Meless in many “national” (read Tigray) issues. I wouldn’t let any body lose if I know he challenges my power. There is indeed something wrong with that picture. Are we being “ashangulit”? i have a feeling the we are witnessing the other side of the coin (Wyane)!!!

  5. Moges,

    You got to wait. You are in a hurry and you are too fast for your conclusion. There is enough time in the future to sort things out. Have patience. There is no reason for you to panic. Use your insight and it is too early to tell. Have confidence in yourself. If Weyane sent Siye to fool us as you suggested, why can’t we convince Siye to be with us in real and work for the freedom of our people? He is a human being afterall. Be firm and patient. Have a quiet strength. Believe in yourself. Display self-confidence. And wait.

  6. Dear/Obo/ Ebissa Regassa!
    Thankyou for your wakeup call, and well written article that make all of us feel empowered. To educate the ethiopian public it doesn’t need a rocket scinentist but is not also an easy task as we think. I say this because our countrymen pretain too much as a realistic African but full of lies inside everyone’s heart. Seye Abraha come to abroad with his party/TPLF/ deceptive mission to fool the people who preach unity like us. This mission is the break through after the tearing down of the Kinijit leadership and supporters. This Wayane agent come here to attract the attention of the Amharas and other pro-unity ethiopians by using the ethiopian unity and peaceful struggle strategy. By doing so, then Wayane regime can be able to captalize their efforts to destroye the all Ethiopian opposition block, mainly the OLF,ONLF,EPRP,UEDF,GPUDF,EPPF and etc.If Seye Nationaism didn’t draw a goog picture for Ethiopian national interest such as the nation right to Assab port, the real Ethiopian majority public right to lead Ethiopia/Oromo/ and the existing of Ethiopia for generation to come. The very question to ask is why seye was released by Melese regime without signing a pardon like other Kinijit leaders? Why only Seye get release while former Prime minsiter, Tamerat Lahaine by the same corruption charge didn’t get release? Is it a Tribal or an ethnic favoritism. Surely wothout a doubt, yes because that regime is based on ethnicism. The Wayane regime should not decieve the Amharas blindly by using fake ethiopiwenet which is only to get Amhara support to get ride of the Oromos. seye was sent to diaspora Ethiopian public that dominated by Amharas to deceive this group in the name of ethiopia unity but again to smash down the strongest armed groups the Oromos and the Ogandens. If not to target the OLF, why the Amharas didn’t resist seye’s visit while the same Amhara people had resisted mr. Addissu Legesse’s visit in Boston and seattle two years ago. To us there is no differences between Seye and Addissu becuase both had the same contributions to tear down Ethiopia. In any account if you measure their destructions capability, Seye had parished more lives in the human capital in Ethiopia than Addissu. The smartness of Tigreans is too much because they want Amharas to hate Amhara and Oromo but they still love Tigre with the same two face of one coin. Further, I have doubt on Tigreas’ websites. All Tigreans websites are propagating about the good face of Seye. They urge and agitate Ethiopians to go to meeting places to have reconcilation speech from Seye and forgive hime because he too can make appology to the ethiopian people.What a smart move by this websites? for example, Ethiomedia, Abraha has used his all ability to dominate the media about seye. The blood in seye’s hands is wet yet but no fool here except the Amharas who are your elder cousins to give a room for second chance of deception. To give Seye a second chance is only if he his going to get ride of TPLF regime and give the power back to the Ethiopian people. Northern Ethiopian rulers are/were/ the most Ethiopian diseases for today underdevelop, backwardness Ethiopians to conclude with. Unless and otherwise, Ethiopain political power shifted/changed/ to Oromos, Gurage, Adiya, Anyuak, Somale and other Ethiopians to run our affairs peacefully, there could be no progress in the country of a popoplus of 80 million.
    God bless Ethiopia and its people!

  7. a very good thinking but this is what politics is all about. If meles really planed this it is because he knows the way he and his fellows are following will not have future. well if Seeye is up to this what do we have to do. fight him or use him as a step ladder? I don’t think its TPLF’s plan to do this but if it is then it is good for the Future Ethiopia we all have to know that the straggle is actually scoring some points which ever way it is we have to well come peaceful change and if this is the way they want to do it I think it is better than blood shade and anarchy lets use it and lets use it for our own advantage. Use him to fight the system not the people.

  8. I really appreciate the thoughtfullness of Obbo Ebissa. The questions he has raised should be given due attention if at all we diasporas are really for the true democracy, unity, peace, and what have you. We are always inclined with something new idea that we feel that it fulfills the dreams we have been dreaming fore. I am surprised that when we all at once changed to the ‘discures’ made by Siye as if Siye is new person coming with something new. So not we know him before? Wasn’t he the one orchestrating the whole chaos with his group before being jailed? Was not Siye that told to Oromo People TPLF not only knows how to fight but it knows how to make war. Was he not the person who have been throwing the Oromos to the jail and lock them there and throw away the key. But now he is telling us that all presinors are Oromiffa speakers. He is also trying to tell us Ethiopia without Oromia or vise versa. This has its own implication and message as Obbo Ebissa indicated. These all were clearly known even by laiman let alone by Siye. When I comment this way I don’t mean that we Ethiopians should not come together and solve our chronic democarcy and realted problems. I am not intending to promote backword ethnic politics that has been planted in our coutry by TPLF. What I mean is Siye can’t be the right person to preach us in this regard. He can’t be a leader for such a thing. This is very weak and old fassioned approach having hidden agenda anf full people for ever. Let him prove practically. We should not be in a hury and simply driven and give hand at once. I appreciate the idea initiated by Obbo Ebissa. Let us be thoughful. We should not undermine ideas. Great ideas should be repected and used as guiding principle.

    I Regard Great Ideas

  9. I think Meles released Siye, because it was difficult for Meles to explain to Tigreans why he released the CUD leaders when Siye their own guy was rotting in prison. I also Siye has learned the hard way why the rule of law and democracy is needed in Ethiopia.

    People, Siye may not be able to contibute to the struggle, but he can not harm it either. So let’s at least have the patience to just wait and see for now if we are not willing to give him encouragement.

  10. I think we should think twice before jumping up & down every time someone says they are going to save Our Country. I believe Siye is another method being used to weaken any Opposition Parties by splitting their supporters into yet another group trying to support yet another Party which I am sure Siye will form if he gets enough support.
    What Ethiopia needs is not another Party, but a Unity among those that already exist & also leaders that don’t have their own Agendas on the side, but are really concerned about their country & the poor people of Ethiopia who are waiting and hoping for better governance from decade to decade and die waiting for their dreams to come true.

  11. Although anything and everything is a possiblity, nevertheless, I think the idea that Seye and Meles are working together at this time is far-off the marks! If Seye continues to tell the truth as he has been doing so far, Ethiopians have nothing to fear from the expos’e and everything to gain on the contrary. How is someone with an Oromo screen name so terrified of Seye’s intention when Seye says/tells ”The Prison Speaks Oromofiffa”?

    If Seye’s conversion could lead to a spirit of reconciliation by any accident, why should we preempt the flow in the false pretext that it might harm Oromo-Amharas’ coming together. We have never been far apart, to begin with!
    Seye preaching a peaceful resolution to the Eritrea-Ethiopia impasse is a welcome call and should be embraced, too.
    In short, we have gained nothing from Meles Zenawi’s period, post-TPLF split. We lost a lot, particularly the Oromos.
    Meles has moved away from any consideration of a negotiated settlement.
    Hence, it is time to use the other alternatives beyond Meles Zenawi’s declaration of doom-days!
    May Seye continue to tell the truth and may it lead to a better understanding among all Ethiopians!



  12. The degree as to how much, and how many times, we Ethiopians come out as “consipiracy theorists” is just amazing. Instead of catching the bull by the horn (i.e, challenge Seye with questions and debates, and wait to see how he could contribute to wright the wrongs of TPLF, some of us choose another garbage consipracy theory of “Meles sent Seye!”. Should we be surprised that we have become people who fail to think rationally,not able to solve our problems and perhaps destined to be ruled by the worst of the worst?

  13. Meles Zinawi released siye Abraha chiefly because Meles Zinawi has done a lot for Tigraye while siye Abraha was in perison what otherwise would Siye Abraha have done if he wasn’t imprison and had been in a higer postition. The message from Meles Zinawi to Tigraye was that forget Siye Abraha, I could do a lot good more than or do equally as good as Siye Abraha would do. Who do you like most? Siye Abrah or me? that was the message Meles Zinawi sent to Tigraye.

    Secondly, Meles Zinawi released siye Abrah mainly because Siye Abrah would have no negative impact on Meles Zinawi whatsoever and wherever he goes and preached against Meles Zinawi;therefore, in Meles Zinawi’s mind, Siye Abraha has become irrelevant and obselete. What Meles Zinawi thought to himself while sipping red or white wine in the comfort of his bedroom was that what different things would siye Abrah do from what I did and what I have doing and what I am going to do?

    The greatest challange that comes to Siye Abrah is from Tigraye; because he will be asked what different things would he have done and would do different from what Meles Zinawi did and would do in the future.

    On Assab issue, wheather Siye Abraha like or dislike it, accept or reject it, he had better be with Ethiopians to see the bright future of Ethiopia. He must learn from the failure of Meles Zinawi because of Meles Zinawi’s full animosity towards Ethiopia and Ethiopians that he even would be bothered to attempt regaining Assab to the right owners, the Ethiopians.

    If siye Abraha is shaky on this issue, he should know right now that he would not have a place in the hearts and minds of Ethiopians.

    He must also, as he did, stressed on the issue of being united in a united Ethiopia while working towards to full democracy. He was good on one thing, in particular that he would fight any anti-Ethiopia organizations that endanger the unity of the country. He did well on this.

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