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Woyanne turning peasants into millionaires!!

Woyanne propaganda has reached a new low — lower than Nazi propaganda — when this week one of its web sites reported that 3,000 peasants have become millionaires. The next thing WIC will report is “The economy under Woyanne is so strong, people from Kenya, Yemen and even Saudi Arabia are migrating to Ethiopia to find better jobs.” Read the “report” below by WIC.

Less than 3,000 resettlers earn close to 72mln birr in Limuseka Woreda

Jimma, January 21, 2008 (WIC) – Farmers resettled in Limuseka Woreda of Oromia State three years ago have managed to earn about 72 million birr in a year, according to the woreda administration.

Woreda chief administrator Tesfahun Alula said at an award giving ceremony that the 2,700 farmers resettled in Demedenabe and Motegallesa resettlement centers from drought hit areas have earned more than 71.7 million birr.

The resettlers have become development heroes by developing market-oriented crops such as peanut, sesame and nigger seed, among others, he added.

Some 38 development heroes drawn from 41 kebele farmers associations, including the resettlers, were awarded various agricultural implements and certificates, according to Tesfahun.

The development heroes in the woreda have each earned from 80,000 to 160,000 birr by cultivating 77 hectares of land through traditional irrigation, it was indicated.

Jimma Zone Chief Administrator, Muhammed Nur Aba Chabsa, handed out the certificates and awards.

14 thoughts on “Woyanne turning peasants into millionaires!!

  1. Could these heroes represent retired Agazee murderers who are serving as reserve forces to quash Oromo and other nationals dissent in the south west? If that is the case, we wouldn’t wonder as they could even earn 72 million Euros not Birr, as the current motto is “Hulum neger le Tigre and Tigrai”. The name of the Woreda chief administrator “Tesfahun Alula” says it all!

  2. dear elias, as your fan, i have to correct today and say your article propagated more than walta because walta did not say “peasants in ethiopia”…
    there are over 30 million peasants in ethiopia, so walta did not say that. walta said only 3000 best and successful peasants achieved that and got awarded for their success.
    let us be professional in the way we dissimilate information.

  3. ER

    What the report say is between 60,000 and 170 000, not million. In fact, there is no reason the farmers can not make one million a year. What it takes is good leadership!
    Read EPRDF’s rural development policy and broaden your horizon so that you can write something good for the country and, for that matter, good for you. You are lagging behind from the reality! Bad news for you!

  4. It is sad to see all anti EPRDF folks reacting negatively to every good news that comes out of Ethiopia. People like Ato. Elias Kifle( tabloid editor par exellence) won’t be happy if PM Zenawi will pave the streets of Ethiopia paved with “gold”. But you know what, a lot of us know better. We will give credit where credit is due.Case in point, Ethiopia has managed to cut down infant mortality by 40% according to UNICEF.I wander how Ato Elias will put a spin on this!

    Woyanne is the #1 cause of death in Ethiopia. This year they may have caused less death if we are to believe the report. Watch this film and to see how desperate people are to escape the Woyanne parasite

  5. 72 mil birr distributed among 2700 isn’t really that far fetched. It is a little above 26 K each. And as the report says, some of them got way more than that, so most of the individual farmers didn’t get the 26K. It is great to hear that farmers are succeeding like that. But we would like to hear the whole truth from Walta regarding resettle farmers.

    By the way, the concept of resettling farmers was one of the things the TPLF blamed the Dergue for bitterly.

  6. Yes, there is a great development in the Agriculture Sector and hope the farmers may have got excellent results this year. This should not be taken grossly that all Ethiopian farmers are becoming millioniare. The question here is, is it sustainable income? Are they going to pay tax on this publicly announced income? Do they know how much money they spent including their own labor and time? is it a real or nominal income? What is the percentage of infilation in the country?
    Tef, which was sold for Birr.285.00 at time of Derg, now, is $650.00 and also other products. What caused this price hike? Propoganda or artificial scarcity. It is doubious!

  7. like setitu said the farmers get a little over 26k each if the money was divided equally which is around $2700 a year.
    i dont see anything wrong with it provided that limu seka is one richest areas in Ethiopia. it is very fertile area that produces cash crops like coffee and also suitable for any kind of crop.

  8. Elias, forgive them. They get carried away sometimes. 3000 millionaire peasants is hillarious. I am sure even Meles must be saying that was too much. They thought they were going to fool us by parading a few roads built by EU aid money and a fudged economic growth figure. Too bad. We know better. Ethiopia’s economic growth would have been ten folds had the country been under a democratic government system. The country was relatively peaceful for the last 17 years. Where is the beef? Your reference is the state of the country against itself while it was under multiple front civil wars. If your propaganda is true, why is Ethiopia still the poorest in AFRICA? Incompetent bastards.

  9. ER the editor wrote:”Woyanne is the #1 cause of death in Ethiopia. This year they may have caused less death if we are to believe the report. Watch this film and to see how desperate people are to escape the Woyanne parasite” You are not fooling anyone .The video is doctored or misrepresented.People watch in all corners of the video box,you can’t see any headline,source or anything ER covered it ,WHY?

  10. This is the usual woyanne white lie propaganda.The Majority of Ethiopian farmer is one of the wretched and the poorest
    in our planet.Those reported as millionaire undoubtedly are senior Woyanne cadres who enriched themselves by expropriation of the poor voiceless farmers.

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