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Your choice of a U.S. presidential candidate (poll)

Ethiopian Review is closely monitoring the ongoing U.S. presidential primaries with great interest — and envy. We would also like to know which candidates ER readers support. Your opinion will be weighed in deciding whom ER endorses. Please vote below (listed in alphabetical order).


Vote for the next President of Ethiopia

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25 thoughts on “Your choice of a U.S. presidential candidate (poll)

  1. Elias, what is wrong here? How can you leave out Ron Paul from this poll. First, he has performed better than at least thompson and is closeley tied to Giuliani. Second, he represents the best foreign policy in respect to Ethiopia. The only one that Meles is hoping won’t get elected is Paul. Anyone who claims to be fighting the tyrranical rule of woyannes will follow Paul’s rhetoric closely.

    Thanks for the suggestion. He is now added in the list.

  2. I live in Illinois. Compared with the other Illinois Senator , Dick Durbin, who helped a lot in pressuring hte state department so that the prisoners would be released, Obama was basically silent on Ethiopian affairs.

    The Ethiopian COmmunity raised fund for him for this senatorial campaign. Unfortunately the Senator has been very unhelpful when it comes to human right in Ethiopia. Ethiopian community pleaded to him so that he can do something in the foreign relation committee he is in. As his constituencies WE HAVE NOTHING NOTHING FROM SENATOR OBAMA.
    In fact we are very disappointed. Senator Dock Durbin of Illinois is a friend of Ethiopia; As to OBAMA we have not seen it.

    Second as a resident of Illinois and someone who lives in the US, I do not recall any concrete accomplishement from the Senator EVEN WHEN HE WAS A STATE LEGISLATOR HERE. He is a guy who do not want to take risk and want to play both side. WHAT WE NEED IN THE WHITE HOUSE IN A FIGHTER.

    We ask him not support the support the nomination of COndi Rice for secretary of State for she played an instrumental role in promoting the war in Irak.Sebator Durbin our other Senator vote against her as a way to protest the war in Irak. OBAMA voted for her.

    For those in this forum who are saying supporters because he is black, I advise you look at his record.

    An Ethiopian AMerican From Illinois.

  3. Dear ER.

    As always, thanks for your uptodate engagement to the situations in Ethiopia and the US.

    I chose Clinton than Obama because I suspect there is a sabotage made by the ultara right groups to make obama elected for the primaries then as we may expect a black president is not yet for America, he may be lost the general election. Because we know now because of the bush policy any republican candidate may not make it if clinton or edwards have a chance to go to the general election. Is America is ready for a female president? is a good question to ponder on. But color may be harder for most americans in the south than sex. Just personal openion.

    Thanks elias.

  4. Work-Amanuel, thank you for the information. It is very good we have someone from Illinos sharing first hand information about the senators there, including Senator Obama. I am wondering! Is there anyone, from the Ethiopian community, opposition or human right activists, who is approaching Senator Obama lately? I think this is a very important time to approach him again whatever his response was before. Many Ethiopians might want to know more about him and his stand towards the Ethiopian cause also.

  5. I voted for Ron Paul because he is the only decent candidate and only hope for Africa. One of Obama´s top adviser owns business in Weyaneland. I suspect that voting for Obama is tentamount to prolomging weyannne´s life.

  6. ኤልያስ! በጣም ግሩም ስራ ነው::

    ነገር ግን ድምጽ ከመሰጠቱ በፊት ከእጩዎቹ ውስጥ ማን ለአለም ህዝብ በተለይም ደግሞ ለትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሰብአዊ መብት መከበር እንደሚታገል በቂ እንፎርሜሽን ልናገኝ ይገባል::ትክክለኛ እንፎርሜሽን ማግኘት የምንችለውም በኤች.አር.2003 ዙርያ ከሚሰሩ ወገኖቻችን አከባቢ ስለሆነ የነርሱን አስተያየት አግኝተህ ብታስነብበንና የምንሰጠውም ቮት በምናገኘው መረጃ ላይ የተመሰረተ ቢሆን ግሩም ይሆናል ብዬ አስባለሁ:: እንዳለፈው ዘመን ዝም ብለን በስመ ዲሞክራት ብቻ ሳይሆን በተግባሩ ብቻ የምንደግፍ መሆናችንን ማሳወቅ ይገባናል:: እነ ጂሚ ካርተር..ሪቻርድ ገፕሃርድት ዲሞክራቶች ቢሆኑም ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሰብ አዊ መብት መረገጥ ምን ያህል አስተዋጽኦ እንደሚያደርጉ መዘንጋት የለብንም:: ስለዚህ እባክህን መጀመሪያ ጠቋሚ መረጃዎችን አፈላልግና ቮቱን እንደአዲስ አስጀምረው::


  7. i will vote obama hoping to see some foreign policy changes. I have a feeling that Obama, if elected president, will make positive impact on u.s foreign policy putting more pressure on african dictators such as meles, kibaki, and the likes of them. watch out for hilary because her policy is the same as Bush’s regarding the current situation in ethiopia.

  8. At this stage of the campaign,It would be utter naivety to expect any presidential hopeful to table one’s favored foreign policy option as elaborate as covering such minute breakdowns as HR 2003. We should try to infer those from the already tabled aggregate policy directions. As for me, Barack Obama is a right choice and his chances of electibility is way above our skepticism.

  9. Dear ER, why isn’t Dennis Kucinich included on this list? And you call thisa fair poll?

    It is interesting to see, at this moment Huckabee is getting more votes than Edwards.

  10. Unless we wanted to see the first black America president, the best candidate would be Ron Paul. Go check some of his statement on youtube.He is the best guy not only for America but also for ethiopia and the rest of the world. Very honest and knowledgeable man.

  11. Girum, can I ask you what you find so appealing politically about Ron Paul? Which of his policies is you think is good for America AND Ethiopia? I’d be interested to know.


  12. work_amanuel , thank you for that objective, very important and relevant information about Obama. We are totaly biased because he is Black. But what matters as you said is what he did in the past to prove that he will do some thing good in the future. I don’t see anything tangible he will do to improve our daily lives here and as you said he didn’t do anything to Ethiopia.
    Bias has no place here!wake up folks!

  13. People said, “America is not ready to send black a person to the white house”.
    We are Ethiopians America. Are we (1 million Ethiopians) ready to vote. How many of us registered voters? Personal responsibility is start from you and me.
    It is a great idea to find out Obama’s or Clinton’s position on HR-2003. How many of us sent fax to our Senators to support HR-2003. HR-2003 is good for Ethiopia and bad for dictators.
    May God bless Ethiopia and America!!!

  14. why we say Obama is black? obama is black and white. His father is black but his mother is white. Infact he is more white than black because his white mother carried him for 9 months in her womb. What counts for ethiopians is whether he supports HR2003 or not ! we can call directly his office and ask his staff.
    Sen. Barack Obama (D)
    Tel# (202)224-2854
    Fax# (202)228-4260
    713 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington DC 20510

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