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8 thoughts on “Video: Taye entertains the Shawel gang (satire)

  1. Elias: You have taken political satire to new heights. If you are trying to get us undepressed by giving us a daily dose of satirical comedy, you are succeeding. keep doing it, you might eventually cure us by way of comic relief. i don’t remember when it was that I laughed so hard. Where do you get these satirical videos anyway??? You made my day! ha ha ha hoo hoo hoo hee hee hee

  2. I thought the Hailu and Taye gang was suposed to be feudalists …..loool I laughed at the guys joke and tried hard to relate the Taye with the story…/.

    I’ve seen the video b4 , and it aint all that ….but u have made some happy so

    keep it up

  3. Hey Elise : this is wrong take it down …this dud at list better than Hailu Shawel ..He does this for a living ..Hailu make people miserable for living….This comedian does not deserve to Hailu shawel gang!

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