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Woyanne kicked out from key Somali town – BBC


Islamist insurgents say they now control Guriel, where Ethiopia Woyanne had a big military base to secure the road linking the two countries.

A BBC correspondent in Somalia says it is not clear why the Ethiopian Woyanne troops withdrew without any fighting.

Guriel was a stronghold of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which lost power to Ethiopian Woyanne-backed government troops a year ago this week.

The BBC’s Ayanleh Hussein in Guriel says residents have been cheering the Ethiopians’ Woyannes’ departure.

During the occupation the local hospital was out of use as it was used as the Ethiopians’ Woyannes’ military base, he says.

Meanwhile, unrest continues in the capital, Mogadishu, where most Ethiopian Woyanne forces in the country have been based since last year’s invasion, which ended the UIC’s six-month rule.

The bodies of four civilians were discovered after battles between insurgents and Ethiopian Woyanne troops on Thursday around the animal market in the north of the city.

7 thoughts on “Woyanne kicked out from key Somali town – BBC

  1. we are not enmy people of ethiopia except woyyane army. we will give freedom to horn african people as soon as possible insha allaah up to kismayo to asmara free land free people and united hrn african pepole thanks

  2. Elias – Please call upon all opposition political and armed groups to design a plan to liberate Ethiopia from Woyane Thugs by noting the state of weakened Woyane forces in Somalia and the anticipated military confrontation with Eritrea. It is a very critical time for a coordinated action!

    I believe the opposition has to take note of the possibility of war breaking out in the near future if not any day now. This could bring or create both an opportunity and challenge for both the armed (OLF, ONLF, EPPF) and non-armed (CUD, UEDF) opposition – not to be caught offguard, it is imperative on the part of the opposition to understand the timing and its implication and lead the Ethiopian people to freedom and democracy from the yoke of woyane tyranny.

    The opportunity comes from the fact that the enemy of my enemy is my friend – and recent positive engagement of the opposition with the government of Eritrea is a testimoney in that regard. This certainly creates a solid foundation and access to coordinate the military engagement of Woyane by eritrean forces – through spying on woyane forces and military strategy and sharing the information with Eritrean forces, by campaigning among the non-Tigrean portion of the Ethiopian Defense Forces to turn the gun onto Woyanes, by cutting supply routes within Ethiopia, by striking at woyane establisments within Ethiopia, by calling on mass uprising, call on students and teachers to protest, to strike against all woyane thugs and criminals who are killing and maiming people in Ogaden etc, to strike against woyane prisons and free all prisoners of conscience. If the opposition is determined to work and plan on the general themes mentioned above, Woyane will be history within weeks – and Meles and other criminals will be brought to justice!!!

    The challenge on the other hand is to be aware of the wolves in sheep skin within the opposition – the likes of Hailu Shawel, Lidetu etc.

    Elias: Please create a forum for a dialogue among the opposition how the opposition should respond in the event of a war breaking between Woyane forces and Eritrea

  3. Peace, Friendship and Victory for the people of Somalia and Ethiopia over the ruthless criminal regime of Meles Zinawi. May next year bring more peace and joy for our two peoples.

    Amia Mire


  4. Der Amina Mire
    As an Ethiopian I say AMEN to your comment. I do hope 2008 is a year without Meles the butcher finally we are at peace

    Peace on the Horn Of Africa

  5. wey ane!
    You haven’t seen anything yet! By the way, EriTV displayed some captured “Fenjiregachoch” (poor Ethiopian youth) at the recent border incident in which the ever liars of the Dedeb of dedebit machine denied any incident of ever taking place… wushet, wey wushet – inih wshetamotch – ere’bakachu hzbatchen liaschersu aydelum wey. What a shame!

  6. እግዚአብሔር ለምድራችንም ሆነ በኣካባቢያችን ላሉ ሁሉ ታላቅ የሆነ ምህረት እንዲያደርግ መጸለይ የሁላችንም ሃላፊነት ነው:: ሰው ፊቱን ወደ እግዚአብሔር ሲመልስ እግዚአብሔር ህዝብን ምድርን ብሎም አህጉርን ሁሉ መባረክ ይጀምራል ስለዚህ ከሁሉ አስቀድመን ሁላችንም ፊታችንን ወደ እግዚአብሔር አምላካችን የምናቀናበት ዘመን ያርግልን:: አዲሱ አመት የደስታ የሰላምና የበረከት አመት ለሁላችሁም ይሁን:: ጌታ በነገር ሁሉ ይባርካችሁ::

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