Berhanu Nega reassures Kinijit supporters
Addis Ababa Mayor-Elect, Dr Berhanu Nega, gave reassurances to Kinijit supporters today that the party will take the necessary steps to get back on the right track.
In a 2-hour interview with the Ethiopian Current Affairs Discussion Forum (ECADF), Dr Berhanu said that his colleagues, members of the Kinijit central council, must start to enforce the party’s rules and procedures in order fix the ongoing leadership crisis and start addressing the real issues affecting the people of Ethiopia, such as the atrocities being committed against our people in the Ogaden region.
Dr Berthanu expressed regret that the crisis inside the Kinijit leadership has completely paralyzed the party to the point that it is not able to even speak out against the rape, torture and killing of fellow Ethiopians in Ogaden.
Many Kinijit supporters expressed concern that the top leadership is allowing anarchy to prevail in the party by hesitating to enforce its decisions and the organization’s basic rules.
Dr Berhanu said that a party that does not respect its own rule cannot be taken seriously by any one. He said, let do what we have to. “Let’s move forward.”
The interview was broadcast live by the Ethiopian Review Radio Network.
We will try to post the recorded audio of the interview shortly.
15 thoughts on “Berhanu Nega reassures Kinijit supporters”
Can’t wait…can u post it soon please?
Berhanu Nega reassures Kinijit supporters
The KIC useless feudals clansmen and reengage EPRP outlaws have waged wicked relentless attacks on the man we all call Dr. Berhanu Nega. Despite all the wicked attempts and slander,
Dr. Berhanu Nega is a man of principle
Dr Berhanu Nega is the brain of Kinijit and its democratic movement
Dr. Berhanu Nega is the man most feared by the Woyane clan
This is a trying time yet, Ethiopia shall be proud of her brave children such as: Dr. Berhanu Nega,Judge Bertukan Mideksa, Professor Ale Mariam,Mr Obang Metho & Muluneh Eyoel to name a few………..
May God forgive Eng Hailu and his clan for betraying our people.
Dr Berhanu made a good point that we should move forward. As the ultimate goal is to democratize Ethiopia, we should dump the feudals, and move on to doing the real job. Hailu Shawel’s reactionary and feudal group will not get anywhere. Ethiopians will not vote for another ethnic party. Therefore, eventually, we will deliver the democracy to Ethiopians. I heard it; it was an excellent interview.
Selam Belai Zeleke:
Dr Berhanu’s contribution is really significant. However, However I take issue when you call him “the brain of Kinijit”. He has a brain; however Kinijit has many smart and talented leaders. Dr Berhanu is just one among the many.
Please let us focus more on the movement instead of individuals.
I was wondering why some people can not accept the truth? and I used to get angry. How could one can not see the fact that one plus one is two. How can you ever pass a night without stading with truth. As you have watched the delegates from Ethiopia can’t you see that where the truth stands .Off course the majority stood with truth and I will no more get angry about those who dont get it or do on purpose as there will always be good as ther is bad . Ther will always be Lidetus as there are Oranges and Lights{Birhanu) My heros god bless you come with more costrutive ideas like the above.
A few days ago I wrote to the reactionary [email protected] utterly condemnning the feudal group and aristocrats in KIC. These people are nostaligic of the days of aristocratic oppression in Ethiopia. Let them sleep in their wildest dream never to wake up again.
Kinijit under the leadership of Judge Bertukan et al should move our struggle forward.
exactly, this is what has been boggling my mind. why do the Kninjit keep silent about the massacres in Ogaden? will it have been doing the same if this was happening in the highlands? weys nagaru yibalaachaw naw?! This is a historic test and if the CUD fails to talk about us, we have the right to feel we are not part of the Ethiopia they envision!!!!
I wonder what they are doing in US at the moment. I understood that , policians as human beings , intelectuals released from prison need more time to refresh and to back to there desk , but I am not happy to see most CUD officials still in US . I wish if they are in Ethiopia and doing things in the right direction wiht Birtukan and other leaders , plse everybody in US urge them to leave to Ethiopia before the situation grew worst in the party.
ዶ/ር ብርሀኑ ትናንት ሰው ገደለ:-
የወሬ ቋቶችም ሰው ከሆኑ ትናንት ብዙ ሰው አለቀ::
ተሳዳቢዎችም ሰው ከሆኑ ትናንት ብዙ ሰው ተጨፈጨፈ::
ማህይምና ጭፍን ዘረኞች ሰው ከሆኑ ትናንት እርቃናቸውን ቀርተዋል::
ለትክክለና ዲሞክራሲ እና ለውጥ ታጋዮችም መልክት ተላልፏል:: ከላይ ከጠቀሱት ደንቆሮዎች ጋር በከንቱ ጊዚያችሁን አታባክኑ ተብሏል:: ምክንያቱም በድንጋይ ላይ ውሀ ማፍሰስ ነውና::
ደንቆሮዎችን የምናስተምርበትና የምንለማመጥበት ጊዜ አብቅቷል:: አሁን በዓላማ ከሚመስሉን ጋር የዲሞክራሲ ትግሉን መቀጠል ብቻ ነው::
ወራጅ በየቦታው ይንጠባጠባል የለውጡ ባቡር ግን ጉዞውን ይቀጥላል::
አሁን ራሳችንን የምንጠይቀው አንድ ጥያቄ ብቻ ነው:: ወራጅ ነኝ ወይሽ ተጓዥ?
አለቃ ብሩ
Please post the record as fast as you can. Please!!!
i agree with Dr. Brehanu, yes, it is time to move forward and tacle the burning issue of the countries. those who try to drag Kinijit, should realize by now that the people of ethiopia are tired of those who put themselves before the people. so let do what we need to do and bring the change we need.
Dear Belay,
It was an excellent discussion.However,we need to focus on the important issues and challenges to liberate ourselves and our beloved country.
We need to be determined,committed,dedicated and care for our people….people with diversity.If we unit we can move the mountains.Currently we have too much talk and to little action.We shall overcome some day!!!
God Bless Ethiopia!!
I heard that powerfull man’s interview. I have never ever seen such an open, articulated and honest ethiopian in my life. i have no words to talk about this greate vissionary economist, i JUST SAY ONE THING.GOD bless you, your children and we are in millions with you, brishe , berta. Let those feudal reminants sit behind the door and talk how and where to hide kinijit’s 1.2m dollars. can you immagine eng hailu who is being jailed by dictator melese with his colleages for 21 months in qality ,beacsue melse refused to accept kinijit’s eight points, now eng hailu is against his own words, against kinijit’s eight points. refused to accept collective leadership and he has already started applying melese formulla, assigning chikashums for ethiopians in diaspora against their wish. really these ppl are shameless arrogant feudal reminants. let us leave them behind and move on forward.
Hi Elias, you can listen Dr Berhanu interview on
በበኩሌ አቶ ሃይሉ የስልጣን ጥም ሳይሆን በስልጣን የመቆየት ፍላጎት እንዲሁም ስልጣኑን ለሚፈልጉት ማስረከብ እንዳለባቸዉ እንደሚያምኑ ምንም አልጠራጠርም:: ዶ/ር ብርሃኑ የዓላማ ልዩነት ከሌላቸዉ በፓርቲዉ የመሪነት ለመዎዳደር ቢፈልጉ ምን ሊያግዳቸዉ ይችላል?ስልጣን ቢይዙስ በምርጫ ከሆነ ምን ነዉር አለበት?