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Ethiopian maid found hanging in UAE

By Afkar Abdullah
Khaleej Times

SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates) — A 19-year-old Ethiopian maid was found hanging from a tree in the compound of her UAE national sponsor’s villa in Al Turrfa area of Sharjah city.

R. A. the maid, had been working in the house of her sponsor, M.S, for nearly three months now.

Her residency visa is valid and she was working with the family legally, the police said.

The police have questioned the members of the family in the suspected suicide case.

The police have sent the body of the maid to the forensic laboratory for further investigations.

14 thoughts on “Ethiopian maid found hanging in UAE

  1. What a shocking news to hear? But why the rush to conclude it is a suicide.There must be a room for a suspect who might have killed her.I hear quite often that the Arab ladies usually suspect Ethiopian girls for having sexual affair from their spauses,and this could be a motive for a crime.

    The Hustonian

  2. ራሄል(ኢትዮጵያ) ስለ ልጆቿ አለቀሰች፣መጽናናትም እንቢ አለች።ይላል ቃሉ።
    ይህ ሁሉ በደል በኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ ሲደርስ እንዴት አንድ ሙሴ ኢትዮጵያ ትጣ።
    ኢትዮጵያ የወላድ መካን። ብዙ ወልዳ ግን ሁሉ የሞቱባት እናትን ትመስላለች ኢትዮጵያ።
    እግዚአብሔር ያስበን

  3. What is happening to our sisters around the Arab world is barbaric. These evil people are killing our sisters for no valid reason. Go back and look any of these so called Oil rich Arab countries they were wanderers of the desert. As for the oil, it is a finite commodity, it will dry up. Woe to those who suppress and oppress the weak.

  4. Unity we don’t know what happened.Why rash to say these evil people are killing our sisters? All we know is she was found dead hanging from a tree.I just can’t see myself living in these kind of countries for sure.I bet you these ladies who go there think they’r going to have a better life they have than in ethiopia.They’r for sure misleded by the agency in ethiopia.I feel so sorry for her parents back home.Very sad.

  5. Whatever the cause of her death i.e killing herself or killed by the bastard arabs. The place she was working was a hell for her. She must had been so desperate and hopeless. Therefore, all the fucking blame is on the bastard arabs.Please, ethiopian sisters do not go to these arab countries.

  6. This is a sad story for Ethiopian,Plz lets join hand in hand to say no for such inhuman acts on our citizens.Wherever u r,plz condemn such acts on our sister.Killing innocent people is like killing a goat for the majoity of arabs.It is not the first time when we hear such incidents on our sisters in Arab countries.Keep lobying for such acts,it will bring change in the future.Let God(Allah)bring justice for our sisters facing inhuman acts there.There are Arab people who come to Ethiopia for a vaccation and enjoy with our sisters with respect and warn hospitality.PLZ u Arab brothers and sisters,try to consider our sisters as ur family members.

  7. May God rest ur poor soul in peace.what a sad story to hear about these damn arab countries, as we know our sisters go to the middle east for better life and end up being harrassed and torchered like hell.Ppl we need to tell these damn arabs to stop treating out innocent sisters like a modern day Slaves.

  8. What a horrifying information I hear?! As always we express our sorrow as we don’t have means of finding the cause the death of our dearest sister. What makes me sad is our people are dieing in the country and out. Ethiopian people have no dependable protection in and out. No one bothers about the death of Ethiopian people. Hearing such an instance is becoming a common thing these days. On the contrary I haven’t been hearing any action being taken to improve the situation. I haven’t heard anyone concerned is following up such happenings. Is there any possibility to appeal to any human right organization to follow up and/or find out the real cause for the death? Please find out such an organization and report to it as we don’t have any hope from our representative side

  9. It is very sad ! God may rest her in peace! Dear, ethiopians donot blame the areb world we do to them they didnt come to us. why we leave our country? how we leave the country? what must be done to live in our beautiful country? what it means agancy? who are they? do they pay tax for government? that means there is conection comiting no need to know how she dies,who killd her. why she dies???? eliminate human trafiking,modern slave trade.let us work by condomnig the government involvement and we have to bring the agencies to justce accuntibility Act.ETHIOPIA FOR ETHIOPIANS! God save my country and my innocent people.let us UNITE!!

  10. What a sad story! Only 19! And to die in those Arab countries where they distort their own holy book, where a rape victim is sentenced to 200 lashes because she must have committed adultery or fornication!
    Poor baby! May God rest your soul!
    What does Meles have to say about these deaths of poor beautiful Ethiopian girls which happen so often in the Middle East !
    We must shout to make a headline issue about the plight of women immigrant workers in the Arab world, Ethiopians Sri Lankans Philipinos!
    Shame on you, Arabs!Of course a race whose boys and girls blow themselves up to kill socalled enemies, what can they feel and know about compassion, human rights!

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