EMF – Kinijit Vice President Bertukan Midekisa arrived in Addis Ababa today after two-month working visit in the United States.
Wzt. Bertukan received a warm welcome from family members, friends, Kinijit officials and supporters when she arrived at Bole International Airport, EMF sources said.
The other delegates to the U.S. will return to Addis Ababa on November 26, 2007.
Kinijit Secretary General Ato Muluneh Eyoel, who led the Kinijit delegataion to Europe, will return to Ethiopia on November 24th 2007.
31 thoughts on “Wzt. Bertukan Mideksa arrived in Addis Ababa”
We Love You. Your are one of Our Grear Sitsters
May God Always be with You
Bertukan welcome to your beloved country.I hope those who o were jelious on your US trip would behave.They should know that you are the First lady of Ethiopia.God Be with you!Thank you for the up date Elias
good news. thx. may god bless bertukan !
That is great!!!. I can not wait to see her arrival pic from Addis…
tnx to GOD for that.
What a lady!!! Some of us talk and just talk. Some of us step up and do. There are countless talkers whom we have never seen do anything except talk trash about this young, yet mature, bright lady. Birtukan Mideksa, however, left the talking to the talkers, and showed us the action. If Ethiopia is to be saved, it will be by her children like Bertukan Mideksa. God Bless Our Country and This Young Lady!!!!!!!!!!
Wish you all the best!
Based on the information from Ethiopia, the returning opposition leaders awaits another round of incarceration. Beleive me this time is going to be a different story and shocking. This is a regime who lost any credibility and its only hope was its relationship with the U.S. The passage of Hr 2003 has put the TPLF regime in difficult position and would go to the very extreme because they will lose nothing anymore. I think Ethiopians have to have their next step in place now than being sorry later. Pick up your guns and let us fight them, men to men.
You are really “orange”.A very intelligent & determined lady.You are an example for other women interested in leading their country.
Bitukan!never lose hope,You will reach Your gaol b/c You are influential.
Recruit other Young females to follow Your road!!!
Let the Almighty be with You!!!
You must be one of the woyane agents who pretend to be opponents and throw out violent remarks to discredit oppositions as extremists. The good news is people are too smart to fall for such a cheap ploy.
She is VERY courageous lady and I salute her for that. Given the immaturity and extreme intolerance of the Woyanne regime Iam very nervous and worried about her safety. I wish her all the best. I know that political change does not come cheap and at some stage sacrifices would be necessary. I hope Kinijit leadership has plan B in the event Meles starts doing what he does best which is to lock up or murder those who has opposing political views even if those views are expressed through peaceful means.
Thanks Birtukan
Although nothing will happen to you, your determination and courage will be our strength.If any thing happen to you that will cost the dictators the worst than ever. All the Ethipian people and peace lovers beside you.We believe their petition will take them to their final destination-Grave. Long live Kinjit
If Meles does anything to any of the legitimate leaders of the people he should be told to his face – when the time comes for his fall down he will not be sent to Zimbabwe.
He will be kept in the deepest dungeon under hard labor joined by his family and his cohorts to pay for all his crime against the Ethiopian people.
Birtukan, you have the full support of the Ethipian people. You inspired each & everyone of us. Your country’s interst came before yours & you sacrified dearly by langushing in prison with your fellow members. I know the future of Ethiopia is bright because of you who gave up your personal interst for your country & people. Well come back home! God bless you & keep you safe!!!
We Love You
ከዚህ የሚበልጥ ፍቅር የለም።ሁል ጊዜም በጸሎታችን እናስብሻለን።እግር ይባርክሽ።
Dear Sister Birtukan and the the whole Kiniit team,
You are our heros and very unusual type of heros. You sacrificed morethan your fair share. I just cant imagine how one can be so brave and selfless in presenting her/him self as sacrificial lamb for others.
Well, it takes a miracle or a hero or both; that was how Mosses librated his people.
Brave men and women wont happen often… but we as a people are called for agony …born to count our losses, a loss that never knows a low point beyond which we cant lose.
I hope we wont loose again & I pray that you will live enough to see the light.
Yohannes Sh.
Thanks God.Be with Birtukan
God be with you for ever!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for leting us know she is home. please keep informing us b/s we think about her.
I was expecting the Addis Ababa city to march to Meskel Adebabayee and all the way down to Bole International Airport to receive the Kinkjit team.May be woyanes will be scared to allow this.It really frustrates me to think that Kinijit’s ability to do their job is under the will of the woyanes.Why not a hero’s welcome back home like we did it here in DC????? For the first time in fifteen years, I had the opportunity to receive a leader from my country with joy and had a group picture taken with the visiting 5-member team.Waw!!!!!!I am just hoping sooner than later I will see either Muluneh or Birtukan or Yacob Haile Mariam or Enginer Gizachew or Dr. Haillu Araya as my Ethiopi’s elected leader.
Well, General Musharaf of Pakistan now realized that being a dictator would not take anybody anywhere; likewise, it is expected that General Musharaf is going to abdicate his commandant and become a civilian.
Well and again, as a civilian he can call for an election and ask for the people to vote for him; but, the truth of the matter is there is no gurantee that he will be elected.
Therefore, where is he heading to? the answer is, he is heading to his downfall and forgotten for good or bad.
Meles Zinawi and his partners-in-crime lost the 2005 election and out of desperation and fear, just like Genenral Musharaf did, the Nazia regime of Meles Naziawi iposed illegal and anti-Ethiopia military curfew on all Ethiopians and sebsequently sent the democratic leaders of the voice of Ethiopia into jail.
Clearly and positively, Meles Naziawi is nervous and in a state of shock learning that this type, General Musharaf is about to be yanked and purged from a brutal dictatorship into a prison.
Meles Naziawi thinks he will be saved from being thrown into jail by putting illegal measures against the democratically elected leaders of Ethiopia and also, he thinks he will be cheating world leaders by telling them unending lies and pretending to be peoples’ elected leader, but the fact is world leaders are now very much aware of his stealthy nature and a pathalogical lier wasted aid money to no avail.
Form the time he emerged out of nakfa cave as number one enemy of Ethiopia to his walking through the path of a brutal dictatorship,clearly and positively he shall kiss his fate, like General Musharaf is about to do.
Ethiopians and their democratically elected leaders are clearly a lifetime partners to achieve the goal of a democratic Ethiopia for centuries to come.
The democratic leaders and Ethiopians are always inseparable.
Everyone should stop his or her wrong doing and help his country since Ethiopia’s future looks dim under Meles rule.When it comes to Birtukan,she is a messanger of Ethiopian people.I wish her good luck!
ummmmmmmmm what a brave lady…i wish u all the best …we love u.
ወ/ት ብርቱካን፤
እባካችሁን ከአቶ ሃይሉ ሻውል ጋር ያላችሁን ልዩነት አጥብባችሁ ትግሉን ቀጥሉ። የስልጣን ሽኩቻውና የውስጥ ውጊያው ይቅር። የአንድ ፓርቲ ጥንካሬና በህዝብ ዘንድ ያለው ከበሬታ የሚረጋገጠው ባለው ጠንካራ discipline ና የውስጥ ልዩነቶችን በውይይት መፍታት መቻሉ ነውና።
እንካን ደህና መጣሽ በጣም እወድሻለሁ
እባክሽን ሴቶች እድል አልተሰጣቸውም እንጂ ችሎታ እንዳላቸው እሳየቸው ሁላችንም ካንቺ ጋር ነን እንውድሻለን እንከተልሻለን
ብዙወች እብረንሽ እንደሆንን እውቀሽ ለእውነት ለፍትህ ለልማትና ለእኩልነት የጀመርሽውን ጉዞ ለአፍታም እንዳታቆሚ ችግሮች ውስብስብ ቢሆኑም (ጀግና መጠጥ ቤት ትን ብሎት ይሞታል)
በርች አላህ ካንች ጋር ይሁን
Thank God, the Ethiopian “LIONESS”, Biirtukan, is back home in her beloved country. She radiates love, freedom and liberty. She is an indispensable asset of the Ethiopian people – and so are the rest of her Kinijit colleagues in the delegation she led to the USA.
God keep and protect these peaceful freedom fighters!!
Well done and well come back to the mother land.We all Ethiopian are beside you.You have confirmed to the Woyane’s that, you are the second Taitu Bitul.
እህቴ ብርቱካን በእውነቱ ድፍረትሽን ወደድኩት በድጋሚ አውሬ አፍ ከመግባት ያውጣሽ። ዳንኤልን ከአንበሳ አፍ መልአኩን ልኮ ያወጣ አምላክ አንቺንም ይጠብቅሽ። በእርግጥ ምንም ያጠፋሽው ነገር እንደሌለ ሁሉም ያውቀዋል። የ እውነት አምላክ አንቺንም ከሃገራችን ኢትዮጵያ ይተብቅልን።
የዚህ ዘመን ጣይቱ ብጡል
God bless Ethiopia and Birtukan.