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EPRP leadership in turmoil

The secretive leadership of the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party (EPRP) is currently in turmoil over the active role being played by some of its top leaders in fanning disagreements inside Kinijit.

Ethiopian Review’s Research Department (ERD), formerly known as ER’s Intelligence Unit, has learned that the leadership is currently split into two camps — one led by President Girma’s son-in-law, Ato Iyassu Alemayehu, and the other faction led by Ato Mersha Yoseph.

The Mersha faction is deeply concerned that Ato Iyassu (a.k.a. Hama Tuma, among his multiple other names) is meddling in the internal affairs of another organization, unnecessarily creating enemies for EPRP. According to ERD sources, Ato Mersha and friends are concerned that the backlash from the Iyassu faction’s involvement in the Kinijit internal affairs on the side of Shaleqa Yoseph will have a long-term negative impact on EPRP. Ato Mersha also believes that it is against EPRP’s ideology and strategic interest to side with the Shaleqa’s backward feudalist faction.

On the other hand, the Iyassu faction believes that the decaying Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is a lesser threat, and that feudalists like the Shaleqa group can easily be managed or manipulated. But the popular Kinijit poses a long-term threat to EPRP. The strategy adopted by Ato Iyassu and friends is that Kinijit’s popularity must be brought a few notches down in order to minimize its threat. Iyassu is looking at the popularity of Kinijit leaders with a great deal of trepidation, if not envy.

It is normal to have a clash of ideas within a political party, but on this particular issue every body — and the first daughter (Ghenet) — are digging their heels, causing a leadership crisis in the normally cohesive EPRP leadership.

A central committee meeting is being considered to settle the dispute one way or another.

Meanwhile, ERD has started looking into EPRP’s questionable financial activities. So far it has been discovered that EPRP owns several properties, including apartments and restaurants in many countries. This should raise concern among democratic forces who believe that a political party should not own or get involved in operating businesses.

There will be more updates on this as more evidences are uncovered.

የራሷ እያረረባት የሌላውን ታማስላለች

64 thoughts on “EPRP leadership in turmoil

  1. Hailu Shawel’s leadership capability is significantly reduced due to his illness. His contradicting and incohorent interviews attest to that. The upcoming meeting in DC is simply a useless parade planned by the Shaleka, EPRP and Taye. They are using Hailu Shawel as a trojan to push their own agenda. Therefore, it is legitimate for all Ethiopians to go out and confront them in a form of protest demo. Also calling for a ban/boycott is appropriate. DC is our territory. EPRP won’t have a chance here. I will be there; so should be every concerned Ethiopian to protest this evil group of corrupts and inepts.

  2. I am realy sicken by this old and has no aim party EPRP. Actualy I doubt to call them a political party. Why are they always against the good parties of Ethopia???? Ufffff, EPRP pls pls pls enough is enough. Mind your own bussiness!!!!!!

  3. Elias,

    Who wants to hear this story and who cares? For most of us, EPRP is just a paper nothing else. Why do you need intellegnce unit to know the situation of the dead EPRP?

    Do not waste your time and money on your ” intellegence unit” to tell us what is happening on EPRP as it makes no difference whether it is a united party or divided. Find something useful for your public.

  4. We do not want another genocide that is instigated by the so called EPRP. I was one of the members of them during the derg era. Now they do not have place in Ethiopian Youth because they do not have vision and good leadership,so out of the maths.
    Please the EPRPites do not try to tarnish the true KINIJIT. You guys are power mongers and that time of yours is long over due.
    Long live true Ethiopians be it Kinijt, or Eprdf.
    Think for One country and one people.

    Ethiopia Prevails.

  5. The only diffrencte b/n TPLF and EPRP is TPLF is in menelik palace and eprp is still in diaspora. They are the face of a coin. They are both public enemy #1. In order to defeat TPLf we should fight Iyasu thugs first.

  6. ለማወቅ መጠየቅ እንጂ መቀባጠር አይበጅም:: የማታቁት ከምትዘከዝኩ ጠይቁና ተማሩ! ኢሕኣፓ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ አልፋና ኦሜጋ ነው:: እንደቅንጅት ከመሳሰሉ ዕውቀት ሳይሆን እርካታ አልባነት ( ) የፈጠራቸው ሞቅ-ሞቆች ጋር አታሳክሩት::
    Please behave yourselves and try to learn first. Don’t be the instruments of the opportunists. Who is after all who wasn’t EPRP, AESM (መኢሶን) or dergist, EDU, OLF, TPLF or EPLF on that time?
    Everyone should have joined one of them. If you are above 40 and wasn’t a dull one (ወይም የእናቱ ሙግድ አቀባይ) you must have been the member of one of them.

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