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Ato Hailu Shawel and Kinijit delegates agree to talk

By Dr Fikre Tolossa

My fellow Ethiopians, I have a great news to share with all those who champion the cause of our motherland. After about ten days of intense negotiations between Engineer Hailu Shawel, Chairman of Kinijit, and the Kinjit delegates mediated by concerned Ethiopians including myself, the two parties met together for the first time ever since their arrival in the United States, on Thursday, October 4, 2007, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to discuss their differences in the future. Though it took a while for Wt. Birtukan Midekssa, the Vice Chariman of Kinijit, Dr. Hailu Araya and Ato Brook Kebede to reach Ato Hailu Shawel who was under medical treatment, they managed to meet him at last.

Regardless of the fact that the meeting was brief, both parties had a quality time. Ato Hailu reportedly received his comrades in struggle and hardship with warmth and affection. In mutual response, the delegates presented him with flowers enquiring about his health with a profound concern. The brief, but decisive moment which broke the ice, determined the bright future of Kinjit, and as such, that of Ethiopia- They all agreed to meet in the near future to continue their dialogue in order to resolve their differences in a better atmosphere in the best interest of the Ethiopian people. To this end, they exchanged phone numbers so that they would be able to talk freely and directly any time and anywhere, without any restrictions whatsoever, as well as without go-between.

As far as we are concerned, this is a tremendous achievement and a wonderful news. This meeting will lead to a further dialogue and mutual understanding which will pave the way to harmony and strong unity once again.

In this connection, I call upon all Diaspora Ethiopians and interest groups to refrain from interfering in the affairs of Kinjit leaders so as not to hinder the process of negotiation which the leaders have initiated for the well-being of the millions of Ethiopians who voted for them and who see Kinjit as a beacon of freedom.

In conclusion, I would like to state that the other mediators and myself have been deeply saddened by the Kinijit International Council’s posting on Kinijit web site on October 5, 2007, under the title, “Is This A Political Stunt?”. I appeal to Kinjit International Council to stop from posting in the future such divisive and distorted reports which would harm the aspirations of the Ethiopian people.

Last, I will try my best to follow up with the true picture of the development and the progress of the negotiations between the two parties, and update you as the events unfold themselves.

Kinijit International Council has been disbanded by the Kinijit leaders, but its chairman, Dr Taye Woldesemayat, insists that the group continues to exist. It is this group, backed financially by Shaleqa Yoseph, and organizationally by EPRP, that is trying to block all the effort to bring Ato Hailu and the Kinijit delegation together. Without the involvement of this group, the disagreement would have been resolved by now.

54 thoughts on “Ato Hailu Shawel and Kinijit delegates agree to talk

  1. Dear Dr.Fikre Tolossa.

    I Congradulat you for the effert that you have done .
    U are the real Hiro. Keep up the good job I ca’not
    find any ward to express myselfe exept to say thank U All Ethiopians are behaind you.

  2. We the people are the one who determine what is good for us. It is clear from their writing that shaleqa and Mogus are not showing any truth or respect. What we seeing is dividing the people, destroying the core principle of kinijit. What they wrote in their posting titled ‘Is This A Political Stunt?’ is a shame. But at the same time, that is truly who they are. It is a true indication of their self centered interest, an immature perception, and an outdated and dry politics.

  3. ” The ultimate measure of a man is not where he standsin moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Thank U Dr Fikre Tolossa and those who stands with U on this challenging task. What U have done is a blow for those chattering boxs.

  4. Please let us stop fooling ourselves. Hailu Shawel disbanded both KIL and KIC while he was in Addis Ababa. Why can not Hailu come out clean and keep his distance.

    It is a great shame when all good meaning people lower themselves as if Hailu is only kinijit and Kinijit is Hailu.
    It is indeed sad. Why do we need all this beginning in this day and age???

  5. There is no other option for Ato Hailu but to act responsibly and drop the backward old EPRP goons and join the forward looking and bright CUD leaders.
    ER and other Ethiopians Thank you for FORCING Ato Hailu to be responsiblie and perform his duties per the Ethiopian ppl requirment.

    Dr. Brehanu and Honr. Judge Bertukan are world class next generation African leaders.

    Mother Ethiopia sure is proud of these two !!!


  6. It is a good news. But we have to take it carefully. For an outsider and the vast majority of Kinijit supporters, it is obvious who is making the serious mistake. If Eng Hailu Shawel is really for democracy it is time to retire with dignity. Retiring from politics esp leadership is what many supporters expect.
    The KIC is a strange bunch of people who will disaapear from the heart of the supporters. Dr Taye was a respected person but now what he did is a political suicide.He begin giving interview to a major TPLF supporter site Ethiopia first. It is his last attempt.

    I am concerned Ethiopia- an ex supporter of CUD but now hummmm?

  7. It is a good news. I wanted everybody to know that The KIC, EPRP, Ethiopiawinet, Debteraw, Ethiolion, Ethiopia first and Tinsae Radio the most problem of for the CUD internal affairs. They are the losers they want to do poletics like Derg and EPRDF era. The new generation has to say them enogh is enough. their time is gone. Lets give a chance to this generation to handle his fight with dictators.

  8. Dear Dr. Fikre Tolossa,

    I am one of your admirers following your writings in the past. In your writings, your honesty, integrity, intellectuality, and above all you faith in GOD has been a source of inspiration for me. I thank you for that.
    As you mentioned it is the negative campaign in the Kinijit web site complicating things funther. It is my belief that the difference between Eng. Hailu and the rest of the delegates are not that big of a deal. In fact it can said that it is a simple difference if they get a chance to sit down to talk. It is the action of Shaleqa’s group complicating things and blocking the chance for any dialog. They have to stop the negative campaign against the delegates and Eng. Hail has to be helped with your and other elders help to disassociate himself with distractive elements for the negotiation between him and the delegates to bear fruits.

  9. ኣምላክ የተመሰገነ ይሁን፡፡ ቅንጅት የሚገጥሙትን ደንቃሮች በሚከፍለው መስዋአትነት እየጠራረገ በመሄድ ላይ ነው፡፡ ከኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ጋር ኣብራችሁ የቆማችሁ ሁሉ ደስ ይበለን፡፡ ደንቃራውና ጋሬጣው ተወግዶ፡ የተከበሩ ኢንጅኔር ሃይሉና አውነተኛ የትግል ኣጋሮቻቸው፡ ለኢትዮጵያ ኣንድነት፡ ለዜጎቿ አኩልነትና አድገት፡ ለዴሞክራሲና ለህግ የበላይነት መረጋገጥ፡ ከሁሉም በላይ ለሰላም ሲሉ በመሃከላቸው የኣላማ ልዩነት አንደሌለ በማረጋገጥ፡ በቅንጅት መንፈስ፡ ፍቅርና ማግኔታዊ ሃይል ተማርከው ውይይት መጀመራቸው፡ ለጠላት ማፈሪያ ለወዳጅ የምስራች ነው፡፡ የቅንጅት መንፈስ የዘመኑ የነፃነት ማእበል ስለሆነ ማንም ሊያቆመው ኣይችልም፡፡ ኣብረነው በመጉዋዝ ከጥፋት እንዳን፡፡ እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘን ኣብረናቸው አንሂድ፡ ወደፊት፡፡
    ለዚህ የተቀደሰ ኣላማ ጊዜያችሁንና ገዘባችሁን አንዲሁም የኣእምሮኣችሁን ውጤት ልምትሰዉ ሁሉ እግዚኣብሄር ውለታችሁን ይክፈላችሁ፡፡ ከግራም ከቀኝም ሁናችሁ እነዚህን የቁርጥ ልጆች ፋታ የምትነሱ ሁሉ ታገሱ፡ ኣደብ ግዙ፡፡ እነሱንም ትግሉንም ለጠላት አራት ለመዳረግ ካልፈለጋችሁ በስተቀር፡፡


  10. Dr. Fikre,
    Great efforts to be Congratulated!!!
    Please keep up these noble efforts….Let’s also give time for Hailu and the other group to reconcile thier differences…
    As United we stand, we can bring an end to the rule of dictatorship in Ethiopia….

  11. good job Dr. Fikre Tolessa!!!!! But I’m not clear why the shaleqa gangs worried of this posetive move. Their distructive move reveals their corrupted mentality.

    I hope the lost sheep will be found and join the other group!!!!!!

  12. Dear Dr. Fikre Tolossa,

    Thank you for the good news that you have posted here. We wish and hope all the talks will be fruitful and it will not be long that we will see One Kinijit soon.

    I also support your call to all to all the Diaspora to refrain from interfering on this matter.

    I am happy in all the message of the article except one pint that says’I would like to state that the other mediators and myself have been deeply saddened by the Kinijit International Council’s posting on Kinijit web site on October 5, 2007, under the title, “Is This A Political Stunt?”. I appeal to Kinjit International Council to stop from posting in the future such divisive and distorted reports which would harm the aspirations of the Ethiopian people.’

    The above statement should be mentiond as ‘Dissolved KIC’ and it is obvious to every Kinijit leaders and members and supporters that KIC is dissolved and the message to Eng. Hailu is to stay away from KIC and stick with to your prison friends and colleagues.

    Well done Dr. Fikre and all concerned Ethiopians.

  13. Dr. Fikre N others: Simply thank you for the honorable job!

    Lesson’s learned and to remember:

    Let’s stop worshipping individuals but kinijits core priciples, so we don’t get disappointed in the future.

    Let’s prepare ourselves that with time, some members of the kinijit may drop out/filip-flop/ and at the end very few may end up being our heroes and our ‘founding fathers.’

    Why was all that noise about ‘looking for 1 person when 99 of them are here with us?’

    Dr. Fikre: Thank you for putting the NAIL deep into the COFFIN of those losers once and for all so they don’t run around no more.



  14. Thanks to all who bring this good news,

    I personaly never thought there was as such a big problem as long as CUD could get to solve its own adminstrative problem democratically. I think the problem came, as Dr. Tolosa has pointed out, mainly because of the effort given by some media sources from both sides and the weyane sympathisers who joined them with their venomous and deviding comments.
    I don’t think it was neccessary at all to charge the atmosphere and make the situation so antagonistic. I call the whole situation, ENERGY WASTED!… It has definitly hurted and troubled us all and benefited the merciless weyane propaganda machines.


  15. “In this connection, I call upon all Diaspora Ethiopians and interest groups to refrain from interfering in the affairs of Kinjit leaders so as not to hinder the process of negotiation which the leaders have initiated for the well-being of the millions of Ethiopians who voted for them and who see Kinjit as a beacon of freedom.”

    As you know woyane jailed the first surgeon Ethiopia ever had (professor Asrat weldeyes) with fabrication cases created by a woyane deputy security minister to kill him. When they knew he will die, they released him and he died. What they did especially with Ing Hailue and some others was the same.
    As a result ing Hailue is right now in Hospital, in foreign country. This is not the time to criticize or do something about him while he is at this position. It is time we have to look the situation from the Ethiopian culture perspective how is our behaviour when someone is sick or gets accident? He was at the worst position in woyane prison. He is in hospital today in foreign country. Those his friends in bad time need to ask themselves their behaviour towards him knowing they are at least not in hospital fighting for their life.

    I think he deserves better. Rather than abandoning him to others we think they are not good, we have to be closed to him to rescue. He was not in prison with others. He was in prison with kinijit leaders those are healthy and on tour and the rest are at home. Are you sure about his relationship with others? Did he say with clear tone and clean mind about his position? No. Even he said so, we have to try everything to persuade him. He is in hospital. Among the best tradition we Ethiopians have is that be there when someone gets ill or seeks help.

    I’m not saying he is not capable of by himself. But I’m saying think deeply about his past and present position and condition. When someone is in hospital he/she needs friends. Good and reliable friends also are always there especially in a bad time no matter what the happened between them.

    Think about it. There is always the two sides of any story. We have to wait until we know what is going on for real. Do you think Ing. Hailue shwel will associate himself with somebody knowing his people and country will suffer as a result. NO.

    I’m very much appreciate for Judge Birtukan, Dr Hailue and Ato Broke’s visit to Ing Hailue. I also will appreciate them more and more if they visit him as much as they can and call him in regular basses to wish him better health as friend. They have been through a lot together. There must be a deep connection between them we the rest don’t feel and understand about. As a result we need to back off a bite leaving the issue to solve by themselves.

  16. God bless Dr. Fikre and collegues who worked hard forthe sake of peace. We want that service to keep going, if it is not too much to ask. The rest of us, for the editor as well, please forget shaleqa and thug staff. As much as you talk of them they will live in our dayly life. If leave them aside though, they will cease to live. They deserve to be forgotten.They have been life less so far and all of a sudden they happen to live by the amount of words we speak of them.

    Lets praise and sing only for peace.

    God beless Ethiopia and God bless the peace makers.

  17. Mister Elias please be positive do not be Distractive to our common struggle let time tell us what is going to happen instead of your one sided twisted view, stop it man I don’t know what is in your head you have become too much. Why don’t you write about the five CUD elected visiting individuals who are here why they did not go to receive misster Haylu at the airport. Don’t you think it was a helpful thing if they did go to receive him it was better for everyone. I am afraid people like you are advising them to bring the split between the CUD members, as Mirchaw and the Shaleq Yewusef group is doing on the other side. I am sure if mister haylu was the one who did not go to receive you would be all over him however you are not saying on those 5 individuals why they did not go to receive him. Please listen Netsanet radio it will help you.
    Hello Mister Elias I had posted my view that opposes your perception on CUD however you did not posted it why or does your democracy works only when people agree with you, sad story. Some of you have suggested few times for mister Haylu to abdicate his power because of his old age and sickness as you said if he is sick and he is in old age why didn’t you said or wrote in the past when he went to TPLF jail to abdicate his power and be released from jail. What a sad people are you my friends. Let me try one more time if you are not afraid of my view why you are wrong. First of all your criticism is unwanted instead of helping CUD your criticism works against CUD. I tell you at this moment your unwise action has been a dream come true for TPLF because as you know it was Haylu Shawul who pushed not to join the TPLF parlament to prove that go back and read your friend Lidetu’s previous interviews how Lidetu use to accuse and call mister Haylu is rigid and old person so when you say what Ledetu use to say in the past against mister Haylu it gives me there is something behind your unwanted exaggerated criticism. Remember it was because of Haylu’s unwavering firm view he was placed in a bad jail he was treated badly, actually for his current painful sickness the jail treatment had a lot to doo. More over I have never heard when mister Haylu saying a negative thing against anyone he always had said that CUD is strong and we are still united so why are you barking on the wrong tree is that a habit or a new sickness just like Solomon the singer. I just can not understand people like you and Mirchaw sinishaw I think both of you want to ruin CUD because both of you do not have any idea or both of you do not understand the meaning of timing. You see when you make criticism on someone especially to your own organization such as CUD you must first think does my criticism harm or benefit the organization please just try to understand the meaning of timing you should have a concept of timing. In addition I am sure in these comments more than half of the criticism are from TPLF members as you know it is easier for anyone to detect TPLF’s crocodile tears their comments are not to help CUD rather to bring down as they always do. So why it is hard for you who is a grown man Please act wisely. I can tell you truly you have wounded me seriously plus I have started to question your wisdom and your true nature. I know you have the right to criticize nevertheless your criticism do not show a healthy perception about CUD rather your criticism seems it a hateful just as Lidetu use to do at the beginning of CUD split. I personally do not like the Shaleqa group at the same time I did not like Andargachew because of his questionable previous association with TPLF Let me add something about you I know there are few people who hate you trust me I am not one of them I have always defended you when I had a chance whenever I call a radio or post something plus I have never disagreed as I did now even now I was forced to criticize you because your criticism does not have a ground rather it seems to me there is a faction or a hidden agenda in some of you that hates CUD and mainly mister Haylu Shawul remember his authority was given by election from the people back home so you can not snatch it and give to whomever you like. There is a thinking from some of you Haylu might be behind the CUD north America split what a stupid idea is that remember when the split happen Mister Haylu was in TPLF jail so please act wisely do not be wishy-washy. More over if CUD splits our struggle will be longer and sad because more than half of CUD members will go with Haylu since most of the members at home are from his previous organazation it will be hard for all of us to fight being divided TPLF. because the remaining 3 CUD organizations were new and under organized so please do not ruin the struggle and do not act as an undercover agent of TPLF. By the way in your article you have wrote or you have suggested to CUD leadership in the past to be given unlimited power to mister Haylu first of all who are you to suggest don’t you know CUD is a democratic organization as a result concentration of power in one person’s hand is undemocratic act or exercise to any democratic institution. Don’t you know that is what separates TPLF and CUD please be smart and a seasoned politician. post my previous comment be a democratic do not act like TPLF, my main point for you is whether you post or not you should know there are many people who do not agree with you so face the truth.

  18. Yes, I agree with Dr. Amare. To all kinijit leaders, please take an intellectual measure. Hold a democratic and fresh election among your selves and choose your leader who has a fresh idea and energy that could lead kinijit wisely and intelligently.

  19. I appreciate the effort Dr Fikre made as a mediator. But why is this all has to be done? I mean shimgilina and the like. Kinijit’s problem is not marital issue. It is Ethiopian people’s issue at large. And a leader who can not get a solution for such issues is not worth leading a party. Not even an Equb or Idir.

    Friends, let’s stop where we are now and see the big picture. Who created this problem? And who is responsible to get a solution for it? Don’t you think that Eng. Hailu, as chairman of the party, has a responsibility to call an emergency meeting with his friends and get over with it before it is escalated to this level? Appearing on different radios and addressing the issue as “bettam tinish…” is not a solution. Either he doesn’t have the leadership quality or he is part or may be creator of the problem. Do you all think that the problem in Canada is tinish? Or the chaos happened in Dallas and Seattle and other places “tinish”?

    The Dr. Taye and Shaleqa conspiracy is not what we have to worry about. Because they created this problem purposely. And we should not acknowledge them in this discussion. They will be held accountable when the dust settles. And we should not throw stones against them. Because they are not our friends and are determined to destroy Kinijit. And why is this new to us? Let me pitch a scenario – tomorrow if Eng. Hailu wants to make alliance with woyane/EPRDF that do we have to blame? Eng. Hailu or woyane/EPRDF? Think of it this way. So focusing our attention to the Dr. Taye – Shaleqa group is getting us out of focus.

    I for one hold Eng Hailu accountable for all these mess. And he has to leave the party gracefully. A beautiful exit could be that due to health problem that he is not able to lead and is resigning will work best for him and for most of us. Another will be he can relinquish power to his immediate next just like Fidel Castro of Cuba did for a while. This way he can cool off the heat and after awhile he can resign completely. Mind you folks – Eng. Hailu was not able to attend 95% of the “lialay mikir bet” meetings in Addis since they got out of jail. So how long this is going to continue? If he is sick and is not able to make it, with all the mess created now, it should give him a better chance to leave. And this negotiation and shimgilina is not necessary and it is not news for me. I mean look at it – after so many days they got access to talk to their leader/comrade NOW??? So if they – as leaders – are having such problem to have access to Eng. Hailu, how are we – as a people – are going to have access to our leader?

    Wake up and see the big picture!!


  20. Thanks to God!

    Good fruits are coming to the people of Ethiopia! Within this week, We got 2 remarkable achivements- HR 2003 and agreement of our leaders. Surprisngly, this week was a disaster for Weyane, as HR 2003 has passed, Merkel slammed Meles, and the TPLF camp is in high tension by division of groups contrary to the golden CUD!


  21. As an observer and follower of Horn African politics, let me comment my two cents from a peace loving friend and neighbor.

    First and foremost, EXCELLENT reporting and KUDOS Elias and your team for the superb job. You are literally single-handily fighting the old folks with no experience and wish of democratic principles and rules. The hypocrisy and crook of the matter is – how one can ask the Melees government to be democratic and yet not applying within their party.

    The recent hick-ups of Kinijit might be a disappointment to most Ethiopians and friends. However, the sooner the party democratizes the better for Ethiopia in the long run. Most dictators start with good causes and sidetracked when people literally worship them more than GOD. Thus, if the leadership of Kinjit is not corrected and executed checks and balances in a timely fashion then the future problem will be hard to contain in the horn let alone within the Ethiopian borders.

    Judge Burtukan and Dr. Berhanu seems very bright and peace-loving leaders and its good to see them emerging with great leadership qualities and earning a respect, admiration and a support of vast majority Ethiopian Diaspora never seen before. You folks are lucky to have a 33 years old bright and BEAUTIFUL emerging leader amongst you. My heart felt advice for the anti-Kinijit forces, PLEASE stop downgrading and insulting this bright and beautiful leader. As a woman and new to the dirty politics, it might take the toll on her and the consequences might be not that good to Ethiopia and Ethiopians. One day she might abandon this beautiful ship she is sailing as a captain with her CUD leadership collectively and deservedly. Therefore, if the gangs have a beef with the Kinijit leadership they should come out and do an open forum where people can hear and judge who the dictator and corrupt is in this whole mess.

    Alternatively, this process of reconciliation underway by the good Doctor and other concerned Ethiopians should be commended and perhaps brings the healing process that is the wish of most Ethiopians and friends. In the reconciliation process; the dictatorship and financials issue should be addressed entirely in simultaneously with building trust and harmony among the leadership. Otherwise it will be a band aid to appease the people and it will resurface some time in a future. A democratic and peaceful Ethiopia means a democratic, harmony and prosperous HORN! No democratic government is either corrupt or triggers a war as the DICTATOR wishes

    Peace Loving Neighbor!

  22. I thank Dr Fikre Tolossa and the anonymous mediators for their effort. I always believed that the difference within the CUDP leadership should be dealt through civilized dialogue and I am very please that now the leaders are agreed just to do that.

    I have high respect to the individuals in the KIC, especially Dr Taye. He has been contributing a lot for the Ethiopian people struggle for freedom and I believe he has more to offer to this endeavour.

    However, I think KIC is the part of the problem not the solution. I believe KIC is a partition, so it will create more division within the CUDP support groups.

    I don’t think the Diaspora will accept any undemocratic structure imposed upon it. I think after the CUDP leadership sort out their difference then they should extensively consult with the support groups.

  23. While resolving this issue through dialogue is commendable, there still is a big question of if Hailu Shawel is willing to distance himself from crooks like Shaleka and orgs like EPRP. Kinijit is a composition of various parties with some varying interests(although the common goal is democracy, freedom, and unity.) This composition will be maintained only if the leaders pay special attention in what they do and who they associate with. Hailu Shawel’s embracing of EPRP, and corrupt individuals like Shaleka was disasterous. On top of that, he brought in Dr Taye, a man who trashed Kinijit for the last few years.

    As to Dr Taye’s article to encourage kinijt’s break up, it should be looked at from two points of interest. One, he knows very well that the peaceful resolution of this crisis mean the end of his political life in Ethiopian affairs. He knows he smeared his legacy with corruption and division wich would make it impossible for anyone to trust him any more. Second, this is a perfect chance for him to damage kinijit, a party he publicly demeaned several times. The fact that Dr Taye runs around woyane websites and gives interviews to known woyane agents is a perfect example.

    All in all, any reconciliation should be on the understanding that such people and orgs like EPRP stay away from the party of Kinijit.

  24. Congratulation, for what you have achieved. But it is too sad that it took such an intense negotiation and “Shemgelena” to make Ato Shawel and the other delegates to agree to talk to each other.

  25. The great number of commentators on this essue insuch a short time tells me that my fellow ethiopians are so active on their countries case and the truth is note hidden from them.
    Thank you all of you, Dr fikru and all commentaters. I know these would have been the comment of the million voters in Ethiopia if they had access to the site. I am proud of you all.

    Thank you , Thank you There is a day like the the chosen people. we will return to our beautiful country.

  26. Dear Dr Fikre Tolossa,
    Congratulations!! You did a marvelous and amazing effort to mediate the divisive elements and their mouth shut. Motherland Ethiopia Need such type of individuals who have the potential to make a difference. However, quarrel could happen at any time at any place among family members but majority vote will get success at last. This is a good lesson for those who funning the flame on various media out lets.
    Well done! Long live Ethiopia and its people
    Bewketu Addis from Addis Ababa.

  27. Once again, let me reiterate that I am neither a supporter nor a member of Kinjit.

    I would like to confess the following as a concerned Ethiopian. It is very sad and extremely disappointing to see the mediation efforts that are underway and the good will both on the part of Eng Hailu and the Kinjit delegation to reconcile their differences are being sabotaged by elements who have a very narrow agenda and who do not want these efforts a mediation and reconciliation to succeed. As I have argued previously, the problem in Kinjit does not stem from major political difference or fallout between the two groups as could be seen from all open information sources. Eng Hailu Shawel’s interview with German radio this past week attests to this fact , in sharp contrast to all those with their own hidden agenda and who want us to believe otherwise. By the way , it is interesting to note that all those web sites , including Kinjit.Org and others who have been fanning the flame, did not post the interview while those who wish the problem solved did so.

    These same individuals–I am sure they exist on both sides of the divide–are obdurately pursuing their very narrow personal and/or group agenda. These individuals, as attested by the very disinformation they carried on, are bent on seeing Kinjit split. Thereby knowingly or inadvertently rendering the organization impotent, a broken pieces of its former self, rendering millions of Ethiopians who voted and still support Kinijit disillusioned, and leading to eternal bickering of would be factions of Kinjit instead of focusing on the national agenda and vision it has promised to the people of Ethiopia. The latest effort by Kinjit delegation that went to Minneapolis, Minnesota–thanks to the effort made by many genuine Ethiopians who want to see reconciliation–to visit the ailing Chairman of Kinjit, Eng Hailu, is very far from being a “political stunt” as sadly and unabashedly characterized by the statement posted on Knijit. Org.

    Why make such a bold statement in a political affair that does not strictly concern me? As I said before, it is because I firmly believe that the losers from Kinjit’s split are going to be all of us, each and every Ethiopian–all those who genuinely want the struggle of the Ethiopian people for their fundamental rights, liberty and unity to succeed– regardless of our partisan and secondary political differences and affiliation. I have first hand information from Minnesota and from few of the elders who have been playing a mediating role regarding the ordeal the delegation had to go through.

    After calling Mr. Anteneh Hailu –the youngest son of Eng Hailu and a person I know as high school classmate –right on arrival at the Airport in Twin cities, Minnesota, to let him know that they have arrived , the trio –Wrt Birtukan, Dr. Hailu Araya, and Ato Biruk– had to wait for more than three and half hours calling , again and again, a telephone number given to them by Anteneh to call. No one answering the other end for hour after hour. Even then, they were extremely patient calling the same number dozen times , waited and waiting for hours without getting something to eat, famished , going from place to place, block after block in the twin cities looking for the Hospital where Eng Hailu was staying as their contact person was unable to tell them the exact place until the 11th hour .

    It was not until only twenty or so minutes left for them to go back to the Airport to catch a flight to Seattle, at long last, they were allowed to see and speak with Eng Hailu at a hotel instead of a hospital. When these sources in Minnesota told details of what happened and the decision of the three person Kinjit delegation not to say any word about the ordeal , one could not but feel sad and also admire the three individuals who went all the way to Minnesota for no other reason than pay a visit to their chairman and make peace as per the advise of the mediators who have been trying their level best to make the mediation effort succeed.

    It is sobering to also note that throughout their short stay and brief meeting with Eng. Hailu all three showed the utmost respect , concern, and consideration for his heath condition. This was well observed by our first hand sources despite the fact that were made to go through such a sad situation as if it was the time of the Feudal era where one has to wait for hours for the noble or aristocrat to do the eji mensat and the dej Tinat that goes with it. The incident in Minnesota and the misinformation purveyed to the general public by says much about those who orchestrated this sort of sad and shameful act .

    Such short sighted behavior and petty intrigue by divisive elements with extremely narrow agenda have become an integral part of the the inter party and intra party conflicts and contradictions. These elements do not give an iota of consideration for Ethiopia, the struggle, and the organization under whose banner, hundreds our people were massacred, tens of thousands imprisoned, and many disappeared throughout Ethiopia.

    Once again, the “Kermo Tija” and distractive characters abound in our politics,. They are derailing and impeding us from finally and ultimately focusing on our national agenda. They are derailing the struggle, they are hampering efforts at mediation within organizations like Kinjit. They are sabotaging efforts to bring about unison and/or solidarity among all patriotic and democratic forces in the opposition camp in order to once and for all succeed in our quest to bring about a united and democratic Ethiopia for all Ethiopians.

    All genuine and patriotic Ethiopians should put pressure and advise such elements that are derailing and impeding mediation and reconciliation between the two partie

  28. I hope Eng. Hailu will come back to his senses and do the right thing. But I hope the core principle of Kinijit will not be compromised just for the sake of bringing Eng. Hailu into the fold. Eng. Hailu should respect the decision made by the laelay miker bet even if he does not agree with it. That is the beauty of democracy. Just saying democracy only when one finds his voice in the majority is senseless. democracy is also having the courage and determination to accept the majority vote when one finds himself in the minority as well.

  29. I simply cried! Anyway, I thank you for the effort you all done to make this to happen. I sincerely thanks Eng. Hailu and the rest of the deligates for the good news all Ethiopians to listen.

    Thank you.

  30. KK. I say thank you for Dr.Fekre. You are a real Ethiopian. Make more than this for CUD and all Ethiopians. God Please you again with Ethiopia peoples.

    Thank you again Dr. Fikre and your friends.

  31. This happen to be in any political groups.good to hear your positive article,however,need to watch engener move. his move was unaxceptable and undemoning the environment.

  32. This is a good news for all CUD supporters and followers.At this point Shaleka Yosef and Dr.Taye are the two worst saboteurs of the people’s fight for freedom and equality in Ethiopia.United we stand divided we fall.It is time for Ato.Hailu’s son Anetenhe to free his father from these two individuals.

  33. Than you, Dr. Tolossa and keep up the good work.

    In the mean time, can we all stop this madness and refrain from name calling and refrain from unwarranted critcism and claims. It seems like there is now a movement in the right direction, and for God’s sake let’s allow these people work out their differences and negotiate. None of us the diaspora knows where the Truth is. We are just trying to express our feelings and emotions in a very unhealthy manner that neither benfits nor serves any purpose other than fanning the flame and helping those that want to see CUD destryoyed.

  34. Elias, Why isn’t this retraction front page story?

    We regret the press release of October 5, 2007, under the captioned title that was posted on the Kinijit website attributed to the entire KIC and, used by various Websites to continue to fuel ‘differences’ that the Kinijit leadership should resolve through constructive, serious and calm dialogue and discussion. The Ethiopian people, Kinijit as a political institution and its leaders, well intentioned supporters in the Diaspora, the international community that is on the side of peace, national reconciliation, pluralist democracy, the rule of law, human rights and justice in our country and, KIC are committed to the resolution of the current crisis through dialogue among leaders.

    The initial courtesy meeting on October 4, 2007, between Engineer Hailu Shawel, Chairman, Wzt. Bertukan Mideksa, First Vice Chairperson, Dr. Hailu Araaya, CUDP spokesman and, Ato Brook Kebede, elected Member of Parliament is a welcome development in the right direction. It is only a first and correct step. Much, much more remains to be done in the day and weeks to come. We believe that all of us who wish to see One Kinijit with One Voice owe it to the Ethiopian people that we will pull in the same direction to strengthen CUDP as an institution.

    Innocent lives were lost, jailed, forced to flee their country and, CUDP leaders were jailed because they challenged a repressive and dictatorial political and economic machine. The structural and policy issues that faced them during the May 15, 2005 elections remain today. We therefore owe it to the Ethiopian people that we prevent any obstacle that will prolong their misery. In the end, history will judge each and every one of us in the Diaspora whether we helped to sustain the democratization process in our country or whether we became part of the problem.

    With this in mind, we would like to dissociate ourselves from the statement that asserts that “…they had no intention to go through a sincere and honest dialogue but had gone all the way to score a political stunt”.

    We would like to take this opportunity to ask Kinijit supporters from all sides to refrain from making inflammatory, unfounded, personalized and sweeping judgments and declarations that will only help detractors and the ruling party whose strategic objective is to weaken, marginalize and ‘destroy’ Kinijit as an Institution. Let us allow the initial and modest gestured and process that begun on October 4, 2007 to bear fruit. ”


  35. God bless you Dr fiker and all concerned ethiopians who have done all what they could to save eng hailu and ethiopia’s ppl struggle for freedom and democracy at home. We, ethiopians know very well that eng hailu is under maffia’s hostage and we need to free our kinijit’s leader from maffias. Dr taye must take off his hand from our ppl ‘s struggle. we need to save this innocent man [;eng hailu’]. may God bless Dr fikere.

  36. Dear Dr.Fikre
    God Bless you. I would like expresses my admiration for you. This is what most of us need. No one gain profit from fight. I hope CUD leaders they solve the problem by tolerances.

  37. We Ethiopians know enginier Hailu Shawil is the Father of CUD along with Professor Mesfin W/Mariam. His struggle for the freedom of Ethiopians recorded in the history of the Nation. But as a senior leader I need his contribution to back up the young leaders of kinijit Birtikan, Birhanu, Brook…

  38. For all concerned!!!

    KInijit’s delegation to meet the chairman

    It would be a great relief if YOU could manage to touch…..Embrace ….is a love….story in a nice literature….Politics can also make such turns…..when the stars are bright…..and the music is tuned…..and ….Socrates …mediates……Hope is a principle…Ethiopia has suffered enough….


    For all concerned…..

    Throwing a flash on the greek tragedy and our human condition may help….. If ever all concerned could make a pause and make a big leap over their shadows……into a new dimension….

    Ethiopia has suffered enough…..Another breach in our political history…is ….an abyss…


    “Yichalal”…Haile’s (marathon) slogan is not bad at allll….

    The Ethiopian Mind, be it a leader or a rank or a file ….needs the Positive……

    And above all that makes


    If you cannot embrace…beyond all impressions of big ceremonies….you can never persuade the REST…..And Ethiopia is the emblem of diversity….as the NATURE….itself…which is beautiful….If YOU cann’t make it. ….Believe…. No section would consent…..

    The rest of the game and the role anew is the Victim…..Ethiopia has enough of the VICTIM….

    An observer….

    Too long for the rushing days…and current affairs….but it is worth it….See Attachment…..which may still lie in the back minds of your philosophy days…. It will …make a difference …for …the Silence of the Mind …you need today…..Just before you wake up for the BIG Day…and the “BIG MEN”…..All of you…Hailu and Berhanu….Bertukan..etc…

    Ethiopia has space for both ..and all….”…The Energy ….The Enligthenment….The Love…….” HAILU …BERHANU…BERTUKAN…All of you….You are just an embodiment of the Whole…Why don’t you just take IT….and make it to the New Dimension…..You have suffered enough ….for all of us….Spare Ethiopia from the new vicious circle…..(“Der Teufelskreis”….The circle of the devil…a nice German word for vicious circle….)…

  39. Hello Ethiopians, it is not important to spend time on an irrelevant issues, talking about ordinary people,like Dr. Taye or Shaleqa. They have no places and the shouldn’t be given attention in our run to save Ethiopia.


    lafiw, that is the point. I really Love the way you presented it. That was what I had in mind to tell Eng.Hailu.
    We have thousands of Hailus if he preferred not to resign Kene-Kibru.
    Thanks you

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