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Ethiopians and the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections

By Bethel Tsegaye
The Ethiopian American

John F. Kennedy once said, “The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.” What then can we say about the Ethiopian-American by nature?

American politics does not seem to be on the frontline for many Ethiopians living in the United States. That is relatively understandable since after all America is not our country, so why should we get involved? Or is it? To many 1st generation Ethiopians, America is our home just as Ethiopia is, allowing us the freedom to be not only Ethiopian, or American, rather Ethiopian American. Why then don’t we see a higher participation from the Ethiopian-American community in American politics? And how important is it that the Ethiopian American community be active in American politics?

Growing up in a new country, a new land, a new life style, a new generation of Ethiopian Americans, have endured similar obstacles. They have been caught somewhere in between the paranoid, overprotective pessimistic parents and the world of their free, liberal, optimistic American peers, a chemistry that creates the unique character of the Ethiopian American identity. Ethiopian Americans such as Mike Endale, or Million Fikre, or simply the general Diaspora who are in the spotlight, because they choose to represent who they are and who can decipher their lifestyles. They choose to become part of something big, or even start something small that makes a difference… continue reading here

4 thoughts on “Ethiopians and the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections

  1. well, as I am reading bethel intersting comment about the first generation ethiopian who lives in the diaspora, it gives me a joy of satisfaction that we ethiopian partisipating on the democratic process in this adopted beautiful country of USA, therefore those people who is involved on the process are making a diference through thier vote,forinstance HR2003, the reason for the passage of this initiative is those ethiopian who loves there country to succed just like america involved day in day out behind the seen effort,on this opprtunity I also have to say something about this coming election, even though, I am a clinton supporter I wish for my fellow ethiopian who is supporting obama, my issue is experiance and being tuff leader,the next president should be strong to deal with the mess who is going to be left behind.

  2. Dear Mesfin,

    In as much as I respect your idea of supporting Hillary Clinton, I am a very proud supporter of Sen. Obama for president of USA. And here is why:

    1) He has the most experience and real good judgment when it comes to the day to day life and what is better for the future America. Let me put this in perspective:

    Sen. Obama opposed this IRAQ war from its beginning and the best person to end this war is the person who opposed it from the beginning. On the contrary, Sen Hillary CLinton authorized the war and she is now shifting her position to get our vote. Obama, having a clear sense of good judgment and experience made the right choice when things get tough, but NOT Se. CLinton. And that is what we need in the Oval Office- people who makes the right choice when things get tough- just like Sen. Obama has demonstrated many times.

    2) Sen Obama has the best experience that matters to all of us here in the USA and may be also in the World. Here is why..

    Sen. Obama was a community organizer who was helping poor people who have lost all their jobs and their hope to better their life. Sen. CLinton come to NOTHING close to this. Sen. Obama has been a constitutional Law Professor for 10 years and he knows the constitution better than anyone who is running for the presidency- if not all senators in the Washington. Sen. Obama was a state senator for 8 years before he moves on to US senate in 2004. Basically, here is the most important point, Sen. OBAMA has more than 25 years public service and about 11 years of elected position. Sen. Clinton has only 8 years of senate. I DO NOT believe being first lady does not qualify you to be a leader. WHO has most experience- numbers do not lie.

    These are some of the points the voters see clearly in favour of OBAMA and there are many more distinction between them. THE CLinton camp is trying to paint Sen. Obama with inexperienced paint, but when the voters made aware of all these facts and what the accomplishments of SEn. Clinton ( which is a failed health care policy), many voters are realizing that they are waking up to the truth and will Elect sen. OBAMA as our next president. I urge you see the facts and decide.


  3. Damote,

    Ethiopian American- in its face value can mean a person of Ethiopian Origin but with America citizenship. I hope that explains it all- unless legally it has another meaning.

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