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The butcher of Addis Ababa is coming to Washington DC

Dictator Meles Zenawi, the butcher of Addis Ababa, Ogaden, Mogadishu, Anuak… is coming to Washington DC on Monday or Tuesday, according to Ethiopian Review sources.

Meles will be in Washington to meet with State Department officials.

The U.S. House of Representatives will take final action on H.R. 2003 Tuesday, Oct. 2. Meles is expected to make last minute attempt to dissuade members of Congress from voting on the bill.

This could be the last time for Meles to travel to the U.S., because if H.R. 2003 is passed by Congress, all government officials in Ethiopia who are responsible for the massacre of unarmed civilians after the May 2005 elections would be banned from entering the U.S. [read more about H.R. 2003 here].

Ethiopians in Washington DC are ready to give Meles the kind of welcome a blood thirsty dictator deserves — spoiled eggs and tomatoes are being collected.

We will post update on the dictator’s arrival as we get more information.

29 thoughts on “The butcher of Addis Ababa is coming to Washington DC

  1. I love you guys, ER, I don’t know how to discribe it. You really pointed the dictator’s name the right way, “butcher of Addis Ababa, Ogaden, Mogadishu, Anuak…”

    Good job! You are on the fore-fornt of this struggle for freeing Ethiopia.

  2. Zenawi”the butcher of Addis” can do nothing after this.
    He is a tug who wants to continue his repression for the rest of his life.
    But after this he will face justice for the crimes he committed.
    “””ZENAWI your time is OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR oK.”””
    Death to the tryant.

  3. ኤልያስ እጅግ በጣም ልትመሰገን ይገባል ።
    በተቻለ መልኩ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ማድረግ እና ተቃውሞ ማሰማት ያስፈልጋል ምክንያቱም መለስ ዜናዊ ወደ ኒው ዮርክ እንደማይመጡ እናም ውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ስዩም መስፍን ብቻ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ስብሰባ ላይ እንደሚገኙ ተገልጾ ነበር ከዚያም በሁዋላ ነበር የሰብዓዊ መብት ቢል በአሜሪካን የሕግ መወሰኛ ምክር ቤት ድምጽ ተሰጥቶበት ለጠቅላላው መወያያ እና የይለፍ መደምደሚያ ለሚደረግበት ቀነ-ቀጠሮ ጥቅምት-2 መቀጠሩ ከተሰማ በኋላ ነው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር መለስ ዜናዊ ጉዞ የጀመሩት። እኔ እንደተረዳሁት ሆን ተብሎ ቅድመ ዝግጅት የተደረገበት አሰራር እንዳለ እና.የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ዋሽንግተን መምጣት እና ከአሜሪካንን የውጭ ጉዳይ ባለስልጣናት ጋር መነጋገር ከሰብዓዊ መብት ቢል ጋር በተገናኘ መልኩ ሊሆን እንደሚችል እማኝ የማያሻው ጉዳይ መስሎ ይታየኛል።

  4. Elias,

    I admire your patriotism and appreciate your determination to bring about democratic change in Ethiopia. Most of your readers, incuding myself, share the same objectives. However, I doubt if your style of communication will contribute towards achieving the goal. You have a powerful tool in your hand (this blog) to be a good example to the rest of us, in how to air and express our political views that may differ from the ruling party. Insults will not get us there, but cordial and respectful opposition to the status quo would go a long way in instilling a decent demcratic discourse in our country. Please give this a serious thought. Ethiopia needs to continue your advocacy for change, but with tact, wisdom, maturity, and above all with traditional Ethiopian respect to others, and not insulting anyone.

  5. Meles is so illusive, he considers himself as superpower to Ethiopia. He is still preparing himself to stay in power for the rest of his life like Mougabe of Zimbabwe or Mubarekof Egipt, he wants us to be stuck with him at least for the coming 40 years. This can be deduced from his recent speeches of millennium. He gave an interview with Time magazine and his tongue slipped that he will handover power after three years. People of Addis were happy about that news and everybody was suspiciously talking about that. Meles was not at ease about people’s curiosity about his slip of tongue. And he made his journalists to ask about this. And he denied about handing over of power. He said it was a misunderstanding of the interviewer. It was shame to here that from him. Some people guess that he may pass power to one of the TPLF friends of him. But I don’t think he will do that. I guess he will wish to hand over power to one of his children or his naïve wife. He is just waiting for the children to grow and simulate for a democratic vote. I said this not with out a reason. When CUD called for rally just before tha past historic election, Meles called a sudden public demonstration one day ahead of CUD. Meles came to the people and stood in the middle with his 14 year old boy. He was pulling up the hands of his son ignoring his gang fellows of TPLF.

  6. The well known tyrannosaurus Meles Zenawi said about HR 2003 as if it is another form of Neo-colonialism. But the truth is he is murdering and terrorizing his own people more than any fascist invaders.

    George Bush once promised by saying “All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you”.

    Now it is time to keep his promise by not standing with the tyrant Zenawi. As one of US congressman said it “Those who terrorizes whose own people can not be a real allay of anti terrorism”. Ethiopians now stood firmly for their liberty than ever with CUD, so US should stand with us.

    Bush should know, for the future terrorism will not only be generated from Alqaeda, but also from those peoples who live hopelessly by the real cause of dictators like Meles Zenawi.

    Meles has to be smashed by rotten eggs not like he did by bullet.

  7. Meles could do nothing from now on. All his attempts to block HR2003 is over. All his lobbies have failed. He better not spend the officials time talking nonsonse. THE WORLD IS FED UP WITH HIM. GOOD BYE Mr. Tyrant.

  8. It would have been wonderful if one creates a blood filled egg and throw it to Nazi-Meles to remind the world press that the blood thirsty dictator has joined the rand of Hitler and Mussoloni!

  9. Why didn’t we see it so far Elias: THE BUTCHER OF ADDIS. What a befitting name to the worst tyrant Addis has seen. A city established by the Great Atse Menelik, the loving and caring king, nurtured by Haile Sillassie, the Capital city of Africa, now run by this beast of a man. That is a streak of genius on you part. We should carry placards, wear shirts, shout at demonstrations against this real Buther of Addis masquerading as a smart talking “leader.” Thanks Elias!!

  10. Thank you ER
    Please continue posting to let us know his arrival day and time. Let us give him the kind of reception and send off he will not forget. The butcher of Ethiopia and the hyena of Addis Ababa deserve the humiliation
    of the millennium

  11. ER,thank you but you forgot oromia.oromo is/was the majority.And today oromos are targeted by weyane butchers everywhere anywhere anytime.Today there is mass killing mass arrest mass jailing and kidnapping is taking place in every corners of oromia.Even those who graduated from unversities and colleges of the country was denied job by the government unless they become OPDO the puppies member.If this is not the butchers plan what else would be?

  12. It is imperative for Ethiopians around DC area now to show their outmost support for HR 2003 by demonstrating every where Meles attend meetings or in front of the embassy. This demonstration against him shows to Congress and State dept that how much he is detasted by the people of Ethiopians and strengthens their support for the bill. The bill is at critical juncture and the chance of being passed is ripe. Let’s throw our support to the bill and do all we can do.

  13. zenawi the butcher is scared to death that this Bill HR2003, may be the final nail in his coffin. He is losing his sleep, he hired some opportunists to stop the Bill from being approved.It has not worked out for him. He is so desperate that he has to come to US himelf and beg personally for mercy. It is upto us that he dose not succeed.

    The facist dictator must be stopped and we have to be prepared to face him. Unlike Ethiopia , we have here in New York, the chance to organise and tell him what he is. zenawi should not be allowed to walk in peace and freedom in the US,while he continues to murder, torture and jail our people at home. Above all, we should do every thing we can to get the HR2003 bill passed.

  14. Selamu says:
    Which part of HR2003 says that Meles can’t come to the U.S. or his assets frozen if it passes? Did you even read what HR2003 yourself?

    Ato Selamu….eat this:

    (2) TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS- Beginning on the date that is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and until such time as the certification described in paragraph (3) is made in accordance with such paragraph, the President shall deny a visa and entry into the United States to–

    (A) any official of the Government of Ethiopia who–

    (i) has been involved in giving orders to use lethal force against peaceful demonstrators in Ethiopia; or

    (ii) has been accused of gross human rights violations;

    (B) security personnel of the Government of Ethiopia who were involved in the June or November 2005 shootings of demonstrators;

    (C) security personnel responsible for murdering Etenesh Yemam, as described in paragraphs (20) and (21) of section 3; and

    (D) security personnel responsible for murdering prisoners at Kaliti prison in the aftermath of the election violence.

  15. Guys do you know why someone kill another one? The answer other reasin.So why some people write such comment that creat fear to mr.meles and his associates?
    Guss what would happen?I think this time they will take some rope.

  16. Selamu,

    TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS- Beginning on the date that is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and until such time as the certification described in paragraph (3) is made in accordance with such paragraph, the President shall deny a visa and entry into the United States to–

    (A) any official of the Government of Ethiopia who–

    (i) has been involved in giving orders to use lethal force against peaceful demonstrators in Ethiopia;
    — This means that Meles on his State of Emergency declaration right after the election said that the security and the police forces are under his command. This is the evidence that he directly gave the order to shoot and kill the innocent demonstrators. This is what makes him to loose sleep. I believe this also can be used against him in an international court of law in addition to the crime committed in Somalia and Ogaden.

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