Book Review: Tadesse Tele Salvano’s Ay Massawa!
Reviewed by Messay Kebede
The book presents an encircled army defending with courage and determination the port of Massawa against the ferocious attacks of the EPLF’s military forces assisted with units of the TPLF. This army unit of 17,000 men resisted for ten long days even though it had no other choice than death or mere surrender: it could neither retreat as the Red Sea blocked any backward move, nor receive reinforcements, given that the EPLF firmly controlled the road to Asmara. The book is all together an epic, an immense tragedy, and a great tribute to Ethiopian nationalism. Many combatants were killed on both sides although the book does not offer figures of the dead, the wounded, and the prisoners.
The central figure of this military saga is Brigadier General Techome Tessema, the commander of the 6th Nebelbal Division. He is the hero in that he magnificently incarnates a forceful leadership and the determination to fight to the end. Ultimately, preferring death to capture, he killed himself. His death led to a collective suicide of 150 of his men, including his close associates.
The author, Tadesse Tele Salvano, is not wanting in heroic feats, either. A sergeant performing political functions, he had already fought many battles in Eritrea and was injured 5 times. During the battle of Massawa, he was wounded and made prisoner by the EPLF. He was taken to the Sahel but escaped after killing his guard. He fled to the Sudan with military secrets and reached the Ethiopian Embassy, which flew him back to Addis Ababa where he was received by Mengistu Haile Mariam for a long talk.
Before going further, I want to indicate that I wrote this review with two purposes in mind.
First is the importance of understanding why the huge, well-equipped, and ideologically pumped up Ethiopian army lost against forces that were operating as only guerrilla groups for many years. Ethiopians cannot confidently commit themselves to their projected undertakings unless they understand the reasons for the colossal defeat of their national army, thereby reconstituting their shattered self-image.
Second is the challenge that Tadesse’s book presents, for his testimony markedly differs from others on the same topic. The description of an army unit fighting with such determination and willingness to die makes the defeat of the Ethiopian army even more incomprehensible. Witness: the Ethiopian resistance was so fierce that the EPLF was forced to use two generals that it had captured as a propaganda instrument. Using a powerful megaphone, the captured generals urged the troops to surrender in exchange for a safe trip to places of their choice.
That the army was still willing to fight with such a remarkable determination even after the massacre of 30 generals and colonels and the arrest of 250 senior officers following the attempted coup of May 1988 is indeed stupefying. It only adds to the puzzle of knowing how the army gradually descended into a situation where it had to fight a conventional war against two armies of equal if not superior strength, both in size and equipment. According to Tadesse, when the EPLF attacked Massawa, with the exception of air power, it had clearly acquired military superiority over the Derg’s army in armament, recruitment, and training.
Though Tadesse’s intent is less to explain defeat than to narrate a saga, he cannot avoid the issue. And this is where his approach is different. He does not mention––at least in this book––those reasons by which other authors have explained the Ethiopian defeat. Among the most important ones, we find leadership incompetence, especially the erratic and inept influence of its commander-in-chief, the lack of adequate training, the politicization of the army with the subsequent institution of what is known as a triangular command system in which the commander shares power with a political commissar and a security officer, the outcome of which was a serious deterioration of discipline, and last but not least, the insurmountable topographic obstacles inherent in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia.
In this particular book, Tadesses seems to dismiss the above reasons by portraying a military unit in which the commander, General Techome, works in perfect harmony with political commissars and shows no animosity toward Mengistu Haile Mariam. Since he is not among the plotters of the attempted coup, we can even assume that the General was committed to Mengistu. The way the resistance is described discloses no lack of discipline and commitment to fight. On the contrary, Ethiopian nationalism is revealed in its full strength with military men ready to die for the integrity of the country.
Naturally, Tadesse cannot discount that the killing, imprisonment, and dismissal of so many senior officers accused of being involved in the coup attempt had significantly reduced the fighting ability of the army, even though he does not expressly blame Mengistu for destroying the army to safeguard his power. Whatever criticisms of Mengistu that the book contains, they all emanate from the captured two generals whose treacherous behavior casts doubt upon their judgments.
The other important reason that Tadesse underlines for the defeat in Massawa is that both the army and the Ethiopian government were fooled by the peace negotiations that were taking place in Kenya under the mediation of Jimmy Carter, all the more so as a year had passed––since the debacle in Afabet––without any major clash between the Ethiopian army and the EPLF. Little did the Ethiopians know that the EPLF was actually using the break to recruit, train, and prepare its army for massive attacks.
Tadesse reveals the extent to which the army in Eritrea was heedless of the attacks on a grand scale that the EPLF was preparing. The assault on Massawa came as a surprise for everybody, including Major General Hussein Ahmed, the commander of the Second Revolutionary Army. The state of unpreparedness for large attacks is baffling, as shown by the fact that the navy was calmly preparing its 33th graduation ceremony when Massawa was attacked.
Is the explanation for the Massawa defeat credible? Can we assume that the leadership did not expect massive attacks, especially after the capture of huge stocks of heavy weapons and tanks in Afabet? What is more, was Mengistu himself negotiating in good faith? These questions lead the reader to doubt Tadesse’s assumption that the Ethiopian government decreased its war effort because of ongoing peace negotiations. The truth is that the government had already reached its absolute limits in terms of recruitment and war preparations.
The second issue about Tadesse’s book is its reliability. I am not saying that the epic dimension of the testimony is an invention: the detailed and graphic presentation of events clearly rules out this possibility, even if here and there exaggerations do transpire. My concern with reliability wonders whether the resolution to tell a saga did not cover up the other components of this tragedy, without which it is not comprehensible. The more Tadesse highlights the determination and commitment of the Ethiopian army, the more the question of knowing what drove this army to this desperate situation becomes a burning issue. It is not clear to the reader why, unlike other authors, he is obviously reluctant to put the blame of the defeat on Mengistu and his leadership. Nor does he endorse the view of the winners according to which they were able to defeat a much bigger army because of higher determination and efficient leadership.
So analyzed, Tadesse’s book does not provide any better insight into the reasons for the Ethiopian defeat. However, it does challenge those works that easily explain the defeat by contrasting the dedication and efficiency of the insurgents with the lack of determination and competence on the Ethiopian side. Not only is competence a relative term as reflected in the saying that “the one-eyed person is a beauty in the country of the blind,” but also the Massawa epic of the Ethiopian army disputes the alleged lack of determination. Scholars are hereby asked to come up with a more complex and comprehensive explanation of Ethiopia’s complete defeat. Seeing that the defeat brought such dire calamities on the country as the loss of Eritrea and the fragmentation of ethnic federalism, the effort is worth the price.
(The writer, Dr Messay Kebede, can be reached at
34 thoughts on “The Massawa Epic Battle (Book Review)”
TPLF fighters did not participate on the war of Massawa. The Units referred as TPLF fighters were in fact Eritrean fighters. Those fighters came to participate on the war of Massawa from Tigray after helping woyanne in some of the bottles were fighting inside Tigray.
What a pathetic liar!!!! There was no a single TPLF fighter what-so-ever in liberating Massawa!! In fact it was the other way around, it was not only the Eritreans/EPLF fighters who were sent to rescue TPLF from the jaw of defeat in Battle of Shire but also some of the Eritrean/EPLF machanized infantry leading the TPLF went on all the way to Menelike palace!! Of course some TPLF fighters had participated during Derg’s 6th offensive/Key-Kokob Zemetcha, and that’s where TPLF participation in Eritrea starts and ends. Any ways, this clearly shows you how pathetic liar and clueless the author is when it comes to the Eritrean/EPLF history.
Did TPLF participate in Massawa or not. Who is confusing us here. Please don’t misinform us and check you facts before writing.
The war was not between EPLF/TPLF and DERG but between Capitalism and Communism. EPLF/TPLF won because they were supported by technologically advanced Capitalists and their security agents about DERG Military movement but not because EPLF/TPLF are super warriors/fighters.
The book clearly stated that , woyanne participated in the Massawa war. Mr Woyanne(# 1 above) ,you are trying to cover your shame history.
The captured Generals were used to convince their Comrades to let the Civil Hostages go ,because the Ethiopian Army
was holding Civilians as a Shield ,See
these are facts
Thanks and excellent review. Now how do we bring back the glory of Ethiopia to Ethiopians from the scam of the earth that is hell bent on disintegrating through their sick tribal federalism. Why not talk about unity and support of the EPPF. Leave history a history. No matter what is said will not change the fact on the ground. Ethiopian army fail on the hands of the mighty Eritreans period. Can Ethiopians learn from that than becoming a pen worriers. 94% Ethiopian to be abused by 6% Tegaru what a shame. We Eritreans know the Weyane in and out and it is a matter of time. They where created by Eritreans and they will be destroyed by Eritrean that is a promise. The blood of my brothers and sister for the senseless border war will not go in vein.
Dr. Mesay Kebede,
To call general Techome a hero is an insult to the civilians he held hostage in the residential area of Massawa where he was holed up after being defeated from numerous strong positions where soldiers fight. The Dergh army and navy were defeated soundly in Massawa in a three day battle that was fought in a 1000 sq. km. area. Militarily the battle was over when the Naval base was captured. After the capture of the Naval base, general Techome (who couldn’t fight in real defensive positions outside Massawa) decided to get holed up in the residential area of Massawa with about 1000 soldiers.
The EPLF military commanders sent him messages stating that no sane military man can be holed up in residential areas and fight a battle. They even tried to talk some sense to him by sending messages from the captured Ethiopian Army and Navy generals to tell him that the fight is over. He refused, after that the EPLF command gave him 12 hours to surrender and he refused, thinking that as long as he can control the narrow GEBEY KETAN (which means thin road) and pick off anyone who tried to cross that road, but the gallant EPLF fighters attacked using fast boats from all directions, out of the 1000 soldiers holed up with general Techome, over 700 surrendered, the rest died with him.
Please let the author know that the Massawa battle is fully documented in video, in other words there is video evidence to show how the battle was fought from start to finish, just ask any Eritrean household near you, they more than likely have the battle of Massawa video.
There were no TPLF fighters in the battle of Massawa aka Fenkel operation. It was one of the biggest wars fought in the history of Africa. It was fought between two highly trained, well equipped and disciplined armies ever. There were also multiple clashes between the battle of Afabet and Massawa, the major one is the failed attempt of the EPLF to capture Keren. So please do some research before trying to criticize the Author. At the end, the 19th year anniversary of Fenkel operation will be colorfully celebrated in Massawa next month like every other year.
weyane did not participate the war in massawa.shaebia called some of its army from tigray and asosa to fight against derg in massawa which it took thee days to complet the war.
I do not believe it helps either the Ethiopian or the Eritrean people to remake history for history has already been documented and sealed. But, it is a shame that some Ethiopians seem to dwell on some unhelpful wishfull thinking and fairy tales.
The question is not wether the Ethiopian army had fought with bravery in the battle of Massawa or not. I believe they did. So what? More pertinent question is should have they in the first place? I am saying this with a clear conscionce on my part that we have been duped for way too long by our successive leaders, sadly even to this moment of Weyane reign!
If one understands that Eritrea was ILLEGALLY annexed by the last Emperor, then all bets are off for the Eritreans and Eritreans alone must detrmine their country’s political fate. Beqa, aleqe. No, ifs and buts.
Elias, I am kind of preplexed that you post this article that does not hold water. Woyane never participated when Massawa was captured. You should have asked Ali abdu or others for more information. Woyane has participated with EPLF in the RED STAR campain, that was not to the liking of Shabia, if EPLF was defeated there is no question woyane would have been history. Woyane participation with Shabia was to its survival.
Please remove this article which is based on fabricated story.
ምጽዋ እንደ ኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር በ1982 በሻቢያ እጅ ከመውደቋ በፊት የኢትዮጵያ ባሕር ኃይል በ Northern Naval Comand የመረጃ ኃላፊ ኮማንደር….ከጦርነቱ አንድ ወር ቀደም ብሎ ለሁለተኛው አብዮታዊ ሰራዊት አዛዦች ማቅረባቸውን በዚያው አካባቢ የነበሩ የምድር ጦር መረጃ ሰራተኞች ይናገራሉ:: ውድ የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ በሚል ስሜት ታሪኩን ሰምቻለሁ:: ፍቃደኛ ከሆኑ እኒህ ኮማንደር በሕይወት ስላሉ መናገር ይችላሉ:: ከራሳቸው አንደበት ሳይሆን ከምድር ጦር የመረጃ ሰራተኞች በመስማቴ በአንድ ወቅት አግኝቻቸው ነገርኳቸው እና እውነት ነው አሳውቄአለሁ:: አንድ ክፍለ ጦር እንኳን የማይሞላ ጦር ነው ምጽዋ ላይ ያስቀመጡት ያውም ዋናው ወደብና የጦር ሰራዊቱ የጥይት የአስቤዛ ማቅረቢያና ለክፍለሃገሩ የሁሉም ነገር መመኪያ ወደብ:: ከረን ላይ የነበረው የሰራዊት ብዛት የትየሌለ ሆኖ ሳለ ከጋህተላይ እስከዶንጎሎ ያለውን በግራና በቀኝ ገደል የሆነውን መንገድ ሻቢያ በማያቋርጥ የመድፍ ድብደባ በመዝጋት ከከረን እና ከየቦታውየመጣውን ረዳት ጦር እንዳያልፍ አድርጎት ምጽዋ በጠላት እጅ ወደቀች::
በውጊያው ላይ ስለነበርኩኝ የካቲት 3 ጥዋት በምጽዋ ባሕር ኃይል መደብ የማጥቃት እልህ አስጨራሽ ውጊያ ባደረግን ወቅት ለተወሰኑ ደቂቃዎች የአስከሬኖችን ፊት ስንመለከት በግምባራቸው(ቅንድባቸው)ላይ ሰረዝ ስንመለከት በኪሳቸው ውስጥ ያገኘነው መረጃ እግረኛው ተዋጊ እንዳለ ትግራይ(ሕወሃት) በመሆኑ ግርም ብሎን እና ማጥቃትም የገቡት እነርሱ ሆነው ሳለ ያለቁትም እነርሱው ናቸው:: የትግራይ ተወላጆች ምን ትላላችሁ? ማፈሪያዎች! ያንን ሬሳ ከአየሁኝ ጊዜ ጀምሮ የትግራይ ሕዝብ ነገር አጠያያቂ እና ለምንስ እንደዚህ እንደሚያደርጉ ለምንስ ጥፋት ውስጥ ከጣሊያን ጊዜ ጀምሮ ከዚያም በፊት ለኢትዮጵያውያን እንደዚህ የሚሆኑበት ነገር ይገርመኛልም ያሳዝነኛልም::
የምጽዋው ቴዎድሮስ ግን ኮሎኔል በላይ አስጨናቂ እንደነበር እስከመጨረሻው የውጊያ ውሎ ላይ የነበሩ የሚመሰክሩት ጉዳይ ነው::
well, you can write history based on facts. TPLF never been in massawa’s war. the book credibility is questionable.
(Amare, #5) you are a delusional . You called me a woyanne. Well, FYI, I am proud Eritrean, not tigrean, not that anything wrong with them. You should know that we, Eritreans, have no shame for helping woyanne, but regret for helping the backstabbers. The war was meant to remove derge, the most repressive regime, not to create another monster.
We, Eritreans, do not deny the help TPLF fighters provided to EPLF, regardless of its size or its effectiveness it was a help; therefore, it deserves acknowledgment. But the major war TPLF fighters participated inside Eritrea was on the 6th offensive. On the other hand, EPLF fighters fought alongside of TPLF fighters in almost all the battle TPLF fought in Ethiopia; until the last war in Addis. Who saved from defeated to whom, just ask the derg soldiers, because they will tell you all. In fact they will tell you which fighters were most fearful of.
The sacrificed of our brave brothers and sisters, while helping TPLF, were not meant for the few opportunists and narrow minded groups to enjoy, but for the entire people in Ethiopia and for Eritreans to have a peaceful and friendly neighbor.
Remember that, not all TPLF fighters are enjoying this honeymoon. At this very movement, some of the former TPLF fighters are fighters to overthrow the very group they brought to power.
In the end, what I want to you to know is that, I nor do the majority of Eritreans worried about what the book may have said, because it will not say the whole true. And let me ask you few questions. Does the book said, the derge warplane had killed many innocent people intentionally? Does the book say the derg soldiers held the residents of Massawa as hostage? Does the book say the warplane purposely burned the grains storage? I doubt that. So don’t tell me about what the book said.
No need to distort facts. Every action
in Massawa is recorded audio/video.
I am beginning to think this room is dominated by Shabia.
First of all both Shabia and Woyanne are the opposite side of the same coin. Like Mengistu said, “Leboch mitalut siserku saihon sikafelu new.” Unfortunately, for Shabia to dream of taking Woyanne down is not far from a child believing Santa will bring him gifts through the chimney.
For the people of both countries to be truly free the corrupt governments from both sides need to be gone.
I am Ethiopian and have plenty of friends from Eritrea, many of whom are former Tegadalies, and many will tell you this is not what they expected.
A story can be told from both sides you have your story…we have our story.
The fact of the matter is both Meles and Essayas need one an other to stay in power. If Meles is gone, then expect Issays to be gone soon after. As much as we all want to seat here and go back and forth the real truth is both are interested in staying a live and enjoying what they have. Don’t forget, there is a reason why Meles orderd the army to stand down after the victory in Badme, which by the way the so called mighty Eritrean army has not been able to remove.
Derg simply lost the war in the end because its patron, USSR, went bankrupt and Capitalism deemed Derg as a threat to its hegemony. Many of the Dergs senior leadership were bought with money and can be found, as I type this, abroad enjoying their life, this list includes Mengistu as well.
It is hart breaking to know that there really is no hope for the Dark Continent. Even those of us that know better are still caught up in the he say she say none sense and cant even look in to the future.
When the Europeans are uniting and making plans for our future we are still at war about the past!
#9 is making a wrong statement. He says: “At the end, the 19th year anniversary of Fenkel operation will be colorfully celebrated in Massawa next month like every other year.” It is not 19th year anniversary, but it is 20th Anniversary. Even though I heard the participation of TPLF fighters in different operation in the libration of Eritrea, I have never heard TPLF fighters were participated in the libration of Massawa.
No matter how heroic the war was fought from either side. The outcome of the killings of each other is slavery. Where is the freedom? Can you find it in Ethiopia or Eritrea? Is the present better than the past? The answer is a big NO. If you think what is on the ground in Eritrea and Ethiopia is the worst, just wait. More misery is yet to come!
I admire the Author of the book, whatever is written it is part of the lost cause in the dark History of Africa.
As Orwell wrote in his book – Freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom in Ethiopia and Eritrea. There is no winner! If the out come of a 30 year war is what we witnessing today, I say go hell with it.
Ethiopian, Who are hesitating about the Tigray People(Fascist Weyane members) participating in the Massawa Battle-Field in (1982 Eth-Calendar), I was fought against Shabiya and I confirm that from the enemey dead Bodies, their Forhead scratches and we do have got their Identification letters and so many things they are form Tigray 100%. Do not hesitate they are talking aboput that as good achivements, because they are from DEDEBIT or DEDEBS.
I believe now is not the time to discuss this. I urge every body to focus on what is important now. There is an expanding confrontation between Woyane and Oppositions. We have to focus on strengthening the opposition and our unity to fight Woyane. Let historians keep working on the Whole Mungistu time war. We will come back to it after we are done with TPLF. I understand that our opposition leaders do examine all the suggested reasons for the down fall of Durg and EPLF and TPLF victory with out taking sides. Our leaders should appreciate the all possibilities, be careful not to repeat actions or decisions that are claimed to have led to the down fall and reinforce those that are mentioned as reasons for victory. We must also remember that our enemy may also learn from all these success and failure experience.
I agree with Hawileyto(#11) here. This article will not help either us or Eritreans, except to make us hostages to the past history when we are trying to to work together to change our situation. We can not change history and this happened, this happenned 19 yrs ago and it was documented.
Please, let us focus on the future. That is the only way out from this mess we are both in.
I was there and no TPLF army involved in Masswa war.
Hewileyto has said it and said it elequently. I coudn’t add more except to say that people need to bury their national egos and see facts for what they are: FACTS!!!
“I do not believe it helps either the Ethiopian or the Eritrean people to remake history for history has already been documented and sealed. But, it is a shame that some Ethiopians seem to dwell on some unhelpful wishfull thinking and fairy tales.
The question is not wether the Ethiopian army had fought with bravery in the battle of Massawa or not. I believe they did. So what? More pertinent question is should have they in the first place? I am saying this with a clear conscionce on my part that we have been duped for way too long by our successive leaders, sadly even to this moment of Weyane reign!
If one understands that Eritrea was ILLEGALLY annexed by the last Emperor, then all bets are off for the Eritreans and Eritreans alone must detrmine their country’s political fate. Beqa, aleqe. No, ifs and buts”
Thanks HawiLeyto!!
If they say it is documented , and can be shown …. that
only EPLF fought the Massawa war , … then show it to the
author …. he could also ask the pow generals … now living
in wash D.C.
#17 (tenes), to quote mengistu to make ppl believe something is laughable. Ye leboch lieba rasu mengistu aidelem endie?
ur weyane govt. IS corrupt. Shaebia is NOT.
“Plenty of friends from Eritrea”? U sound like those racists who claim they have many black friends. Can u explain how isaias will be soon gone after Meles is gone? Scientifically pls. Stand down after the victory in badme, u say. FYI the war continued after that and the weyane even captured barentu and Tesseney for a while but when they realized the danger coming they signed algiers peace agreement.
Unity, believe it or not, the majority of eritreans believe we´re free. Yes the extreme majority in Ethiopia r under slavery. In Eritrea, there r some ppl who r economically in a dire situation because Eri is still an industrially undeveloped nation but the slavery u´re talking about is nonexistent in Eritrea.
What a good bed time story, that will certainly put me to sleep.
This Autor is a pathetic lier. He might escaped from the battle of massawa,but he never escaped from Sahle after killing a guard. Because so many EPLF guards used to guard POWs, plus there is no way he is going to survive a long journey from Sahle through a punishing desert to sudan unless you know exactly where to find water and stuff. What an idiot fella.
The most amazing thing about the “review” is that, the “reviewer” also tries to resonate the historical errors done by the writer. But a wise person will ask, why?..why would the “reviewer” wants to portray such a twisted perception of his own?..talking about the writer, will make no difference, than to simply let the truth in his heart tell him as such.
But, why would someone, out of nowhere wants to tell the history of our own. Why can’t he clean his house first. As big mama would say “clean your room!!”. As for us, Eritreans, we truly know what happened then. And for it to talk about, there are more than 4 million Eritreans, who can tell you, what had happened, just because there were 4 million Eritrean fighters.
We have paid the price in blood and flesh, for our beloved country for 30 years. So pls do not waste your valuable time, distorting what we knew, and what we are going to let our children know, by writing silly bed time stories.
As the dogs bark again and again, the camel will stride slowly forward and to the bright future.
Long live my lovely, Eritrea
This is mainly a response to mr Tenes No 17
and also to make some points on the issues raised.
first of all this page is visited by eritreans as Tenes said it. why not? as the issue raised is Ethiopian-Eritrean history and we are the first generation to witness what happened to us in our land. For Ethiopians it is something that happened to them far away from their home. It is a battle. a disasterouse battle . despiet the victory we also lost preciouse lives there. including hundreds of civilians and children, women. old and young from the viciouse bombardment by the Ethiopian migs.
Mr Tenes also said Woyane and shabia the same coin. that means hodna jerba . That is not true. woyane and shaebia re comletely different. Eritrea’s shabia always wanted peace with every one. The most maliciouse people who never allowed us to llive in peace with our Ethiopian brothers as good neibours. that oes not suit them for many reasons.
The issue here is if any one writes our history on a hearsay or distorted it because he/she did not have the interest to research, we have the responsibility to put it write by proving and disproving it.
Tenes also said that the woyanes participated in the war of Massawa.This is not true. If this was true the woyane would have finished inks and papers on the stationary shop to write about it. That is what the have done in the last 20 years telling exagirated , balooned explantion for their participation in Nakfa war in 1982. They send some units of infantry- probably not well trained rag tug fighters and they have been writing about it as if they send a batalion or well trained army and as if shaebia wassaved by them. yes they were there to help and defend also themselves. TPLF was only about 6 years old. just starting armed struggle. so imagine how many solderis they could send and of what quality.The good thing is they did what they could and that was done for thier own servival.
You also said that Mengestu and his army was paid money- .. that could be true. But it is undermining the brave Ethiopians who fought with determination. Ethiopian army was a very strong, very trained, equiped, well organized army. We never underestimated its strength. but we fought it as it was must for us inorder to liberate ourselves from a colonial rule. Mmengestu eve though a communist regime, he was well supported by the world. In order to get him out of the communist camp the West particularly america was arming, helping military training, and financing mengestu. and also helping him in diplomaitc and political fields. The Ethiopians from Haile Selassie to Meles No government could servie without america.That is why the Peace Negotiations wbetween shaebia and Mnegestu’s Ethiopia was mediated by americans. They came to save Mengestu. But there was no way they could shift the power balance. I wonder why they did not go with their army? America cannot give up Ethiopia. on the contrary the americans were always against Eritrea. Eritreanever recieved a penny from america at any time of our history. probably few humanitarian help after independence as US aid. few thousand. or few millions.
You also said woyane are in Badme. Yes they are in Badme illegally. The border is demarcated. They know where the border lies and Badme is well in Eritrea confrimed Internationlly. Ethiopia now is an aggressor. it is occupying foreign land. Eritrea never instigates war but Ethiopia has by remaining in our land. Our call to the Ethiopian people is : you need to love peace. Aggression, wars since Theodrs, or menelki has not fared for you. Eritrea is trying to remove woyane from its soverign land by law. becasue the matter was concluded by International law. We do not have to go to war because it is a concluded matter. woayne has to leave the land and eventually will.They are instigators of war and Eritrea is peace loving. and you do not have to boast for the Illegal actions of your government.
At last you said why africans cannot leave in peace.? that is what always have been asking. Why is that Ethiopia likes to fight with neighours and within itself. what was going to somalis, why did not Kenya go to somalia if that was a matter for Their security, Kenayns can do it diplomatically or ensuring their security alternatively. Ethiopians you need learn to leave in peace. Eritrea is independent country. The soviet union had fifteen republics. they went their own ways but their are strenthining their mutual relationships instead of fighting deadly wars. Yugslavia was divided into many counties .including Kossove, bosnia, and others. They have formed their own governments and are persuing peavful co-existence. In Ethiopia people have to accept peaceful co-existence haswith Eritrea as a neighbour is better than any war, conflict or confrontation. Woyane does not want that because they have other motives. to rule Ethiopia or seccede from Ethiopia, having at hand which of these options is easier. so please do not blame Eritrea for the chaos and mayhem that woyane is causing to all the Region. You young Ethiopians need to learn more as to what is happening by whom clearly on the Region.
Peace can only prevail if the two hands clap. that Eritreans and Ethiopians work together for the common good. and if Eritrea and Ethiopia can live in peace the rest of the problems of the Horn will be minimal. as we can be an example or the way to peace. But with woyane who are against all peace in the region, I am afriad this going to be the same for sometime.
a happy new year. as it is still January begining of the year.
The main thing now is we need peace. Ethiopians hav
Response to #19.
well, you have already predicated that more misery will be coming to Eritrea. Your prediction doesn’t have any ground at all. However, we Eritreans do not expect any good wish from you or people who have the same negative mentality towards Eritrea. We deserve hospitality from you. Do you know that you fought us inside our land for 30+ years for no good reason and forcefully we evicted you. Here we are again you are expecting misery to come to Eritrea. Why ? Because you are ignorant, because you are chauvinist!!!! You better think twice before you say something. Shame on you.
አይ ምጽዋ! ታሪክ ግን ቀስ በቀስ ገለባውን ከስንዼው እየለየው ነው:: ሰው ይሞታል ስሙ ግን አይሞትም:: ነበሩ:: “ኤርትራውያን” የተባሉት (የሻቢያን የታሪክ ድርደራ ተቀብለው ያመኑት) ምንም ለማስረዳት ቢሞከር እውነቱን እውነታ አይቀበሉም:: ግዜ ብቻ ነው የሚያስተምራቸው:: በየቦታው ያየነው እና የሰማነው አይደል? “ጀግናው የኤርትራ ህዝብ (4 ሚሊዮን ብቻ) በሶቭየት እና በእስራኤል እየተረዳ የመጣውን ኢትዮጵያውያን ቅኝ ገዢ ወራሪዎችን (80 ሚሊዮን) በጀግነት አሸነፈ:: አሁን እ.ኤ.አ 2010 ነው:: ግን ይህንኑ ነው ሲነገር የምንሰማው:: ምን ታረጊዋለሽ:: ግዜ ገለባውን ከ ስንዼው እየለየው ነው::
God bless all those who stood up defending the people of Massawa from the EPLF onslaught.
why buy guns to kill one onather instaide buy tractor to farm and have planty food for the people.look you see how many people die betwen ethiopia and eritrea from the start up too now why lost all those life for what reseaon. instaide guns give them tools and seed to plant.and feed the nation no only eritrea and ethiopia even beyoned think always for good and good will folow you .this war bisness is not worthy killing.each.other we are not smart