New Year 2010 Greetings to my Ethiopian Brothers and Sisters.
This message is also for my Eritrean brothers and sisters.
By Prof. Ephraim Isaac
Amharic (pdf)
Oromifa (pdf)
Tigrigna (pdf)
To my Fellow Ethiopians at home and abroad: Happy Ethiopian Christmas, and Temqat, and a Blessed and prosperous European New Year! I send this respectful and kind letter of appeal to you, my brothers and sisters: educated Ethiopian political, religious, educational, business, and intellectual leaders.
Ninety-nine percent of the Ethiopian people, Christians, Moslems, Jews, Traditionalists, Oromos, Amhara, Tigre, Gurage, Somali, Walayta, Hadya, Kaffa, Afar, Nuer, Anuak, and other beloved nationals, are deeply spiritual and ethical peoples. We also all have the same DNA – one family even if different language. Our people love and respect human beings.
Why can we, the about one-percent educated Ethiopians, not learn from them? Why are we stuck on the philosophical values of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Marx? Why not respect and uphold the teachings of peace and reconciliation of our own wise teachers like, Zar’a Ya’aqob, Kristos Samra, Abba Gedas, and others? When are we going to wake up and see that tens of millions of our babies are crying for milk, tens of millions of our old people are yearning to go to bed in peace and wake up in peace, and tens of millions of our young people are thirsting for knowledge and learning?
Ethiopia is lucky to have us, her about 1% western educated children. It is also very gratifying to see so many successful Ethiopians in education, technology, business, law, and other important professions. I am very proud of my fellow educated Ethiopians. I wish everyone more success and strength during this coming year.
Brothers and Sisters: In spite of our impressive achievements, it cannot be denied that some of us educated Ethiopians have also squandered our energy on philosophizing politics and promoting group hate.
I have witnessed Ethiopians who have given so much for their country. Yet, I have also witnessed for almost forty years varieties of inter-group hate-badmouthing and quarrel, fighting and killing. I have seen how a good deal of our energy has been wasted for over half a century on verbal or armed power struggle. But we have gotten nowhere!
As your older brother, almost fifty years ago I started preaching mutual love and respect, commitment to each other, and promoting education and development. Please forgive me if I must repeat it again. Everything in this life requires commitment and action – thinking far, making a firm decision to act, making every effort to realize our decisions, and acting in good faith.
Can we decide this year to forgo negativity and change our thought and actions to positive energy? Can we, with all our hearts and all our minds decide to stop inter-group conflicts and fighting? I appeal especially to our political and religious leaders to set the example of mutual respect and love to all our educated people. Can we stop bad-mouthing each other? Can we stop the killings? We have it in one of our traditional songs:
“How are you?’ ‘How do you do?’ can’t we greet each other?
One sometimes reconciles even with his father’s killer…”
For the sake of our poor, sick, and illiterate, I respectfully ask each and every Ethiopian, especially our political and religious leaders, to set an example of mutual respect and love. Yes, let us continue to buy guns and artilleries. Let us continue to shoot them at each other. But when we shoot, let milk pour out of our guns to feed the babies and grains out of our artilleries to feed the hungry. Yes, let us continue to open our mouths and write with our pens opposite each other. But let beautiful words of love and respect come out of our mouths and words of love out of out pens!
With love and respect,
Your older brother,
Ephraim Isaac
48 thoughts on “Greetings from Prof. Ephraim Isaac”
The unity of purpose of Eritrean and Ethiopian people is here to stay in spite of the US and Weyane evil designs.
Why you closed the comment section of the person of the year topic?
I support what you did. Ali Abido is doing a great job for Ethiopian people.
I went to Seladinigay( small city north of Addis Ababa) and I was in one of my friend home. They have TV in their house and was watching Eritrean channal. I can’t believe to see this in that remote small village. My friend told me that everybody in that city are watching this and nobody is watching which is broadcasting from Addis Ababa. Woyanne paid a lot of money for China to block the channal ,but failed. And the Ethiopian people are getting balanced information from this Ertirean TV.
Thanks Esayas Afowroki and others.
Prof. Ephrem Isaac
Why do you point your fingers on those who are suffering in the hands of Woyanne? You know what happened to the Somalis in Ogaden and the Anuaks in Gambella by the tplf mercenary regime leaders. You should have said the spade is a spade instead of mounting your false appeal to the victims leaving the perpetrators as doing the right job. Why did not you tell this message to the Woyanne to act in a way that brings national reconciliation? You are coward person who do not have the guts to tell your masters what to do. Instead you try to blame others who are struggling to restore their identity and freedom.
Most Ethiopians are ashamed of your “Shimgilina” which is disguised woyane ideology. Shame on you!
Ethiopian and Eritrean
Please learn from this professor and do for your poor country/ies a lot of things.
My dear young Ethiopian brothers are dying once again for the selfish motive of Woyanne’s. 10 of woyanne soldiers died in Zala Anbessa a war with Eritrean on Friday morning.
Prof Isaac:
Your vision and intention is a very noble idea.
But your approach to the execution is archaic and crude that was not expected from a Harvard Professor. You need to read the basic principles, methods, tools and techniques of the implementation process. Your result so far was a nightmare and you made more damage than any good.
You are model for us young generation who want to develop mutual respect among different ethnic and religious groups. We thank you for being role model for us.
I admire you Prof. Emphrem. If Jesus is to be here today and preach peace, there may be some who will crucify him again. Politics has become very crude. The complexity is beyond understanding. Still you manage to sail and I applaud your effort trying to make peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea, opposition and government etc… What some may want you to do is not Shimgilia, but kunena or blame tplf. There are enough people to do that. Those who wish to see the country turn into blood bath do have no interest for peace and no respect for the respectful elders like you. This is a volatile and dangerous time. We have to try to patiently sail through the tides.
Comment 3 and 6,
The ones who should learn about the core values of being human that can bring about real peace and harmony between people in serious conflict are you guys,
The Professor said the right things and whether you believe it or not, his approach is a direct insult to the true nature of the leaders back home who are stone headed for the values of basic human rights and righteous leadership that could have won them the love of their own people.
Our community is very good at talking and criticizing before reading and thinking, rather than reading it with your positive attitude, read it with respect and you will understand the spirit of it.
As to the professor, i have always respected your intellect and ones again won my respect for you by this article that looks like being written by one of our great leaders of the past, some 100 years ago, a spirit we have now become strange to.
God Bless Ethiopia
To those who crticize the Professor:
The Professor has a noble idea and is a noble Ethiopian.He has worked tirelesly for literacy and peace in the last 40 years. As some have judged him in the court of falsehood others have appreciated his efforts.Mediation (“Shimglina”) is very difficult to implement, it needs patience, stamina and hard work. In the past 10 years I have read that some have accused him of being a Mossad agent, a Woyane agent and CIA. The Professor is none of those. I have known him almost 37 years and he is a great gift to Ethiopia. None of his critiques can bring an iota of proof either in the human court of justice or in the justice of human conscience. As a person who needs change desperately I am anguished by people who “bear false witness” contrary to our many faiths and basic human conscience Some of you in the opposition might have been malaligned once in your life time.In my generation some have been killed by false
association and accusation.The professor is capable of earning a six figure income just by using the speaker cercuit and his fame. I guess that he might have his retirement income as a tenured professor, that is my guess. Instead he chose to labor for peace in that beloved cradle of humanity and humility. We would have given him prizes for his efforts, instead we are throwing insults of stone at him. We would have given him due credit, especially in the Diaspora for even to use mediation in one of the most complex political conenundrums of the 21st century which has a component of ethnicity, globalization, intolerance, traditionalism, all the negative virtues of alien philosophies, atheism, extremism , antagonism of faiths and conflict. Such mischief and dirty propaganda may confuse the innocent under the anonimity of the internet. Our Machiavellian chicanery may serve our temporal advantage.But we cannot cheat God and trutth. And for those who do not believe in God we cannot continue attacking people by falsehood , because eventually good deeds shall not be hidden from history. When we speak ill of good people we divest our intellectual capital to the house of gossip and vanity. We prolong the agony of our people and country. We default on the best traditions of our ancestors. Let us fetch every good deed and bring it to the light, let us use every opportunity to bring peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.The Professor deserves our love and admiration. The professor is doing all this hard work from the goodness of his heart. There is also one caution I want to share you sincerely. Attacking people like Professor Ephraim out of jealousy or sheer Machiavellian tactic will marginalize the Diaspora and end up in denting the opposition severely;- if it has not done yet. In this New Year we have to resolve that “WE SHOULD NOT DO TO OTHERS WHAT WE DO NOT WANT TO BE DONE AGAINST US”. This simple and yet powerful message is reflected in the TEN COMMANDMENTS and in various forms among many faiths. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, to OUR PEOPLE at home and in the Diapora. Ethiopia Streches Her Hand To God!
I sent you a comment by my name , Gedlu Metaferia, St. Louis, Missouri regarding the New Year message of Prof. Ephraim. After I sent it I noticed it says from Disappointed. Please put my name as Gedlu metaferia. Thanks.
Hello professor Isac,
I hear you on your cermon in regards of mutual respects and making peace amongst us. Your wishes for our people is our wishes too. But today, crime of slavery in the forms human traffic is being practiced in ETHIOPIA more than ever and not sure if you know it?
Today, more than any time our people are pitted against each other, armed by the same leaders for the purposes of weakening both. How much do you know this?
Today, directly our people are being impoverished purposely to enrich certain section of the 4% part of our region. Do adree?
Today, Oromo & Amhara families are being driven off their only known home address to abject poverty, exiles, harsh life by few who suppose to protect them, as their lands are being sold by almost outsider to all who despise Ethiopia. Do you see this?
Professor Isaac, Since 1991, nearily over 20 million Ethiopians are among killed, disappead at the hands of the so called authorities, many sank to the mid of red seaweeds of Red sea, millions were killed amongst them your own immediate relatives well educated at Yale. Still do you have difficulty comprehending where I am going?
Professor, Today as we dialogue peace, Ethiopia is being sold section by section to all who have mission to disappear the Ethiopian map that was drawn by the bloods of our four fathers. Do you still don’t get it?
Despite your respectable educations, I question your timings and motives when it comes of the best interests of THE ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE. I have time time to understand you and reason with you, to what degree you even care to your blood relatives of Wollega families who are taking the brunts of genocides being committed against them as we speak.
Yes, I stand by my personal feelings about you. You don’t care about what levels of genocides being carried against Ethiopians and you don’t care even about your blood links.
Join the opposition and openly condemn black on black aparthied that has flourished in Ethiopia by the help of ferenjis and ill trained servants of them such as junydin,aka and Susan Rice groups.
Ethiopians expect expect better than this from a man of your calibers. You failed 99% of ETHIOPIANS as well as 1% you are preaching peace to. Stand up man! Be Muse or AbRAHAM AND LIBERATE YOUR PEOPLE FROM SLAVERY OR HOLD ON TO YOUR PEACE!
Prof Isaac;
Initially you effectively lobbied AGAINST HR 2003. (Ethiopian Democracy through Peace, Human Rights, Good Governance, and Capacity Development.) And to the delight of Woyane you successfully killed it.
Immediately after, directly or indirectly, your actions were a contributory root causes for the dismembering of Kinijit.
Beneath these preaching of today what is your next trick that you have up your sleeve for the “(99%” of the population?
My recommendation is on this Holy Season, is for you to ask Forgiveness from the 99% of the population namely through disclosure of your past actions & acknowledgment, genuine remorse for your conduct, and trying to make up for the social injury you caused.
Professor I heard your message and it is blessed one however as you know to bring national reconciliation the playing ground to play the game should be leveled either side. I believe you also know that there was and is no real willingness from the meles side so how is it logical for you to ask the other powerless politicians and tortured people to forgive and reconcile with???
I also have one question for you Do you expect Birtukan Mediksa to forgive Meles? Do you expect the three politician whom sentenced to death to forgive? Or do you expect Meles not to do such illegal things and ask him to be democrate? I need your answer I knew you don’t answer it.
The other thing ofcourse ethiopia is poor country and have millions of children suffering but who is responsible for that the people of ethiopia? opposition leaders? I think as a professor you know the answer that is the now government who governs for two decades and the poverty level rises up to roof from the previous governments however their personal bank is ranked the top 10 from the world leaders! so you tell us to make the thing clear for the ethiopian people and account for their act or you are blaming as you said few educated ethiopians instead for the crises.
Professor try to see things atleast in two dimentions, to say things is easier that to do it. God forgive if one of the children killed by the rootless agazi meles troop is yours would have been saying the same thing? I doubte please don’t add fire we already smoked!
Dear Professor
Action speaks louder than words. While you are good at talking the talk your actions so far are laughable. Here you are talking about grandiose things while Burtikan Mideksa is languishing in Kaliti.Your silence about this issue is deafening sir. Tell the truth and it will set you free.
I really dont know what the professor wants from us. Does he need us to be ruled, killed and enslaved throughout our lives by extremists who do not have any legitimacy in the country? We know what happened to Ethiopians in 2005. They are humble people with mutual respect. But the woyanes….they are the enemies of the people who preach against unity and love.
Prof. Isaac should tell these woyanes that they should stop doing that. I know he cannot do it. He is very energetic in criticizing the oppressed. As the Amharic Saying goes የወደቀ እንጨት ምሳር ይበዛበታል…he blames those who were chased and fled the country. He criticizes those victims. But when it comes to the powerful on power….HE PRAISES THEM A LOT!
Good Job Professor
Dear Gedlu Metaferia (#10),
You have to first learn the facts that have been running though time before you criticize others. Get the core idea before you comment others. What different thing did the professor tell us? Nothing different from what all parties are saying. The same thing do the opposition preach us and the same thing does the TPLF led tyranical government tell us too. What Ethiopians want is not just talk. We all want to see them practicing it. There lies the difficulty. Personal success is for himself. We have witnessed that he, knowingly or unknowingly, has been used as a weapon to fight against the will of the people. He has ben rushed blindfolded to whatever direction the TPLF people wanted him to go. He has so far kept quite when the TPLF people abused the political negotiation that took place before the release of CUD political prisoners. He has been openly fighting the HR 2003 (while there was a clear information on the table what HR 2003 stands for).
Prof. Isac is changing tactictis once again. he is rather shading crocodile’s tears. He is telling us to excuse our fathers, brothers, sisters and every one who has been killed by Weyane mercilessly. He has accomplished successfully his homework to disintegrate the KINIJIT leaders while in Weyane jail. He failed successfully the HR 2003 bill. Now he is telling us to reconcile with our fathers’ killer. Is he not over smarting us?
Professor, you are a preacher with no substance. To me you are preaching hate not love. First of all, if you think about Ethiopia Birtukan is in your friends Jail leaving her only daughter without a mother, what do you think of that!! you would rather say happy new year to her and be a shimagele to get her out of that stupid prison, then I will say happy New Year because I got my Ethiopia back..SHIMAGELE
ጤና ይስጥልኝ ፕሮፈሰር:-
ስለ ፍቅር..ስለ መተባበር..ስለ መከባበር..ወዘተ አስፈላጊነት ላይ በሚሰጡት ትምህርት ላይ ምንም አይነት እንከን አላይበትም::
ነገር ግን መከባበርን ሳይሆን መግዛትን…መፈቃቀርን ሳይሆን መግደል/ማሰር/ማሳደድን …በመስራት አብሮ መበልጸግን ሳይሆን የሃገር ሃብት በመዝረፍ ለግል ማግበስበስን…በጋራ ጉዳይ ላይ አብሮ መወሰን ሳይሆን ለግል ጥቅም ብሎ ሃገርን እየቆራረሱ ለሌላ ወገን መስጠትን
የዘወትር ተግባሩ ያደረገው ወያኔ ከዚህ አይነቱ አሳዛኝና አሳፋሪ ድርጊት እንዲታገስ: ተው ብለው መገሰጽ ባይችሉ እንኳ ተው ብለው ሲማጸኑ አይሰሙም :: ለምን? ደጋግመው የሚያመሰግኑት የሽምግልና ባህላችን ይህ ነው እንዴ? ባህላችን በርሶዎ ስራ እጅግ ከመርከሱም በላይ ጨርሶ ሊወገዝ እንደሚችል መገመት አያስቸግርም:: ስለዚህ እባክዎትን በእርቅ ስም ባርነት እየሰበኩን አያታልሉን::እግዚአብሄር አድሎን አይወደውምና ለጉልበተኛው አያዳሉ::ደፍረው ስለእውነት የማይዳኙ ከሆነ ከዚህ አይነቱ ስራ ይውጡ!! ታሪክዎን አያቆሽሹት:: ይብቃዎት! ይብቃዎት!
What unbelievable thing is that, I can not believe what I am reading I thought professor Isaac is gone forever to some unknown destination after his deceptive Shemagile work. Shame on us even for reading his article I am sorry I do not take Professor Isaac’s article seriously because I thought he as well as the so called pastor Daniel and other people like them are the one who are prolonging our misery by TPLF so I will not take his plea seriously after his shameful Shimagile thing he is a deceptive person. First of all professor what happen your Shimagile work why are you quiet where did you get the courage to come here and preach us to be slave of TPLF instead of preaching us to be slave why do not you go to Meles ask him to act as a human being. Please stop this kind of fake advice stop your deception and stop your silent and stop your impaired preaching of love and peace stop in short do not fake which you are not please. Mister Isaac what would you tell for the 5 years Bertukan Mideksa’s little daughter can you convince her why her mother is in jail don’t you know you have assisted for her to be in TPLF jail why don’t you speak out if you are a true human being instead of your preaching here if you like it or not you have played a role for her to be in jail.
However I have something to say about the TPLF attack on Eritrea first I pray the Eritreans to be strong and humiliate the TPLF mafia in front of their western masters I also ask all non Tigrean Ethiopian brothers and sisters to stand with Eritreans not only praying but also helping in everything they need at the same time the Eritreans should not use the current Ethiopian situation only for their benefit just to fight TPLF rather they should help their Ethiopian brothers and sisters in everything as we know by now TPLF is our common killer in addition to be onest it is you Eritreans who brought this idiots to power if you hadn’t help them they would be steel in their Dedebit digging roots. Morover when the fight starts with TPLF the Eritreans should not leave their forts instead they should wait in their forts until the Tigrean army comes near so Eritreans must fight from their forts when the Dedebits come near them. Second do not fight TPLF near the Eritrean border only instead fight them in every place including in Addis Ababa. In addition try to attack them before TPLF army comes to the Eritrean border I am sure many Ethiopians will atack TPLF army if they trust you as their serious brother and sister they will help you by attacking in Shewa, Gojam, Gondar as well as in Wolo etc. do not trust the Tigreans just to be politically correct when it comes to the point they will be united as they did in the past. Another thing I advise the Eritreans put your main army in different well protected strategic key forts then establish many units in each unit put small number of men to create the mobile units to hinder by attacking the TPLF army in progress before the TPLF army gets to the places it wants or before the TPLF army gets to those main Eritrean military forts and depots. Moreover this Eritrean mobile units will make hard to the Tigrean army to fight in full confidence and power, because it will use most of its army to defend from those Eritrean mobile units as well as from Ethiopians who are attacking TPLF army convoy that comes from the centeral parts of Ethiopia. More over do not let the mobile units carry to much material just let them carry just for the single battle they are ordered to fight with them they should not carry unnecessary things because it will slow them from moving fast so put whatever the units needs must be put including food or water as well as bullets or anything they need should be put in advance in pre selected places in all Eritrean territory before the battle starts right now those pre selected places information have to be given for the leadership of each unit as well as to anyone who should know. In order to enhance the mobile units speed the Eritrean leadership must establish special units just to refuel used depots by the mobile units. After that kind of military readiness the Eritrean main army units can fight easily from their well protected forts the exposed TPLF army. Do not forget also have a false forts and other strategic deceptions to confuse the Tigrean army one more thing be smart but do not be cruel like Tigreans. Also use your radio and TV for true propaganda when you communicate with Ethiopians because many Ethiopians including me we have steel some doubt because of your past relation with TPLF remember by talking the truth your supporters will know what is going on as you know today in Ethiopia nobody believes the Tigrean Mafia because its day and night false propaganda has isolated the Tigrean Mafia from its targeted Tv and radio audience thanks to its 19+ years false propaganda. So do not make similar mistake like Tigreans did. I advise for the media people like mister Ali Abdu the current Eritrean information minister to be appointed he can be the best person because he is a believable person I personally see him as a humble person with great dignity. I trust him his personality looks really serious , true, hamble and kind person with good nature. One more thing you Eritreans must unite now than ever in your history remember what happened to Ethiopians we did not like Megistu as a result we aloud the Tigreans to come to Ethiopia with out fight, with the help of Eritrean military then we Ethiopians became their slaves today Tigreans own us all of us Ethiopians they kill us they can fire us from our work they can even sleep with our wives and under age daughters as they did in parts of Gondar and Wolo after they cuptured Ethiopia. For you Eritreans believe me you will not survive their cruelty even for a single year. Do not forget they want to humilate and eliminate you then laugh at you after that Meles will not only dislike your eye color he will hate your existence on earth so before that happen to you and your humanity Eritreans must fight for your survival to death we will be with you until you betray us. If some Ethiopians don’t support you do not complain because they have the right since it is you who brought these animals to power you should not complain Ethiopians. I wish you the best for all of us Eritreans and Ethiopians we have suffered more than enough by the few because of our reluctance to unite against these evil scums of the earth. I also agree with Ethiopian review for giving man of the year of Ethiopian review for mister Ali abidu I am sure other people could get it like Birtukan Midekisa however I do not have doubt the people have compared everything before their nomination so congratulation Mister Ali Abdu minister of information continue your hard work. By the way I have heard your interview with voice of America Amharic service and it was the best I liked your true and relaxed nature you have answered point by point it makes you truthful and believable person. As you know the biggest problem with mister fake Meles and TPLF Mafia leader he knows that people do not believe him even though it is his fault that for him not to be believable person, however he steel get mad on Ethiopians for not believing him. People do not take him serious because of his 19 years false propaganda.
I am an Ethiopian however I believe 100% the Eritrean media including your interview than the Tigrean Mafia news and media talk.
Shame on you prof! trying to teach useless and baseless garbage about the curent political situation in Ethiopia. The sadest thing is you know, who the real culprits are and you failed the Ethiopian people!
Long live Ethiopia and death to her enimies!!!!
To those who do not understand what Mediation and Shimgilina means:
Please, see professor as the mediator. If you can’t understand what mediation means, look it up the detail. Professor’s job, if you know what I mean is not supposed to take sides but bring reconciliation period. As much as he can, he was and is doing something. If he wanted to take side, he would have done it a while ago and why can’t you respect that? There are people I hope you know who are into conflict resolution. No matter what country they come from they have to focus on bringing peace and settlement among rivalries. Why can’t we accept the mediation of the professor instead bashing him to take sides? If he was not there, would you have seen the formation of Ginbot 7? The freedom of those imprisoned? He can only do what he can. Instead of accusing him, I would like those to bring evidence of what they have accomplished regarding Ethiopia. Stop accusing people because they in fact accomplished something and you are demanding more! Go out and be a role model too and show us what you demand of others! Let him do his job and stop dividing people and becoming barrier with even little accomplishments. After all it is better than no accomplishemnt at all. After all things can change gradually. When you accuse the prfessor, we would like to see the proof what you are accusing him about not just rhetoric.Shame on you
the truth will set you free.God bless #14 for telling the truth.
what makes our movements harder than any time in the past,meles is not all means,he is got to go.professor,if you are truley working with ethiopians that is basic understanding meles needs to on that you do not need to preach the victims.ta ta
professor, time is up for justice in ethiopia.It is Gods’s time. Get out of God’s work. Almight God is with ethiopia and eritrea. i hope the next goverment will have God in the center of their goverment.We have seen enough killing,corruption ,stealing,immorality, ethnic cleansing,mass murder and what not for the last 20 years,WHERE WERE you then? that is the million dollar question????????????????
Professor Isaac, indeed it is a noble idea what you are trying to do. I wish you have done something regarding human right abuse in Ethiopia. The head chopping of one anther in Diaspora is not as important as the suffering of Ethiopians in their own country. If Diaspora has not learned anything regarding civility by now, will not learn from one article you wrote. I believe the vast majority of Diaspora politicians are out of touch. Instead of fighting for the Ethiopian people they are fighting each other. Are these really the people who will bring change for the poor people of Ethiopia? Whatever energy you have left please use it for good cause. Promote human right in Ethiopia. You do not teach an old dog a new trick. Too late to teach Diaspora civility. It is time for the old dogs to move aside and let the new generation of Ethiopians and Ethiopian Americans take the torch.
professor,why are you appealing to the need to reach those 1% filthy rich dictators espesially meles who is ethiopian bin laden.weyene goverment is unwanted by 99% of ethiopians. i know it is hard to get through their thick bloody rich heads.they are drunk with humans blood and money. we ethiopians need president isaias help than ever.He is a man of his word.We trust in our God and president isaia to get out of hell we live in.what we need is what America has and that is FREEDOM.professor,there is time for everything, It is time for you to keep quite and see where this new change is taking us to the next level.God bless america,ethiopia and Eritrea.
Prof. Efrem, God bless you for giving us Western new year greetings! Thank you! But I would like to pass this quote from Roderick C. Meredith to you and especially to your good friend Andreas Eshete!
“Political correctness” is like a cancer. It spreads slowly and almost undetectably through the body until death is assured.
Our beloved nation and its people have unfinished promise not from creature but from Creator-The Almighty God!
Dear Professor,
Because i was born and rasied in christian family and taught to respect an elderly person no matter what, i will start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU.
Knowing the caliber of your education status, i was expecting to hear a better message that is honest and un baised from you. I am certain that you are fully aware of the root source of ethiopian problem which WOYANE and nothing else.
It is good that you are telling people to love and respect each other. However don’t you know that the Ethiopian people are known to love each other before through out our history? what makes you think we have hate for each other? is that true that WOYANE’S GOVERNMENT which you are serving is the one trying to break that love bond b/n Ethiopian people?
Why don’t you and the other so called elite raise your voice to call on the brutality that is being done to our poor people? Yes our people are hungary and in desprate need of all kinds of help but whose fault is that?
Don’t you know the current government is taking and selling land from poor farmers to western investor? so where is your outrage on this case? when are you condeming meles to these evil act of his?
Forget all i said in the top but let me ask you one thing, why don’t you and the other so called shimagles tell the truth on what exactly happend during the negotiation in the release of former Kinijit leaders? is that the reason why our lady of liberty linguhing in prison?
So Professon, with all respect do not tell us to love each other because we have a deep respect to one each other. instead let us hear you speak againt the brutality of dectator meles, the unfairness of Birtukan’s imprisonment. also speak against meles about his complete disregard to the basic human man right that each ETHIOPIAN deserve.
Kidi, God bless you dear.
Well put!
There are enough people to oppose weyane but we need real people like this professor, despite the situation he remained hopeful.
Dear Professor,
I can be considered on of the western “educated” Ethiopians. I live in the U.S.A. I love my country very much and I long the day I will contribute to its development. I agree with you that we should stop group hating and group badmouthing. That said, it is really hard to stay positive about Ethiopia these days, here are my reasons:
1) Independent, critical thinking Ethiopians are banished, imprisoned, or killed if they dare to question the government.
2) Ethiopians gave many changes to the current leaders to no avail
3) The current government made apartheid like ethnic federalism its policy to purposefully divide people
4) The economy is essentially controlled by a handful of people who don’t even pay taxes
5) The government is purposely working to dismantle the core of Ethiopian culture by interfering in the Orthodox Church.
6) The government is staging fake elections that insults everyone’s intelligence to look good for outsiders
7) The government gave away fertile lands in Gondar to secure a loyal ally in Sudan
8) The government engages in futile wars and sacrifice our brothers and sisters
9) The government is watering down the education of non-tigreans to gain intellectual supremacy of a minority ethnic group. This is a fact.
10) And if that is not enough, now, they are selling our LANDS to our historical enemies without consulting even the fake Parliament.
To sum it all up, it seems the sole purpose of the current government of Ethiopia is the dismantling of Ethiopia beyond repair. How can we forgive these people?
እኛን ለማጃጃል ከሚደክሙ ይልቅ ፊትዎን ወደ ዘመድዎ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ጠላት ወደ መለስ ዜናዊ አዙረው በግፍ ያሰራቸውን እንዲፈታ…ኢትዮጵያን እየቆራረሰ መሸጡን እንዲያቆም….የግለሰቦችን ንግድ ድርጅት እያዘጋ: በማስፋፋት ላይ ያለውን የዘረፋ ድርጅቶቹን እንዲገታ ይምከሩት:: በአሁኑ ጊዜ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የካህናትን ካባ ለብሰው በሚንቀሳቀሱ ወያኔዎች ምን እየተዋከበ እንደሚገኝ ጠንቅቆ ስለሚያውቅ እንዳለፈው ጊዜ በቀላሉ ሊጃጃል እንደማይችል መረዳት አለብዎት!!!!!!
Dear Professor Thank you for the good wish to all Ethiopians ans Eritreans. As you see from the response above I don’t think the majority understood your message or are ready for forgivness and reconcillation. It seems that my way or the highway is the choice. As far as I am concerned I see light at the end of the tunnel and the Ethiopian story never told fully it was always the ruling party wish and a story of war. When we all are educated about each other I believe we gone reach into more commonality than our diffrence and we can establish the true Ethiopia coallition of the willing not by force. Last Professor please get an educational website that we all can access and learn more about your project. Thank you !!!
The TPLF Regime’s Ploy Of Dividing, Weakening And Sowing Seeds of Division Among The Ethiopian People Is A Capital Strategic Error: President Isaias
It is not the ONSLAUGHT against the character of Professor Ephraim that should concern people of conscience, but the indifference of good people to defend him in truth. Do not dig for motives. I am supporting the Professor as I know him sincerely and truthfully, as best as I can. But I am disappointed by some of my brothers and sisters who judge him by hearsay and by some who transfer their outrage and are understandably angry at the Ethiopian Government because of its damaging policy of killilization which will endanger the unity of the country. There is nothing wrong if our elders mediate peace. There is nothing wrong to open a window of opportunity for peace. The possibility of WAR and CONFLICT is always there.It is more difficult to bring peace than war.
As a paragon of a well-wisher for Ethiopian Civil Society and enriched democracy the good Prfessor appreciates divesrse political institutions. The crticism levelled against him regarding the dismantling of kinijit and his purported stand against HR2003 are very misleading . As probably thousands of observers may agree, the rise and fall of kinijit are related to its own making. Institutions rise and fall in human history. Such characteristics include their organizational strength, their level of agility, their sustainable popular support, their ability to stand hostile actions, their response to changinging circumstances, their experience when to compromise temporarily and when to attack, their response to timely crisis and their ability to navigate in a hostile environment. No one person, be Elias Kifle or Professor Ephraim can dismantle Kinijit. Moreover, competing political parties destroy each other in their Machiavellian or Darwinian nature. Poltics is not only a dirty game, it is also a sinful game. This faithful elder has brought his faith solution in mediation. He gave Ceasar what belongs to Ceasor and to God what belongs to God.He has labored severely in his time of rest. He was victimized by politicians. Even one PHD historian who had accused the CIA purposely recruiting Ethiopian youth to be US citizens denegrated the Professor as a person who works for his stomach and fame. Whatever your misgivings against the CIA may be some of you including the historian must be thankful for this agency as you safely fly to the West under its protection from terrorists. It is not my intention to raise this issue, but many interrelated factors forced me to address some of the rediculous writings by the Professor’s detractors.
The myth of HR2003 as it relates to Professor Ephraim is also baffling. The professor has indicated to examine the issue carefully, but has also given his opinion on that as any person. Any country has its priorities and national security strategies.The USA bases its decisions of forein assistance based on its interest.One person cannot change its policy.America listens to its own experts. Frankly speaking even HR2003 passes, it would have been a symbolic victory to the opposition because countries even survive with an embargo (both economic and military- e.g Cuba-50 years of sanctions). I want all of us to be courageous in truth. We have to face truth courageously as our ancestors, “Ewnet Tenagro Emeshebet Mader”. Do not malign the professor, do your own research of TRUTH and the “TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE”. I will also stand for your name or reputation if somebody slides your good name in mud by sheer falsehood. Happy New Year! Yabatochachina Yenatotachin Yeyikrbay ABat, Leul Egziabeher Yehiywotin Menged Yasayen!! Gedlu
Elias and ER staff: you contribution as one of the agents of peace and cooperation between the two peoples is much appreciated. Keep it up.
For close political observers of the region, it is not that hard to see certain common signals which indicate the status of the successive ruling regimes in Ethiopia since that of the Emperor. The time they talk peace and send emissaries of various hues,indicates is when they are in trouble.
The Woyanes at this moment are tormented by the increasing momentum of the resistance especially that of G7 and EPPF. Moreover, after the tplf and its western masters have systematically weakened the UDJ and MEAD, armed resistance has become almost the only vaible option. In that context, the Woyanes and their masters are trying their best to slow down the increasing tide of the armed resistance.
Besides, the connection that Prof. Ephrem is known to have, it is quite clear the subtext of his ‘new year’ message. “Ethiopians, please don’t opt for G7/EPPF because they are likely to remove the Woyanes the darling of certain western interests in the Horn”
Sgedu,asagedu,amesagedu maletachew new profesoru.
Prof.Ephrem’s message can not extinguish the fire with his deceptive call. They may persuade/coax/buy individuals but cannot practice” Mekormem” to the Ethiopian people which is eagerly waiting for Change by all means.
Peace and harmony to the people of the Horn!
Professor! It would have been better if you had done it on Ethiopian’s new year.
You lobbied effectively against HR2003.
What you wrote and what you think you believe has nothing to do with what you did and are doing in action.
It is not that hard to put on traditional cloths. Any body can play that kind of game.
That is the game so obsolete and lifeless.
At your age, You should have a shift how you think and how you act. If you don’t have good things to do,it is better to shut up, observe and examine your values with honesty.
To be a Professor is a good outer layer to play with. You are lucky for that.
Good Luck Professor Isac
I briefly met you and spoke Hebrew with you two years back at the Hilton.
One thing is for sure in our Culture that you have missed. We Habeshas are skeptical,opressed,hopless,demeaning,and only thrive in conflict.
I advise you to help out the Felashas to achieve modernization instead wasting your superior energy and intelect on Crappy people like me.
Mazal Tov.
I am troubled by people like Gedlu Metaferia (Maferia). Do you really think that you can defend the professor and the TPLF regime without looking like a fool? Who are you trying to cheat? You have a right to be a woyane supporter, but don’t hide behind tolerance and civility, if there are people whom lacks civility it would be YOU, THE PROFESSOR, AND WOYANE.
The professor had tried to tell us to love and respect with each other as all is well and we can change the deteriorating situation in Ethiopia by respecting with each other. He was after all a shimagle who would preach peace, the problem is his efforts are directed towards the victims and not the aggressors. He know fully well what TPLF is doing to the country, but he chose not to speak about it, he know about the opposition politicians mediation with the “government” (Meles), but he chose not to speak the truth. Therefore the professor is just another woyane who happens to go to some schools and live abroad. I don’t believe that he is an intelligent person because he doesn’t have conscious. He might have his own selfish reasons to have to act like he did in his age, but I am not him, let him tell us his reasons.
Mr Maferia, you amaze me when you ask us to respect the professor because you know him personally, who cares if you know him? who said that you can be a good reference to talk about other people? You were saying “the myth about HR2003” what makes you think the discussion about HR 2003 is a “myth” why do you think the professor and you have opposed HR 2003? It is because both you and the professor don’t want the regime to be held accountable. How could such a professor in good conscious wish the Ethiopian people happy new year, this would be an insult to our intelligence. We Ethiopians are well known for respecting elderly people, we are also known for telling the truth ‘komatan komata kalalut gebiche lifetfit yelal’.
Anonymous replies:
May 11th, 2012 at 3:08 AM
Abera Mola,
Each time I go to google, I read your critisism of me. Ask about me, my history and my contribution in helping immigrants and refugees from Africa for the past 30 years without any economic benefit or personal gain. St. louis is a phone call away, and you can reach any Ethiopian by instant email to really study about me. Ask St. Louis Ethiopians Ante Ye Wusha Lij. I ask forgiveness to my readers in addressing you as Yewusha Lij. I never kneelled or bowed down to any power, oppressive political party or people like you who denegerate others because they simply made their call to expand our dialogue.My belief is that while politicians and oppositions are doing their work mediators and elderts do have their
contribution to bring change. The clergy and pacifists do have their place in promoting peace and reconcilliation. The days of armed struggle and urban warefare are gone forever because of advancement in armament technology and media bullying.You remind me of Rush Limbough and the Tea Party who are in the cliff of a mountain waiting to be smashed to oblivion. Divisive opposition slogans, insults,MaCarthy tactics of personal destruction can only weaken the opposition. You fool, it is the summation of our hard protracted struggle and our soft appeal that can correct the wrongs to bring justice and progress. Forgiveness also makes us whole. Ghandi once said that if one revenges an eye for an eye , all of us would be blind. Abera Molla (probably a pen name, or anonymous and scard) you are the foolest person in the planedt. I will unmask your identity and would find you one day, because you have tresspassed against me for no reason! It is our faith and steadfastness that would help us cross the mountains like the 60s generation which had the character of Jesus, the determination of Ghandi and the endurance of a suffering enlightened humanity. You have to be a humble communicator instead of becoming a foul mouthed pimp. You have to be able to colnvince your enemy so that he would abandon his ignorant ways. You have to be a diplomat to convince your opponent. If everything you attempted fails you will engage in passive resistance. Every human being has a soft spot in his heart to be convinced, no matter how small. You have to dialogue in sincerity. Intellectually we call it “clever majority homeland concensus building” . We win by dialogue, conviction, promotion of concience, tolerance and mediation. We can win the majority of the Diaspora by positive action and not by insults. We navigate by wisdom,integrity and by building bridges. We shame our adversary by the power of our logic. While some of us are opposing our opponent strongly, others must work for reconcilliation, conflict resolution and cocensus building. What can you do if I work for Woyane with the little influence and knowledge I have ? How can you stop me from supporting a National Socialist Movement ( a Nazi faction) in a democracy. Insult begets insults. GOOD WILL BRINGS GOOD WILL! How can you stop me if I am determined to weaken the opposition. It is my inner concience that tames and leads me to a better strategy and to be a better person. It is my inner humanity that persuades me to treat others as I want to be treated myself. You are a weak emotional bastard and fellow traveller who shamed the the legacy of our forefathers and the American democracy. We need artists, elders, opposition politicians to humanize the world and effect change. We are at a cross road of human right abuse, corruption and sheer arrogance in Sub-Saharan africa and in Ethiopia.The picture is the same in every country except in Western democracies in Europe and America. Even Western democracies do have their double standard and their world outlook because of their interest. We need pragmatic politicians who can summate and utilize various systems of tactics to bring peace and real democracy to our country. We need the Azmari, the MD, the Political Scientist, the house wife, the peasant the LISTRO, the economist, the activist and even a crazy man of the street to build cocensus and unity to effect change in our country. A LISTRO has far more intelligence and wisdom than you;- at least he dialogues with the customer while he shines his shoes in Merkato. He at least tells his payee where the next good restaurant is. As one philosopher said , ‘Do not ask where the path is ,- paths are made by walking”. It is some times good to release the anger. You owe me an apology. I ask for forgiveness for my tresspassing as a sinner. But you have to be told what time it is in the morning! I believe that you are raised in an atmosphere of intolerance and you must join the Ayatolah in Iran! The DWAN is close for Ethiopia! Long live my land Ethiopia!
For unity and practicality.
Gedlu metaferia.
Gedlu Metaferia replies:
May 13th, 2012 at 2:56 AM
I am not anonymous, I am Gedlu Metaferia. I forgot to type my name in the reply name space. I live in St. Louis among respected , tolerant and mature compatriots who have diverse expanse of opinions ranging from the support of constitutional monarchy, the Derg, and EPDRF, the liberal left generation, the Amnerican Democratic Experiment and the millenial global DV generation who are astute at work and self-centered. We have Ethio-American scientists, MDs, fellow travellers, protestants, Orthodx Chriostians, Atheists and nihilsts like any Metropolis in the civilized world. There are people who are involved in human right in Ethiopia and the rest of Africa. Every opposition group representaive had been invited to St. Louis for dialogue and understanding from 1991- 2010. Various groups had been invited to St. Louis. We had dialogued in broad range of social, political and community issues with SOCEEP, a Derg/ EPDRF General who who had been educated in American military academy, TAND, Elder Mediators ( Professor Isaac), Archbishop Zena Marcos, Archibishop MelekeTsadik, Abune Gabriel who had gone to Ethiopia, Dr. Getachew Begashaw, Dr. Getachew Haile, Archbishop Yishak, Lidetu Ayalew, Fasica Bekete, Dr. Yirku Yimer, Artist Shambel Belayneh, Dr. Enawgaw Mehari of People 2 People, Ali Of SOCCEP from Canada on the Conference of Torture and War Trauma, Dr. Yehenew of Ethiopian National Congress, an Elder Speaker from Seattle, WA, on the the 110th Anniversary of the Battle of Adewa, Dr. Taye, a University of Misouri graduate and an EPRDF prisoner, Dr. Musambashi of Malawi, Permanent Representative of of the UN of Malawi and countless personalities and diplomats from the third world countries. It is a historical fact that every dialogue, meeting, educational conference ande rally had my influence and the print of my independent minded farsigted friends and community leaders to promote peace, conflict resolution and a lasting democracy to Ethiopia. We had built and rehabilitated 7 hand dug wells by fitting them with Afriedieve pipes (life span of 85 years) in the Ogaden region in collaboration with UNICEF in providing potable water for 10,000 people thereby cutting diarrheal diseases by 90% in the localities. All these events are documented. We live among welcoming American community by participating in our civic engagement
to better our adopted country and to involve ourselves in participatory democracy. I am not writing this reply to “Abera Molla” but to show the contribution of my community, my friends and myself to the general readership, not as a self-serving piece, but at a testemony of our struugle.
When I gave my comment/ regarding Professor Ephraim in this thread Abera Molla called me Maferia (SHAMELESS). I never met the person before. “Abera Molla” would have countered my argument without insulting me by using words like FOOl. He cannot insult me by hiding under internet anonymity. I did not attack him. He used words to catagorize me as a political puppet. Therefore, the exchanges have now become personal.
He did not have any reason to attack me. It is people like like “Abera Molla” that prolong the agony of our people by attacking people in anonimity, by discouraging dialogue and effect change in Ethiopia. I am determined to expose his identity. He has to learn how to live in a democracy. ‘Abera Molla” your wanton label of propaganda, false accusation and fratricide scavenging does not work in America. Your beliefs in guns and blood letting has stopped when you crossed the Atlantic to come to America whatever your reasons may be. You are also responsible in degenerating dialog by affecting the orderly happiness of people who have genuine interest and GOOD Will to solve problems in our life here and globally. I hope that readers who read this exchange can sort out who started the insult.I take your insult personally and “I did not start the fire”.
Gedlu Metaferia (*Not Anonymous Name).
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
The Devil too knows how to say nice things. I am not suggesting you are one but it seems to me like you are devoured by it.
When Jesus was on earth, he did not give in to the Faresis hypocrisy. He put it like it was. If you are to learn any thing from Christianity is that to do the right thing.
Therefore, I urge you to search your soul.
For those of you who are interested, here is a link to who Prof. Ehpraim Isaac is and his relationship with TPLF.
Good reading.
Abera M. #41
I can use polemic too. Ask people who know me in the place where I live. I have worked with my congressman Clay. First examine the truth and insult people. You are a real bafooon and maferia, conceived in a Balege Night. Sid Adeg. Ask my collegues here about my stand on HR2003.
NO 41
I saw your comment about Mr Metaferia
since I know him a true ethiopian work for ethiopian why you are atack him becouse he tell the truth we need same body to bring peace to the country that person is the profeser I dont think you wont see peace in ethiopia
Metaferia was the first person to support HR2003 plus he help about 20000 ethiopians to settle in u.s a he is olso organizing the community & church where he lives any way we know you dont like to see one ethiopia strong ethiopia professor & metaferia doing a good job
keep up the good wark all of us pray to bring peace to ethiopia
My Dear Abera Mola, please leave the good professor Isaac alone. He is a great man. What you done to compare to him? His work as shimagle got Kality prisoners released . As for HR2003, Isaias Eritrean and Mubarak Egyptian behind it, and Elias Kifle of ER, and you too, Aberra Mola. You are all criminals and traitors. One day, you face justice of the hand of Ethiopian people.
Long live Meles, Long Live Woyane,
Ethiopia live forever, and God of Ethiopia bless her and her children. Death to the traitors