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What kind of music do you like, Fuhrer?

Would a Jewish, Russian, or Polish journalist ask Hitler such a question? Unthinkable.

It is what editor recently asked Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia’s Hitler, who is currently carrying out a campaign of genocide against our people in the Ogaden region, not to mention the countless crimes he has perpetrated against all Ethiopians. A more apt question would be, “How many babies did you kill today?”

Ben 164344Ethiopia is being ruled by thugs and murderers because our so-called elite, those who are educated and fare better in life, have a conscience comparable to that of a pig — i.e., purely selfish, no sense of justice, no moral compass.

Meles, arrogant as ever, did not want to answer the idiotic question, but when Ben pressed him if he likes Tilahun, he said “yes, and foreign songs, too.”

The hate Meles has for any thing Ethiopian would not allow him to call out Ethiopian singers.

But what is new? We all know that Meles is thoroughly anti-Ethiopia. What irks many Ethiopians is the blase attitude of individuals like Ben — those who claim to care about their country — toward an individual who is systematically destroying Ethiopia and commits gruesome crimes against Ethiopians (watch these photos).

The interview serves only to  expose Meles Zenawi’s contempt for Ethiopia. But it is also an indictment against the likes of Ben who are trying to humanize a monster and give legitimacy to his murderous regime.

Angry readers asked me to remove the interview from the comment section some one posted yesterday (click here to see). I feel differently. Let every one watch the monster and get angry enough to take action — such as starting to support those resistance groups that are fighting to overthrow him. – Elias Kifle

19 thoughts on “What kind of music do you like, Fuhrer?

  1. I was a very dedicated follower of news until few years ago.I remember when Ben posted that he is going for a vacation to Ethiopia so the site was on a pause until he gets has lost its integrity after his return and the news he posted was not the same since he returned from his visit.I was afraid for his life and his father also whose picture was on the front page of the website when he posted he was going to Ethiopia, at the time I felt like as if Elias Kifle would go to Ethiopia for a visit now.I would surely worry for Elias’s safety.Anyway it don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what went on during his visit that made him switch from a journalist reporting truth to a journalist that reported overlooking the truth.

  2. I would like to scrutinize an answer Meles gave:

    1. “the population of Ethiopia is now 76mil and we are feeding more people. Therefore we have to look at the problem from this relative point of view.”
    I have a question for both Meles and “dedeb hodam” Ben…
    If the population increases the number of people who produce also increases. So where is the logic?
    2. “there is no famine but there is food shortage”. Really? Where does the pictures in an article named “Green famine” come from. It does not seem to me it is just a food shortage that kills and causes malnutrition. There is famine! Admit it! And BEN…you should be ashamed. But u can not be ashamed…cause u r hodam!

  3. According to Meles population of Ethiopia increased by 36 milloin in the last 18 years, however, population of Kenya and Tanzania is static. I just enjoyed two stupid guys: Ben as journalist and Melese as crime minster. No single substance as usual, 18 years of meaningless experience. I just wondered if watson has analysed DNA of Ben and Meles to come up with conclusion that implies black people are less intellegent than white people, if that is true Watson may have point and he may not be a racist unlike we have percieved.

  4. I do not know why everybody giving attention to this stupid guy’s interview. He is no body I wish every body knows him personally as I do you wouldn’t talk about him over cup of coffee let alone commenting about the so called his interview on the net…

    God save Ethiopia from day light hyenas

  5. what kind of person is so called ben shame on him,stupid how he start his interview like donkey with crime Melese i wonder the person live in state has that kind of mentality

  6. First of all Ben is not a journalist. He is another Walta Information service to serve TPLF. He is a messanger of TPLF to try influence innocent Ethiopians in Diaspora.
    Ben is a very stupid person to sell his own concious to TPLF. Doing so he commit a crime against Ethiopia. He will pay for it one day.

  7. Meless is a pretty good liar and he used this poor guy to spread his propaganda, period. If you are stupid enough and watch and listen the interview–blame only yourself.

  8. Ben, you are acting like a farm animal not as a human being. Firstly start acting like a human being, then you can be trained to be a journalist. Shame on you Ben! You are a disgrace for Ethiopians!!!

  9. This guy, who call himself Ben, is just good for nothing and one of the opportunists of our time. He has neither jornalistic quality nor integrity. Big time hodam.

  10. Biniam yeahunu Ben, yemawikih lideta sefer new, diro gena lij eyaleh. betam new yaferkubih. emama ethiopia yemitilatin hagerhin kemitela sew gar sitashikabit ayche betam new yazenkut.

  11. Melles Ye Oromon meggentel Alfeligim ale. Yihe melsu ke ager weddadu sayhon ke afer weddadu Amaroch gar ayastarikewum woy? Sewuyew Ellim yaale Habesha new gin Tigre mehonu bicha new Amaraw zend indittela yaderegew

    Estemeche krikir

  12. እንደዚህ ኦይነት ሰው በአገራችን መጋዣ ወይም የጋማ ከብት በመባል ይታወቃል:: የሰውነት ክብሩንና ማእረጉን በሆዱ ሸጧልና:: በንጽሃን ደም እጁን የታጠበውንና የተጨማለቀውን መለስን ለገንዘብና ለጥቅም ብሎ ተሸራምጧልና ታሪክ ትፋረደዋለች::

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