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Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital needs doctors

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital (AAFH) in Ethiopia is in the process of building 5 new centers around the country to extend the work to those unable to get to the city. To do this the Hospital seeks increase the number of available trained doctors.

The Hospital was started over thirty years ago by Drs Reg and Catherine Hamlin. It was the first hospital of its kind and is a world leader in the treatment of Obstetric Fistula. AAFH has greatly expanded over the past 5 years, treating over 1300 patients per year at the hospital and at other sites around the country.

Currently in Ethiopia there are only 104 registered OB/Gyn doctors for a population of 80 million.

The Hospital’s strategy is to attract doctors from overseas who will train at the AAFH for 3-4 months, and then spend time in one of the regional centers, assisting to ensure that there is quality care and systems in place, while AAFH sponsors the training of local people to take up these roles.

All patients are treated completely free of any charge and the hospital is dependent for its finance on the generosity of its donors and Partner Trusts.

(Further information:

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