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Kinijit chairman arrives in DC

Kinijit chairman Hailu Shawel has arrived in Washington DC this afternoon after a few days stay in Minneapolis. Close to 1,000 Ethiopians greeted him at the Washington Reagan Airport as he exited the terminal on a wheelchair provided by the airport. The shaleqa group, including Shaleqa Yoseph himself, Dr Taye Woldesemayat, Ato Solomon Bekele, Ato Merchaw Seneshaw and others, accompanied him as he greeted supporters and headed to his car.

Members of the Shaleqa group, which is joined by EPRP and other ani-Kinijit elements, have been distributing a pamphlet at the airport that says: “Kinijit will move forward with Hailu Shawel’s leadership!” The pamphlet accuses other Kinijit leaders of being Woyanne agents without mentioning names. The pamphlet caused an altercation which stopped after police intervened.

Officials of the Kinijit North America, including its chairman Aklog Lemeneh, and the Washington DC Metro Chapter, as well as the former head of the Kinijit International Leadership, Dr Moges Gebre-Mariam, were present at the airport to welcome Ato Hailu, but the Shaleqa group did not allow them to approach him.

The crowd gave Ato Hailu a warm welcome and followed him to a public park near the airport where he gave a brief speech. Addressing a gathering of about 700, he remarked that Kinijit is one, which received roaring cheers.

After concluding his speech, the crowd started to chant: Hailu yegna naw! Kinijit aend naw! Shaleqa leba naw! Merchaw leba naw!

Ethiopian Review spoke with several individuals who were at the airport to welcome Ato Hailu. Almost all of them were there to thank Ato Hailu for the sacrifices he made, while objecting to his recent actions. 

So this was how Ato Hailu was greeted in Washington DC today. From the small number of turn out, it is clear that he has wounded himself politically.

5:30 PM
Ato Hailu Shawel gives a speech in a public park near the Washington Reagan Airport.
Ato Hailu Shawel arriving in DC 
Ato Hailu Shawel arriving in DC
[photo: Tewodros Mekebeb]

5:25 PM
The car carrying Ato Hailu and his wife has now entered the park. Ato Hailu went out of the car. He is accompanied by Ato Solomon Bekele. He is heading to a chair and table where he is about to make a speech…

5:10 PM
Hundreds of people are now gathering at a park near the Reagan Airport. Ato Hailu Shawel and his wife, Wzr. Almaz, are waiting in a car until the people who greeted them at the airport arrive at the park. Dr Taye, Shaleqa Yoseph and others are standing nearby talking among themselves. Merchaw Sinishaw, a radio host who has been campaigning against the Kinijit North America and International Leadership has the microphone and is saying some thing to the crowd. The number of people who are in the park right now is about 500, but more people are coming… – read more 

4:52 PM
Ato Hailu Shawel and entourage are arriving at a public park near the Reagan Airport. He is surrounded by mostly unknown individuals other than the Shaleqa group. None of the Washington DC area Kinijit activists can bee seen close to Ato Hailu…

Ato Hailu Shawel arriving in DC 
[photo: Tewodros Mekebeb]

4:45 PM
Ato Hailu is now heading to a public park near the Reagan Airport off of George Washington Parkway where he will give a speech. Close to 1,000 Ethiopians greeted him at the airport when he arrived a few minutes ago…

4:35 PM
Ato Hailu has now arrived and is being greeted by by hundreds of Ethiopians at the Reagan Airport. He is on a wheelchair. He is being accompanied by… Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew, Ato Solomon Bekele, Dr Taye Woldesemayat and other members of the shaleqa group…

4:25 PM
There are currently about 600-700 people awaiting the arrival of Ato Hailu Shawel at the Reagan Airport. A few minutes ago there was a brief altercation when some individuals started to distributed a flyer.

19 thoughts on “Kinijit chairman arrives in DC

  1. Dear Ethiopians,

    This should be one of our saddest moments in the history of our struggle against the Weyanes. It is now clear who was behind the division in North America between the two groups. It is very hard for me to accept that Ato Hailu is involved in this sad story by aliening himself with the wrong crowd.

    I respect his choice even though I know it is the worst choice that will boost the moral of the Weyanes. May be the Weyanes know this before any of us through their infiltrators. It may be even why the Weyanes released them in the first place since they might have known the fact that Kinijit has become a lame duck because of the division.

    ER should focus convincing Ato Hailu instead of alienating and pushing him more toward the infamous and criminal shaleqa group.


  2. If the division is true among Kinijit leaders it is a disaster. Engineer Hailu Shawl can’t be a cover to anyone who violates Kinijit’s dicipline. Therefore be patient for the time to come, it only takes a few days. We will see how Hailu Shawl is an effective leader this time.

  3. የሃሳብ ልዩነት በመመካከር ይፈታል እንጂ በጠላትነት አይፈታም:: በየአደባባዩ የሰው ስም በድፍረት እያነሱ መሳደብ አስተዋይነት አይደለም:: እረ ባካችሁ ነጮችን እዩና ከነሱ ተማሩ::

  4. Please let us be patient and see what is going on . befor writing and confusing people on the internet . Kinijit is one and never devided before . Hailu may have his own reason to come alone . It is this man who sacrifies him self until his legs be paralized. He will never be the cover for wayane . Please don’t be confuse people .

    I thank you .

  5. ER!

    Thanks for your respectful criticism. No one, No one is beyond criticism. Ato Hailu announced the end of KIL & KIC, the trip to the US and the organizing committee. He broke his word on all three by letting KIC run around loose, by speaking against the trip & joining the trip a few days later and finally he was welcomed by different group of people rather than the committee he himself announced. We are waiting patiently for a clarification (I hope there is one) out of respect for all his sacrifices.

    Keep them honest, ER!

  6. One Kinjit. Ethiopians abhor division and factions. please contain your difference and fight Woyanes. Any of you who are accomplice for dividing Kinjit, you are doing more harm than what Meles is doing. Please for Heaven sake be ONE and struggle for one integrated and strong Ethiopia.

  7. እንኳን ደህን መጡልን ዉድ መሪያችን ክቡ እንጂነር ኃይሉ ። እኛማ ወያኔ ፕሮፌሰር አሥራትን እንዳደረገዉ ከቃሊቲ የእርሶና የጓደኞቾት አስክሬን ይወጣል ብለን ፈርተን ነበር። ለፋሲካ በዓል ከእሥር ቤት ያስተላለፉት መልዕክት ትዝ አለኝ። “አይዟችሁ፣ እንፈታለን” እንዳሉን ተፈታችሁ ይኸዉ አየናችሁ። መድሃኔ ዓለም ክብሩ ይስፋ።

    ክቡር አቶ ኃይሉ ፣

    “ተከፋፈሉ የሚባለዉ ነገር ወሬ ነዉ። ቅንጅት አንድ ነዉ” ብለዉ እርሶን ሊቀበል ለመጣዉ ሕዝብ መናገሮትን አንብቢያለሁ። ልቤን አርክቶኛል። ነገር ግን በአንድ ነገር አዝኛለሁ። ምንም ሲሁኖ ነዉ የሕዝብን ገንዘብ የሰረቁ፣ በሞቶ ሺህ የሚቆጠረዉን የቅንጅት ደጋፊ ተስፋ ያስቆረጡ፣ የቅንጅትን ድሀረ ገጽ ለፓርቲዉ አናስረክብም ያሉ፣ የቅንጅት ደጋፎዎችን የቅንጅትን ስም ለምን ተጠቀማችሁ ብለዉ የሚከሱትን፣ ሕዝብ የጠላቸዉንና የተፋቸዉን ግለሰቦችን ማቀፎት ? በጣም አዝኛለሁ። በጣምም አፍሬቦታለሁ። ብለዉ በልዉ ከሌባ ጎን ይቆማሉ ? ብለዉ ብለዉ ጠዋትና ማታ የቅንጅት ደጋፎዎችን በሬዲዮኑ ከሚሳደብ የቀድም አብዮት ጠባቂ ጋር ይወግናሉ ? አዬ በጣም ያሳዝናል !!!!

    እንግዲህ እርሶ ጉን ያሉትን ጓደኞቼ ያሏቸዉን ሕዝቢ “ሌባ ሌባ ” ብሌ ሲጮህባቸዉ ምን ተሰማዎት ? ይሄስ ለእርሶ ዉርደትና በቁም መሞት አይባልም ? ለምንስ እራሶን ያዋርዳሉ ? ለምንስ የገነቡትንና የሰሩትን ያፈርሱታል ? እባኮትን ልብ ይግዙ !! እባኮትን እራሶትን ይጠብቁ …

    አላርፍ ካሉ ከሌቦች ጋር መዋሉን ከመረጡ …..እንግዲህ ሕዝቡ እርሶን “ሌባ ሌባ፡ እንደሚሎት አይጠራጠሩ ..የዛሬዉ ቀን ለእርሶ የምጨረሻ ማስጠንቀቂያ ነዉ።

    ከነ ብርቱካን ጋር አብረዉ ይስሩ። ምንም ቢሆን አብራችሁ አልነበር እንዴ የሞት ፍርድ ይፈረድባችሁ ተብላችሁ የነበረ ? ቢፈረድባችሁ ኖርር እኮ አብራችሁ ነበር የምትቀበሩት ?ታዲያ እንዝህ የቃሊቲ ወዳጆቻትን እዚህ አገር ያሉ ወስላቶችን ዉሸት ሰምተዉ እንዴት ይሸሿሹሃል ?

    እንግዲህ መድኃነ አለም ልቦና ይስጦት !

    የማከብሮት፤ የምወዶትና ያዘንኩበት ልተፋዎት ትንሽ የቀረኝ
    ወርቀ አማኑዔል

  8. I don’t want to demonize Ato Hailu for any reason. But first, I want him to end the secrecy surrounding his relationship with Shaleqa Yosef and his criminal gang. He should come out in public and answer questions to the media. He should accept an interview from Addis Dimts radio which I heard he declined sometime ago.

    Many things are clear to us now. But we want to hear it from his mouth before we take our positions. Based on what we observed so far, we can guess what he is going to say. He has the right to take any position he wants to. In fact, this is a good thing because Kinijit will be more cohesive and stronger by cleaning itself from internal fightings. It can move foreward and this consolidates our fight against the Woyanne mercenaries. It is inevitable that some people will get off the freedom bus as the struggle heats up. They give all kind of reasons and excuses before they flee from the movement. The reason may be fatigue or the result of psychological as well as physical trauma they suffered at the hands of the Weyanes. The respectable thing to do is to resign with dignity and pass the button to those who still have the fire in them. Resigning may not be good for the ego but it is absolutely necessary for the success of our movement. We don’t want to be a laughing stock for the Woyannes again. I think Lidetu is enough.

    I request Ato Hailu to make his stand clear soon so that potent, active and resourceful members of Kinijit move foreward in their fight against the Woyannes.


  9. Bravo Elias!
    keep on telling the truth. No other media is brave enough to tell us the truth and we deserve to know what is going on in our party. I do not want to hear from those liers aiga forum, the dead eprp, and the confused ethiopiafirst who always dream the disintegration of Kinijit. Ethio zagol under his post “our challenge” wrote in the next few months people within the party may make grave mistakes… In my opinion Ato Hailu is making a grave mistake!!! But I still do hope the chairman will come back to his senses and rejoin to the rest of the team!

  10. ER, Thank you for your timely information.

    I do stil believe that Kinijit is of Ethiopian Mass. Though I understand that personalities like Eng. Hailu and Dr. Berhanu are key figure yet I still maintain that ‘no one is indispensable in Kinijit’. For, Eng. Hailu, now the time come to him to really challenge. I thnk he would not be so fool to go with the bands, the Shaleqa group. He need to well understand that personal relationships and ties by no means be compared with National agenda. Let his friendship be out of the political boundary of Kinijit. If he fails to come to the right track and join the mass to lead us towards bright futere, we do not care for his past engagements. He should not be a cover for all the theft done by the banda Yoseph.

    I really cound not be stable and tolerant for his ambigous move. Why betrayal? I have been following his since late of August through different media and his words were all same-‘no ivision!’ So why now?

    I want to know all the secret in the coming few days.
    Yet still I would like to emphatetically tell him that his political life out of the main stream Knijit would be nonesense. Thus, please take care of making decisions.

    Wusanewon Eshalehu!!

    Egziabher Yirdawo!!!

  11. I have great respect and admier for Kinijit president Hailu Shawel for his sacrifice for democracy and peace in Ethiopia.At the same time I am deeply sad that he now is standing beside the Shaleka group and Mirchaw Sineshaw who openly campaigned to keep CUD leaders in jail, and above all both individuals are known in the community as ordinary thieves who stole thousands from us.I beg Mr.Hailu not to commit his own political sucide.Kinijit is not about individuals it is about idea.He must accept the decission of the majority of the council.We have also the right to elect out representatives.The era of appointment is a back ward system and must be changed.The only winner from division among cud leaders is Woyanne.The other group must also give respect and work with ato Hailu as long as he is listening to the vast majorty of Ethiopians here in the North America.Mirchaw and Shaleka are not better than Woyanne killers.

  12. Is anyone following up what Shaleqa’s group is posting on their web site? Their rhetoric is getting more & more clear by the minute. They definitely are pushing Hailu Shawel in the wrong direction. The good Engineer has lost my respect when he started taking orders from his support group, it is unheard of!!!!

  13. If the so called shelka, and his fellow groups made something wrong they have to pay for it.Please come together to resolve the problem this is the time we stayed looking for . Thank you Elias updatng everything on time keep going more coming to done

  14. I want to thank Ethiopian review for its Endeavour to disclose what is behind the curtain. I have a total respect to Eng. Hailu Shawel and any of those who stayed behind bars for the installation of freedom & democracy in Ethiopia. But when we love people or leaders for their good deeds we need to take a great care not to worship them. We always should follow idea and the interest of the majority of the Ethiopian People. Let us not forget Lidetu Ayalew, Let us not forget Solomon Tekalign and others who joined the theatrical Parliament of Meles. Those who fatten politics and sale it when they think it can cost to fill their belly. Still we should expect others to slip against their moral. No wonder! I am really very sad to see CUD leaders, instead of uniting, dividing day after day to touch and destroy the hope of the innocent and kind Ethiopian people. In the local media, Ato Bediru Adem is barking to insult Dr. Birhanu Nega. In the outside Ato Hailu is starting to abandon the young leaders. Segregation here and there in order to make EPRDF stronger than ever. Difference is natural, but it has to always end with in the party. It is not an association of ‘Eidir’ where you simply have your own attitude and publicize it with out caring about the futurity of the party and the unity of the people.

    Those who are working for the interest of their personal intentions or parties, should know that when they divide, they are also dividing the heart of each of their followers.

    Any follower of CUD should be strong on the storms of division. One Man Like Mandela is enough to convey the democratic interests of the Ethiopian People to its goals. Let us not frustrate. Time will sort this golden individual out of the crowd of leaders.

    BE STRONG!!!!

  15. Elias my brother when are you going to write and post good and positive issues about anybody? When is your readers and Posters, are going to learn to say something possitive? Elias! You Son of a Bitch, it seems to me that you are a well planted Mole either by CIA or Woyane Regime, or by both, that you have succeded in dividing the Diaspora. Now you are trying to divide the CUD Leadership. I am sure, and I hope Kinijit’s Leadership will not be divided by your sinster, vehement mouthpiece, website.

    By the way, Elias! I do not prescribe to the DC Meriam Church, But I was happy to see you locked up by their Lawyer for liable suet,for your divide propaganda. You realy have studied divide and rule policy from your CIA and Woyanie Masters. Well Live and let live, so that we can talk.

    Harry Massele
    Philadelphia, Pa. 19131

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