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Prof. Mesfin and followers disrupt UDJ meeting (video)

A general assembly meeting called today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by the opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice Party (UDJ) was canceled when supporters of Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam, who recently resigned from the leadership, blocked entrance to the meeting hall. Watch the video below:

21 thoughts on “Prof. Mesfin and followers disrupt UDJ meeting (video)

  1. ይህ ሰውዬ በተለያየ ጊዜ ለሃገር አደጋ የሆነ ነገር ሲያደርግ የነበረና አሁንም ያንን የተለመደ ተግባሩን ነው እያከናወነ ያለው (የኮ/ል መንግስቱ ሃ/ማርያም ትዝታዎች የሚለውን መጻፍ ማንበብ ትችላላችሁ):: ይህ ሰውዬ አሁንም ቢሆን እየተገበረ ያለው የሃገርንና የህዝብን ጥቅም ወደጎን በማለት የራሱን “የከንቱ ውዳሴ”ፍላጎት የማሳካት ወራዳ እንቅስቃሴ ነው እየተገበረ ያለው:: ሁለተኛ:- ይሔ ሰውዬ ለሌሎች ብሄር ብሔረሰቦች በተለይ ለኦሮሞ የተደበቀ ጥላቻ አለው:: የዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ ወደ አንድነት መምጣትም ሳያሳብደው አልቀረም:: ዋናው ነገር የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የዚህን ሰውዬ ማንነት አውቆዋል::

  2. Professor Mesfin is great Ethiopian.Professor Mesfin is always doing for Human Rights,Freedom and Justice. We Ethiopians always stand with Professor Mesfin .

    UDJ leader is W/r Birtukan Mideksa.

  3. Your summary is misleading. even the video didnot reveal that Prof. and his anjas block the meating…they ware there to participate. However the other side didnot want to participate…this is my take. Why do I see seye there? That is a spoiler man…He shouldnnot be allowed to join anless he publicly apolojizes to the people of ethiopia like negasso

  4. how someone with a lucid mind uses Mengistu’s testimony to accusse the Professor who has been fighting all his life for Justice and democracy.
    The professor is asking the UDJ leadership to fight for the release of Birtukan. unfortunately the UDJ leadership is reluctant to secure Birtukan’s release and this is very unacceptable for the good professor

  5. Siye should be kicked out, and Professor Mesfin should be invited back. That is how it should be, if Ethiopia has any honour left. The woyane are now the strong guys both in and outside government, ayaöqim mechem yanchi gud Ethiiopiaye

  6. Eventhough I didnot follow professor Mesfin Woldemariam’s activity for a long time ,I know one or two things about him. He openly criticized Hailu Shawel’s wrong doings and malice intentions when Hailu organized a protest of the election results of 2005. The second reason I admire him is he is one of the few persons strugling for a better Ethiopia showing his true nature not even coloring his gray hair black like some politicians/puppets.

  7. ይህንን ሰውዬ መንግስቱ ሓ/ማርያም አንድ ጊዜ “መሰሪ” ብሎ ገልጾት ነበር:: እውነትም መሰሪ!! ፕሮፌሰርነቱ የ geography ሳይሆን “የምቀኝነት: የራስ ወዳድነት: እና የመሰሪነት “ነው:: 60 አዛውንቶችን ደርግ ገደለ እንላለን :: ምርመራውን/ Investigation/ የመራውና እንዲገደሉ ለደርግ ሃሳብ ያቀረበው ማን ነበር???እውነትና ታሪክ አይሞትም:: …”ጠላትማ ምን ጊዜም ጠላት ነው : አስቀድሞ መግደል አሾክሻኪውን ነው” ብሉዋል ያገሬ ሰው ስያቅራራ:: መጀመሪያ እኚህን ሰውዬና የሳቸውን አይነት መሰሪዎች ካላጸዳን ዘላለማችንን የወያኔ መጫወቻ እንደሆንን እንቀጥላለን:: ….ሌላው ደግሞ የገረመኝ …በዲሲፕሊን ግድፈት መባረራቸው እየታወቀ ETV አባላቶች እርስ በርስ ተጣሉ ብሎ መዘገቡ ነው::

  8. As long as the weyannes, seye and gedada, joined UDJ and Bertukan is in jail, the fight will continue. UDJ is now weyanne, the other side of the coin. UDJ with out it’s leader Bertukan is dead. Desintegration will continue. Kehodam ena jeboche gar aneseram.

  9. Kedija for your information, Negaso Giddada and Siye Abraha have been struggling in their full potential for the release of Birtukan from th day of her jail.
    Even their dicession of joining CUD is to show their solidarity for her release and for Nationalism.
    You know that,these two guys had spent their life in a politics lead by the ideology of Tribalism,which we hated and accused.
    But now they prefer and shifted the party that is led by National ideology.
    This is a very great victory for the Nationalist( such as,the Majority Ethiopian) and a very great defet for Tribalists,such as Meles,Bereket and Abaduala.
    You have to clasp your hand instead of barking at them. Think twice before you roared.

  10. Seyee joining UDJ ? He is very smart I even heard he said Birtukan is ours.
    Guys, Listen to the Prof. carefully do you understand what he is trying to say.Any ways,I don’t hope they will bring a solution I agree with #13.

  11. i think prof. is out of his mind and he is too old. we the new generation believe we are all one people, one nation so we stand for united and Birtukan will be the new generation and president and all UDJ members will be the uniter of Ethiopia.

  12. both seye and gidada are war criminals against the innocent ogaden when the seye was the woyane defence minister he ordered the masacre of warder town on 22nd april 1994.82 children and women have killed by woyane on that date.

  13. Of the commenter’s above:

    Prof. Mesfin Yes: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13
    Prof. Mesfin No-: 5, 6, 16
    Seye/Negaso Yes-: 14
    Seye/Negaso No–: 2, 4, 9, 13, 18
    Unreadable —–: 1 (12 same person)

    Even though, the great mentor Prof. Mesfin and his group seems leading, again the winner is TPLF.
    We need to wake-up, work together, learn and call for a thoughtful and peaceful civil disobedience!

    God bless Ethiopia

  14. Prof. Mesfin contributed a lot to Ethiopian Peaceful struggle in many ways. This does not mean he is RIGHT ALL THE TIME.

    With the recent news of Engineer Hailu Sheweden on the spotlight with EPRDF and Dr. Negasso and Siye joining UDJ, has left Prof. Mesfin out of the spotlight that he always wants.

    Now he is trying to drag UDJ to the mud wrestling. However, UDJ said, Thank you, but No Thanks.

    The UDJ train has left without the Professor and he finds it hard to believe, they left without him.

    When people think they are bigger than the institution or the country, that’s where the problem starts.

    Everyone is replaceable and no one is bigger than the organization and the country.

  15. አረ ለመሆኑ ይህ ሁሉ ሲሆን ያየ አለ ወይ? ወይንስ የሚዲያና ቲቨ አሉባልታ ተይዞ ነው ይህ ሁሉ የሚወራው? ለማንኛውም ከሁሉም ዘንድ ያለውን ልብ ብሎ ማየት ያሻል።

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