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Memher Zebene, Ethiopia’s Jimmy Swaggart?

Memher (Preacher) Zebene Lema has started out as a charismatic young preacher at the Ethiopian Orthodox Medhani-Alem and St. Mary churches in DC and Maryland. Then he opened his own bible class so that he can keep all the donation from his students. After making loads of money, 2 years ago he went to Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa to get married at the Sheraton Hotel — Al Amoudi’s whorehouse. The fake patriarch, Ato Gebremedhin (formerly Aba Paulos), was the guest of honor. (Zebene says he did not invite him.)

Following the wedding, Ato Gebermedhin’s lackeys awarded him Abune Petros’ Cross. It is the cross this great Ethiopian hero and religious father used to compel the people of Ethiopia to resist Fascist Italy’s invasion in 1935. Italians executed Abune Petros. Now Memher Zebene walks around with Abune Petros’ cross in his pocket. He has been advised by Ethiopians inside the country and abroad to return the Cross to the Church, as it is a national treasure. He arrogantly refused.

After returning from his lavish wedding at the Addis Sheraton (a favorite spot for Arab sheiks to molest underage girls), all the money and fame became too much for Memher Zebene to handle. The “servant of God,” became a power-crazed thug who insults the elderly and antagonize senior Orthodox Church priests.

Zebene is currently using his blind young followers to harass and intimidate church leaders in the Ethiopian Community. Any one who criticizes Zebene is labled “pente” (a follower of the Pentecostal denomination) by him and his followers. Ironically, Zebene attends classes at the Howard University School of Divinity in Washington DC, which is run by adherents of the Baptist and Pentecostal denominations.

If Zebene keeps up what he is doing, he will soon become Ethiopia’s Jimmy Swaggart. He is bringing upon himself his own downfall through corruption and hubris.

Zebene just needs to follow what he preaches, and he can save himself. He is indeed a talented preacher. He started out great, particularly attracting young Ethiopians to the Church, but sudden fame and wealth have corrupted him.

The following article about Memher Zebene is sent to Ethiopian Review by a concerned Ethiopian and member of the Orthodox Church in Washington DC.

መምህር ዘበነ፥ መስቀሉን መልስ

ከታሪኩ ይበልጣል (ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ)

“ይህንን ባታደርጉ ትቀሰፋላችሁ፣ ይህንን ብታደርጉ ደግሞ የመንግስተ ሰማያት ቤታችሁ ይሰራላችኋል፤ ቤታችሁ በገነት ይሆናል” እያሉን ነገር ግን እራሳቸው በምድራዊ ቤት የዘቀጡ፣ መቀሰፊያውን የሚፈጽሙ ዓለመኞች፣ ከጎስቋሎች በይሁዳ ኮሮጆ በምጽዋት በፈለጉት መንገድ በተሰበሰበ ገንዘብ ሸራተን ሰርግ የሚሰርጉ፣ ዘመኑ ባፈራው የቅንጦት ዕቃና ተሽከርካሪ የሚንፈላሰሱና ቪላ የሚሰሩ በአንፃሩ ደግሞ ሌላው ግን ዳዋ ለብሶ፣ ድንጋይ ተንተርሶና ጤዛ ልሶ በደበሎ እንደተጠቀለለ ለቀኑ ቆሎ አሮበት ስለ አገሩና ህዝቡ በቁርና በጸሃይ ሳይዝል በጸሎት ተጠምዶ ጉድ የሚታይበት የጉድ ዘመን በኢትዮጵያ ሰፍኗል። “እኔ አውቃለሁ መንፈሳዊ ነኝ” የሚሉ ዳሩ ግን በምዝበራ የደለቡ የዓለም ሰንጋዎች፣ ግን መንፈሳዊ ተብየዎች በተናቀ ሥራቸው እውነተኛ ካህናቶችን አሰዳቢዎች ክርስቶስ መስቀሉን የተሸከመው ለመላው የሰው ዘር መሆኑንን በሆዳቸው የካዱ ጉደኛ ሹመኞችና ነጠላ ያጣፉ ጀሌዎችና ዱልዱሞች ተዋህዶ ተጥለቅልቃለችና መላ ይሻላል። ካህናት ነን እያሉ በካህናት ሥም ዛሬ በቤተክስቲያናትና በልጆቿ ላይ እየተፈጸመ ያለውን ተንኮልና ደባ ሰይጣን እራሱ ቢጠየቅ “ከእነርሱ ተማርኩበት እንጅ ተንኮላቸውንና ከፋፋይነታቸውን በፍጽም አልደረስኩበትም” የሚል ይመስለኛልና ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል!

ዘበነ (መምህር) እራሱ በተግባር የማይፈጽመውን አስተምራለሁ የሚል፤ በድህነት ከተነነ ቤተሰብ ውስጥ ወጥቶ ግን በሙዳይ በተቀፈፈ የምዕመናንና የመበለቶች ገንዘብ ሰርግ ሸራተን ያደረገ ዓለመኛ ሳባኪ በማይፈጽመው ግን የእምነት ንጉስ ነኝ ባይ ጮሌ እንደ እኩዮች ዓለም በዘረጋቻቸው የዕውቀት ዘፎች ሁሉ አውቃለሁ የሚል እውነት የሚናገሩትን ያለስማቸው ስም የሚሰጥና የሚፈርጅ ቤተክርስቲያንዋ በታሪክ ያላየቻቸውንና የማታዋቃቸውን ‘የቡድሃ’ አይሉ ‘የኒንጃ’ ወይንም የኦሎምፒክ መወዳደሪያ ወይም ሌላ ቀለም ባፅሸበረቁ የጳጳስ፣ የቆሞስ፣ የመነኩሴ፣ የቄስ ወይንም የዲያቆን አሊያም የምዕመን አይሉት የሌላ የሥልጣን ተዋረድ ያልጠበቀ ልብስ አጥላቂ “ምንቸት ጋን ነኝ” ያለበት የመለያየትና የስድብ ፊታውራሪ ፍቅርን ሳያውቀው ስለፍቅር፤ አንድነትን እየናደ ስለአንድነት፤ የውንድማማችነትን መንፈስ እየገደለ ስለወንድማማችነት መምህር ነኝ የሚል፤ አዛውንት አባቶች ወደ ኋላ እንዲቀመጡ ተደርጎ እሱ አሳራጊ፤ ይህች ከንቱ ዓለም እንኳን የቅደም ተከተል ተዋረዷን ታውቃለች ይገርማል! ግን ይህንን አያስተውለውም።

በጣም የሚገርመው የማይለው ስለሌለ “ሁለት ሶስተኛውን እልፍ ሲልም ሶስት አራተኛውን የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብና የሰሜን አሜሪካን የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ክርስቲያን አድርጌያለሁ” ያለ ደፋር፤ ለመሆኑ ይህንን አድርጌያለሁ ካለ አመዛኙ የኢትዮጵያ ሕህብ እምነት ምን ይሆን የነበረው? አይን አውጣነት ወይንስ ሌላ? ከዚህ ቀደም እስከ አሁን የሚያንገበግበን በኢትዮጵያ የነጻነት ተጋድሎ ለዓለ ህብረተሰብ በዓለም አደባባዮች ለኢትዮጵያ እንዳንጮህ ለአገር የመጮህን ተስፋ ለማመንመን ያደረጋቸው መሰሪና አደናጋሪ ሰበካዎችና በማር የተለወሱ መርዛማ እንቅስቃሴዎች ታሪክ ይቅር የምይለው በደል ነው። አንድ ነገር ግን እናረጋግጣለን የኢትዮጵያ ትንሳዔም ቅርብ ነው!!! ይህንን ለጊዜ ፍርድ እንተወዋለን ያኔ ማጣፊያው ያጥራል።

ግለሰቡ ተመክሮ የማይሰማ ነው። ከዚህ ቀደም በቅዱስ ሚካኤል ቤተክርስቲያን ከእየሩሳሌም በመጡ የዕድሜ ባለጸጋ መንፈሳዊ አባት “አባቶችን አትዳፈር፣ ትህትና ይኑርህ” ብለው በእማኝ ፊት ያሉትን ባለመቀበል እነሆ ዛሬ ተመክሮ የማይሰማ ትዕቢተኛ፣ ቀናተኛ የሆነና ያለአግባብ ሰዎችን በመዝለፍ አባቶችንና እናቶችን በማዋረድና በመዘርጠጥ በሚከፍተው አፍ ጭንቅላቱ የሚታይ እራሱ የቆብ፣ የልብስና የአፍ ምሩቅ መሆኑን ማወቅ ለማንም አያዳግትም። የቤተክርስቲያንዋ መከፋፈል በውግዘት መለያየት ተጠቃሚዎች እርሱና መሰሎቹ ሆነዋልና። የኢ.ኦ.ተ. ቤ/ክር አንድ ከሆነች ሊቅውንተ ቤ/ክር ስለሚሰባሰቡና ፍቅር ሁሉን ስለሚገዛ ተራራ ነኝ ያለው ኩይሳም ስለማይሆን ጠላት ዲያብሎስም ስለሚያፍርና ጥቅም ስለሚቀር የቤተክርስቲያንዋን አንድነት አይወዱትም። ያልሆነ ስም ልጠፋና ስድብ ግን ይቀናቸዋል። ስድብ ባዶነት ነው። ስድብ ከዲያብሎስ ጋር ሕብረት መፍጠር ነውና ልታቆም ይገባሃል! አደራችን የጌታችን የመድሃኒታችንን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መስቀል እንጂ የመከፋፈልና የስድብ፣ የጩኽትና የልፍለፋ የመሳለቂያ የሥጋ ገበያ ሊሆን አይገባም እንልሃልን።

ኃይላችን ስለሆነው መስቀል ስናነሳ ጌታችን፣ መድኅኒታችንና አምላካችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መከራን በመቀበል በመስቀል ላይ ባፈሰሰው ደም ሰላምን እንዳወጀልን ሁሉ አባታችን ኢትዮጵያዊ ሰማዕቱ ቅዱስ አቡነ ጴጥሮስም የእምነት የተዋህዶ አርበኛ ስለ እምነቱና ስለውድ ሃገሩ ኢትዮጵያ፣ ከአምላኩ እንዳየው መስቀሉን እንደጨበጠ ጠላትን በመገሰፅና በማውገዝ በባንዳዎች ትብብር በጨካኞች እጅ ተረሽኗል። ጌታችን በመስቀሉ ዲያብሎስን እንደገደለና እንዳሸነፈ ሰማዕቱ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጴጥሮስም በመስቀሉ ፋሽስትን ገደለና አሸነፈ። የእዛ የእምነት ፅናት የተዋህዶ አርበኝነት ምልክት ቅርስ መሆኑ ተዘንግቶ “በእከከኝ ልከክልህ” የስጋ ገበያ ለከንቱ ውዳሴ በአባ ቀውስጦስ አማካይነት ለዘበነ (መምህር) በመሰጠቱን ከዚህ በፊት እንዲመለስ በየጊዜው በኢንተርኔት ከአገሪቱ ዜጎች መጠየቁን እኛም እንደ ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜግነታችን የሃገር ቅርስ በመሆኑ ያንገበግበናልና በአስቸኳይ ያለቅድመ ሁኔታ መመለስ አልበት። ግልሰቡ አልወሰደም እንዳይባል አፍ ሲያመልጥ እንዲሉ “ለሰርጌ መመረቂያ ከአባ ቆውስጦስ ተሰጥቶኛል” በማለት በደብረ ገነት መድኃኔዓለም ቤተክርስቲያን ሲመጻደቅ የተናገረውን ማውጣት ይቻላል። የአባ ቆውስጦስ ስጦታ ቤተክርስቲያኒቱን ለሶስተኛ ሲኖዶስ አሳልፎ ለመስጠት የተደረገ ውስጣዊ ደባ ነው ሲሉ አንዳንድ የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ አባላት በጊዜው ሲናገሩ ተደመጠዋል። ታዲያ እንግዲህ ታላላቅ አባቶችን ሳያፍሩ “ሆዳሞች” ያሉና ያዋረዱ፣ ከሆዳሞች ያገኙትን ማረጋገጫ ያልቀረበበትን አለኝ የሚሉትን ክህነት እንዴት እንቀበለው? ስሊዚህ የኢትዮጵያ ቤ/ክር በቀደሙ አባቶች አማካይነት ተዋህዶ በቤዛነት ለሃገሯና ለዜጎቿ ለመላ የዓለም ክርስቲያን የተከፈለ የመስዋዕትነት ቋሚ ምስክር ነውና ዘበነ (መምህር) የመመለስ ኃላፊነትም ግዴታም አለብህ።

የተዋህዶ አርበኛ ሰማዕቱ አባታችን ቅዱስ ጴጥሮስ በምላስ፣ በልብስና በዘር ከፋፋይነት ሳይሆን የተመካው በጌታችን በመድኃኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መስቀል ማለትም እንደቃሉ እኔስ ከጌታችን ከኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መስቀል በቀር በሌላ ትምክህት ከእኔ ይራቅ (ገላ 6-14) ብሎ በዛች በመጨረሻዋ የጭንቅና ፈታኝ ሰዓት የክርስቶስን ዓርማ መስቀሉን መንፈሳዊ ክብሩን በቀኝ እጁ እንደጨበጠ ጽናትን እስከሞት ታላቅ ምስክርነቱን ስለኢትዮጵያ ስለህዝቡና ስለእምነቱ ደሙን በማፍሰስ ፍቅሩን የእግዚያብሔር ጽናቱን የገለጠበት የተሰዋውን የዛን የተዋህዶ አንበሳ መስቀል ለግል መውሰድና በማስኮብለል ከሀገር በማስወጣት ወደ ኪስ መክተት የመጨረሻ ነውርና ወደ ታች መዝቀጥ ነው። መመለሱ ግዴታ ነው። “ሀገሬ ኢትዮጵያ ሞኝ ነሽ ተላላ የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ በላ” ካልሆነ በስተቀር አንተና መሰሎችህ በመጀመሪያ ገዝታችሁ ያንጠለጠላችሁትን መስቀል በቅጡ ያዙ! የሰማዕቱን ፈለግ ተከተሉና ከከንቱ ውዳሴ ይልቅ እውነቱን የቤተክርስቲያን አንድነት ጩሁ። መጀመሪያ በዓለም ካለ ህይወት እንደ ሸራተን ከመሰለው ውጡ። አባታችን የተገኘው በመስቀሉ ስር ከቤተክርስቲያን እንጅ ሸራተን በሳንቲም መልቀሚያ ጉባዔ አልነበረም።

ስለአባ እከሌ መኖር ይብቃችሁ። ነገሩ የእናንተ አባእገሌ ሆዳችሁ ጥቅማችሁ ነው።እስኪ የእውነት ሰው ሁኑና ስለ አገር የማይነገርበትና ከእውነት ከራቀው አደንቋሪ ጩኸት ውጡና ሰማዕቱ ጴጥሮስን ልትሆኑት ባትችሉም መሰሉት። ይህ መስቀል እንዲመለስ ሕግም ያስገድዳል። ቅርስን መዝረፍና ለግል ማድረግ የማየገባውን ማድረግ ወንጀል ነውና!!! ምን ይታወቃል አሊያም አንድ ቀን እንደ ድንቅነሽ (ሉሲ) ታከራዩትና ገንዘብ ትሸቅጡበት ይሆናል። ሕዋርያው ቅዱስ ጳውሎስ ፊሊጶ 3-10 በመልዕክቱ “የእነሱ መጨረሻ ጥፋት ነው፣ ሆዳቸው አምላካቸው ነው። ክብራቸው በነውራቸው ነው፣ አሳባቸው ምድራዊ ነው” እንዳለን መጨረሻቸው ጥፋት የሆነ የስም ክርስቲያኖች ፊሊጵ 3-10 ታንኩንና የመርዝ ጭሱን እየባረኩ በመላክ በባንዳዎች ትብብር ኢትዮጵያ ሀገራችንና ህዝቧን በወረሩበት በዛ የመከራ ቀን ብዙ ተጎድተናል፤ ከጉዳታችም አንዱ የአቡነ ጴጥሮስ በባንዳዎች ትብብር መረሸን ነው። መስቀሉ የዚህ ምስክር ነው። ቫቲካንም ይቅርታ ልትጠይቅበት ይገባል። እውነተኛ አባቶቻችንም ይህንን ጥያቄ እንድትጠይቁ ጩኽታችን ይድረሳችሁ።

አባታችን ካህን አሮንና ልጆቹ የእስራኤልን ልጆች እንደባረካቸው፣ ያዕቆብም በሸመገለ ጊዜ ኤፍሬምንና ምናሴን እንደባረካቸው አባታችን ሰማዕቱ አቡነ ጴጥሮስም የኢትዮጵያን ልጆችና ምድሯን ሁሉ ስለእውነትና ነጻነት የባረከበት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ሀብትና ቅርስ የሆነው ያ ታሪካዊ መስቀልም ትናንትም ዛሬም ወደፊትም የማይሸጥ፣ የማይለውጥና የሀገርና የህዝብ ሀብት ነው። ይህ መስቀል አቡነ ጴጥሮስ የነፍሳችን መዳኛ እንዲሆን እንድናስተውል ለኢትዮጵያ አለኝታ እንዲሆነን ትቶልን ያለፈ የእውነት ቅርስ ነውና ዘበነ (መምህር) መልስ! በሀገርና በዓለም ዙሪያ የምትገኙ ኢትዮጵያውን ይህ መስቀል እንዲመለስ የበኩላችሁን ጥረት ታደርጉ ዘንድ ጥሪ ይድረሳችሁ። በተለይም የአሜሪካ ድምፅ ሬዲዮ፣ የጀርመን ድምፅ ሬዲዮ፣ ነፃነት ለኢትዮጵያ ሬዲዮ፣ የህብረት ሬድዮ፣ አዲስ ድምፅ ሬዲዮ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ድምፅ ሬዲዮ፣ የኢትዮጵያዊነት ሬዲዮ፣ የሀገር ፍቅር ሬዲዮ፣የኢትዮጵያ የዘውድ ምክር ቤትና እንዲሁም ሌሎችም የህዝብ መገናኛ አውታሮችና ድረ ገጾች የሀገርን ቅርስ ከማስመለስና የሀገርን ታሪክ ለተተኪው ትውልድ ከማቆየት አኳያ በጉዳዩ ላይ ጥሪ አድርገንላችኋለንና ምላሻችሁን እንጠብቃለን። ስለሁሉም ነገር ልዑል እግዚያብሔር ይመስገን።

114 thoughts on “Memher Zebene, Ethiopia’s Jimmy Swaggart?

  1. IT was not new that this bloody preacher was an agent for WOYANE. We tried to expose him for most orthodox religion followers that the current woyane patriarch sent him to divide Ethiopians in the diaspora. Since woyane steals every thing from the other part of ethiopia, paulos is awarded him the cross for a reason to take it out side the country. This Woyane people are very venomous and they need a serious anti venom. That is very normal that they use people like Zebene and radio station owner Nugussie.

  2. The price for the invitation card for his wedding was $35.00 each. Figure it out the money he spent for the whole wedding. The money comes from the MUDAY MITSIWAT. There are more than 20 churches in DC area, but he doesn’t want to teach in any one of them. He teaches in Schools and Halls etc. You know what the church won’t divide the MUDAY MITSIWAT if he teachs outside of the church. No reciept, I think IRS should involve here.. He will take the whole money for himself. I remember one time in his radio station insult one of our Kings, Atse Gelawdios. I know this guy in Addis Ababa, he was saying “don’t go to America, it will burn very soon. God isn’t with America” after these all talk , when I see him in America , I realize that this guy is “HASAWI MESIH”
    I am sorry for the people who follow him, please wake up your mind.

  3. #2, Zerihun, Shame on you! You are strongly arrogant you don’t know the truth. Zebene Lema Admitted that he took the Cross. He must RETURN ABUNE PETROS’ CROSS.

  4. bravo Elias!! We have said it before and we say it now again this man is a day light rober who has no shame in robing people in the name of God. He is no better than yemerkato kuchibelus ( street smart. I even doubt that he really belives in God. Dear elias please keep up the good job and I can assure that you will find lots of scandals about this stupid.

  5. Elias I opened your site accidentally and see about Memeher Zebene.
    I doubt if you know what you are advocating or posting. Please If you can not perform as a journalist close the website before you become the only editor and reader.

  6. መምህር ዘበነ የሃይማኖት አስተማሪ ነው ከማለት ጥሩ ፈላስፋ ነው ማለት ይቀላል:: የፍልስፍናውን አስተምህሮ ግን እሱ አይከተለውም:: ለየዋሆቹ ተከታዮቹ ብቻ ማጥመጃ ያደርገዋል:: ብራቸውን ይሰበስባል እሱ ይዝናናበታል:: የዛሬ አራት አምተ ወያኒ ያን ያህል ንጹሃንን ሲፍጅ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ወጣ ቢባል በሬዲዮኑም አውግዝ ቢባል እምቢ ያለ የራሱን መሰላል ለማዘጋጀት ብቻ ያገኘውን ድንጋይ የሚፈነቅል ሃይለኛ መሰሪ ነው:: የሃይማኖት ሰው እንዳይባል የሚታወቀው በስድብና የተቃወሙትን ሁሉ እንደ ወያኒ አፈር ሳያስገባ የማይመለስ ነው::
    ከሱ ይልቅ እሱን ተከትለው ገንዘባቸውን ጊዜያቸውን የሚያጠፊት ያስገርሙኛል::
    ኤሊያስ የህዝብ ጉዳይ ሁሉ ስለሚያገባህ ቢሰድቡህ አይግረምህ::

  7. Selam Elias,

    You may have to do a fact check. Memeher Zebene never married at Sheraton Hotel, as you claimed. You have a responsibility to report the truth. As you are young and intelligent reporter, we expect you to be fair and truthfull. It is one thing to be against somebody. But it is something else to fabricate a story and reported as fact. Please for the sake of truth and fairness do a fact check. There are plenty of people who can tell you how/where the wedding was.

    Have a grea day,
    Ewenet Yishalal

  8. Here we go again…… Divide Divide Divide……. the ppl and finaly you will be by yourself no other ppl aound you (according to mathimatics rule if you didvide a number so many times the last number will be 0) and lets be fair when we are reporting something like this.

  9. Selam Elias,
    Please hear the other side of the story regarding our beloved preacher, memeher Zebene Lemma.
    For the last seven years, I have been following Memeher Zebene’s Sebkets, and I found nothing but the word of God out of his mouth. But I don’t expect everyone to feel the same, though. Yes, he is a threat to a lot of people who don’t like the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and they have tried all they could to discredit him. This is not the first time we witnessed name calling, character assassination, fabricated lies and outright hatred, against the man who is responsible for a lot of to us come to back to our Church and serve God. And, I certainly don’t expect to be the last one. It has been tried in different forms before, they will certainly continue with their venoms . From accusing him of being a man who is not adherent to our Church, to woyane agent, to a con-artist and so one and so forth. It has been said and they will continue to say it. One thing we all know is, they will never rest until they see his down fall. Guess what? We will never let it happen. But where the rumor comes? And why do they do that? I can’t say it precisely but I can guess. I am not following him, Memher Zebene blindly. I check his every sebeket and compare it with our Bible. And I went to his sebkets to hear the word of God. I always find the true word of God from our his sebkets He teaches the word of God from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo prespective, so I go to his sebket and the Church he preaches. Yes, there are also other sebakians and I also attend their sebkets. But I attend his more because I like his style of teaching.
    Now, let’s come back to the Abune Petros’ Cross, that was given to him as a wedding gift. Yes, it was a gift given by Abune Qewestos, and it is only up to him to return it to the appropriate body. He should do that not because some lunatic on the cyber space threatened him, but because he is surely convinced that historical artifacts belong to the historical museum. However, if Memer Zebene wants to keep it, that should be his prerogative. He never asked for it, never lobbied for it. He got it for all the wonderful work he has been performing in and outside of Ethiopia.

    How about the wedding? the wedding was never at the Sheraton. It was in a college campus. The name of the college is Star college and is located around 22 Mazoria. How did I know that? Because i have a very credible information. if there is a need to provide picture and video, it can easily be done.

    About him teaching in a halls other than Churches, and using the money for himself. Well, the very small amount of money collected is used to help Gedams and Churches in Ethiopia. All the help is properly recorded, tracked and accounted for. I have also witnessed help given to people here in the US. There is not much money as the writer claims it. It is very small and it has being used appropriately. As for him being a student at Howard University, since when it is a crime to attend college? We all come to this country to better ourselves. Accusing him of being in college is nothing other than being a coward. As for his very little participation in the struggle against woyane, he is a man of religion. And religious people should stay in Church and pray. If one brings the example of Abune Petros, that is a completely a different scenario… our country was fighting against the Italian invasion. That caused our great father to act the way he did. The current political situation and the politicians are very different. The leader are very unpredictable. One day they are in one side the next day they are on the other. Yesterday’s hero such as Eng. Hailu and Ato Lidetu are classic example.
    In closing, every true son and daughter of Tewahedo should stand against this character assassination. We should stand and say enough is enough. We owe it to our church. There is no reason some lunatic should insult our father/teacher/preacher, Memeher Zebene Lemma. The church, Debere Genet Medeahaneale also has to stand by his Adminstrator. When the Church administrator, memeher Zebene Lemma is insulted in public, there is no reason the board and Church members stay quiet.

    Cher Yegetemen,

    Anonymous replies:

    Well said may friend Yetamane. Such a story besides being completelly false, helps neither the church nor the people. Of course if you have some other plan, sure it does help you. But please stop such a low level of reporting. May the blessing of God be with you all

  10. Elias,

    You are so unfair. I know for fact that Memer Zebene did not invite Aba Paulos to his wedding. I was there at Sheraton at the reception. Aba Paulos came almost at the end of the reception and did not even stay 30 minutes. Every one was surprised that he came. And he was not welcomed. Memer Zebene did not even greet him. Please verify your fact before you throw accusations!!!!

  11. I raise my hat to the author who eloquently summarized the deed of criminal gangs who are creating havoc around our church. Particularly people like Zebene need to be exposed to the faithful as he camouflage himself in a sheep cloth.

    His primary mission was to create enough doubt about the legitimate Patriarch Abuna Merkorios in order to legitimize Aba Paulos reign in the Holy Synod. His major supporters are Mahebere Kidusan, partner in crime who are now finding themselves trapped on both sides of the isles, even they have no clue which side he belongs at the present moment.

    A consummate opportunist he used this group to infiltrate the youth who are most susceptible to his ploy. I am here in Denver Colorado once attended his teaching session to organize renegade group who were selflessly committed for Aba Paulos against Geshen Mariam church who follow the legitimate patriarch. Today That group lead by Mahebere Kidsuan formed their own church (Medhanalem Church) and started to openly condemn the St Mary Church as a ‘YETEWGEZE BETEKRISTIAN’. Luckily, the people in Denver knew where this message originated from and rebuffed their attempt and to the contrary are going in droves to the newly built Dagmawit Geshen St Mary Church. Finally a group of Pente in Denver approach the Mahebere Kidusan and Kesese Dejene (another Zebene) and proposed to hold a communion with them if they indeed have condemned St Mary.

    Let me ask you this have you ever heard how does a man condemn a church? On whose power one condemns a holy church. This is the legacy of Aba Paulos and his mercenaries which Zebene and the remaining SUKE BEDERETE’s had evolved into.

    God Save Ethiopia!! Amen

  12. #12 (Muki above) are you trying to convince us that Aba Gebremedhe (Abune Paulos) went to Zebene’s wedding uninvited??? Even you, Muki would not go to wedding without being invited unless you are “denkuane sebari”.

  13. #11. &#12
    I know that you guys are to his side.
    If you see what you wrote, it is contraditory.
    #11 said the wedding was in the hall.
    #12 said the wedding was in Sheraton. Etc.
    Come on guys, are you paid by him?
    I saw him in JANMEDA sitting next to that gangster ato Gebremedihin during Timket ceremony. And they were talking like best friends. Do you need more evidence than this?

  14. I have found who is posting about our life changing preacher. My brother and my teacher Memhir Zebene I am with you 110% because you have changed my biblical understanding, in short you have brought me back to the true religion of my father’s and mother’s religion. I am a witness of your hard work. However, if you have taken the cross of our father Abune Peter, return it with out delay. On the other hand, stay on the fight with these Pentes as you did with Doctor Pastor Tolossa. As anybody can hear it, you punished the so called doctor pastor Tolossa. It was shocking even for me who does not have a deep knowledge on the bible in your argument with him. It was so funny his fear was visible. I felt bad for him really. He did not have anything to say. He was not even in your level that is why these Penetes accuse you. Let them cry. I am not sure if Elias will post it because Elias hates also Memhir Zebene Lema.

    Last not least Zebene please make sure you will not be or do not act rude just like those children of Luther.

  15. I agree with the writer that Zebene should not keep Abune Petro’s cross to himself. It is the pride and property the whole country. No individual should own such a national treasure. I know Zebene is a good preacher but he should not own any historical or national symbol for himself.

  16. I visit Ethiopian Review because I always believe it is one of the most credible news site. I have known Elias back in late 80’s from days with Tefaye Davino. I read his magazine and been his frequent visitor of his site. I may not agree with everything he said, but I never questioned his love to Ethiopia and his tireless struggle for justice to our country. But now I am questioning why he decided to post a an unfounded news about a beloved figure in our Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Having said that, I am a person who respects people’s opinion and their right to stand on what they think is the truth. On #11 I commented Memeher Zeben’s wedding wasn’t at Sheraton, but at Star College Auditorium near 22 Mazoria. And that is exactly where the wedding was held. I don’t know where #12 got his story of Abune Paulos presence at the wedding at Sheraton. If we are talking about the same Memeher Zebene, his wedding was never at Sheraton, but at Star College’s auditorium. Yes, Abune Paulos was present at his Teklil which was held at Selassie Church. Yes, in the Church. That is the story and people can believe what they want. Here is more information: Memeher Zebene has never set foot at Sheraton, let alone having his wedding there. Someone said I am paid to defend Memeher Zebene. No, nobody pays me to do anything. But I have the responsibility to tell the truth, and defend my Church leader. Like I said before, people have different motives to attack him. And they can say and do what they want. But the truth of the matter is, he is a man who teaches the Bible from the Orthodox Tewahedo Church perspective, which made many people very unhappy. They have tried everything and will continue to try all they can to discredit Memher Zebene. But we will stand and defend him as he is our teacher, our brother, our father and our Church leader. Cher yegetemen

  17. Short and true story of the wedding of Memere. His wedding was not at the Sheraton. It was at a collage near Asmara Road, I was at the wedding. This is the story, period.

  18. First, thanks Elias for your updates on every sphere of life that has been confiscated by woyane and its thugs. Second,fellow Ethiopians we should ask ourselves what have we left with to pass to our children. Finally, we had enough taken on everything, so lets do something practical. make a change in whatever way we can. we should not forget that our brothers and sisters are giving their lives out there in the desert.

  19. Zebene is looking for a position in Weyane church administration, big position. Soon, he will get it. We are very naive to follow this type of person and attend his preaching.


    ዶ/ር ቶሎሳ እና ሙሉ ወንጌል በኢ/ያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርስቲያን ላይ የከፈቱትን የማጥፋት ዘመቻ ያከሸፈው እና ሴራቸውን ያጋለጠው :

    መምህር ዘበነ በመሆኑ በርሱ ላይ እንደገና በሌላ መንገድ እንደሚዘምቱበት የተጠበቀ ስለሆነ ከላይ የቀረቡ ትችቶች ሊያስደንቁ አይችሉም ባይ ነኝ::

    የተኩላው ለምድ ሲገፈፍ የሚለውን ቭኢዲዮ ተመልከቱ

  21. Elias,
    I think this post is a shame. Memher Zenebe, I don’t know him personally but I don’t have a right to insult, blackmail or degrade his personality. As a human being he is respected person that should get credit for his contribution on keeping his faith and exercising Orthodox. Some of us, we are working day and night by defaming those good people.Could we ask ourselves? Who are we to Judge? What have we done? Are we the people who are capable of evaluating ourselves? No I don’t think so. If we were the people I mentioned above, I think we would have a guts to say so.

    Selam, Geta yikir yibelachihu
    Egziabher lehulum endeyesraw firdun yistew.

  22. If it is true that the patriarch gave the cross to memher Z, it proves what kind of relation they have. Also knowing this, I wonder what is happening to our national treasure.
    Elias, I like your web site it is exciting! you open the close doors and make people know what is in there.


  23. Elias, you must be pente coste. I live in Antlanta, and i have heard some ethiopian protestant followers swearing to get rid of memihir zebene just because he defended the oldest and very unique religion in the face of the world(Orthodox Tewahido.) be fair, don’t post this kind of stupid lie on your website anymore. for the protestants, you sure are the servants of whites who are out to destroy africa’s only treasure, the only and true way to God; Orthodox Tewahido Christianity. By the way, memhir Zebene never had a wedding at the Sherato Addis.

  24. Thank you so much Elias for posting this important information on your website.

    I agree 100% with Melaku #13 above.
    “….His(Zebene)primary mission was to create enough doubt about the legitimate Patriarch Abuna Merkorios in order to legitimize Aba Paulos reign in the Holy Synod. His major supporters are Mahebere Kidusan, partner in crime who are now finding themselves trapped on both sides of the isles, even they have no clue which side he belongs at the present moment….”

    Aba Gebremedhene, a.k.a. Abune Paulos is illigitimate and he is responsible for the death of BAHETAWI FEKADESELASSIE. Bahetawi Fekadeselassie was gunned down at the order of Aba Gebremedhene. We have never heard Zebene talking about issues like this nor denouncing the action of Aba Gebremedhene, because he does not want to annoy his boss, Aba Gebremedhene.
    I ask Zebene to return the cross of ABUNE PETROS to Ethiopian Church. He is not entitled to own it.

  25. # 11 Yetamene say:

    “Now, let’s come back to the Abune Petros’ Cross, that was given to him as a wedding gift. Yes, it was a gift given by Abune Qewestos, and it is only up to him to return it to the appropriate body. ……….., if Memer Zebene wants to keep it, that should be his prerogative. He never asked for it, never lobbied for it. He got it for all the wonderful work he has been performing in and outside of Ethiopia.”


    Looted national treasurers do not belong to the looter. Never! Never! Anyone who receive them as a gift or fool enough to buy one, is trafficking illegal merchandise, and will face legal recourse anywhere in the world at any time. Woyane has been busy in looting and dismembering anything that is ETHIOPIA. Abuna Petros the Holy martyr of Ethiopia is the nation’s symbol of freedom and faith which in turn remains a bitter reminder of Ethiopia’s pride to Woyane (the nation killer) the enemy. By Yetamene’s argument if they tear down Abuna petro’s statue in Arat Kilo tomorrow and sell it on eBay or give it Zebene again you are telling us to give it up. I don’t think so.

    Any self respecting Ethiopian cannot accept the status quo laid out by an alien invading occupant who today is giving the western frontier to Sudan as a gift. Are you arguing the right of the Sudanese government like zebene to keep Ethiopia’s land because Sudan got the land as a gift and never asked for it in the first place.

    Abuna Petros Cross is Ethiopia’s treasurer just like the Ark of the Covenant and The True Cross of Christ at Geshen Mariam monastery. No individual has the right to rob, purchase, trade or accept as a gift (wedding gift or otherwise) no matter what their contribution is to their master. The cross will be an albatross around Zebenes neck and therefore, it needs to be immediately surrender back to the rightful owner, The Ethiopian People.


  26. what a shame to ethiopian review and all the people insulting zebene. this is exactly why we ethiopians are where we are today. tearing each other down when someone is trying to be productive and build something. I have been to his bible study..i have seen how many suicidal brothers and sisters, young kids in drugs and in depression get helped at his bible studies…these fellow ethiopians are our families friends and relatives. if they didn’t attend his studies… they probably would have been locked up in their bedrooms thinking and doing disruptive things…he welcomed them talked to them and gave them home. name one ethiopian orthdox priest or church that does that…? i am a true follower of ethiopian orthodox… nothing against our church. i just go with facts of what i see…

    leave memhir zebene alone… we need to pray for all ethiopian people… not to tear eachother down.. but to help build each other…in many many constructive ways…

  27. I have gotten two real mistake from Elias. The first thing is the wedding place and the other is the gifted cross. The cross was not given by Abune Paulos.
    It is biblical to receive the father’s gift from the holy people as Elias received his cloth (Megonatsefia) from prophet Elijah (Elias). Zeben is doing miracles in his wonderful preaching. Just truth makes him free.

  28. Its funny to hear 3 different groups fighting over this, innocent Christians are confused, “pentes” are happy and Memhir Zebene’s groups are now labeling Elias as pente. I know Elias and he is from a very conservative Orthodox Christian family, regarding Memhir Zebene, I respect him for standing against the protestants who were working day and night to dismantle our Church, I have no problems with protestants who mind their own business but can’t stand those who work hard against our historical Church, but if Memhir Zebene has taken the Cross, he should just return it and also apologize the woman whom he confronted while she was on her way to partake the Holy Communion, what we all should remember is, Memhir Zebene is a human just like as, he definitely has his own weak sides and we shouldn’t demonize him as if we are righteous. Just let him tell his side of the story and if he fails to be humble addressing the people and the Church he represented good, then we will have issue with him, as for now, let us not be judged while we judge him,
    And TEKOLA on number 32, you certainly don’t know what you are talking about, do you thing Mahbere Kidusan members are on his side, they are on nobody’s side, you should know that they will never acknowledge the idea of a Historical Cross that once belonged to Abune Petros be given to any individual, if you think like that, then you know nothing about them, they don’t bow for Abune Paulos or Abune Merkorios, they have their own views about the current situations in the Church and they are doing what they can to protect the heritage of our Church, I am not a member but i can see what they are upto,
    Elias, I appreciate you for what you are doing for our country and for exposing what you think is not appropriate but also, please take a note that our Church has many enemies who are definitely enjoying this moment, the Church is your mother which your families are dedicated to, so please don’t let them use your popular website to destroy her image that is already tarnished by our irresponsible leaders.
    God Bless Ethiopia

  29. I dont understand where the truth is because like u said if u are really concern about that cross his wedding was long time a go. why today u brought this up? where were u all this time. In my understanding from ur letters it is not concern about the cross that is coverup for me. you must be one of the people who got mad at him because who were trying to destroyed Ethiopian orthodox name by useing that poor homeless guy and zebene bringing out the truth for you are lying by saying his wedding was in sheraton. it was not there. the point is if you have some thing behind, please gave up. at least zebene concerned for his religon and went back to ethihopia to find out the truth what ethiopian orthodox enemys did by giving his time and money. tell us what did you do? we need to know who you are first and you will talk about someone else.

  30. thank you elias, I am hundred percent agree with your report but i am not sure about his wedding, i know that the so called preist zebene went to see abune paulos to invite him in his wedding but now he is becoming betrayal that he does not invited. He is lier, I know for sure that he went, and there are few rebel so called preists who do not have any respection about their ordination or who are ordained after they were involved in many secular activities like zebene, and daniel kibret, and ato yared(who called himself preist)but those are really enemy of the ethiopian orthodox church, if you investigate their bckground you will have lots of things and criminalities. For example, ato yared gebremedhin from columbus ohio gabreil church, no body knows where he served church as a deacon, no one knows when he got his preistic ordination, he married who already had several men, finally he stole $130,000 dollrs from the miemenan and his case is under trial which we belive that it will lead him into deportation. Thanks elias and please post about the so called presit yared gebremedhin araya of columbus ohio Gabriel, thanks again and will feed u all the information soon,

  31. why do people want to talk about our church’s dirt why don’t they talk about the miracles. Aba paulos is still in charge of the church and why would care about who he invites on his wedding it is his wedding r u upset that u didn’t get invited? I have never liked this site and guess what i won’t come here anymore. u guys cried for press freedom and when u get freedom u talk about who got invited on peopl’s wedding habesha derome misgana ayawekem.

  32. My huts off to elias who usually post articles that updates and empowers us with the current information of ethiopian communtiy. It is good that finally we know Zebene’s sneaky move. He is the best communcator with out deep knowledge and humblness. Eotc is all about humbleness and deep knowledge of the doctrine of the old church. Zebe reminds me almneh wase. Yes he should return the cross to ethiopian people. It is also shameful to aba kewstos to pass the national treasure for individual who has no respect for monkosat and elders. Zebe also should apologize publically the elderly lady harrased by him self while she was in line to recieve the holy kurban. Zebe also need to have stand when it comes to freedom of ethiopians.

  33. I read this article by chance. Really i feel sorry for the authors and the owner of this site. I am an Orthodox christain living in Addis. Memher Zebene and Megabe Hadis Begashaw Desalegn are the preachers that God sent to our curch at this time. They are the true soldiers of Orthodox. Our church has enough ememies. If any of you that are spitting bad words to our Memher are Orthodox, please know that you are fighting your own church.

    If we don’t respect our preachers/Church fathers who do you think will do ? Most of you know what the Memher is doing in North America and in our country for our church. But most of you are talking about rumours. If you are really worried about the expansion of the church, at least please don’t open your non-fasting mouth to the Memher.

    For those of you who are pentes: We expect that you will not sleep peacefully before you see his down fall. However, i can assure you that this will not happen. God will guard him.

    Don’t forget all of us will pass and finally we will get what we have done.

  34. I am neither a member of this church or that.But i wonder why the preacher allow himself to own the cross as his personal property knowing that it is a national property? I have great admiration and respect for Abune Petros the Martyer who sacrificed himself heroically to the liberation of Ethiopia.I wish Mr Zebene emultate Abune petros rather than flirting with woyane top criminal cadre Aba Gebrmedhin.

  35. Memhir Zebene is not preaching the word of God but the church tradition which is less important for spiritual growth and life change. He is trying to widen the gap between the different christian denominations who have a lot in common as they believe in the son of God as the only way to heaven. This is not the time to accuse each other among Christians. You guys do not be fullish this preacher is trying to divide us so that we remain weaker and weaker to preserve christanity in Ethiopia. I personally do not want EOC to be weak but reformed and preach the Savior and not her tradition for we have seen that it has nothing to do with changing lives in this very desprate world. Please let us be able to accomodate differences and respect others faith. Do not say that EOC is the only religion to heaven but Christ.

  36. ጭፍንነት መቆም አለበት። መምህር ዘበነ እንደማንኛውም ሰው ለሚያደርጋቸው ጥፋቶች ሊጠየቅ ይገባል። አንዳንድ እንደ ከልት አባል የሚያስቡ ሰዎች የኢ.ኦ.ተ.ቤ. ከፍተኛ አደጋ ላይ ሊጥሉ የሚችሉ ናቸው። አንድ ወዳጄ ያጫወቱኝን በምሳሌነት ላንሳ ባለፈው ዓመት ደብረ ገነት መድኃኔዓለም ቤተክርሲቲያን ውስጥ አባላት የቤተክርስቲያኑን መተዳደሪያ ደንብ ለማሻሻል በደረጉት ስብሰባ ላይ መምህር ዘበነ ጣልቃ በመግባት በጾም ውስጥ ውይይት ማድረግ ክልልል ነው ብሎ ስብሰባውን በተነው። በጾም ውስጥ አትወያዪ የሚል ህግ ከየት እንዳመጣው አላውቅም። መረጃም አላቀረበም። እራሱ አዲስ ህግ እያወጣ ነው መሰለኝ? ይህ የአምባገነንት ምልክት ነው ለማለት ይቻላል። ስለሆነም በጭፍን ማስብ አደገኛ ነው።

  37. Zebene is not a priest. he is a simple Deacon and self made preacher who is smart enough to take advantage on the weak side of our church and innocent beleivers.
    He used to condemn America and insisted people not to go there repeatedly. What is he doing now? Don’t dare to tell us He came here to preach end to expand Christianity. What a messanger !!!
    He is liar, hypocrite and a man of double personality. He is down to earth to lick the Pope’s shoes while he is in Addis and he has a different stoty in America.. I wonder how God tolerates such deceit.
    I feel sorry for all Innocent Christians who gave their precious time and hard-earned money for such phony person.

  38. Mr. Elias,
    U are really getting rubbish. My freinds and me have been best patrons of ur web for couple of years. This article is the most shameful I ever read from ur site. Try to keep your profile unswerving. I don’t think that the art of media consent to put very personal, emotional and unethical rubbish ‘papers’ in the so called respected web site. Finally, people who are following God’s will have never been out of such a bad and dirty mouth!

  39. #42(Anonymous) what you are saying is nonsense and ridicules. There should be accountability and transparency in evry sphere of our life including our religious institutions. We shoudld defend and protect elders like W/O Wude when they are humiliated by Zebene. We should speak up when innocent monks like Bahetawi Fekadeselassie are murdered by Aba Diabilose (Aba Gebremedhene). Always tell the truth. The truth shall set you free!!!!

  40. Zeben does what he does for two reasons: for fame and money. He is not a true servant of God that is guided by love and compassion for others. I have read some of the comments and postings here and for the most part, right or wrong, many are focusing on what is not important. The question here should not be where we got married and or showed up at his wedding or the cross he accepted as a gift. I know many people are not happy with Zebene and his “service.” If one agrees to focus the issue on his “service,” there are plenty of examples that are sufficient to point out.
    Let us look at them:
    1) The so-called “Memhir” actually is not one. In the EOTC tradition, one that is a lique of Addis or Beluy kidanat or one that was AbeMenet (a leader of a gedam) are to be given that title. So, we should stop referring to Zebene as “Memhir.” I do not know how and where he got his priesthood, but I am not going to challenge that without enough information. We can agree to call him Kesis Zebene.

    2) What type of preacher makes his service a money making venture? The answer is: one that has made money his master. The Gospel tells us that one cannot serve two masters. We all know the story about his group supporting gedamat is bogus…. When he was in Addid, cars with auto-decal were going around town stating that he is in town and he will be preaching here and ther… When you get to the church there is a hugh tent selling his Timhirts. The whole thing was sales and promotion not service …

    3) His disregard for Menekosat and highly regarded church fathers … Much can be said here, but to list a few:
    – His rude behavior against Abune Merkorios on our church inaguration day
    – the way he challenged Abune … (no need to sate the name here) what can and can’t be done during kidassie. Just so you know, the Papas has served the EOTC more than Zebene has been alive.
    – His radio and stage denunciation of teaching of one specific church father … That church father was in DC and well aware of Zebene’s actions and statements. The Aba tried to contact Zebene to discuss the issue, but he refused to return the calls. For almost five years, he did not meet Aba for discuss, but Aba refused to say anything againt him in public. What Aba was saying was “pray for him. If he falls many who follow him will be disappointed and leave the church. Zebene finally was forced to meet with Aba because of his friend, but never make an attempt to hold substancial discussion.

    Much can be said, but I will pose here.

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