Secretary general of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit), Ato Muluneh Eyoel, gave a press conference to Ethiopian Review, Ethiopian Media Forum, Addis Dimts Radio and Netsenet LeEthiopia Radio yesterday. During the 1-hour press conference, Ato Muluneh discussed the scheduled working visits by Kinijit high-level delegations to the United States and other countries.
Ato Muluneh said that the delegates who are travelling to the U.S., Europe, Australia and South Africa have all obtained their visas. Ato Muluneh himself will lead a delegation to Europe, while vice president Bertukan Mideksa will arrive in Washington DC on Sunday [see poster] leading a delegation of five.
Originally, the delegation to the U.S. was to be headed by Kinijit president Ato Hailu Shawel, but this week he informed the executive committee that he will not make the trip due to poor health. Instead, Ato Hailu will travel to Germany on Friday to get medical treatment, according to Shaleqa Getachew Mengiste who will depart for South Africa on Monday.
A Kinijit splinter group led by Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew has issued a false statement saying that the reason Ato Hailu is not coming to the U.S. is because the embassy refused to give him a visa. The American Ambassador in Addis Ababa, Donald Yamamoto, denied that today saying that Ato Hailu’s visa is ready. The shaleqa group also warned that if Ato Hailu cannot travel to the U.S., the other leaders should also not come. The question is, who empowered these crooks to warn or order around the Kinijit executive committee?
There is a lot to criticize about the American embassy in Addis Ababa, such as its see-no-evil-hear-no-evil attititude toward the Woyanne regime. But making false accusations against the embassy is harmful to Kinijit’s own credibility. Here it must be made clear that no Kinijit official has accused the American embassy of denying visa to Ato Hailu, including Ato Hailu himself. The false accusation and misinformation have been coming from the shaleqa group, which is not a surprise. The shaleqa and his rogue group are leaving no stone unturned to block the Kinijit delegation’s visit to the United States. They have a reason for doing that — one of the delegation’s primary objectives in coming to the U.S. is to investigate the alleged corruption by the shaleqa and take appropriate measures.
It is not a secret that Ato Hailu has changed his mind about coming to the United States after being pressured by Shaleqa Yoseph and Dr Taye Woldesemayat. Although the Kinijit executive committee has requested both individuals to cease and desist from acting on behalf on Kinijit, they have refused to do so, and this week they have organized a fund rasing event in Washington DC in the party’s name. This is in clear defiance of the executive committee’s order.
Shaleqa Yoseph, who has cleverly befriended Ato Hailu Shawel and developed very close family ties, is counting on that friendship to save him from being investigated. To help him with his strategy of creating diversions in a desperate attempt to cover up his corruption, he has also brought to his side some of the most implacable opponents of Kinijit. This unholly alliance include Dr Taye (who had proudly declared that he didn’t vote for Kinijit), the EPRP crew (who consider Kinijit more of a threat to their discredited party than Woyanne), Woyanne web sites, and a former abiyot tebaqi who has been spewing anti-Kinijit diatribes on his radio program for the past two years. The shaleqa’s fund raising event this weekend and his other activities are being promoted by… guess who? EPRP and Woyanne media outlets, such as Aiga Forum, EthioLion, Debteraw, Assimba… Just check their web sites. These are the forces that are currently aligned with Shaleqa against Kinijit as a party and its executive committee.
The shaleqa had also sent a stern message to Ato Hailu Shawel recently saying that “betraying” him will have a grave consequence. This warning (blackmail?) was posted on Aiga Forum. So Ato Hailu could be in a quandary, and it is understandable he decided not to come to the U.S. As a matter of fact, it is a good thing that he is not coming, since the delegation will now be led by Wzt. Bertukan Mideksa, a highly respected former judge who can do a better job of conducting a thorough investigation into the shaleqa’s corruption.
A note to Ato Hailu Shawel:
We admire you to no end for your contribution to the anti-Woyanne struggle. It is also an admirable quality to be loyal to your friends. But Kinijit is a political party that promotes honesty, transparency and accountability. You are presented with a mountain of evidence about the corruption of your friends Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew, Ato Moges Brook and others. Ignoring all these evidences, if you try to cover up or put under the rug their crimes, you would be undermining the party you helped build and the pro-democracy struggle you helped lead this far. If your friendship with the shaleqa group would not allow you to conduct an investigation, then recuse yourself from the investigation. But please do not take part in a cover up. We are confident that you will not betray Kinijit, yourself and, most important of all, the people of Ethiopia, in order to cover up for and protect a gang of crooks who have brought shame and dishonor to the party while you and your colleagues were languishing in Woyanne jail. We trust you not to repeat Lidetu Ayalew’s mistake.
26 thoughts on “Kinijit leadership set to go on a worldwide tour”
Well done Elias!
I thank you for your genuine, constructive and dedicated work that you do in a bid to help the struggle of the Ethiopian people install a true democratic values and system.
ኤልያስ ስራህ መልካም ነው በርታ::
Good job as usual.
Elias, you are wonderful, Ethiopia and Ethiopians all over the world are very lucky to have you and people like you. You are helping Ato Hailu make the right decision.
Thank you!!!!
ከሰሞኑ ኢሀፓዎች ሙሾ እያወረዱ ነው ያለቅሳሉ በየሩማቸው ይንጫጫሉ በየድህረ -ገጾቻቸው ስድብና እርግማን የሞላውን አርቲ ቡርቲና እንቶ ፈንቶውን ሁሉ ይለቀልቃሉ የሚያስገርመው ግን ለቅሶና ጩኸታቸው ሁሉ ቅንጅት ተዋረደ ቅንጅት ተከፋፈለ ቅንጅት በሰርጎ -ገቦች ተወረረ ብላ ብላ ብላ ነው በቅንጅት የላእላይ አመራርም ሆነ ስራ -አስፈጻሚ ውስጥ የሌሉትን አቶ በድሩ አደምን በፓልቶክ ጠርተው እሳቸው በሰጡት ምላሽ ላይ የጸጉር ስንጣቂ መሰል ሀረግ ያወጡና ዶክተር ብርሀኑን አቶ አንዳርጋቸውን ትላንትማ ወደ ፓልቶክ ዝቅ ብለው እነ እምቢበል ወገኔን መሞሽለቅ ጀምረዋል :: ወዲያ አልነው ወዲህ ኢሀፓ ተቃጥሏል አሯል ድብን ብሏል ለምን ?አሁን አሁንማ ግልጽ የሆነው ነገር ቢኖር የነ ዶከተር ታዬ የቅንጅት ካውንስል የሚያወጣውንም መግለጫ የሚያወጡለት የኢሀፓ ድህረ -ገጾች ናቸው ዶፍተሩ ለዘብተኛውን የቅንጅት ስዊዘርላንድ ሩም እንክዋን ትተው በኢሀፓ ሩሞች ነው ስለ ቅንጅት መግለጫ የሚሰጠው ታዳሚው ኢሀፓ አድሚኖቹ ኢሀፓዎች ሩሙ የኢሀፓ የሚለቀሰው የሚፎከረው ደግሞ ቅንጅት ተቦረቦረ ቅንጅት ሀይ -ጃክ ተደረገ ይፎከራል ቅንጅትን እናድናለን እየተባለ ለመሆኑ ምድረ ዱለቻ የኢሀፓ መንጋ ሁላ ስለቅንጅት ምን አገባውና ነው ይህን ሁሉ የኩታራ ሁከት ለመፍጠር የሚሞከረው ? ወገኖቼ የዶከር ታዬን ቅንጅት ምን ትሉታላችሁ ? እኔ ኢሀፓዊ ቅንጅት ብዬዋለሁ እናንተስ ?
Thank you Elias for the best expression of our thinking. This was my message to convey to our leader Eng. HAILU SHAWEL.
Thank you for sharing of my views.
ዛሬ ያቀረቡትን ዘገባ በዝርዝር አንብቤዋለሁ። ነገር ግን እኔ ትንሽ ገፋ እላለሁኝ። አቶ ኃይሉ ሸዋል እሥር ቤት ከገቡበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በሚስጥር ከነ ሻለቃ ጋር ይገናኙ ነበር። ከሌሎች አመራሮች ጋር ሳይነጋገሩ ብቻቸዉን ብዙ ጊዜ ዉሳኔ አሳልፈዋል።
ሻለቃ ዮሴፍ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠር ገንዘብ አሽሿል። ኢንጂነር ሞገስም እንደዚሁ። ኢንጂነር ሞገስ በራሱ ስም የቅንጀትን አርማና ስም አስመዝግቧል። አንዳንድ የቅንጅት ድጋፍ ድርጅት አመራሮች ከፍርድ ቤት ለምን የቅንጅት ስም ተጠቀማችሁ ተብለዉ የክስ ወረቀት ደርሷቸዋል።
ታዲያ የምጠይቀዉ ጥያቄ ይህን ሁሉ ሲያደረጉ ኢንጂነር ኃይሉን ሳያማክሩ ነዉ ? እኔ አይመስለኝም። ገንዘቡንም ወደ ሌላ አካዉንት ያዞሩት፤ አርማዉንም በራሳቸዉ ስም ያስመዘገቡት በአቶ ኃይሉ እዉቀትና ስምምነት መሆን አለበት ብዬ አምናለሁ። እንዲህ ያልኩበት ምክንያት አለኝ።
ድ/ር በፈቃዱ ደግፌ ቅንጅት ገንዘብ እንደሚያስፈልገዉ በስዊድን ሬዲዮ ጣቢታ ተናግረዉ ነበር። እነ ሻለቃ ለዶ/ር በፈቃዱ ገንዘቡን ሊያስረክቡ ፈቃደኛ አልሆኑም። ዶ/ር በፈቃዱ የቅንጅት የፋይናንስ ሃላፊ ናቸዉ። በኢንጂነር ኃይሉ ካልተጠየቁ በስተቀር የሕዝብን ገንዘብ ለማስረከብ እምቢ ብለዋል። ለምንድን ነዉ ኢኒጂነር ኃይሉ ጓደኞቻቸዉን ገንዘብ እንዲልኩ የማይጠይቁት ? ለምን ? ? ?
አቶ ሃይሉ ጓደኞቻቸዉ ለሌሎች ቪዛ ተሰቶ ለአቶ ኃይሉ ተከለለ እያሉ በዉሸት ሲያስወሩ፣ የቅንጅት ላዕላይ ምክር ቤትን ፊት ለፊት ሲጋፉ፣ የቅንጅት ከፍተኛ አመራር አባላትን ስም ሲያጠፉ፣ ልጃቸዉ አንተነህ ኃይሉ ወረዳ የራዲዮ ፕሮግራም ሲያዘጋጅ ለምን አቶ ኃይሉ ዝም አሉ ? ? ?
በራሳቸዉ ኪስ የተባለዉን አካል አቋቋሙ። ሁለት ግለሰቦችን በራሳቸዉ ፊርማ ሌሎችን ሳያማክሩ ላኩ። የዳያስፖራ ቅንጅትን አመሱት። ይሄን ምን ትሉታላችሁ ? ? ?
እንግዲህ የቅንጅት ካዊንስል ማጆሪቲዉ ከወሰነ በኋላ እሺ ብለዉ ቪዛ ሲያገኙ ከሌሎች ጓደኞቻቸዉ ጋራ አብረዉ መጥተዉ ሁሉንም ነገር ማስተካከል ሲኖርባቸዉ ለምን ለመምጣት ፈቃደኛ አልሆኑም ? ሕክምናዉ ከሆነ አሜሪካን አገርስ መታከም አይቻልም ?
በዚህና በመሳሰሉት ምክንያቶች አቶ ኃይሉ ከመጀመሪያዉኑ ከነ ሻለቃ ጋር አብረዉ ይሸርቡ ነበር። ይቅርታ አደረጉልኝና እነ ሻለቃ ይህን ሁሉ ያደረጉት እኔ የሚመስለኝ በ አቶ ኃይሉ ሻወል መመሪያ ነዉ።
ምን አለ በሉኝ አቶ ኃይሉ የራሳቸዉን ቢጤዎች ሰብስበዉ (እነ በድሩ አደምን) አቶ ልደቱ እንዳደረገዉ ያደረጋሉ። እኝህ ሰዉዬ የልደቱ እጣ ፋንታ ነዉ የሚያጋጥማቸዉ። ታያላችሁ !!!!
I admire your courage to speak truth to power but at times I fear that your rush to judge can be harmful. No question that the Shaleka and Dr Taye gang has to be challenged and exposed. However suggesting that Engineer Hailu is more loyal to old friends than the liberation of Ethiopia from parasites like Meles and Shaleka is unfair. Let’s not forget that Engineer Hailu and the rest of Kinijit leaders have not had enough time to do adequate investigation.
Let us give Engineer Hailu credit for saying publicly that what Kinijit needs and embraces are people who now contribute to the struggle and accepted by the people. He did say that the fact that one has been in the struggle for twenty or thirty years does not amount to anything if that person is not contributing to the current struggle. Thus people like Shaleka whose claim to leadership comes from being around for fifty years have their notice to pack and go.
Thank you for your dedication.
Mr Elias,
Take it easy on Hailu Shawel. He came out of prison just a few weeks ago. It is not fair to say that he may try to protect Yoseph from investigations. Be patient and give him time to weigh all the “evidences” you are talking about. I know Hailu for at least 30 years and I know that he is person of integrity and high morals. One thing I agree with you is that it is for the better he is not going to the U.S. Let the other leaders deal with Yoseph Yazew.
Ato Elias,
you are doing a very nice job. Please keep it up but to blame Eng. Hailu now, I think, it is too early. Let us be patient to give the truth a chance to see the day light.
Elias : it is good that all, including Eng Hailu, should be open and transparent. It was Ato Hailu who signed the letter to the organizers in US and after all the process is completed, he gave now recently other reasons, saying the party is not yet recognized in Addis and other non convincing reasons not to come. This is very sad to count the friendship with shaleqa more important than the party’s democratic culture.
Geda from Germany
ተድሮስ ያለው እውነት እንዳይሆን ጸሎተ ነው ግን የመሆን እድል አለው ብሎ ውስጤ ያስባል::
አድነን ከማቱ ይሰውረን !!
ገዳ ነኝ ከጀርመን
i read all the above thank you for the information. i hope i expect some positive decision from eng. Hailu
ethiopia from ethiopia
Well put! Ato Hailu has a choice to make — a choice between Shaleqa Yoseph and the people of Ethiopia, a choice between the Shaleqa and his own colleagues who suffered with him in jail. A choice between the Shaleqa and the integrity of Kinijit. Other than that, I am excited about the KINIJIT leaders visit. I hope to meet with them say thank you for their sacrifice.
Bravo……..Tell it as it is….
After Dr Taye I don’t think I will be able to trust any politician. I am getting really uncomfortable with what Eng. Hailu upto these days. I pray and hope he will not turn out to be a disappointment like Taye and Lidetu.
Attached here an e-mail I got from a Kinijit forum.
Dear all:
It is with great sadness that I am writing this. Also I am writing this because I am a supporter of KINIJIT. KINIJIT gives me the right to criticize its leaders. So I am excercising my democratic right here, per the KINIJIT MANIFESTO.
Ato Hailu Shawel, the chairman of KINIJIT, whom we admired and respected has now disappointed us big time. We were reluctant to come full force against some of his actions and misteps he took (out of his respect). We were silent when he son Hailu Anteneh was talking garbage. We complained only little when he associated himself with those who undermined the struggle. Now, I think all that is coming to end. Please refer below for a brief interview Ato Hailu gave to someone. (No idea who the interviewer is) This interview is posted on the renegade website.
In this interview Ato Hailu stated that he is not coming to the US because he has the obligation to get the release of many prisoners in Ethiopia. “Why not wait one month? “He said. The high level delegation of Kinijit is expected to arrive in Washington DC this coming Monday. For Ato Hailu to give this interview is clearly intended to undermine the work of his colleague. It seems Ato Hailu is not willing to abide by democratic principles and accept the decision of the majority. I think this is a high point that is revealing the source of all the problems Kinijit has been having the last two years.
Ato Hailu is chairman because he was elected by the council. The council of Kinijit is the higher body of Kinijit. If Ato Hailu think that he is the “emperor” of Kinijit, well he is mistaken big time. Above anyone, he should have known that KINIJIT has many strong leaders who paid the same sacrifice than he did.
I think the empty glamorization and kentu wedasse he has been getting from some corners in the Diaspora may have given him the impression that he has the Disapora Kinijit supporters on his side. Well, he is misled big time. Kinijit supporters are supporting Kinijit because of its values not because of individuals. For many Birtukan, Dr Berhanu and Ato Hailu are all the same.
One thing is clear. Ato Hailu is not coming because of VISA problem. The American embassy has given them a visa. So the game that was being played by the shaleka folks that there is a conspiracy to block the “LEADER” Ato Hailu not to come to America is no more. So Mr Yamamato is not the reason.
The reason Ato Hailu gave is that he must work hard to secure the release of prisoners first. Saying this he will be going to Germany for medical treatment. According to his lieutenant shaleka Getachew Mengistu, Eng Hailu was to plan accordingly with the other delegation while in Germany. Shaleka Getachew said the date and time will be arranged accordingly and when the other delegation leaves from Addis Ababa, Ato Hailu will directly go to the US from Germany.
I see contradictions here. If the reason is to secure prisoners, then why then fly directly from Germany to the US? Or does Shaleka Getachew Mengistu know what he is talking about when he goes public and gave interviews to a pal talk room?
Ato Hailu and others agreed to come on August the 29th. That date was postponed because none got a visa. (Except Dr Berhanu who has a green card). So why did Ato Hailu agreed to come on August 29th? Weren’t there prisoners then?
Ato Hailu said: “why not wait for one month?” I do not understand why he thinks that prisoners will be released in one month. Prisoners will be released if we force the regime to take action. We force the regime by our strength. The fact Ato Hailu is coming out public and undermined the work of his colleagues surely extend the time prisoners will be in jail. He is doing nothing to help the cause of freedom. He is undermining the struggle for his own ego.
The reason he gave does not make sense at all. It is not to secure the release of prisoners. After all he is not going to Germany?
I think the main reason is obvious and clear. He is trying to cover up something. I will detail in my next e-mail.
According to Dr Befekadu, Kinijit Ethiopia needed money to start basic operations. More than 1.2 million dollar was moved to another account by Shaleka Joseph. Shaleka Joseph was not willing to return Kinijit’s money to the Kinijit finance chief. They refuse to cooperate with anyone except Ato Hailu. Ato Hailu while he knows Kinijit is in need of money back home, declined to ask his friends to send some money. So I have a big suspicion that the money is moved to another account by the direction of Ato Hailu. Why would he want this to be revealed? So he is not coming.
Eng Moges has patented the name KINIJIT and the logo of Kinijit. Many Kinijit chapters are receiving notices from lawyers asking them not to use those names. Eng Hailu was asked to take actions against this. Unfortunately he declined to order his friends Eng Mogues Brook to stop this unkinijitawi action. I am suspect Eng Mogues may have been doing this also by the direct order of Ato Hailu. Why would he want this to be revealed? So he is not coming. While the Kinijit council unanimously voted to taka back any delegation from any body, Ato Hailu continued endorsing KIC. If he comes here, then he may be forced to say in public that KIC is no more. How KIC is formed and all those intrigues will be known to the public. Everything will be revealed. So Ato Hailu because he has been all along the main player in this drama, he does not want to be embarrassed. So he is not coming.
Had I been him, I would not come as well. However, it would have been best if he does it honorably. Had he said: “I cannot come because of my medical conditions” and stayed away from the investigation, it would have been much better. People would have forgiven him. Many of us would have understood. However, Ato Hailu blew it. By giving us silly and contradictory reasons he exposed himself. I am sorry for him. I do not see him, playing a major role anymore in an open, transparent, democratic Kinijit. Ato hailu has all the right to take whatever actions he took. He has all the right. I have no problem with that. However, for him to have a double personality is unacceptable. The transparency of KINIJIT is revealing everything. The truth will not be covered always in Kinijit.
I finally wish all the best for Ato Hailu. Should he chooses to stick with the Shaleka folks and Taye and form an Alliance with the EPRP, he is welcome. These days the EPRP members and EPRP sympathizing web sites are his fans. (And also Aiga all of a sudden has become Hailu Shawel’s fan).
Elias, you on the zenith of your profession. If Ato Hailu cannot come with the assigned delegates, it is imperative that we have to accept the vice president without any question.
ጉድ ሰማችሁ ? አቶ ኃይሉ መግልጫ ሰጡ። የሚመጣዉን የቅንጅት ልዑካን ቡድን ነቀፉ። የክንጅት.ኦርግ ላይ ሄዳችሁ ማዳመጥ ትችላላችሁ።
መጀመሪያዉኑ ስራቸዉን ስለሚያዉቁ መምጣት አልፈልጉም ነበር። ከመጡም ብቻቸዉን መጥተዉ ዉስጥ ዉስጡን መስራት ነበር ፍላጎታቸዉ። ስለዚህም ከሌሎቹ ቀደም ብለዉ ቪዛ አመለከቱ። ያ ለጊዜው ሲዘገይ ሚለኒየሙን እናክብር በሚል ሰበብ ጉዞዉን ወደ ኋላ መሳብ ፈለጉ። ከዚያም የጤንነታቸዉ ጉዳይ ተወሳ። በመጨረሻ፣ የታሰሩትን ማስፈታት አለንብኝ ብለዉ አልመጣም አሉ።
ጉድና ጭራ ከበስተኋላ እንደሚባለዉ የአቶ ኃይሉ የፖለቲካ ፍጻሜ ደርሷል። አሁን የተቀሩት መሪዎቹ ከተመለሱ በኋላ አቶ ኋይሉ ወደ አሜሪካ ይመጣሉ። ከዚያም ከነ ዶ/ር ታዬ ጋር ሆነዉ ከተሞችን ይዞራሉ። ያዉ እየመረጡ እያስገቡ ወይንም ደግም በሚስጠር ቦታ እየተሰበሰቡ፣ ከኮምፒተር የጭብጨባ ድምጽ እየቀዱ ትልልቅ ስበሰባ ተደረገ ይሉናል።
ከዚያም የሚሆነዉን ልተንብይላችሁ። ኢሕአፓ ከህብረት ይወጣል። ከዚያ አቶ ኃይሉ ከመሰረቱት ከኪስ ጋራ ህብረት ይፈጥራሉ። ኢንጂነር ኃይሉ ሊቀመንበር፣ ዶር ታዬ ም.ሊቀመንበር፣ አቶ መርሻ የሴፍ ጸሃፊ ይሆናሉ። ከዚያም ተቃዋሚ ነን ብለዉ ብቅ ይላሉ። ይሄ አንዱ ግምቴ ነዉ።
ሌላዉ ግምቴ ደግም አቶ ኃይሉ ከትንሽ ወንደማቸዉ ታዬ ጋራ ሕብረትን ይቀላቀላሉ። የሕብረት ሊቀመንበር ያደርጓቸዋል። አለቀ ..
ሊሆን የሚችለዉ ነገር ይሄ ነዉ ብዬ እገምታለሁ። በቅርቡ ከቅንጅት ሊቀመንበርነታቸዉ ይነሳሉ። ምክር ቤቱ እንደ መረጣቸዉ ምክር ቤቱ ያነሳቸዋል።
እኔ የማዝነዉ ለእነ አቶ በድሩ አደምና ሻለቃ ጌታቸዉ መንግስቴ አይነቶቹ ናቸዉ። በባዶ ሊቀሩ ነዉ። ወይንም በቅንጅት ምርሆ መሰረት አብረዋቸዉ ከታሰሩ ጋር አብረዉ አልሰሩ፤ ሃይሉ ሃይሉ እያሉ ገደል ሊገቡ ነዉ። የቀዶም የኢሰፓ አባላት ከቆራጡ መሪያችን ከመንግስቱ ሃይለማሪያም ጋር እንዳሉ መንግስቱ ሸዉዷቸዉ ሲያመልጥ እነርሱ ከርቸሌ እንደወረዱት እንዚህም ሰዎች አጉል ነዉ የሚሰሩት። መድሃኔ አለም ያዉጣቸዉ።
በተረፈ ወገኖቼ ይህ የአቶ ኃይሉ እርምጃ ሊያስደነግጠን አይገባም። ቅንጅት ከአንድ ሰዉ በላይ ነዉ።
ቅንጅት ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጠራ በመሄድ ላይ ነዉ። ቅንጅት ያሸንፋል።
Tazabi well said bro , KINIJIT is not and will never be a family clan, Mr Hailu know better than confronting the Shalequa Thugs
Well done Eliase! Keep up the good work.
Thank you, wendimachin.
Dr. Taye
You failed the ETA. You have given no support to Kinjit in the past. Now with the help of Shaleqa’s money you are trying to divide Knigit. Aferkubih, Taye. If I call you Maferia you should accept and tag it on your forehead. As a person who saw all hardship you should have not associated with people like Shaleqa, who is under the microscope of IRS.
I feel sorry for you Dr. Taye.
shame on you dr. taye you are snake.
shame on you shaleqa you are [tera leba]
you are the best.
ሴላም ጤና ይስጥልኝ
የተጀመረው የዲሞክራሲ ግንባታ ብዙ ወጣ ውረድ እንደሚኖረው የታወቀ ቢሆንም
እኛ ግለስቦችን ሳይሆን የቀንጅትን ማንፌስቶ በመከተል ስህተት የሚሰሩ ወይንም የሰሩ ካሉ ስህተታቸውን ወደ አደባባይ ከማውጣት መወገድ የለብንም ካለዚያ ቅንጅትን ሳይሆን ግለሰቧችን
የምናመልክ እንዳንሆን መጠንቀቅ ይኖርብናል ።