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The real Ethiopian Commodity Exchange

This is how over 90 percent of Ethiopians make their living. Where is the billions of dollars the khat-chewing dictator in Ethiopia received from the U.S. Government, the World Bank, the IMF, and other donors so far? (Photo by Pervez at flickr)

10 thoughts on “The real Ethiopian Commodity Exchange

  1. May the look of this deeply hurt and saddened Ethiopian will be one day the look of Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) when he is removed from his office by force and every passersby spitting on his face!

    This depressed Ethiopian doesn’t even have a clean place to put his/her products on, and God knows how many customers he/she will get to buy his/her products even if he/she sits the whole day on the same spot. Hungry and thirsty, he may go back to his shelter, carrying his products without selling anyone of them.

    The government was supposed to buy his products at a reasonable price, and the duty of the farmer is to produce quality products and not to worry how and when and to whom to sell his products.

    This is the dilemma most Ethiopian farmers are facing day in and day out, and this is the great tragedy that the Western nations never question how their money was spent and used by the Woyanne junta. As far as their interests are met, westerners don’t care whatever needy, humble, dejected, depressed, and helpless expression a poor Ethiopian shows on his face. They may think it is natural to have this kind of look for an Ethiopian since most Ethiopians nowadays rarely show happy faces, thanks to the ugly and cruel leadership of Meles Seitanawi.

  2. Even here in Los Angeles, California, there are over 90,000 homeless people, who are neither engaged in small business nor wearing a clean cloth like the girl we saw on the picture. Therefore, we should be happy to have such picture as an indicator of worst life style in Ethiopia.



  3. First i should say what a primitiv way of discribing the actual economical situation.
    Let me go down some noches to your level and say this thing that you are trying to describe is the emperors and dergs legacy .Ethiopia and ans have been in the dark for centuries .
    At least this govenment is really trying to do something about it.
    ECX opend its door a year ago the aim is to modernize trading system ,that takes time .chicacos comodity exchange started giving service almost 200 years ago and reached this stage .
    How many power station did ethiopia had ..2 ,now 4 commisioned,gibe 3 in a pipeline the biggest power station in africa with 2000MW.Gigb 4 and 5 on drawing board.
    Helth station built in various corner of ethiopia =35000.
    Tertiery education 13 new universities built ,10 in pipeline.
    roads 145000 km all weather road built within the last 15 years ect……
    Dont get me wrong this doesnt mean every thing is ok in ethiopia ,sometimes it is fair to acknowledge what this govenment did for ethiopia

  4. I always wonder when I see young Ethiopian men and women wondering in the street of Addis looking for a job, what they could have been if they had a chance. So many talented and hardworking young men and women are prisoners of their circumstances because of lack of resources and good government. So many of them could have been teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, models and even movie stars if they are given a chance. I do what I can to help a few Ethiopian young men and women, but it aches me that I can not do a lot more because of my circumstances. God bless Ethiopia!

  5. This is another area of the third sub-model of the TPLF/eprdf political model of economic and political strangle hold of the country by TPLF and TPLF affiliated enterprizes of which ECX for Export as much as Fertilizer is for import by these enterprizes.

    A massive effor of collaboration is needed to March for Freedom or the march for freedom shuld include Economic Freedom as well, which is controlled by TPLF and TPLF affilated enterprizes, without their own capital.

  6. Thanks elias,

    this is exactly what we have in ethiopia while the so called Dr Eleni is singing a childish tantrum about the so called EXC that is almost under the control of the tribal terrorist junta of TPLF…..

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