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On the right to self-determination

By Messay Kebede

This article is a public reaction to a long email letter sent to me by an Oromo interlocutor. The email states that unity between Amhara democratic forces and Oromo freedom fighters is necessary both to defeat the undemocratic Woyanne regime and initiate a promising future for Ethiopia. However, the letter blames the lack of unity on the resistance of Amhara democratic forces to concede the right to self-determination to the Oromo people. The imposition of an unconditional unity prevents the Oromo freedom fighters from effecting a serious move toward a rapprochement, while the refusal of some Oromo fighters to even give a chance to unity deeply upsets Amhara democratic forces. The letter suggests a middle ground based on a common goal, namely, a union of independent nations that recognizes the self-determination of each nation, and so provides the condition of a voluntary union. In other words, the pledge to give a chance to the integrity of Ethiopia should satisfy the Amhara democratic forces, just as the recognition of the right to self-determination should suit the Oromo by convincing them to enter into a free union with the Amhara and other peoples.

Though the author claims not to be a representative of the OLF, I am not convinced to what extent his views differ from the official position of the organization. Also, my purpose here is less to respond to my interlocutor than to propose some general reflections concerning the right to self-determination as a condition of union. Let me begin by what amazes most: the defenders of the right to self-determination have rejected everything of Stalin (Lenin and the Soviet Union), except his view of nations and nationalities. It is for me next to impossible to understand how scholars and politicians stop short of being critical of the Stalinist doctrine of self-determination even as they know that Stalin has been entirely wrong in everything. What are the chances for a doctrine whose inherent perversion led to such disastrous consequences to be right on the crucial issue of nation-building?

My contention is that, far from promoting free union, the right to self-determination actually blocks it. It is when union becomes unconditional that it forces peoples to find a form of accommodation that suits them all. Here is an illustrative analogy: if two competing individuals decide to build a house together, their cooperation makes sense if the house becomes their common interest, that is, if both intend to live in the same house. However, if one of the partners is at the same time building another house, whatever partnership they had becomes so suspicious that it comes to an end.

The right to self-determination cannot provide the common goal for a lasting union. Moreover, nobody is inclined to make serious concessions if the outcome is so precarious. It is when we decide to live in the same house, no matter what, that we would be inclined to better the house. While Stalin recognizes the right to secede, Rousseau maintains that a nation means an indivisible unity for only indivisibility creates a common goal. Obviously, a conditional unity is hardly able to produce a serious commitment to the idea of a lasting union.

The Stalinist approach has no historical foundation as nations did not emerge as a result of peoples exercising the right to self-determination. The politics of either lumping people together or splitting them apart according as they want or do not want to stay together is too artificial to be anything more than a manipulation of political elites. Instead, modern nations have come into being through inner movements smashing the oppressive structures of conquests and empires. With the exception of overseas colonial empires––whose difficulties to modernize relate to the absence of organized democratic movements in the pre-independence phase––the resolution to build a common house guaranteeing freedom and equality for all is the cornerstone of modern nation, not the right to secession.

Those who truly care about democracy and freedom must understand that the refusal of self-determination alone can bring about the changes that they hope. What the refusal means is that we make unity unconditional so that everything else becomes negotiable. But if the union is conditional, the blackmail of secession seriously jeopardizes the exercise of democratic rules. What is more, a union is formed without the equal alienation of rights since one of the partners reserves the right to secede. As Rousseau puts it, the condition of modern democracy is “the total alienation of each associate, together with all his rights, to the whole community; for, in the first place, as each gives himself absolutely, the conditions are the same for all; and, this being so, no one has any interest in making them burdensome to others” (The Social Contract).

It is clear that the act by which a people join a political union is also the act by which it ceases to consider itself as a nation. It becomes part of an organic whole and its distinctive characteristics, such as language, religion, customs, etc., become regional expressions of a larger union. How the specificities integrate into the union is negotiable, and various forms of arrangement can ensure their protection. By contrast, union defined as a collection of autonomous nations is a Stalinist aberration and a contradiction in terms. Let us listen to Stalin:

“The right of self-determination means that a nation may arrange its life in the way it wishes. It has the right to arrange its life on the basis of autonomy. It has the right to enter into federal relations with other nations. It has the right to complete secession. Nations are sovereign, and all nations have equal rights” (Marxism and the National Question).

What Stalin says here applies to an entity like the United Nations rather than to real existing nations whose characteristic is precisely to be sovereign in an indivisible way.

What this shows is that political unity among democratic forces has become impossible in Ethiopia because we find ourselves in an ideological muddle inherited from the Soviet Union. No more than Stalin could the Woyanne regime preserve the unity of Ethiopia without the creation of a party based on the rigid and oppressive principle of democratic centralism. The result is a tyrannical government that keeps peoples together by force after telling them that they are indeed nations and nationalities. On the other hand, opposition forces cannot unite because they are faced with the impossible dilemma of uniting elites who claim to represent nations.
It is high time that we understand that the political failure of opposition forces emerge from the fact that they want to solve a problem that is made unsolvable. The divagations of a deranged man (Stalin) on the right to self-determination has put Ethiopia in a political impasse, which if left as is, will lead to a breakup with disastrous consequences for the whole region. The best alternative is to renew the commitment to unconditional unity, thereby creating the conditions of a satisfactory solution for all. If the union is abiding, then serious talks can start on how to build the common house.

That is why I was more than happy to read in the recently released political program of the organization known as Medrek a strong reaffirmation of unity. The program plainly states that members of the organization believe that any challenges to the unity of Ethiopia must be dealt with on the basis of unity and democratic progress, and not through recourse to secession (page 22). This rebuttal of article 39 of the Ethiopian Constitution allowing the right to self-determination, including the right to secession, became necessary as a condition of unity among opposition forces.

The rebuttal is indeed a great step forward, even though it is not bold enough to reject the usage of the terms “nations” and “nationalities.” This lack of boldness exposes the program to the charge of being contradictory, since the term “nation” implies, by definition, the right to self-determination. I recommend the term “ethnic groups,” with the understanding that the Amhara and the Tigreans are no less ethnic groups than the Oromo, the Gurage, the Somali, etc. In so doing, we define Ethiopia as a multicultural nation rather than as a multinational state, a feature that requires a federal arrangement with large autonomy and self-rule. In this way, we avoid the present impasse without, however, sacrificing those rights necessary to realize the full equality of Ethiopia’s ethnic groups.

(Dr Messay Kebede can be reached at [email protected])

60 thoughts on “On the right to self-determination

  1. Dear Dr. Messay:

    To be successful, what we are saying and/or doing should take consideration of the objective conditions of the country. To be united we do not necessary need to live in the same house. Living in the same house may not be possible for many practical reasons. However, if we are open minded, we can also consider staying united by building our individual houses in a model of association houses (‘yemahiber bet’), where households share common walls and floors such that one can not live without the other. In a community where individual needs are many and different, it is not a wise idea to think of bringing everybody in the same house and let them fight.

    You said: “Those who truly care about democracy and freedom must understand that the refusal of self-determination alone can bring about the changes that they hope.”

    This is a kind of thought not acceptable to me. Who is requesting the right for self determination? From whom? Who is asking and who is refusing?

    What we need to understand is that those who are for the rights for self determination are fighting to enforce it. They are not begging, rather they are fighting to make it happen. Thus, most of your analysis is based on wishful thinking and on the assumption that the so called democratic forces are in full control of the situation.

    So, the choice is either to negotiate how to build interconnected individual houses or risk unity of the nation at all. Time is running, while we are philosophising. We may not get the opportunity once those fighting for self determination get control of their territory by force. It is better not to waste time.

    May God Save Ethiopia

  2. Dr Messay,

    Why don’t you put why the Oromos shouldn’t be given the right of self determination in clear terms. No body cares about the philosophy behind Stalin’s theories. What is the use of forcefully imposed unity? A country united by force is bound to fail eventually… I strongly believe that people should be given the right to decide their destiny. Why should the Oromos be forced to live with the Amharas or Tigres when the Oromos have nothing to benefit from the fake “Unity”?

    Gone are those days when to deceive the Oromos,Ogadens, Gambellas in the name of the ever opressing name “Ethiopia”. We are not afraid of the word being disintegrated as we used to in the past. It is up to us to weigh the benefit and cost of being united with other ethnic groups (specially the Amhara and Tigres) and decide which way to go. We will never ask for the consent of the Amharas or Tigres to decide what is better for us. We will take the matter in to our own hands. Who are you guys to tell us what is better for us? You have to stop your rotten “ENAWUKILACHUALEN” attitude…

    You guys are not even in a position where you have negotiation power. You better organize yourselves and convince us that we have to negotiate with you. You are biiger in your minds thamn what you really are.

  3. “Those who truly care about democracy and freedom must understand that the refusal of self-determination alone can bring about the changes that they hope.”

    i.e don’t be a trojan hourse for OLF & Co.

  4. President Tseggai Berhe of the state of Tigray, with high-level delgation, is on an unofficial visit to the US. This is what Aiga reported today. Can you imagine it, President Tseggai?

  5. Dear Kebede

    You should bear in mind that time has changed a lot. Unless you learn that only your way is the way out , you and your generations will stay lost for life time. Why do you look at the issue of self determination form your own circle’s concept. Your way of thinking ( your groups) is adding fuel to the burning issues of ethnic tensions than solving and could easily be used by EPRDF cadres againest you from any corner. The case of the failed meeting at Adama should be a living example. Unity in Ethiopia came about by force, do not deny that. And now unity can not come given the current attitudes reflected in every corner of the nation who do not want to see nations and nationalities exercises of use own language and ‘limited’ self administration. Thus, learn to walk and work with time. Do no decive your self by an old agenda which has worked longtime ago but now totally out of order. Above all, take out yourself from day dreaming and wishfull thinking and learn to adjust yourself to the needs of the broader mass.

  6. Dear Dr. Mesay,

    The Ethiopian political problems can only be solved by honstely analysing the context of the “invention” of the Ethiopian empire beginning from the last two decades of the 19th century. Citing Stalin or Rousseau thoughts will not solve Ethiopian political prolems, and it will not convince the population of the Empire any more because the context of Ethiopia formation is different. Different solution for different problems are required as a single jacket does not fit everybody.

    You said “Those who truly care about democracy and freedom must understand that the refusal of self-determination alone can bring about the changes that they hope.” BUT what you have not yet realized is that the right of self determnation of nation and nationlitie of Ethiopia were refused by the Empire makers and protectors (Menilik, Hailselassie, Dergue, their elites and Weyane) for more than 150 years. By refusing the right of self determination, is there any devlopment that the country has or the people have achieved other tha war, famine, starvation, conflct and poverity. More than 95% of the population are disadvanataged from the system that did not work in the Ethiopian empire context.

    What we need is not political theory. We have had enough of it. We want practical solutions based on concensus, to move forward with the world by building a better and strong community not a single monolithic house as you said and wishing.It was tried to build a single house in which the habitants of the house expected and forced to speak one language, have one religion, have one culture etc. This project after more 100 years expermentation has completly failed. Instead of proposing a failed political experiment, why do not you think to propose an innovative and community building, and win-win project? Ethiopians living in the country do not want to repeat the failed exeriment any more. Enough is enough!! They know what it was and it is. It was a prison. The country was a prison of nations and nationalities. Who will be in the prison house any more?

    In present time Ethiopian context, any poltical orgnization that does not accept the right to self determination will not govern, will not hold a power. It will not reach any where. As I wrote bove, your approach is a finshed and ended game. Dr Mesay you as an expert in political science or philosohy better propose Ethiopian empire context based solution instead of citing old political philosopies. We had enough experience of unworking systems from different countries.

    Let us work to create a better community!

  7. the word self-detetmination is a viruse to ethiopia whcih was a communinst ideology which was very ,contra-development contra-peace. the oromos must abandon this word if we want forget the passt -the sowrded pregnant women& the killings of old&childeren let us work for the permanet peace of ethiopia&prosperity &leave narrow minded separtism .learn from the past &current condtions of the world , europians are comming to z union etc .division is weakness unity is strengh

  8. What needs to be understood is what our main objectives are. Is it the unity of the country or the wellbeing of the people that matters most? Definitely, we Ethiopians are equal today. I have no rights in my districts today – no even safety. During the Dergue or Haile Selase, the situation was no different. So why and how can advocate for unity. A unity to achieve what? Humiliation, privation, killing and starvation. No way. We’ll continue to struggle no matter how weak we are today. Our enemy is also getting weaker and weaker faster than we (the oppressed communities)we are doing.
    Therefore, if Ethiopia is for all, let us start from where it began. Firstly I was forced to be part of the subject, it wasn’t my choice how on earth does one expect me to be loyal of such a country then.
    Frankly speaking it seems to be business as usual. Some are trying to force others what they wouldn’t accept for themselves. Why don’t we ask ourselves that why all Amharas want the unity and Somalis and/or Oromos oppose to it?
    Guys you need to take stock of the situation and analyse logically.

  9. This is amazing.

    I am at a loss why the author had to spend so much time in writing this mumbo-jumbo article.

    Ethiopian political problem predates the advent of the fake socialism of Mingistu Haile Mariam and the current fake ethno-politics of TPLF.

    The author did not need to resort to lengthy analysis of Stalin, Rousseau and others, instead what was needed was to present, in plain and simple way, the diagnosis and the root cause of the problem and how to go about it to try to solve in a meaningful way.

    It is as if, Dr Messay Kebede has not been around or aware of Ethiopia’s political development and wrangling of the last fifty years or so. To many the train, Dr’s line of thinking, has left the platform long time ago.

    In the article, I found no new substantive approach let alone creative and intellegent way out of the tired and chronic Ethiopian debate of unity vs secession.

    One does not go to bed believing in Ethiopian unity and wake up in the morning fighting for self-determination. Rather it is an expression of an anger, frustration and alienation felt and has been building up in some quarters of Ethiopian society for some time that successive rulers neglected or failed to address them.

    I am in the opinion that the majority of Ethiopians who are advocating for self-determination would be willing to stay and be part of Ethiopia instead of forming their own smaller countries providing their grievances are addressed in a meaningful way and made them genuinely feel welcomed to the Ethiopian family.

    When debating with self-determination supporters, some unity advocates come across domineering and often as if they are talking to a bunch of immature lot. This in turn would only anger the other side more and harden their believe in self-determination. Sometimes you feel that Ethiopians do not listen to one another or perhaps do not live to the same country.

    As any other problem, we need to sit with and listen the grievances of those who seek self-determination and seriously try to find a solution.
    The approach of conditioning unity first before everything and anything else is confrontational and counter productive. It is not different from holding a gun on one’s head, or my way or no way and we have been down that road for the last three regimes in the country. That has not lessened the desire of self-determintion. In short, it did not get us anywhere or made us any closer to solving Ethiopia’s problem in any way. Rather, we probably have more of them than before.

    What is needed is new approach and vision. New leader(s) who are true patriots and who genuinely care about Ethiopia and set out to try to understand what is the problem and come up with viable solution. Let us leave behind once and for all the cosmetic, dogmatic, and old recycled policies and politics that created the unity problem in the first place. Let us make each and every Ethiopian a true stakholder and an equal partner of the Ethiopian family.

    Otherwise we will continue beating the same path and brace ourselves with more of the same and with all its implications.

  10. Dear Elias,
    can you also post the e-mail from the “Oromo Interlocutor” for the sake of objective discussion? Here is the e-mail from Fayyis Oromia to Prof. Mesay Kebede:

    Why was it easy for Meles’ regime to rule over Ethiopians?

    Why was it easy for Meles adminstration to rule over Ethiopians in the last 18 years? Why even will it be easier to rule for further many decades? If we put it simplified, it is just because of the misguided elites of the two BIG nations aka Amharas and Oromos. Meles regime managed to corner these elites and made those of the Amharas to cry for unconditional unitary Imiye Ethiopia and those of the Oromos to sing about unconditional independence of Ayo Oromia. With that the ruling regime could reserve the middle ground aka Union of Autonomous Nations i.e language based federalism as its own position, so that it can accuse Amharas as ceneralist chauvinists and Oromos as narrow separatists and make them fight each other. Some politicians in the opposition have tried to neutralize this effort of the regime. For example, I do appreciate the position of the visionary Oromo leaders and some Amhara leaders who signed the formation of the alliance called AFD (Alliance for Freedom and Democracy), which took a necessary step to deal with the regime’s tactic of devide and rule.

    It was already written that the ruling party’s leader, Meles Zenawi, must have said: Amhara-Oromo conflict, i.e the historical face-off between Oromo and Amhara, is a unique historical advantage for Weyane to perpetuate its rule. He also said regarding the dialogue between Amhara forces and Oromo fronts within AFD, seemingly rightly, that it is a marriage between “fire and water (isat ina wuha)”. To some extent this is unfortunately true. It is really pity that these two BIG nations do live in a conflict against each other, which is just caused by the hitherto ruling class of the empire and by the sponsors of the ruling class aka the European colonizers, the effect being the fate of both nations to live now under the subjugation by minority group of the Tigrean ruling class.

    Disregarding the hitherto Abesha ruling class, actually both the Amhara and Oromo peoples were victims of the European colonizers. The main conflict and imbalance of power between the Amharas and Oromos started at the end of 19th century at which time the Europeans had their programm of the scramble for Africa. It is said that the French colonizers used to move horizontal between Dakar and Djibouti, whereas the British colonizers’ move was vertical between Cape town and Cairo. These two forces were about to confront each other in the Horn of Africa. To avoid the confrontation the British colonizers had to do their usual manipulation in Africa: choosing one ethnic group as a “superior”, and using it to suppress the others which they consider as the “inferiors”. They told the Amharas that they are “superior” semitics and christians who had to “civilize” the “inferior animist” Oromos and others in the south. They gave them weapons and helped them by giving military advice. So the britisch colonizers controlled indirectly the area without confronting the French army. With such manipulation, both the Amharas and the Oromos as nations became victims, since then both are not free. The Amhara rulers being the ex-servants of the british colonizers (as suppressors of the Oromos), both the Amharas as a people and the Oromos as the suppressed subjects are still lacking freedom.

    Now a days the Tegarus’ ruling class plays similar role as servant of the American imperialists again to suppress the Oromos and of course at the moment the Amharas are as oppressed as the Oromos. Theoretically now there is nothing which can hinder the alliance of the Amhara pro-democracy forces and the Oromo pro-freedom fronts to come together and fight for their freedom and democracy as they attempted in AFD, but still there are practical problems. Both of them need yet to learn. Amharas to stop their striving for mere unconditional Ethiopian unity and Oromos to reconsider their mere Oromian independence without a union. The Amhara pro-democracy forces pushing for unconditional unity makes the Oromo freedom fighters only to be sceptical for Oromos know what the pro-democracy Amhara forces want to achieve with this pretext. At the same time the attempt of some of Oromo freedom fighters to forge an independent Oromia without giving the possibility for a union and without giving a value for the benefit of a union among neighbouring nations makes the Amhara pro-democracy forces to panic because of their thinking that they will be driven out of Oromia. Such move of certain part of the Oromo freedom fighters seems to be as counter productive as the vehement wish of the Amhara pro-democracy forces for unconditional unity.

    Beside that, the TPLF regime do manipulate this “difference” between the two BIG nations to creat more discord and make them fight each other. In order to neutralize such deed of Meles’ administration, very important now for the two nations is to concentrate on the common agenda aka struggle for freedom and democracy. If both of them come to their senses and do rally behind these two ideals, the other two virtues they want to realize aka independent Oromia in an integrated (united) Ethiopia will be fullfilled indirectly. Is this impossible? NO! It is possible if all nations in the empire will be free from tyranny, killing, and looting which is now happening under TPLF. So our main problem now a days is the lording, killing and looting that all the nations in the empire do suffer under the dictatorial regime. The victims from the two BIG nations need to wake up and say together: NO to the fascist regime!

    To achieve the durable alliance of the two forces against Weyane, these two BIGs need to forge one common ground as a common goal. I do recommend as a common goal: union of independent nations aka independent Oromia in an integrated Ethiopia as a result of a self-determination of each nation. Till now, it was very difficult to get a common purpose on which the Oromo pro-freedom fronts and the Amhara pro-democracy forces could agree. The Oromo freedom fighters argue that Oromos must be free and be separated from the domination by any meanse and then build a union based on free will. Very few smart part of the Amhara pro-unity forces argue that Abeshas are the semiticized Oromos and Agews speaking Amharinya and Tigrinya, so that Oromos don’t have to separate from their own people, but they should bring the semitized Oromos back to their lost origin and rather Oromos should have an appropriate role in the politics of the country that fits to their size.

    One of the reason’s why most of Amhara pro-democracy forces take such a position is for they do fear the disintegration of the empire they did build. So they even seem to do every thing possible so that Oromo freedom fighters never have an upper hand in Ethiopian politics for they fear that these fronts may opt for independence of Oromia. On the contrary, Oromo freedom fighters do all things possible to hinder the come back of Amhara pro-democracy forces to power, for they know what these Amhara pro-democracy forces are going to do, i.e amharinization of the whole nations in the empire. The two BIG nations simply sabotage each other’s succeess. As an example we can look at the political moves during and after election 2005. As CUD which is dominated by the Amhara pro-democracy forces was almost on the verge of coming to power, almost all Oromo freedom fighters didn’t give support. As OLF was in its highest point of influence and forged AFD to be an alternative for power in Finfinne, it was the Amhara pro-democracy forces in UEDF and in other similar parties who vehemently opposed the alliance. Simply put, the two BIGs seem to have agreed subconsciously in accepting TPLF rule as a better choice rather than seeing one of them come to power.

    This mistrust between the Amhara pro-democracy forces and the Oromo freedom fighters is the God-given opportunity that the regime is using to rule over the country as long as possible. Unless these two BIG groups come to term and cooperate against Meles adminstration, all nations in the empire have to settle for the rule of the regime not only for few years, but for many decades to come. I think the two groups aka the two giant nations of the region should agree on the common ground. Union of independent Amhara, Tigrai, Afar, Oromia, Ogadenia, Sidama, Gurage…..etc as a result of their respective self-determination and even the union including Eritrea, Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland and Somalia (if they agree based on free will) is the noble cause for which all can fight together. Not accepting this model meanse unconditional separation of these independent nations as an alternative.

    The question to be asked is whether Amhara pro-democracy forces do choose to settle for this last alternative or whether they should be compelled to accept such fact as an alternative to their refusal of recognizing a union based on self-determination. I know the members of Meles’ regime will accept such alternative of separation of nation-states as soon as they sense that they may loose power in Finfinne palace. To compell Amhara pro-democracy forces to accept such a union based on national self-determination, we just have to demote Amharinya to be used only in Amhara region and we promote Afaan Oromo to be the only federal language. Then Amharas will see that Ethiopianity will not be equivalent to Amharanet (as it is now), but it will be the same to Oromummaa. In such a scenario of Oromummaa being equivalent to Ethiopianity, the Oromo freedom fighters will definetly start to be pro Ethiopianity against “ethnicity” and the Amhara pro-democracy forces will begin to defend their identity by opting for self-determination of Amhara people, so that they support “ethnicity” and reject Ethiopianity aka Oromummaa. This way, they can comprehend what it meanse to struggle for national independence within or without regional union.

    Till now certain steps have been taken by OLF to forge the common ground with Amhara pro-democracy forces and to kill the ruling party, TPLF, in Ethiopian political history. The short sighted TPLFites who are good at winning battles, but can never win the war, think that they are killing OLF by persecuting and massacring Oromos who do support OLF. But these measures of the regime gave OLF even more mass support of Oromos, which it didn’t have till 1991. Further more interesting is that OLF killed not supporters of the ruling party, but it took away the existence of Weyane in Ethiopia in a future political long run. OLF did this by taking two very important measures. In 1992 OLF denied the regime the legitimacy it needed in Oromia. With this TPLF became the eternal enemy of Oromos. The ruling party could have made OLF its partner and would have enjoyed support of all Oromos, but it formed OPDO and made its self allien to Oromo people. In 2006 OLF formed AFD together with the Amhara pro-democracy parties like CUD and with that it took away the very important instrument TPLF used to rule over Ethiopians aka designating Amhara pro-democracy forces as centeralist chauvinists and Oromo freedom fighters as narrow separatists, so that they be polarized. Now this instrument is dead and Meles’ adminstration is under co-operated attack from both Amharas and Oromos. Surely take it only 1 year or as long as 10 years, TPLF will die away like Isepa of derg. After loosing power, Meles’ adminstration will be remembered in Ethiopia as bad a regime as the Naizi is now remembered in Germany. The coming Tegaru generation will distance its self from TPLF and will be ashamed of this regime`s history just like the new generation of Germany is doing now regarding its forefather’s deed.

    Actually I do appreciate the effort of the pro-democracy Amhara forces, who are trying to foster the democratic unity of the region called Ethiopia. It is not bad to advocate such unity. As I understood from their hitherto writings, they do use both religious and political methods to promote and keep the unity. This is actually very dangerous combination, specially when used by one and the same individual. I advice them as individuals to leave one method and persue the other. The problem is that as a politician, one can persue the interest of the group he/she does support, e.g an interest of the Amhara pro-democracy forces to keep the empire intact against an interest of the Oromo freedom fighters to dismantle the empire and build a union. As a religous person, one is morally obliged to think inclusive, trying to satisfy both the Amhara democracy forces and the Oromo freedom fighters, which will bring him/her in to difficult position. Otherwise in order to know what type of unity the Amhara pro-democracy forces do advocate, they need to see the difference between an empire and a union. The Amhara pro-democracy forces use the euphemy, unity, to mean keeping the empire intact. Just to put the difference in short, empire is “unity per force” and union is “unity per free will”. If the Amhara pro-democracy forces are the believers of this second premise, then they also do risk that “the free will” of the people to be expressed in a referendum can lead to independence of nations without a union instead of only to the unconditional unity which they want to achieve.

    Other wise, it is good to see that there is also a difference between a unity and a union. The first is pre-modern, whereas the second is post-modern. In summary here is the difference between the pre-modern unity and the post-modern union. I don’t remember his name, but certain British scholar classified countries in the world in to three: 1- pre-modern chaotic states like the artificial constructs/countries in Africa, such as the Ethiopian empire, which the Amhara pro-democracy forces seem to love, 2- modern nation-states like some mono-national-states in Asia and Latine America and 3- post-modern union of free nations like those in European union. So, the Amhara pro-democracy forces should see that African nations, including those in the empire, are kept as pre-modern due to the arrangement made by the European colonizers and this is still being perpetuated further by AU-dictators, who are dedicated not to change it. But we Africans need to leave the artificial nations like Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia and Kenya behind and forge the productive natural nation-states like Tigrai, Amhara, Afar, Oromia, Hausa, Yoruba, Somalia…etc in order to be transformed our selves from the present position (pre-modern), passing through the stage of modern status like an independent Oromia without a union, further to the post-modern situation like an independent Oromia in a union with neighbouring independent nations. This last status is the most beneficial one, which the Europeans them selves are enjoying now.

    I know Amhara pro-democracy forces do want larger unitary Ethiopia than the “inferior mini states” such as Amharai and Oromia. I am also for the larger Ethiopian union based on the free will of Oromos, which can be the result of a referendum. But I don’t agree with the idea of some Amhara pro-democracy forces, who do advocate for the unconditional unity of the empire, which is dictatorial unity. On the contrary, the alliance between the Amhara pro-democracy forces and the Oromo freedom fighters is the meanse to get rid of the dictator and the alliance can struggle for the union of nations in the empire as a common END, i.e. as the goal to fight for together. Some Amhara pro-democracy forces even, at least theoretically, do believe that the destiny of the Oromo people should be decided by only the Oromo people who live in Ethiopia and “who are also Ethiopians”. If they really believe in what they some times write, that meanse they are ready to leave the decision on Oromo destiny for Oromos. Then the question to be asked is: what will happen if the very Oromos they do mention as part of Ethiopians do decide against the unity which they want, but opt to build the independent state of Oromia without a union? Do the Amhara pro-democracy forces accept it and move on or do they fight against it? Further more, the pro-democracy forces should be clear on the type of unity they want to forge. Union based on free will or unity based on force? Those who do advocate unity by force have their own arguements. Specially it is interesting to read that some of them are trying to instrumentalize the present American politics in order to push for the success of their own type of unity, which is again an euphemy for keeping the empire. They do say just as American union was saved by force, we will struggle to save Ethiopian union. Can’t their “intellectual” mind grasp the difference between the two “unions”? America is the land of immigrants being melted together to take the American identity speaking only English. Do they want all the native “Ethiopian” nationalities be melted to take such uniformity and speak only Amharinya?

    As far as I know, even the most liberal movement aka Ginbot-7 advocates unconditional Ethiopian unity, which is not the goal of the Oromo freedom fighters and not the wish of other oppressed people who do fight for their respective self-determination. I am not against Ethiopian union based on free will of all nations, but I am against forced unity of any kind, which disregards the free will of nations like Oromo. If Ginbot-7 wants an alliance of purpose with the Oromo freedom fighters like OLF, I just suggest that it accepts the above mentioned common denominator, instead of talking about the unconditional unity. I also read that G.-7 is calling for an alliance of all the Amhara pro-democracy forces and the Oromo pro-liberty fronts as a meanse to get rid of the regime. I do appreciate this attempt, but my concern and the question I would like to ask is: alliance of whom against Meles’ administration?

    As I understood till now, Ethiopian politics is kept in balance due to a fighting between the following three blocs: 1- the bloc of the governing TPLF domination force; 2- the bloc of the so called the pro-democracy forces, who do fight to keep the empire intact. This bloc does use different tactics in the name of democracy, but its message is simple and clear i.e save the empire from disintegration; 3- the bloc of freedom fighters of all oppressed nations in the empire, who do first want to be liberated from the system of domination before trying to talk about unity. For this group, Ethiopian union must be only the result of self-determination of all nations in the empire. When the Amhara pro-democracy forces do talk about alliance against the regime, do they mean alliance of only political and civic organizations in the second bloc? Or do they also want to include those in the third block? As I understood from the rhetoric of G-7 leaders till now, they already put a precondition for the alliance to be forged against the first bloc aka Weyane i.e accepting Ethiopian unity unconditionally! With this precondition, they seem to exclude those in the third bloc such as OLF, ONLF SLF…etc, who want to achieve a self-determination for their respective nations. In order to include the third bloc in to the alliance they want to forge against Meles’ administration, G-7 people need to change this precondition and they should try to find a common denominator with the third bloc. If G-7 activists are democrats in practice as they do say always, I hope they will accept the common denominator and allow all nations in the empire to decide on their own destiny based on free will, be it for an independence within a union or for an independence without a union. Other wise the following questions will be raised: Does their rhetoric about democracy include such demand of peoples to decide on their destiny? Or are they the smart unitarist foxes in sheep’s skin? Or are some of them just naive poleticians, being instrumentalized to fullfill the intention of the extremists, who want to restore their domination at any cost? I hope Amhara pro-democracy people will think and act independently from the hitherto extremist minded conservatives.

    The two positions, i.e the position of the Amhara pro-democracy forces (unconditional unity) vs the position of the Oromo pro-liberty fronts (union based on free will) should be discussed and debated before attempting to forge an alliance against the ruling party. Even when nations give their vote to an independence within a union, then it will be mandatory to decide secondly on which type of federal arrangement is to be accepted as suitable. The Amhara pro-democracy forces are advocators of geography based federalism in contrast to a language based federalism (“ethnic federalism”), which is preferred by most of the freedom fighters. As “democrats”, all of them can live accepting the winner per public verdict. This is what UDJ wanted to achieve in Medrek (FDD) . Actually UDJ got what it intended to achieve: §39 is rejected and if Medrek wins the next election, the issue of the type of federation will be decided by the public verdict. Here it seems the federalist Oromo parties in Medrek lost in the compromise solution. They didn’t insist to achieve the right of Oromo nation to self-determination and even they compromised the further existence of Oromia because of the fact that if geography based federation wins, Oromia will be dismantled. This acceptance of unconditional Ethiopian unity by federalist Oromo parties in Medrek is like making a compromise on one’s own wife, who is being raped daily by a neighbour bully. If a certain bully from a neighbour goes in to some body’s hause and rape daily the wife of his helpless neighbour infront of her husband, the helpless man can only beg the bully to reduce the rape action to help his wife get less pain. If the bully agrees to come every other day instead of every day, that is the success for the helpless man. That is what Oromo parties in Medrek did achieve by not insisting on the right of Oromo nation to self-determination, but just only accepting the demand of Abeshas for unconditional Ethiopian unity. They are simply helpless vis a vis the well armoured Abesha domination forces.

    Now the question to be directed to the Amhara pro-democracy forces is: can’t they extend this philosophy they do apply for deciding on which type of federation, based on public verdit as agreed in Medrek, also to the arguement: independence within a union vs independence without a union? Doesn’t this require self-determination of nations to decide on which type of sovereignity peoples can have? Can’t they imagine that the public can also decide on this issue per a referendum? Doesn’t their democracy rhetoric include this option? Can’t they accept and live, if certain public decides for independence without a union? Or do they go to the forest and fight for the union they want to see? As I heard till now, G.-7 didn’t even decide on the issue regarding which type of federation to support. Benefit/cost discussion in cmparing the two types of sovereignities, all the stakeholders of course can try to convince the public so that the majority do accept their respective wish before voting. The Amhara pro-democracy forces can advertise for the advantage of a union and the pro-liberty fronts can talk about the importance of an independence. Of cource the compromise and the common ground for both groups can be national independence with in regional union, which can be advocated by both forces if they make a consensus on it. Then the alliance of both forces can try to convince the public about the importance and benefit of this common goal aka union of independent nations. At last the public should decide which to prefer.

    Yet interesting is to read that some of Amhara pro-democracy forces fear that peoples can be brain washed and vote against their own interest. It is simply wrong to think that peoples decide against their own interest. If they do mistakenly vote against their own interset like the Americans elected Mr Bush by mistake, let it be. That is also part of democracy! Do the Amhara pro-democracy people want that certain force should have been raised and prevented this election of Mr Bush or do they want that, just like Meles Zenawi did, certain forcefull person would have taken away the victory and declare himself the winner? During elections, informing the public before making the decision is some thing good, but just taking away this possibility of decision making from the people is undemocratic. So my message to the Amhara pro-democracy forces is that there is no half backed democracy. Either they accept it as it is, including the right of nations to self-determination or they just stop acting like a pope of democracy and they should stop condemning those who are undemocratic, for it is known that they can be also the same or even worse if they get the chance to be in power. If they do reject such simple right of nations being an oppostiion, it is imaginable what they can do if they get power: they may do worse than what Meles is doing now. That the concerned people may be brain washed by interest groups to vote against their own interest is the reality we have to live with. All nations do have our own interest and each of us want to convince people that our respective position is right. By the way, why should we call it brain washing instead of calling it convincing? It is about influencing people, be it this way or that way. In America, the evangelicals were convinced and were successfull with Mr Bush and now the quasi-socialists are successfull with Mr Obama. Where is brain washing? It is about convincing the majority. The one who won the hearts and minds of the majority was the victor. In the free and fair competition, for the Amhara pro-democracy forces who struggle for unity, there is the same chance to that of the Oromo pro-liberty fronts (advocators of a union as a result of self-determination). Their freedom of choice is mutually respected.

    But regarding those dictatorial unifiers who are advocating unconditional unity without the option for a public verdict, it should be known that they do take the freedom of Oromo pro-liberty fronts by advocating such dictatorial position. For example, when they say “be Ethiopia andinet lay anideraderim!”, they are sending the message: you either accept this andinet or we will deal with you. They don’t say, we advocate for Ethiopian unity and then let the public decide. Their approach is arrogant, dictatorial and uncompromising! To such people, Oromo pro-liberty fronts also should say: “be Oromia netsanet lay anideraderim”. Now how can the two groups who do say “anideraderim” deal with each other democratically? The only solution will be a bullet, as it has been till now. Till now the pro-unconditional-unity dictatorial forces won for the last 150 years and they “united” us by force. The Oromo freedom fighters call this as colonization, for it is not a union based on free will. Some people with similar dictatorial ideology (TPLF seems to be so) do now want to continue the status quo at gun point. That is why Oromo freedom fighters dare to say: such forces are not open for the lasting solution, but they are still the causes for the misery in the Horn region.

    The question yet to be answered is again: do we see any possibility and any common denominator for an eventual alliance between the above mentioned bloc of the Amhara unity forces and bloc of the Oromo freedom fighters against the ruling party’s camp? I suggested that the only common denominator is acceptance of a common strategical goal aka a union based on nations’ right to self-determination. In relation to this common denominator, we can classify the current political organizations in Ethiopia in to the following three roups: 1- on the right side are “ethio”-nationalists, actually they are amharanists (covert ethno-nationalists) who want to see Ethiopia with uniformily amharanized one people; they are geogeraphy based federalists who do advocate for democratic federal Ethiopia where there will be no visible danger for future distintegation, they actually plan to get rid of national areas like Oromia; 2- in middle are language based federalists, who are usually known as ethnic federalists. They want to see autonomous nations like Oromia determining their fate in their national area, but this group does exclude pushing for the right of nations to self-determination per a referendum; 3- on the left side are overt ethno-nationalists such as oromianists, who want to excercise the right of nations to self-determination to forge a sovereign, independent republics of their national areas like independent gadaa republic of Oromia within a union or without a union of nations in the empire/region. I think the position of OLF is the third one i.e self-determination of Oromo people per a referendum which can lead either to language based federation (a union of independent nations) or to independent gadaa republic of Oromia without a union. Now coming to the call for alliance by G-7, I think it is the alliance of all these three groups, who can agree on establishing federal democratic Ethiopia per public verdict to decide firstly on the type of sovereignity: YES to a union vs NO to a union and then if the choice is YES, secondly to decide on the type of federation: language based federation vs geography based federation. OLF can be part of such alliance for its vision of Oromo’s right to self-determination leading to an independence within a union or to an independence without a union based on a referendum among Oromos will be accepted and respected.

    Also in the Oromo liberation camp now a days there are three tendencies or directions: 1- amharanist Oromos (amharanized Oromos) rallying behind UDJ/G-7 seem to claim that Ethiopia belongs to Oromos or Oromos belong to Ethiopia and they say we have to fight for freedom of all Ethiopians from any sort of domination, exploitation and subjugation. They are not against Afaan Oromo beside Amhyarinya to be a working language of federal government as it is a language of the majority. This group of Oromos are smart to claim some of Oromos’ right in a diplomatic way. 2- federalist Oromos like those rallying behind OFC are supporters of the language based federation, they want to see Oromia having its autonomy and its limited sovereignity, but this group don’t dare to push for the right of Oromos to self-determination, instead they seem to accept the unconditional unity of the empire. Other wise they say other regions can be devided if they want to forge geography based federalism, but this is not the vision of Oromos and should not be the fate of Oromia. They look at the geography based federalism as a plot to dismantle Oromia. That is why I do ask: can G-7 get support of this group? 3- oromianist national Oromos include all Oromos rallying behind their different liberation fronts, specially behind OLF and they want to achieve a self-determination of Oromo people leading to either an independence of Oromia with in a union or an independence without a union based on the outcome of a referendum among Oromos.

    I hope the right oriented ethio-nationalists, who want to stablish Ethiopia with geography based federalism and the middle positioned ethno-federalists, who want to establish a democratic Ethiopia with language based federalism or with the assymetric federalism (having both mononational states like Oromia and multinational states like SNNP at a time) will give up their respective positions and they join the left oriented ethno-nationalists, who want to liberate their respective national area and simultaneously forge a union of independent nations based on free will expressed in their self-determination. To be clear, neither the vision to dismantle Oromia nor the intention to dismember Ethiopia per force can lead to the lasting unity, which the Amhara pro-democracy forces want to see. So I hope we can bring all the stakeholders to rally behind the common goal of building language based federation or a union of independent nations based on self-determination as a compromise solution.

    Just as some of the Amhara pro-democracy forces seem to love the name Ethiopia, some Oromos do suspect that this group does hate to see Oromia existing. When I do hear and read the persistent rhetoric of G-7 leaders talking that acceptance of Ethiopian unity is the precondition for the alliance they want to forge, I can just conclude that G-7 is simply an araada version of the notorious chauvinists! They do exhibit the arrogant stand of “my way or high way”, which doesn’t promot the Ethiopian unity they actually want to realize. I do believe that the only viable Ethiopian unity should come from the free will of nations in the empire through self-determination. Otherwise these people in G-7 can strive as long as they want, they can never win the hearts and minds of Oromos and all other self-concsious oppressed nations (excluding the mental slaves who are already acting to be more Abesha than the native Abeshas).

    Good is that G-7 fights against Weyane, but it seems to make no constructive compromise to build an alliance with the Oromo freedom fighters. With that it already made a big obstacle even for unity forces. Intentionally or unintentionally it is against the cause it seems to fight for. Sure is that its bloc of pro democracy forces can not win against both the first (ruling party’s forces) and the third blocs (freedom fighters), who actually do have a potential to build a strategical alliance against the second bloc of unity forces. Those forces in the second bloc should remember that they lost the struggle in 2005 not only because of the action of the regime, but also because of the support they lost from Oromos and other oppressed nations. As an e.g OFDM and UEDF abandoned the alliance at the last minute, as they observed the danger CUD might bring by reversing even the fake language based federation of the regime, in which at least a limited cultural autonomy of nations is respected, if it comes to power.

    Now G-7 seems to do the same mistake. That is why I dare to say, these people in G-7 are either naive politicians or implants to sabotage the intention of the Amhara unitiy forces, for their approach at strategically leads not to Ethiopian unity. If they realy want a lasting Ethiopian unity, they have to agree to accept the verdict of the people. When the time comes, they can advocate for the unity they do believe in, others will advertise the independence of their respective nation, then let us leave the result for the people to decide. That is what we call the right to self-determination. Further more if the parties in the alliance make a consensus to forge a union of independent nations from the very beginning, all can propagate together their common vision and allow the public to either accept or reject it. If this is the view of the Amhara pro-democracy forces, there will be nothing to quarell on with the Oromo freedom fighters. Let the people decide firstly on the type of sovereignity regarding independece within a union vs independence without a union and then secondly after deciding for independece within a union based on free will, people can yet decide on the type of federation we will have: language based federalism vs geography based federalism. If this is the view of the bloc of Amhara unity forces, there is no hinderance for the possible alliance with the bloc of Oromo liberation fronts against the bloc of the ruling party aka fascist regime.

    Other names for the language based federalism used by different autors on this topic are: internal self-determination, national independence with regional union, self rule with shared rule, national self determination with multi-national democracy, unity with liberty, union of independent nations, united states of Ethiopia, genuine ethnic federalism, autonomous nations in a federated Ethiopia, independent Oromia in an integrated Ethiopia…etc. Can this independent Oromia in an integrated Ethiopia be fact or it remains to be fancy? To comprehend this, let’s look at the following facts.

    Concentrating only on Oromo nation, Oromos’ political move against Meles’ admnistration is to be grouped roughly in to three: 1- the struggle for individual freedom and democracy with in Ethiopian context disregarding the national self-determination of Oromos. Oromos like those rallying behind UDJ/G-7 belong to this group; 2- the struggle for freedom and democracy including internal self-determination of Oromos (autonomous Oromia) in Ethiopian context, i.e accepting the Ethiopian unity unconditionally. Oromos in OFDM and OPC seem to belong to this category; 3- the struggle for independent gadaa republic of Oromia (external self-determination of Oromos) either within a union or without a union of nations, which is represented by Oromos supporting OLF and ULFO. After many years of struggle, now the trend is towards consolidating the struggle in a coordinated move of the three groups. People in the first group started to recognize that ignoring the right of Oromos to self-determination is no more possible because of the irreversible growth of Oromo nationalism to demand self-rule of Oromia. Politicians in the second group started to believe that they can not make elite-determination on the fate of the nation, at last self-determination will be demanded by Oromo people be it this way or that way, what ever time it may take. Those in the third group have learned to look at the importance of the first group in a struggle of Oromo people and to accept the second option as the temporary compromise solution, of course leading lately to self-determination deciding on an independence of Oromia, be it within a union or without a union.

    If rightly excercised, the genuine ethnic federalism is the good common ground for both the Amhara pro-democracy forces and the Oromo freedom fighters. Therefore if G-7 gives up its stand of having Ethiopian unity as a precondition for the possible alliance, the move of G-7 and OLF to struggle together for freedom and democracy in Ethiopia is very smart and timely. Yet the two organizations need to build a middle way compromise solution to their apparently irreconcilable goals (OLF struggles for independent Oromia and G-7 wants to achieve an integrated Ethiopia). I think any alliance similar to AFD is the best way to self-determination of Oromos as a nation and to the democratization as well integration of the resulting union of nations in Ethiopia/Horn as a region (a national independence with in a regional union). The result will be independent Oromia in an integrated Ethiopia. This is not just a fancy, but a fact which can be realized

    Last but not least, I would like to say: no empire in history has ever changed through reforms. It was only the fall of empires that could set enslaved nations free. For democratic Oromia and union of nations in Ethiopia to be realized, the Ethiopian empire must end and then Ethiopian union can be forged. Sovereignty of Oromians over their country should be recognized. All nations in the empire, big or small, should have equal rights to national self determination. It is only if they are free that they can decide on their destiny. At the end, peoples of the empire and many more can join in a union if they want so. There should be no other nation to decide on the fate of the others, as Abeshas (Amharas and Tegarus) hitherto tended to do. The same is true for all nations in Africa. Then even there will be a possibility for a united sate of Africa to be established based on the free will of its entire nations and peoples. Even the two Abasha nations, that have never had a say in the way they were governed, will get the opportunity to excercise their own self-determination and elect leaders of their own choice freely. As long as national domination persists, the struggle to liberate the dominated nations and peoples of Africa shall continue. Now all nations including the two BIGs in the empire are suffering under the domination of TPLF, just because of the political discord between the two nations. That is why I would like to say the panacea for the current problem in Ethiopia is the co-operation of the two forces having a language based federalism as their common ground and common purpose. In short: the best way to get rid of the dictatorial regime is by forging the co-operation of Amhara pro-democracy forces and Oromo freedom fighters!

  11. The writer of the comment using the name Belay Ph.D is absolutely(I am sure,one of top official of weyane) irritated by the best writing of Prof.Mesay.we have recognized you,Belay.You can’t trick us

  12. I used to be pro unity, however as I get matured and met different people with different view which is sometimes beyond my expectation I prefer breakaway than unity. look it seems like we are begging pro self determination camp, the more we insist on unity, the more tempted they will be to self determination, they don’t have time to discuss the question, what will happen after self determination?. I believe, my region (amhara) benifits more than it loose in self determination if one analyze the situation in Ethiopia in depth, I give you one simple example, there is no any sugar factory in Amhara region, do you think that there would not be one if the region were a country by its own, the previous so called “Amhara” leaders did nothing to the region except Amharic language. They built roads, factories though it is far from enough in regions where the very enemy to those leaders come from. The only thing that makes secession of Oromia difficult is the fact that there are significant population of non Oromos in the region and OLF doesn’t care about that group, If there is practical solution which keep the interest of non oromos in Oromia,let they separate. I’m from Gojjam, I want some one to tell me what I get from Oromia, Ethiopia is a coutry which is at the mercy of donors, I have great desire to see strong, united Ethiopia, but I’m realistic, I knew what other ethnics feel about unity, If you are from town, you may not feel it unless you are open to talk to people who are from small town in Oromia, I don’t feel secured in the present day Ethiopia, when one support unity he is considered as if he is going to take land from oromo farmer, I don’t want to branded like that, enough is enough. let Ethiopia(Abiyssinia secede) from the present Ethiopia, it may sound weird. The objective of OLF is crystal and clear, domination. Amharic got an advantage in the past, Oromiffa should get that advantage today, that is their objective when it is said in undiplomatic term. They don’t want to remind that Mandrin speaker as mother tougue outnumber English though the latter is international language, I don’t mean that they shoudn’t speak their languague.but when every ethinic speak their own language how are we going to communicate. we were “oppressed”, we will oppress you, these are OLF objectives, I don’t mean OLF shouldn’t exist, what I mean is let they define the real problem of oromos (all ethiopian people), for me it seems like democratic system has no place compared to self determination for OLF, to be democratic is difficult, to secede is relatively easy and people can easily support without knowing its pros and cons. OLF is choosing the simple problem and it is easy to win, we have seen Eritrea which fought the enemy that doesn’t exist, a country which is built on myth. The fate of oromia is not much different from Eritrea( I ain’t saying Oromia is enjoying democracy today, as any of ethiopians, I know oromos are suffering).
    what is really the cause for self determination? the real cause not the pretex.

  13. People now you are fighting for a language unity, are you also going to fight tomorrow next time for your religion members unity which means for all Amhara, Grage, Afar, Oromo, Kenibata, Wolayita, Sidama etc. members who are Muslim and protestants or Orthodox I think you are stupid people, first if an individual right is respected every problem will be solved. If you think just for your language speaker you are not a democrat rather you are another Meles Zenawi and your organization will be also another TPLf look like. I think you are toys of TPLF idiology.

  14. I am not sure if the writer of this article is the same Mesay Kebede who taught me Marxism 101 at Addis Ababa University quite some time ago, but whoever he might be I would like to thank him for his analysis. That said, we should not take Stalin’s postulation on nations or nationality, secession, self determination seriously. He is now considered as an ego-maniac and a despot murderer whose theory is of no value to our Ethiopia. His teachings should not even be mentioned to solve Ethiopian ethnic problem. It was that sort of rubbish theory that caused our young people to kill each other during the Derg era. Practically in every country in our planet, there are several ethnic groupings and people within these countries live together happily; why should Ethiopia be the exception? Why cant we focus on development and on working together rather than fuelling the ethnic difference.

  15. All the OLF-ites here are missing the point. The article isn’t saying let the prevailing culture prevail. Rather, that the focus on self-determination is making it impossible for a reasoned discussion about a way forward. That the way forward will have to redefine what Ethiopiawinet is is not being disputed. But that discussion is unlikely to start unless the poison that has locked each side in its own trenches is removed.

  16. Dear Dr. Messay, Thank you for your introductory analysis for such a subtle case.
    Any way, as the saying goes, “awuko yetegnan bikesekisut aysemam”, once this ethnic group is biased it keeps on echoing the same song now and then without any convincing reasons. The only countries having this kind problems are those in the third world. Knowingly or not they are being used by opportunists. Developed countries, they never opt for separation rather they unite even more. Because they know that unity is strength. Unity has advantages than being disadvantageous. That is why they are developed as they are smart in all aspects. At the same time they make us fight so that they get our resources easily.
    Imagine if American states have been by themselves. All these strength could have been in vain.
    Our brothers and sisters please do not mislead the innocent people. If we have a strong country we benefit all. Let us start to blame ourselves for our shortsightedness.
    and let us learn from our mistakes, that how weaker we become after this issue of self-determination.

  17. I am for a democtaric and federal Ethiopia. The federation will be strong only if it is based on the wishes of the peoples of Ethiopia. I think that idea is captured by the phrase ‘self-determination’.

    True, this phrase came to Ethiipia via the Soviet Union and the student movement. But, I do not think it was the invention of Stalin. (Even if it were it should be judjed as an idea, and its capacity to eluminate and fit.)

    Did not Marx support the freedom of Irland from Britain. Stalin was not even born. Also Norway was established after separating from Sweden. I am not sure what phrase they used. But, is that a problem?

    Furthermore, while it is good to learm from others we cannot force our condition to follow the Wester European process of forming nations. Our own history must dictate our solutions. Hitherto our history is one in which a minority rules over the majority with impunity. The slogan of self-determination is a fitting response. But, unity is still possible if the Abyssinian elite stops treating Ethiopia as its god given ‘rist’.

  18. A friendly message to the Oromos in the Diaspora, at home, and far away in the jungle between Ethiopia and Kenya:

    The word “self-determination” does not exist in the African or Cushitic vocabulary. Ethiopia is in Africa, not in Europe; therefore, for the interests of all the Ethiopian people, unity for democracy is the only hope for Ethiopia to exist as a united country in the continent of Africa.

    Is there any country in Africa that has the pleasure of self-determination? Not one as far as I know. The reason is simple: We Africans are not used to choose something good or bad for ourselves. For example, take marriage; mostly parents choose a girl for their son, not the son asks a girl for marriage. Usually the elders determine what is good for their family, not each person in the family determines what to do for himself or herself, so the word “self-determination” is a foreign word borrowed from the Europeans or from the old Soviet Union. It doesn’t even exist in the United States, Canada or in the Arab-Muslim world. In Canada, for example, the citizens of Quebec tried many times to be separated from the English-speaking Canadians but failed to achieve their goal.

    Self-determination is a disaster, not a booster or healer, for Ethiopia; it creates endless border conflicts; it gives Arab-Muslims the advantage to occupy the entire Oromia regions and create a second Gragn Muhammad to destroy Christianity in Ethiopia.

    However, a united Ethiopia is a strong Ethiopia, financially, militarily, and religiously. A United Ethiopia, whose official religion is Christianity, whose type of government is democracy, whose capital city is Addis Ababa, and whose national language is Amharic, the ancient language of ancient Ethiopians, founders of the ancient Egyptian language, is the only hope of the present and the coming generation.

    Ethiopia has been one country with one religion and with one common language for thousands of years; therefore, if the Oromos have certain grievances about the Amharas, the main unifying factors, defenders, and sustainers of the rest of the Ethiopian people, they can explain their concerns to the democratically elected future leaders of the united Ethiopia, but, let me make it clear, they cannot and will not secede from Ethiopia without paying a heavy price, and the price is human lives.

    My advice to the Oromos is: don’t be mislead by your false dream of self-determination and by the extinct name – Finfinne; be content with what you have; otherwise, you may lose what you have: your land, your prestige, and your freedom. Do you think all Oromos support the few hundred dropped out kids you have in the jungle as your liberators, or do you have some foreign powers such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Egypt to support you since you have the same false faith with these Islamic states? Whatever force or support you may have you will be the losers.

    Your salvation comes from a united Ethiopia; from your OLF comes your total destruction and annihilation. I advise you to bring those young kids from the jungle and send them back to school, and you will be accountable for their lost school years.
    El Shaddai (God Almighty), El Elohe (the God of Israel), and El Olam (ever lasting God) bless a united Ethiopia and frustrate those who attempt to disintegrate Ethiopia, the land of Christianity and the symbol of freedom for the rest of the African states.

  19. it is unfortunate to discuss about separation, the world is going for unification.
    in my Idea self determination is done for sake of ERITREA that was the way to allow ERITREA for it’s independence.
    and in general this self determination is not useful for Ethiopian Geographically and Ethnically, there are more than eighty Ethnic groups if we allow this Eighty countries will be created. if some Groups need struglle for OROMO indepence i am 100/100 sure. AMARA and TEGRAY unite for their unity. as we know from ethiopian histry this two main ethinic groups fight for Ethiopi oneness we should underline that what Menilik and YOHANNES and TEODROS done for this poor Ethiopia

  20. if i were from the readers i will shut and cancelled such ideas for our country.
    i appreciate ER for its presetation of any idea.
    but i trust By a great Ethiopianism. my mother Amhara and father OROMO and their family from Kembata and Konso if such ideas acceptable where is my country?

  21. To: Assta B. Gettu:
    You are trying to deliberately upset the Muslims and olf’s by this comment. Your comment isn’t shared by many if not all unity supporters. You may be trying to widen the gap between these two groups as Meles and co. is doing. Ethiopia is for every one (Muslim or Christian, amara or oromo, men or women). If we love, respect and help each other, the land is enough for us if not for others. Let’s work together to create a democratic country where each of us are treated equally irrespective of our religion or ethnic group.
    Please let’s be honest and respect each other and let’s build a nation where our children can live in a better society. I don’t support separatist but I do respect their view and do my best to convince them that their way is not correct. We have seen Eritrea and we can learn from them. Who is benefiting from secession????? Isayas & co. only. How many Eritreans paid their soul to bring democracy to their sons & daughters??? They never dreamed this will happened to Eritrea. Did any of them read the “animal farm” book? George Orwell told us in advance (even before my father was born) how our friends can use us and become more dictator than the previous regimes. But no one learn from it.
    Where is the guarantee that OLFs leader will not be the next mengistu or isayas??? Why don’t we work together to liberate our country. We can fulfill our dreams. But we need to be honest and objective like the poor farmers who are languishing in poverty.
    God Bless Ethiopia

  22. It is good to have an honest debate regarding this issue, but this can only happen if both sides are willing.As we can see the party that is opposed to self determination starts from not so honest premise. Their whole focus is spent on arguing that this is realy a communist idea. Well, their perception of it may be, the current theory and lwas are based on UN chater and it was an American idea. It is based on this idea that the colonies of Africa got their freedom.The issue may not be simple, but don’t just dismiss it as a Stalinist idea. There are lots of documents that deal with this issue. Finally, it is what those people want their freedom that has bearing on this issue not of those who see theses movements as challenges to their power.The use of the word democracy is jut a smoke screen. When you press them on how they are going to do it you can see what they really want is the prederg system. Now that is really backward literaly and figuritively.

  23. Assta how can we bring back one christianity religion and amharic only when the Oromo are mostly Muslim tribe.

    I understand your point in reviving our history but the majority of the tribe are not Orthodox followers.

    What can we do?

    The only 2 tribe in Ethiopia who are mostly Orthodox are the Amhara and Tigre but we are stuck with conflict against eachother.

    We are in a big problem and not seeing the big picture and try to resolve the conflict.

  24. Dr. Mesay,
    thanks for the reply to the opinion from the “Oromo interlocutor”! I can see that you do prefer Ethiopian unity as a precondition for the possible alliance to be forged between Amhara democratic forces and Oromo freedom fighters. Ok! Oromos do accept your precondition, only if you also accept their precondition aka making Afaan Oromo the only working language of the federation instead of Amharinya. In the common hause you suggested, the language to be spoken must be only Afaan Oromo.

    Will you stay to be pro Ethiopian unity and anti ethnicity, even if Amharinya will be demoted to only local language of Amhara region and if Afaan Oromo be promoted to be the only working language of the Ethiopian federation? I am sure you will not! In case you will stay to be pro Ethiopianity and Unity as you seem to believe now, let’s then try this NEW version of Ethiopianity with Afaan Oromo. Other wise, enjoy the following:

    “After observing the imposition of Amharinya at the cost of Afaan Oromo in the past one century, I just couldn’t help, but think about the main mistake Ob (Aste) Minilik Caala (”our colonizer”), Ob Qusee Dinagde, Ob. Gobena Daacee etc Oromos did. The only mistake they did was making Amharinya the national language of the empire they did build. Being Oromos, if they could have managed to make Afaan Oromo the national language of Ethiopian empire, now we Oromos were not the ones to fight for self-determination. The whole Finfinne and other “modern” peoples in the empire would have spoken Afaan Oromo, the whole diaspora Ethiopians now would have spoken Afaan Oromo, even all would have claimed to be Ethiopian which is equivalent to be Oromo, not Amhara as it is now.

    At present, for Amharas to come to their sense and comprehend why we did say so, let’s look at the following fact in short. Almost 99.9% Amharas now a days think they are pro Ethiopianity and anti “Ethnicity” and with that they do think that they do have moral upper hand. For them to develop an other view, let’s demote Amharinya to local language of only Amhara region and promote Afaan Oromo to federal language. Till now, just based on the fact that Amharinya being federal language, they used to cry about Ethiopianity, which in essence meanse actually Amharanet for they know how amharanization is still going on. When we change the role of the two languages, I am sure Oromos will start to sing about Ethiopianity which will be equivalent to Oromummaa and of course they will denounce “Ethnicity”. Then Amharas will start to defend them selves from oromonization and will denoune Ethiopianity with only Afaan Oromo as federal language and they will be automatically pro “Ethnicity”. So we can see how simple it is to be moralisit without understanding the mechanism behind all what we do believe.”

  25. Things are geting more and more complicated than they should when we talk and talk and do nothing. If anybody thinks I have the time or patience to read and read while I know what the real soultion is makes me feel unhappy. The fact of the matter is there are people that need to be destroyed.As a mature Ethiopian I am responsible to destroy two or atleast one Meles type of people right now.That’s my responsibility.If we even go statistically one Weyane destroyed per one Ethiopian will lead to victopry in a second.Find some weyane and use whatever, that’s all it takes.If nothing happens after that it is not your or mine responsibility because ewe have done our share.Elias be patient and read if you want not me.

  26. The self determination we are talking about is the kind of what is in the UN charter that made most of Africa free from colonization. It was a concept articulated by the founding members of which the US was the major player. Stop playng that Stalin music.Just because your point of reference is Stalin, it does not make others’point of view the same. We know why this point is raised again and again.

  27. There is nothing wrong to hear the benefits and logical arguments of opposing ideas, i.e. unconditional unity vs. self-determination as long as the views and ideas expressed are in conformity to try and identify all the merits of one believes. Moderators should not filter ideas that is not tuned to their ears and must be able to accommodate different perspectives and orientations.

    Diatribe and false image of oneself did not work and will not help anyone. There are people who have no concept of individual and group rights and portray themselves as defenders of liberty and unity, that is why Ethiopia needs healing from it’s never ending pain and shame. One of the negative manifestation that is propagated as that of comment #11 (Assta B. Gettu) is the main reason that is dragging the country from any meaningful progress. Rather than clearly airing the benefits of unity as the writer of the subject article, such people are sore pain and obstacle for any worthy and healthy discussions.

    Faith as such is individual right that cannot be dictated by anyone so long as one believes in human right otherwise dreaming to return to the situation of the old defunct mentality and conspire to suppress & oppress others (be it ethnic, nationality, religion) is the sure recipe for the empire’s disintegration without any push or involvement from outside.

    As long as the people who are living in the horn region are ready to hear each other’s heart beat, whatsoever hates or loves from outside have no effect at all in it’s composition.

    Such excuse as the enemy from the outside is coming or surrounding us and let’s suppress others’ inalienable right will never & ever work. The region is for all equally to share and live peacefully without a particular ethnic, language or religion domination. This must sink deep in the minds of these knuckleheads that propagate hate and alienation in different forms.

    Elias thank you for posting the article, Dr. Messay Kebede must be commended for expressing his view like our Oromo compatriot who was the core initiator for such lively discussion.

  28. Why not post comment says,

    Yesterday your name was abc/hahu, and today you are “why not post comment.”

    It looks you are in love with the word “diatribe.” Why is it? Can you tell me a little bit about this particular word you are in love of?

    No one is haranguing for the purpose of vain glory or for bolstering one’s own false image.

    False image or genuine one, secession in the name of self-determination, false pride in the place of inferiority, fake Islam instead of Christianity, extinct Finfinne instead of vibrant Addis Ababa, and crude Galligna instead of refined Amarigna represent those contumacious, unproductive, and iconoclastic Oromos and their likes.

    The mettlesome Amhara people have been defending the unity, liberty, and integrity of their country until Ethiopia gets sick from people like you who lack cerebral thinking and who prefer to shunt those of us who are the guardians of our culture, religion, and history.

    Those who work day and night to dismantle the unity of Ethiopia are the formidable adversaries of Ethiopia and friends of its enemies – the Arab-Muslims, masters of deceptions and hungry for money, lust, and power.

    Your thinking about the unity of Ethiopia is nothing else but metricious, not meritorious, and you have already made up your mind to secede from the mother land of Ethiopia. Good luck!

    The advantages of unity are endless: no foreign enemy will wage war against the economically prosperous, linguistically and religiously unified Ethiopia; all its borders will be secured; each region will work for the prosperity of the Ethiopians; all Ethiopians will feel belongingness to their country; every Ethiopian will be treated the same; all Ethiopians will share the resources equally; any highly educated Ethiopian will run for an election for the highest office, and the winner will be the prime minister of Ethiopia; all Ethiopian children will get the opportunity to attend any school of their choices; after graduation they will compete for the highest paying jobs, and those who couldn’t make it will be trained for another job; Christianity will be the official religion of the country; other denominations will be allowed to exercise their faiths under the supervision of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church; Ethiopian Arab-Muslims will not be allowed to marry more than one wife and will have no right to exercise their sharia laws; Ethiopian Muslim women will have the same right as the Ethiopian Christian women. The future Ethiopian democratic constitution will not include the word self-determination or secession. All other human rights will be followed except secession and polygamy.

    Faith in Saudi Arabia is not an individual right, and in the name of an individual right, Ethiopia does not want Islamist Jihadists to spread their Sharia law in Ethiopia.
    The disadvantages of self-determination are: There will be always border conflicts among the various regions and civil war will be inevitable; there will be religious rivalries between Islam and Christianity; there will be a lot of church burnings, property damages and lose of Christian lives. One region may try to be the puppet of a foreign power and try to dominate the weaker region or compel to annex it, and this will trigger a big conflict with the other regions. A person who commits a crime may go to another region and stay in that region, and it will be hard for the other region to extradite the criminal.

    We unity lovers will fight hard those bootless secessionists dependent on the Arab-Muslim eleemosynary institutions.

    Yes, the enemy is always knocking at our door, and that enemy of ours is Islam with its “kill the Christians message and supersede the Ethiopian Christianity and finally establish a caliphate in the land of Christianity.” This is the main agenda of the Islamist Oromo secessionists: destroy the Amharas, drive them out of the Oromo regions, burn their Churches, their books, their monasteries, including Debre-Lebanos, Ziquala-Abo, Asebot, and many others.

    You may try to blur the shining history of the Amhara people through your gaffe – self-determination as if the Christian kingdom has ever mistreated you differently from the other people of its faithful subjects. And now you want to be traitors after all these times that you have been the main beneficiaries of all the Ethiopian resources. Ipso facto, you always like to prevaricate by denigrating the pure history of the Amhara people.

    It is for your benefit that Ethiopia should stay united; if it is disintegrated, God forbid, you will have no history of your own, and you will never make one without your tutorial – the Amhara people. Is it mea culpa or someone else’s to tell you what is good for you?

  29. To Ogina:

    Thank you for the reply. Here are my comments

    1. Have you thought for one moment that Amharinya and Afaan Oromo could become both working languages of the federation? Why not? This is what an unconditional commitment to unity would suggest.

    2. It is not up to us to decide this issue of language. Since we are speaking of a democratic state, then we should say that the people (majority) should decide. Are you sure that the majority of the Ethiopian people would vote for Afaana Oromo? You see: you are not thinking in terms of unity. Moreover, you want to impose Afaana Oromo on other ethnic groups without even consulting them.

    3. Your position shows that the so-called unsolvable conflict between Amhara and Oromo boils down to the question of language. And this has to do with resentment about Menilik’s conquest. While I understand the resentment, I know also that you can get over it without breaking up the country. Most of the existing modern states have been the result of one group conquering other groups. The destruction of the structures of conquest has created modern democratic states.
    4. All this tells me that Oromo fighters are actually taking as a model the Amhara ruling class that they used to condemn. The conditions that they present for them to agree to be part of Ethiopia are clearly saying that Oromo hegemony must be accepted. The fate of Ethiopia does not lie in replacing one hegemonic group by another. That is why we are all against the Woyanne regime. We must think democratically.

  30. Dear Messay,
    if you are the true Prof. Messay, thanks for the discussion. Just to reply to your opinion in short:

    – I just asked you to accept Afaan Oromo as the only federal language to neutralize the attempt of you and that of most Amhara elites talking about Ethiopian unity with Amharinya as the only working language of the federation and of course with that making amharanization process as some thing normal.

    – to ask the public to decide on the type of language to be used as federal language, we first need to ask the public what type of sovereignity they want to build: YES to Union or NO to Union? Why doesn’t your democracy include this?

    – the resentment against Minilik is fact, but not only that unfortunately you and almost all Amhara elites want to perpetuate the same policy of Minilik with a pretext of Ethiopian Unity.

    – I am not actually for Oromo hegemony, but just to show you people how the reverse of your effort can be painfull to you, I just said: if you want Ethiopian unity (one common hause) then see also what it looks like to be under Oromo domination replacing your domination.

    In general, why do you and other Amhara elites talk and preach democracy, but you do exclude the right of the public to decide on its destiny per referendum aka self-determination? If you must think democratically, then think that there is no half-backed democracy!!

  31. Dear Minew Shewa,

    Thank you for your honest questions, and I will try to answer some of them honestly.

    Amharic and Christianity are not new for the Oromos; they have been speaking Amharic since Menelik II. Many of them are Christians, and all of them could have accepted Christianity if the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church had worked tirelessly like some of the Evangelical Christians (May God bless them). The Oromos don’t have necessarily to be Orthodox Christians; they can be Catholics, Evangelicals, Presbyterians, and Seventh Day Adventists as far as they are not turning to Islam, a false religion whose Quran 40:32 says: “The messenger said, ‘I have fabricated thins against Allah and have imported to him words which he has not spoken.” The Quran itself is a witness that Muhammad is not a true prophet like one of the Old Testament prophets.

    What can we do?

    Well, let me tell you a little biblical story here: After King Solomon died, his son, Jeroboam became a king; within few days, the whole assembly of Israel came to him and said: “Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.” The King dismissed the people that he would tell them what he would do after 3 days. Then the King first consulted with the elders what to tell to the people. The elders replied: “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them favorable answer, they will always be your servants.” However, the King rejected the advice of the elders; instead he consulted with the young who grew up with him, and they replied to him: “Tell this people: ‘…My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’” Then the King told his subjects exactly what the young guys had told him. Immediately, the ten tribes left him, went to Samaria and made someone a king over them. But Rehoboam was left with the two tribes only (1st Kings 12:1-17).

    In this case, the Amharas must work hard to convince the Oromos that they will treat them differently and respect them; if the Oromos are still unconvinced, then let them go, and let the two tribes, the two ethnic groups, stay together with their Christianity and rich history. Perhaps, after few years, the Oromos may come back and join the two ethnic groups – the Amhara and the Tigray.

    Right now, the power is in the hands of the Christians, and the Oromos have nothing to do without the cooperation of the Amharas.

    Yes, as you said, we are indeed in a big problem, and the Oromos are pushing us into deeper problems. What is wrong to live in a united Ethiopia, and what is wrong to use Amharic as a national language?

  32. Dear Messay,

    First, I am assuming that you (who replied to Ogina) are the same Messay Kebede who wrote the initial article. If you are not, please forgive me and take it easy. My reply works whoever Messay you are.

    1) You suggested about Amharic and Afan Oromo being both national languages at the same time. That idea of yours is interesting and is one step forward towards admitting the right of the Oromo people, although I am not sure how much percentage of the Oromos buy it. Simply put, we don’t really know if that idea is the wish of the Oromo mass. That is why “self-determination” is the key, as far as Oromos are concerned. However, I am suspecious of the genuinity of your suggestion. Does that mean, you are ok with a loose federation in which Oromia is an authonomous state? I am not sure if many of your collegues are OK with the idea that Oromia is close to an independent state within Ethiopia.

    2) You said “it is not up to us to decide this issue of language”. I agree with you. By the same token it is not up to us to determine whether the subjugated nations such as the Oromo should accept “unconditional unity”. See the double standard you ar persuing? On the one hand you admit resentment of the Oromo freedom fighters on what you yourself labled as “the Menilik’s conquest”. Then you turn round and say the same “country” (Oromo freedom fighters call it an empire), which is formed by what you yourself admitted is formed by “conquest”, should be maintained by all cost. But we Oromos have had some painful experience of that conquest, and please understand why we are not willing to accept your proposal. It has nothing to do with love or “hatred”.

    A similar confusion that many Amhara elites are spreading is the suggestion that the etire Ethiopian people should decide on the fate of the Oromo, or the Ogaden, or on the Sidama. That would be acceptable if we agree to the very formation of the so called “country” itself. We beleive, the very formation of Ethiopia was illegitimate, because it is the result of military conquest. There is another techinical error in such argument. What should come first: Sit down and talk and formulate on what conditions “unity” can be achieved? Or, dictate what you called “unconditional unity” as something non-negotiable, and then talk about how to live under the same roof? Even husband and wife who spent their lives together, have had several children together, leave the option of divorce open.

    3) You also blamed Oromo freedom fighters of trying to replace “Amhara hegemony” by “Oromo hegemony”. Sir, that is unfair of you to suggest. As I understood, Ogina presented the option of “Amarinya being demoted and Afan Oromo being elevetaed to a national language” to see what your reaction to that would be. I am sure no sane Oromo is truly interested to having “hegemony” over anyone. “Tsidquu qertoo beweg bekonnenenyi!”, we do not have that luxury os seeking “hegemony” over anyone let alone the Amhara. But then, if making Afan Oromo a national language is considered as an “Oromo hegemony”, then making Amarinya the national language should be considered as an “Amhara hegemony”, fair enough?

    4) You said, we all are against Wayyaane. That is true. And you suggested that we should all think democratically. I agree. We Oromos have nothing to fear from democracy. We did have a culture of democracy (Gadaa) before the Abyssinian invasion. Gadaa system still functions in Oromia. Besides, We are the largest (call it ethnic or national I care less) in the country. The problem is there has never been democracy in that empire, and particularly among abyssinians (be it Tigre or Amhara). We can sit down and negotiate, but we can not trust Abyssinians any more. We’ve got our painfull lessons the hard way.


  33. Assta

    Good luck with your version of thought! Once you declared the enemy inside and blurred your vision no need to talk of unity. You could not even understand what you wrote let alone understand the other side of the story.

    What type of democracy, technology and powerful country you are talking about?

    Begging for survival! Starvation! War! Is that the pride of the region? Poor soul you need to learn the real history before denigrating your heritage. Gragn Muhammad is part and parcel of the whole, seen as one of the unifier of the region. You see how much you missed the whole picture.

    If there is no democracy and human right have no illusion of the dire consequences. I hope you will not miss the main point. Your harangue will not take you anywhere as everyone in the region must have equal right for peaceful coexistence.

    Coming to the main subject, yours is clear. Nobody will try to come close to it let alone discuss, as it is a dead end. Failed from the beginning to the end! You are making a disservice to the Professor who posted the article, and spoiler to the core to the healthy discussion that is going on this forum.

    Let the ONE God protect the region.

  34. Dear moderator,
    why did you delete my two posts concerning Asta B. Gettu? You see of course that his position is very divisive like that of Weyane cadres and yet you just didn’t want to expose him. Is he who you are? Just curious!!

  35. Abc-hahu,

    My message to the pugnacious secessionists is loud and clear: No self-determination, no secession, and no discussion or dialogue on this controversial issue.

    On the other hand, if the Oromos, ignoring the will of the rest of the Ethiopian people, still insist they want to secede, they should be accountable for all the consequences they would incur.

    As you believe he did, Gragn Muhammad had never portrayed himself as the unifier of the Ethiopian regions; in fact, he was the agent of the Turkish Islamic state with a clear mission to destroy all who opposed him and to establish a Islamic state in the land of Christianity, but thanks to the Portuguese Christians and to the Ethiopian Christian patriots, he was crashed, and his Jihadist plan was buried with him. Ethiopia was saved!

    The true unifiers and modernizers of the Ethiopian people were Emperor Tewodros II, Emperor Yohannes IV, Menelik II, and Emperor Haile Selassie I; these are my Ethiopian heroes but Gragn Muhammad is my country’s foe.

    Let me ask you one question: what is self-determination? Does this self-determination you are talking about allow Wollega, for example, to have its own prime minister, independent of the other states and the same thing with each one of all big and small provinces? Or is it just those who speak the same language will determine their own destinies as one big state? Is it your understanding that in order to make the self-determination process work, we have first to dismantle the Woyanne government? If it is so, how do we have to do it? Which comes first, the self-determination or the unity for democracy, and then the dismantlement of the Woyanne regime? For me, I would prefer to have unity for democracy first without mentioning self-determination or national language at this first stage; then with unity for democracy in hour hand, we can move to the process of dismantling the Woyanne government, elect our first democratic prime minister. After the dust settled down, the second stage will begin, and this second stage is self-determination, and to solve this problem, it will take at least 4 years.

  36. Assta B. Gettu
    You sound like arrogant and ignorant but we know you are lying. You are one of woyanes cadre but it doesn’t work. Trust me your time is up, soon you will answer for all crimes you made.
    People don’t trust everything you read. Woyane cadres are out in force their job is dividing people by ethnicity and religion they are like snakes in the grass they get paid for that.

  37. The right to self determination?

    when I read this mostly coming from one or two Ethiopian groups out of 80, I laugh and say to them, fool, you have no idea what you are busy with. Even Animals have rules they have to obey with. But you seem are less than animals.

    All nations boundary known in the league of nation (1919) and those have the history of separate state have the right to self determination. Take Somalia. The boundary between Somaliland (British), punt land (proctorat) and Italian Somalia was known as three separate administrations. The boarder between Ethiopia, Kenya, three separate administrations known as Somalia, Sudan and so on is known internationally since league of nation.
    The boundary between North and south Sudan was drown in 1905. North Sudan was part of Egypt and south Sudan was more close to Uganda and Kenya under British colony. According to colonization law, south Sudan has the right to become as a separate state since the abolition of colonization. But the evil British gave them to Egypt and created Sudan (black) to have the Nile under their control thinking The Nile in Egypt comes from south Sudan while more than 86% of it water is coming from Ethiopia.

    So, I don’t see any legal, historical or what so ever reason the OLF bluffing of self determination. Because of the nature with in the oromos, locations they are living(scattered all over Ethiopia), legal and historical facts, there will be no self determination. Look Somalia with 5 clans, speaking the same language, have the same religion, tradition, custom and living with in one boundary. They can manage to have a state together only for less than 30 years.

    India has more than 1000 ethnic groups and many races. Sudan has almost 500(497) Ethnic groups. Nigeria has 550 ethnic groups. Egypt has many Ethnic groups and more races. D.Congo has 700 Ethnic groups. Ghana has 100, Tanzania has 120, Kenya has 45, Uganda has 54, Oromo has 3 considered to be Ethnic groups and 29 Clans, 1000s sub clans and 10000s sub sub clans. There are living other 65 Ethnic groups in the place the oromos are living.. The people with in oromo are very much divided with religion and other affiliations.

    Are you still thinking about self determination there? Show me the boarder. Before that we need to clarify the 1529-1543 Amhed Gragn war that was Muslim against Christians. Read his testimony about the people he faced in the todays southern and central Ethiopia. There were 250 000 christians solders south to Nazret the place called Shembrabora. You can go todfay there and you can see by yourself.

    Then these devastated war had led to the Mass Galla (Oromo Migration-(keep it in mind we are talking here about fact history, not other things). It took place since 1550-1850. This is our common history. This is our guide. As I’m a proud Ethiopian from a sidama family, I know very well what happened during those periods. Back them we, all the southern Ethnic groups were/are part of the Abyssinian kingdoms. Abyssinia is our history we made it by ourself with the rest of Ethiopia. Sidama was the southern centre of the Abyssinia kingdom started 2800 years a go-even before Negest Maqeda-Negest saba/ye Saba Negest, Queen of sheba

    One of two Ethnic groups have no right for self determination in a nation that has many Ethnic groups and rich historical facts. Don’t talk much, but Show me first your legal and historical right. The only good and best thin g we have in common and we have to do it together with equal right is building one Ethiopia for all of us. The rest is just talk and bad to affect the innocent people that are looking only better life. Your self determination talk is not known and is unacceptable by at least 95% of you think are your people. The world is changed. You are the one still thinks in the past. OLF back them and OLF today are two contrary members. See yourself first and be sure what are you doing and for what?

  38. To Ogina
    You keep telling me that if Afaan Oromo had become the national language instead of Amharic, the Amhara would have resented this domination and supported self-determination. Allow me to disagree strongly, for there are other possibilities.
    1. If Ethiopia, unified under an Oromo ruling elite, had become democratic and prosperous, a perfect assimilation would have taken place. This has happened elsewhere: the French, English, Italian, German, etc., languages were at first languages of specific tribes that conquered and absorbed other tribes to form modern nations. This didn’t happen in Ethiopia because the ruling class of the dominant ethnic group failed to modernize the country, mainly because it treated other groups as second-class citizens, including the Oromo.
    2. Assuming that the Oromo ruling elite treated the Amhara as second-class citizens, then the most reasonable path would have been to fight for the democratization of Ethiopia. I don’t need self-determination up to secession to do that, especially if I claim to represent the largest ethnic group. Of course, my struggle would have taken an ethnic content: I would require equal treatment politically and culturally, but the final outcome would be the full democratization of Ethiopia–– in conjunction with other democratic forces–– as a multicultural nation.
    3. Now ask yourself (critically) why you need the right to self-determination. If you dig deep enough, you will find a political reason that has to do with the ambition of the Western educated Oromo elite. By emphasizing cultural distinction, namely, language particularity, the elite wants to become the exclusive representative of the Oromo people. As a result, you cannot represent or speak in the name of the Oromo people if you are not an Oromo. I obtain this exclusiveness by defending the right to self-determination, that is, by defining Oromia as a dominated nation. This was done through the ideology of the colonial conquest of the Oromo by the Amhara. In other words, the defense of the right to self-determination is how the Oromo elite establishes a reserve power-base.
    4. The power-base is further strengthened through the defense of Oromo culture and language at the exclusion of other cultures. So that, xenophobic feelings are progressively instilled among the Oromo people, the outcome of which can only be confrontation. Cultural distinction is not used to enrich a national identity formed in concert with other ethnic groups; rather, it is used for secessionist purpose that would finally establish the lasting and exclusive rule of the Oromo elite over Oromia. If you don’t trust me, reflect on what happened in Eritrea

  39. Dr Messay,
    yes I do argue that the main conflict factor is language! If you disagree, then let’s try it practically: just let’s demote Amharinya to only Amhara region and promote Afaan Oromo to the language of the federation! I assure you as an Oromo, we will accept the unconditional unity you do demand and we will denounce “ethnicity” as well the right of nations to self-detrmination! I hope you will be ready to influence all your relatives to learn Afaan Oromo with out any objection. Then we Oromos would be very happy if Amharas prefer not to fight for self-determination, but for democracy, unity, justice, equality, peace and prosperity.

    Looking back to the history and trying to judge the status quo, we all do have our own interpretation. I do just register your view about the past Amhara-Oromo relation and about the current Oromo elites. I prefer to look in to the future and ask the question: what options do we have if we want to live together?
    – Unconditional Ethiopian Unity with Amharinya as the only federal language as it is now
    – Unconditional Ethiopian Unity with Afaan Oromo and Amharinya as federal languages
    – Unconditional Ethiopian Unity with English as the only common federal language; Amharinya for Amhara region and Afaan Oromo for Oromia state
    – Unconditional Ethiopian Unity with Afaan Oromo as the only federal language, Amharinya being demoted to local Amara region
    – Union of free nations in the region called Ethiopia based on self-determination of each antion in the empire.

    As I understood, you seem to prefer the second option. You also see that the first option is the failed project. I did suggest the fifth option in my opinion I posed to you, but if Amharas reject self determination of nations and persist to have unconditional Ethiopian Unity, then let them test the fourth option so that they can understand what it meanse to be called Ethiopian, which is in reality Oromian in contrast to the status quo Amharian! If you do reject the fourth option, then I expect from you as an educated gentle man to have an empathy for Oromo elites rejecting the first option, instead of villifying them as exclusionists. Why should Oromo elites be exclusionist by demanding this, whereas you look at Amhara elites as inclusive by just propagating the first option? If we want to avoid all these problems, then let’s opt for the third option which is the most pragmatic choice in the already globalized world.

  40. Dear Amanuel,

    I hope all the ill-advised secessionists would read your interesting comments very carefully and dismantle their unproductive struggle to destroy the hard-earned unity of Ethiopia and let the Oromo people live in peace as they have been with the rest of all the Ethiopian Christians and other religious groups.

    Those who are advocating self-determination do not know the homogeneity of the Ethiopian society; they simply want to kill the strong ties each Ethiopian person has with the other, and instead of preaching this cursed phrase, “self-determination,” we must teach our people to feel to have belongingness to one Ethiopia.

    Thank you for your contribution.

  41. Ogina,
    let’s put in priority the options you listed:

    1st- Union of Independent Nations based on self-determination, having their own languages in their respective national areas and using English as international communication language

    2nd- Unity with Afaan Oromo as federal language

    3rd- Unity with English as federal language

    4th- Unity with Afaan Oromo and Amharinya as federal languages and

    5th- Unity with Amharinya as federal language (the satus quo which should be changed by any meanse as far as Oromos are concerned)

  42. Assta

    You are not contributing any bit to the discussion except spill your hatred to much more than 75% of the population and boast what you are. For much of your ability & pride less than 1/3rd of your size contender crashed your ego. Did you get it? Scream until the sun set, but nobody will pay attention to your type, if not straightened you will be completely ignored until you realize your fault.

    Contrary to your assumption I am more than what you think and since you are not understanding what you wrote how can you find a comment on my part defending self-determination or secession for that matter. You search and see enemy that does not exist.

    – The good professor is talking about the benefits of unity instead of secession.
    – The professor did not mention about the enemy amongst us but he could not envision self-determination’s practicality.
    – The professor did not highlight that one ethnic group or language or religion is better than another.
    – The professor did not deny equal right for any other religion, language or ethnic group.

    The concept and basis of the professor’s argument is quite different from your venomous and divisive comment, yet you champion yourself as the defender of the professor’s idea.

    Go back and read history for better understanding of the region to clear that shadowed your small village mentality.

  43. Some people never change. This was the exact attitude and argument that crippled the nation from moving forward. If Messay Kebede’s argument has any substance, he tried to articulate his view with Stalin, Lenin and the Soviet Union fancy philosophy, offering nothing new for the oppressed nation/nationalities/ethnics rejected the unconditional union many decades ago. After 20 or so years when I was your student, you have never changed a bit. This world moves fast and there is not return for most of us Mr. Messay. The reality is either you try to seize the train or it will be too late. The past seems so far away never comes again and there is reason no reason for the train slow down either, we live, we die and we all belongs to the same human race; how articulated your view using Stalin, Lenin, or Soviet union political philosophy to me Self determination be it Legal rights or God given rights-Natural rights self determination protect the vulnerable from second class citizen status and to be proud of their heritage (language, culture and way of life). No amount of fancy political philosophy will explain what the South-central and western Ethiopians endured under the brutal successive northern inclination Ethiopia mainly the Amhara’s, trying to make sexy with Stalin and Lenin theory “unconditional union” does not serve the future Ethiopia we all try to build and live in it. I urge you to burry your idea ahead of yourself for the future of your son and daughter and your grand son and daughter. Any how, I am here to defend self determination with my blood and flesh if necessary. Article 39(Self determination up to session) of the EPERDEF is a progress even if I oppose the EPERDEF/TPLF government.

    “All men are created equal, It is only men themselves who place themselves above equality.” David Allan Coe


  44. Assta

    You are not contributing any bit to the discussion except spill your hatred to much more than 75% of the population and boast what you are. For much of your ability & pride less than 1/3rd of your size contender crashed your ego. Did you get it? Scream until the sun set, but nobody will pay attention to your type, if not straightened you will be completely ignored until you realize your fault.

    Contrary to your assumption I am more than what you think and since you are not understanding what you wrote how can you find a comment on my part defending self-determination or secession for that matter. You search and see enemy that does not exist.

    – The good professor is talking about the benefits of unity instead of secession.
    – The professor did not mention about the enemy amongst us but he could not envision self-determination’s practicality.
    – The professor did not highlight that one ethnic group or language or religion is better than another.
    – The professor did not deny equal right for any other religion, language or ethnic group.

    The concept and basis of the professor’s argument is quite different from your venomous and divisive comment, yet you champion yourself as the defender of the professor’s idea.

    Go back and read history for better understanding of the region to clear that shadowed your small village mentality.

    ps: Assta, are you moderator of ER?

  45. abc-hahu,

    I thought you are gone for good, but you are still around sniffing at me for something bloody on this web site.

    For your information, no one asked me to contribute anything to the discussion conducted by a low-level person such as you and your likes.

    My discussion has ended after you have stated that Gragn Muhammad is “one of the unifiers of the region,” which he had never been.

    You should understand my view on Islam and Arab-Muslims has always been negative, and if you are on their side, go to the jungle and join the wild animals – the OlF – and secede from Ethiopia with all your Muslim brothers and sisters. To tell you the truth, I don’t hate Muslims, but I abhor their false Islam and their Sharia law with all its Jihadists and pagan rituals.

    I don’t care about unity or self-determination; what I care most is about Christianity that you are trying to destroy with your false propaganda for unity or self-determination. I care about the Ethiopian Christians who are outnumbered by the new comers from Mecca as refugees, and all a sudden they have covered the entire regions of my country, thanks to the Saudi Arabia’s petro dollar. Muslim Mosques are now outnumbering the Christian Churches; their Imams and Mullahs are outnumbering the Christian clergies; nowadays in Ethiopia, one rarely sees the Christian cross except the moon-shaped Muslim Crescents all over the buildings.

    In this world, there are about 32 Islamic states, and if something bad happens in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Arab-Muslims can easily go to one of these states, but the Ethiopian Christians have no place to go. This is my main concern if you understand me but I know you can’t grasp such complicated issues because you are completely blown away by equal rights, human rights, and self-determination.

    Go away from me; I don’t want to see you again!I want to see people who talk about Islam and Christianity in Ethiopia.

  46. Assta,

    Direct your frustration to the good professor not to me. Focus on the subject, I am not the initiator of this thread. Miskin of rationale idea, when someone crossed the red line nobody will keep silent.

    I repeat again, Gragn Muhammad is one of the unifier of the region. End of the story.

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