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Ethiopian Novelist Fikremarkos Desta seeks asylum in the U.S.

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — Fikremarkos Desta, an author of six ethnographic and historiography novels and four documentary films, is reportedly seeking political asylum in the United States.

The author traveled to the U.S. on July 9, 2009, with his family to attend his brother-in-law’s graduation.

He told friends that his main reason for seeking asylum in the U.S. is that because of his opposition to the Omo-Gibe Hydroelectric Project, which could devastate Lower Omo Valley affecting the entire population of the region, he is being harassed and persecuted by Woyanne thugs.

The {www:Woyanne} tribal junta is also suspecting him of being associated with opposition parties.

Ato Fikremarkos’ works include: “Land of the Yellow Bull,” a novel about the Hammer, Kio, Ebore, and other ethnic groups in the south-western Ethiopia.

21 thoughts on “Ethiopian Novelist Fikremarkos Desta seeks asylum in the U.S.

  1. First of all I would like to send my admiration for all his novel works specially the first one “Buska Bestejerba” But I am very much amazed by the reason for Asylum.

    It is funny as always a fabricated reason “main reason for seeking asylum in the U.S. is that because of his opposition to the Omo-Gibe Hydroelectric Project, which could devastate Lower Omo Valley affecting the entire population of the region, he is being harassed and persecuted by Woyanne thugs”

    I dont think Fikremarkos is as such politician. I know this is what his fellow friends and family adviced him to do as many habeshas do.

    Anyways It is always good to be in USA provided Woyanne is in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, Reasons should be atleast 50 percent true.

    Good Bless ethiopia and Good Luck Fikremarkos

  2. I want to know more about the Omo river use down stream by Hammer, Kio, Ebore, and other ethnic groups living there. Do they use irrigation to grow crops? Would you please ask this person and post it here, so that we can have a better look of the disadvantages of this project. Because so far I am for it.

  3. Personally I appreciate Fikremarkos as a respected author. I think nobody will have objection about asking him asylum in the US. I am a little bit worried about his case for the asylum ‘opposition to the Omo-Gibe Hydroelectric Project’. All Ethiopians have to think in a positive way about any development project in our country. To make a case for asylum ‘opposition for development of a project in our own country’ is not a wise way. I am not clique to the woyanne junta or I am not a supporter of any political party in the country, but I support any development project in Ethiopia whether it is developed by Woyanne or Ginbot-7. By now, Ethiopians are suffering due to high inflation rate; part of this inflation is due to financing such huge projects in the country. So, the price being paid by the people, to try to exploit such development projects for personal comfort is not expected from one respected citizen of poor country

  4. Welcome to the United States Fikremarkos. You have the right to choose where to live but you don’t have any right to stand against a project that will benefit Ethiopians and Ethiopia. I am ashamed to even hear such things from a person who claims to be an Ethiopian. You are to achieve your personal objective i.e getting you residence papers at a cost of millions of Ethiopians. Please stop this kidding


  5. ፍቅሬ…. አንተም ወጣህ? ወይ አገሬ ማን ሊቅረሽ ይሆን? ፍቅረ ማርያምን ለመሰለ ብስህልንና ታሪክን የተንተራሱ ኪናዊ ሥራዎችን ለሚያበረክት ደራሲ መኖሪያው ብቻ ሳይሆን መቀበሪያውም እምዬ እናት አገር መሆን ነበረባት። ደራሲ በተለይም የፈጠራና የውነታው ዓለም ከገሃዱ ዓለም ውጭ ምን መነሻ አለው? ያም ደሞ ለፍቅሬ ዓይነቱ እትብቱ የተቀበረባት እናት አገሩ ነበረች ለፈጠራው መነሻ እርሾው!… አለመታደል ነው ዓሣው ከባህሩ ውጭ…. ሲበየንበት። እውን የሀመር ቁንጅናና ውበት ታማሪካን አምባ ሲዳክሩ ውለው ቢያድሩ ይገኝ ይሆን? ከቶም!!!!

  6. welcome to the usa.i am proud of your acomplishment.
    27yrs ago i was a student at polytechnic institute in bahir dar and had a chance to go to TISABAY for training porpose.i have seen how the hydro electric power works.
    here in USA, i will beg you to visit the HOOVER DAM in the middle of desert not far from LASVEGAS,IT’S between nevada and arizona border a hug hydrolic electric power which contributed to millions of life.and i don’t see the negetive inpact of it. i am not a political supporter of any group or never been for the laST 25YRS .this is pure love for our ethiopia future progress ,and pls don’t damage your reputation.
    with respect!!!!!

  7. I have no comment cuz all what I want to say is already said by my courage fellow Ethiopian. After I finish reading all the comment I couldn’t believe this is posted in ER, … Congrats Elias for being aigaforum atleast for today. hope you will post this one too


  8. That dam is a complete disaster to the environment and the local people. It is simply an obsession of the government and it is true that the government has been doing all in its power to silence critiques including the international Rivers network. the guy who wrote about Hoover dam is misguided. How many ethnic groups lived in the so called Hoover dam area? Mr. hoover dam appreciator, the fact that you do not support politics does not make you free from bias and oblivious to suffering of innocent people. this is not about politics, it is about the lives of millions at stake. I see a legitimate reason for him to seek asylum, it is no bogus reason. thank you for bringing to attention the hidden atrocities of dam led displacement of unprecedented magnitude.

  9. First,there is nothing wrong with presenting any reason to be out of this slavery that we are suffering. Second Guys don’t be short sighted,do you think Woyane is building this dam for our benefit? NO,they are insisting on this project because they want to snatch millions of dollars to their pocket.

  10. Gorfoo, I advise you not to devlope an obsession that whatever the Woaynne does in Ethiopia is to steal money. The centeral point of the discussion is about this enviromental aspects of Gibe. There is an Amahric saying which say “Letkemach Semaye Kirbu Neew”. Better strive to contribute you share and play a contructive role than critcizing what ever is done in Ethiopia. Wheather you want it or not this project will suceed.


  11. I know this man for about 25 years in Jinka, he taught me for 4 years and to be honest with you guys he is,he will never and ever lie and he even doesn’t know how to lie. If he say no.It will be no,if he say yes it will be yes.
    At this point Fikremarkos has no reason to lie for asylem in US and as we all know he has enough money to live better life in Ethiopia than North America. If he decide to saty in here let him saty and I will be the one to help him by finding a job. It may be including buffing floor or any labour work which he never exprianced in his life.
    I can be contacted at

  12. For all those idiots who do not think the Gibe Project is NOT a disaster…please return to your history classes and read about NUBIA – ASWAN. Meles is OK if the OMO people (…Hammer, Kio, Ebore…)are sacrificed in the process.

    NO he won’t loose sleep over it since all he sees is the $ingle $ingle he makes from Kenya and Sudan.

    So if one Ethiopian (Fikremarkos)stands up and sounds a voice please try and support it not bury it!

    By the way

  13. I am sure Fikremarkos didnt give such reason. He might oppose the politics in ethiopia, but not the hydroelectric project.

    So, this is just a fake article.

    Best lucks for Fikremarkos.

  14. Mr. FikreMarkos is the one of the best writers, unique writer. Please read his one of books “KEBUSKAW BESTEGERBA”. You will know how he is so unique. Thank you for your good works. The behaere -Hwassa.

  15. I met Mr. Fekre markos in 1994 at Jinka town when I was working in Mago National Park and have had a lot of discussion on many topics until I left Ethiopia ; 1999.

    one of his firm stand which I were admiring was his zeal to live in his country under all circumstances; I think he have a very serious reason to leave his country and wish him a good luck.

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