Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — Meles Zenawi’s gunmen today have arrested the editor-in-chief of the Addis Ababa-based weekly Awramba Times, Fitsum Mamo, and senior reporter Elias Gebru, in connection with news coverage on Tuesday’s edition about Ginbot 7 suspects.
Five days ago, Judge Assefa Abraha, the central judge who is conducting the trial of Ginbot 7 suspects, had warned Elias Gebru about the newspapers reports on the case.
Awramba Times staff doesn’t know where Elias and Fitsum are being detained.
7 thoughts on “Awramba Times editor-in-chief, reporter arrested in Ethiopia”
My fellow compatriots,
what do we expect from the Pharaos of Ethiopia, we have to keep on concentrating on the aftermath of this beast, because definitely they are on the verge of drawning into the bottomless pit like pharao & his army.
Every Ethiopian in exile should prepare himself/herself towards the final confrontation, we are at the crossroad of history if we don’t organise ourselves & define our destiny with the help of the almighty Lord God of Sabaoth, we will see our motherland drifted in a failed state or an Islamic fundemantalist nation.
Believe me the time is at hand, if we act now we will save our country from the evil force.the spiritual preparation should begin now before making exodus.the national reconcilation should start in every country where Ethiopians in exile reside.If we are not doing this right now it won’t be long that we see our nation destroyed like Jerusalem in the babylonian occupation times.
My brohters & sisters, we are a nation surrounded by enemies, Egypt is our No. 1 enemy who work day & night to make sure we don’t develop an inch, Saudi is another devilish enemy where it is infiltrating its ideology so that it will be easy for them to control us & make sure they inherit a land they called “Jenet” in their book, we have also enemies like libya, sudan, Iran. whether you like it or not Nobody like us even the Isralites whom we call an ally.america is a go with the flow nation when it comes to our region, they live only to get their interest protected.
What are we waiting for or are we preparing to sing “by the rivers of babylon”
God is with us but we need to believe in him completely and march towards our nation.
let’s us make the exodus, now we are the solution to ourselves, nobody!
we are great! our hearts!
God bless our beloved country & its people
To no. 1
Don’t stirr any religious conflict. The enemy is the tyrannic regime, nobody else.
I can’t agree with you more moses but the question is how can we organize ourselves so that we can achieve or liberate that country from the jows of dictators for good. I want you to coment on that. I always believe that we the people of ethiopia are the solution to our problems and until the majority of us come to that point there will not be a solution to our country’s problems. Let us forget what the US,EU AND UN can do for us let all of us focus on what can we the people can do for our country. Further more we must make our selves ready to die for the cause we believe.
Give me liberty or death.are u ready for this?
I don’t know what mumbo jumbo #1 commentator is talking about. First, his comment or religious cermon has nothing to do with the topic. The issue he should comment on is the detention of the journalists. With regard to the countries you described as “Ethiopia’s enemies”, don’t bark at the wrong tree(s). If you’re looking for enemy, they’re right under your nose, at the Menelik Palace. Please, keep the views of the extremists off this website. Obviousely, you’re an extremist no different from the others. And EXTREMISM, in any form, should have no room anywhere and should be condemned.
To Mosses:
Yes, you right, no-body on the regions likes us, and all the surrounding countries are hostiles to our nations. We the Ethiopian people should stand up challenge our enemies, and protect our countries. During the Eritrean unification, it was the Muslim influences brought civil war and disintegrates the country. That influence still exists; infect our society to diminish.
From time to time, we all did talk and write without conclusive results, as the suffering rampantly progresses. Since we know all these facts, no one will feel and understand our situation except sympathy as too bad. These people would never stand up on their feet decades after decades.
We are our enemy, there are a great deal of division among us, it seems no body understand the word unification, put aside your difference and come out of these dinging life see light and start experience a pleasant life.
The present government administrating the country by external powers, he has to listen and act swiftly to the instruction. Directly or indirectly, the other governments involve for their own interest, give a little and take a lot of the country.
Greetings to every body,
This is undeniable fact to subscribe about the hostilities of some Islamic countries to us. However, it is also the foremost fact to know that it is the so called “leaders of the country” who have made things so like this and even to get far worse day after day. Therefore, we rather better to concentrate on the rootcause of the problem – getting down of the “EPRDF” leaders. Once we make this happen, we are there so that our country is our country.
“የዓሳ ግማቱ ከጭንቅላቱ” እንዲሉ የሀገራችን ችግር መሰረቱ ከላይ “ከባለስልጣናቱ” በመሆኑ…..
Moses #1 your strategy of scapegoating Muslims may have been calculated strategy.
You need to know and must accept that Muslims in Ethiopia are almost half of all Ethiopia’s population, and Muslims love their country. Don’t start a hatred division tactics, because that would only serve the divide and rule strategy, which is a strategy used by other dictators, and it would not serve Ethiopia, in fact it will do the opposite.
Get smart.