… facts on the ground tell a different story, as the video below shows.
17 thoughts on “Ethiopia’s dictator swears by 10 percent”
The ethno-fascistic regime of Meles Zenawi is looting and impoverisihing Ethiopia. The economic growth the ethno-fascists lie about is in fact the wealth they are accumulating and stashing. The ethno-fascist Sebhat Nega has been boasting about their business conglomerate, EFFORT
which is controlling and the economy of and pillaging the country. The ethno-fascists are strengthening their economic muscle to ensure their grip on power and continue their exploitation and subjugation. The fate of Ethiopians under the ethno-fascistic rule of Meles Zenawi are famine, death and grinding poverty. The ethno-fascists are condemning the non-tigres to death and poverty.
The economic policy of Woyane clique is to empoverish the people and to rule; hence empoverish and rule.
As their political motto depicts divide and rule, and their military and security force defend and protect their lives from every corner of threat. And their diplomatic agencies work hard to propagate false news to maintain their relationship despite the reality on the ground looks after the contrary.
Do we ethiopian people deserve to get some people to sacrify or suffer for our freedom ? Look what all the sufferings that Birtukan Mediksa is undergoing, What are we doing now? Are we using all our potentials to get her released. Lets all think of puting ourselves in woyanes prison for a week with all the mices,insects and guards insults…etc
Eshi Edgetu minuu lay naw? Bewerekt lay bicha!
Meles’ “ekonomiyachin bemeseretu tenama naw” sounds like
his former boss’ Bush statement who said “The fundamentals of our economy is strong” when the country is in the middle of one of the worst financial turmoil in history. no wonder these two got along!
This should be Ginbet7 and EPPF work. While they will be able to help to the immediate needy millions of Ethiopian to get their daily ration, it will also help the groups to get strong support from the Ethiopian population inside and outside of the country more than they are getting right now.
As it is clear woyane regime had no intention of providing food or for that matter, any basic needs to the Ethiopian people. Therefore, it is up to the Ginbet7, EPPF and other concern groups to come to the rescue. Talk is cheap, but talk is not cheap in Ethiopia, believe me on this. If talk was cheap then the people of Ethiopia can talk without the woyane interference and they can ask the international community to provide them the intended food directly through what every port they prefer too. So since talk is not cheap let us talk and help the people at the same time. The Ethiopian people need help NOW. Until Ethiopia is free from this junta and be self-reliance, it is imperative we all act quickly and effectively however we can.
Here is an idea what I think need to be considered.
First, these respected groups should talk with the Eritrean government. They should ask to use the ports of Assab and Massawa to transport food to Ethiopian people. I am sure the Eritrean government won’t say no. of course; the government will require some procedures for its own security reason, because we all know how woyane operates. However, I have no doubt; the Eritrean government will absolutely agree to do this important task. I remember as a young boy in 1990 when the EPLF captured Massawa, they agree to let the Derg regime use Massawa to transport food for the population.
Second Gimbet7 and EPPF should talk with the international community (INC) and they should appeal to the INC to monitor the food’s distribution and make sure the needy people get their intended food directly through the INC.
The question is will the Woyane regime accept this important proposal? We all know that when the Ethio-Eri war started in 1998, still the government of Eritrean was willing to let the Ethiopian to use the ports, but the TPLF regime refused to use it. TPLF its supporters are not having any problem in getting food or any other lavishness they wish too. We all know who the affected people are. Let us join hands.
From an Eritrean brother,
Now the truth has come out after aboy sebhat interviewed with VoA how he got the money for effor, and this guy has been working with meles in corruption case he knows all the details, and i would like ethiopian review to post full interview of this guy.
He has all the details how EFFORT steal the gold and money form ethiopian reserve.
All scholars should work to document this case and time will come where they will face the ICC
The economic policy of the terrorist TPLF is crafted to impoverish and starve the Ethiopian people using some fake statistics and constructions of some roads and buildings as a smokescreen to hide their destructive, evil and inhumane activities they have embarked on. However, it is upto the rest of us to unite by putting aside our real or imagined differences and work together to get rid of the evil TPLF terrorist virus that is itching on our very being.
Hey, Elias the Ethiopian people need such information and thank you for coordinating this. Keep on doing the right thing Ethiopia will be proud of you.
Shocking. The IMF and World Bank are accomplices for their support of the tyrant Meles who has staged so long to bring this shocking tragedy. The lack of opposition forces to fight the tyrant in unison is also unfortunate
There is starvation even in the richest countries such as America and China. The economic progress can’t be achieved in a single night. Meles can’t feed each and every Ethiopian people. Development needs long term plan; sacrifice of many things, even life.
I am impressed by the comments of my ERITREAN BROTHER who has shown us, Ethiopians, the merciful hands of HIS ERITREAN GOVERNMENT as to how it will be willing to open up the ports of Assab and Massawa to let in grains to be sent from the champions of poverty and rescue the lives of many STARVING ETHIOPIANS! Talking as he says is cheap in the west! I tried to buy his ideas! But for a person like myself who is very proud of the deeds of my fathers who crossed the mountains, mighty rivers and deserts to give me the motherland I love most, I found it embarrassing to be advised by the son of Ato Isayas who in the first place is the architect of Eritrea’s cessation all along with Sebhat Nega of Adowa who defiled our forefathers blood poured in that part of the MOTHERLAND! I am proud to dye while preserving the faith I have in my forefathers who had a dream of making Ethiopia one strong whole that can be a home of diversity! I lament the fate befallen to us now, thanks to Shabya and its woyane counterparts! I even lament the fact that those who have always been legitimate to care for the identity of ETHIOPIANESS are slept or overwhelmed with talking and talking while keeping themselves in an illicit slavery! Now let me say this to my Eritrean Brother, take my word, I am not willing to listen to your advice as I am not listening to the Tigrean fellows who has given you that sent of being an Eritrean a creation of two budens!When the time comes the highlands of Seraye, Hamasen and Akaleguzay will grow the grains to feed the population of the Motherland and the lowlands of MerebMelash belive me will continue to host a diverse cultures who will always praise their Ethiopianess! In the mean time we We Ethiopians not abroad but inside the wombs of the MOTHERLAND will continue to seek solutions for our problems! GOD BLESS! GLORY AND GRACE BE MULTIPLIED TO MOTHER ETHIOPIA!!
17 thoughts on “Ethiopia’s dictator swears by 10 percent”
The ethno-fascistic regime of Meles Zenawi is looting and impoverisihing Ethiopia. The economic growth the ethno-fascists lie about is in fact the wealth they are accumulating and stashing. The ethno-fascist Sebhat Nega has been boasting about their business conglomerate, EFFORT
which is controlling and the economy of and pillaging the country. The ethno-fascists are strengthening their economic muscle to ensure their grip on power and continue their exploitation and subjugation. The fate of Ethiopians under the ethno-fascistic rule of Meles Zenawi are famine, death and grinding poverty. The ethno-fascists are condemning the non-tigres to death and poverty.
Very important message please do it more.
The economic policy of Woyane clique is to empoverish the people and to rule; hence empoverish and rule.
As their political motto depicts divide and rule, and their military and security force defend and protect their lives from every corner of threat. And their diplomatic agencies work hard to propagate false news to maintain their relationship despite the reality on the ground looks after the contrary.
ቶርቸር (ሰቆቃ) ከዓለም እንዲጠፋ የሚታገል የዓለም አቀፍ የፀረ-ቶርቸርና የተጎጂዎች ደጋፊ ድርጅት፣ የአዕምሮን ቶርቸር ሲተነትን፣ ረዘም ላለ ጊዜ በጨለማ ቤት ውስጥ ማስቀመጥን፣ እንቅልፍ ማሳጣትን፣ መድፈርንና የመሳሰሉትን ከቶርቸር ውስጥ ያስገባቸዋል። በእንደዚህ አይነት የአዕምሮ ቶርቸር የሚያልፉ ሰዎች እራሳቸውን እንዲጠሉ የሚያደርግና የሚቆይ ከፍተኛ የአዕምሮ በሽታን እንደሚያመጣ ይናገራሉ።[1]
የለንደን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተመራማሪዎች ከቤልግሬድ የሕክምና ኮሌጅ ጋር በመተባበር 279 የቀድሞ እስረኞችን በማነጋገር፣ ሳይንሣዊ በሆነ መንገድ መረጃዎችን ሰብስበዋል። በሰበሰቡትም መረጃ መሰረት የደረሱበት ድምዳሜ የአዕምሮ ቶርቸር ከአካላዊ ቶርቸር በምንም እንደማይለይ የሚገልጽ ነበር። የአዕምሮ ቶርቸርን እንደ አካላዊ ቶርቸር የሚያግድ ዓለማቀፋዊ ሕግ መውጣት እንዳለበትም አሳስበዋል።[2]
እስት ለትንሽ ጊዜ ከምናደርጋቸው እንቅስቃሴዎች ቆጠብ እንበል። ዓይኖቻችንን እንጨፍን። እራሳችንን ሁለት ሜትር በሁለት ሜትር ባለች ጠባብ ክፍል ውስጥ እንየው። የምንተኛበት መኝታ በጣም ይቆረቁራል። ከመጨለሙ የተነሳ ብዙም አይታየንም። ከእንቅልፋችን ስንነሳ ጨለማ ነው። ወደ መኝታ ስንሄድ ጨለማ ነው። በዚያች ክፍል ውስጥ ዓይኖቻችንን ጨፈንናቸውም ከፈትናቸውም ጨለማ ነው። በቀዳዳ፣ ሕይወታችንን ለጊዜው የሚያቆይ አፍ ላይ የሚደረግ ይወረወርልናል። ተኝተንም ሳለ የወፎችን ጫጫታ ወይንም ሙዚቃ ወይንም የሰዎች ድምፅ ሳይሆን የአይጦችን ጭጭጭ የሚል ድምፅ ነው የምንሰማው። አንዳንዴም አይጦቹ በተኛንበት በላይችን ላይ ይበራሉ። መጽሐፍ ማንበብ አንችልም። ሬዲዮ መስማት አንችልም። ቴሌቭዥኑንማ እርሱት።
መልካችንን የምናይበት መስታወት የለም። መስታወትም ቢኖር ጨለማው መስታወቱን ተራ ግድግዳ አድርጎታል። ቢገድሉን ወይንም ቢደበድቡን ደስ ይላቸው ነበር። ግን የምዕራቡን ዓለም ይፈራሉ። ስለዚህም በቀላቸውን በሌላ ነገር ይወጡታል። አውቀው ትናንሽ ጉንዳንና ቱኃን ይለቁብናል። ጉንዳኖቹና ቱኃኖቹ ሰውነታችንን ይነክሳሉ። አንዱን ከእጃችን ስናራግፍ አንዱ በእግራችን ይመጣል። ሰውነታችን ይላላጣል። “የሐኪም ያለህ!” ብንል የሚሰማ የለም። ብናለቅስ የሚሰማ የለም። ግድግዳውን ብንደበድብ የሚሰማ የለም። ብንለምን፣ “እባካችሁ! በእመብርሃን፣ በመድኃኔዓለም፣ በጊዮርጊስ፣ በአላህ! …” ብንል የሚሰማ የለም።
ለአንድ ቀን ብቻ አይደለም። ከአንድ ቀን አልፎ ለሁለት ቀናት፣ … ከዚያም ለሦስት ቀናት፣ … ለአሥር ቀናት፣ … ለሃያ ቀናት፣ … ቀኑ እየተራዘመ መጣ። ቀናት መቁጠራችንን ቀጠልን። አንድ መቶ ስድሳ አምስት ላይ ደረስን። እስቲ እናስብ እራሳችንን! አናብድም? አዕምሯችንን አንስተም? እራሳችንን አንጠላም? አንታመም?
በወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ላይ የደረሰው እንግዲህ ይሄ ነው። በእጇ ጠመንጃ አልያዘችም። ሁሉን የምትወድ ናት። ፍቅርን፣ ፍትህን፣ አንድነትን ነው የሰበከችው። በምቾት ተሰዳ በምዕራቡ ዓለም መኖር ስትችል፤ ሀገሬንና ህዝቤን ብላ ለሀገሯ ለመታገል የወሰነች ሀገር ወዳድ ሴት ናት።
ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ከታህሳስ 20 ቀን 2001 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ እስከ ሰኔ 7 ቀን 2001 ዓ.ም. ድረስ በግፍና በጭካኔ በጠባብ ጨለማ ክፍል ውስጥ፣ ከሰው እንዳትገናኝ ተደርጎ ከጉንዳንና ከአይጦች ጋር ነው የምትውለውና የምታደረው። ፍርድ ቤት ትዕዛዝ ቢሰጥም ከዘመድ ወዳጅ፣ ከሐኪም ከጠበቃዋ ጋር እንዳትገናኝ ታግዳለች።
ማክሰኞ ሰኔ 4 ቀን 2001 ዓ.ም. ትልቅ አስደንጋጫ ክስተት ተፈጠረ። የስድስት ወር ቶርቸር የወለደው እጅግ በጣም አሳሳቢ ነገር ነበር። በርጋታዋና በብርታቷ የምትታወቀው ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ከታሰረችበት አካባቢ ከፍተኛ ጩኸት እንደተሰማ አቡጊዳ ዘገበ። ለምን ወ/ት ብርቱካን እንደጮኸች እስከአሁን ማወቅ አልተቻለም። ከሰው እንዳትገናኝ አድርገው ምን እያደረጓት እንደሆነ እግዚአብሔር ነው የሚያወቀው።[3]
የመጀመሪያው ዓላማቸው ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ እንድትል የሚፈልጉትን ብላ የፖለቲካ ተቀባይነት እንድታጣ ለማድረግና ትግሉን መሪ አልባ ለማሰኘት ነበር። አስፈራሯት። ዛቱባት። እርሷ ግን ናቀቻቸው። ለነርሱ ውሸት እንደማትንበረከክ አሳየቻቸው።
እነርሱም በእልህና በጭካኔ መጡባት። “እንግዲያውስ በፈቃዷ ለኛ ፈቃድ ካልተገዛች፣ ቶርቸር አድርገን መንፈሧን ሰባብረን ዋጋ ቢስ እናደርጋታለን! እናሳብዳታለን!” ብለው ተነሱ። ብዙ ነፍሳት በገደለ ነፍሰ ገዳይ እንኳን ያልተፈጸመ በደል አደረሱባት። ለስድስት ወር በጨለማ ቤት ውስጥ በግፍ አስቀመጧት።
አቡጊዳ እንደዘገበው የማረሚያ ቤቱ ኃላፊዎች በማንም ሰው ላይ እንደዚያ ተደርጎ እንደማያውቅ፣ በወ/ት ብርቱካን ላይ የሚደረገው ግፍ ከላይ በመመሪያና በትዕዛዝ የመጣ እንደሆነ ይናገራሉ። (ከአራት ኪሎ ማለት ነው)
ለመሆኑ አራት ኪሎ የተቀመጡት ሰዎች (ሰዎች ልበላቸውና) ይሄ ሁሉ ግፍ በዚች ሴት ላይ እንዲደርስ የሚፈቅዱት ምን ወንጀል ብትሠራ ነው? “ወያኔ ጠላት አይደለም” ማለቷ ነው ወንጀሏ? ሠላማዊና ሕጋዊ ትግል ማድረጓ ነው ወንጀሏ? ሀገሯን ለቃ በስደት አለመኖሯ ነው ወንጀሏ?
“ለሕግ የቆምን ነን። ሕግ መከበር አለበት!” ይሉናል። የትኛው ሕግ? ሕግን ቢያወቁ ኖሮማ የፍርድ ቤትን ውሳኔ ባከበሩ ነበር? ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ በጠበቃዎቻቸውና በሐኪሞቻቸው በወዳጆቻቸው እንዲጎበኙም በፈቀዱ ነበር። ይቅርታውን ከመሰረዛቸው በፊትም ሕጉ እንደሚያዘው፣ በጽሑፍ ምክንያታቸውን ያሳውቁና ለወ/ት ብርቱካንም፣ ምላሽ እንድትሰጥ፣ የሃያ ቀናት ጊዜ ይሰጡ ነበር።
የህወሓቱ መሪ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ ለቢቢሲ ሐርድቶክ ጋዜጠኛ ስለወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ተጠይቀው ሲመልሱ “ከተፈታች በኋላ ‘ይቅርታ አልጠየኩም’ አለች። ያ ማለት ይቅርታ ያገኘቸው በማጭበርበር ነበር ማለት ነው። ስለዚህ በሕጋችን መሰረት በማጭበርበር የተገኘ ይቅርታ ወዲያውኑ መሰረዝ አለበት” ነበር ያሉት።
“የይቅርታ ውሳኔ ለይቅር ተባዩ ከደረሰና ተቀባይነት ካገኘ በኋላ የይቅርታ ውሳኔ በማጭበርበር ወይም በማታለል የተገኘ መሆኑ ከተረጋገጠ የይቅርታ ውሳኔው ዋጋ አይኖረውም”[4] የሚለውን በይቅርታ ሥነ-ሥርዓት አዋጅ ቁጥር 395፣ አንቀጽ 16፣ ንዑስ አንቀጽ 2 አስበው ይመስለኛል አቶ መለስ ይህን አይነት መልስ የሰጡት።
“አዲስ አድማስ” በሚባለው ሀገር ውስጥ በሚታተም ጋዜጣ በይፋ በወጣው ጽሑፏ፣ ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ስትጽፍ “በሽማግሌዎቹም የእርቅ ማግባቢያ መንፈሥ መሰረት በፖለቲካ የተቀሰቀሰውን ክስ ፖለቲካዊ እልባት ለመስጠት በማሰብ ለእርቅ ስል ከሌሎች የፓርቲው መሪዎች ጋር ተስማምቼ ሰኔ 11 ቀን 1999 ዓ.ም. በተጻፈው ሰነድ በሽማግሌዎች አማካኝነት ይቅርታ ጠይቄያለሁ። ይህ ብፈልግም ልለውጠው የማልችለው ሐቅ ነው” ነበር ያለችው።[5]
እንግዲህ እዚህ ላይ የምናየው ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ በግልጽ “ይቅርታ ጠይቄያለሁ” እንዳለች ነው። ታዲያ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ ከየት አምጥተው ነው “ይቅርታ አልጠየኩም አለች” እያሉ የሚናገሩት? የቱ ላይ ነው ወ/ት ብርቱካን ያጭበረበረችው? ምንድን ነው ያታለለችው? ምኑ ነው ጥፋቷ? እንደዚህ ኢ-ሰብዓዊና አረመኔያዊ ግፍ ድርጅታቸው በዚች ሴት ላይ የሚያወርድበት ምክንያት?
ዋሽንግተን ፖስት እንደዘገበው ወይዘሪት ብርቱካንን ጨምሮ የቅንጅት መሪዎች፣ የሰብዓዊ መብት ተከራካሪዎችና ጋዜጠኞች በሀገር ሽምግልና መሰረት ይቅርታ ጠይቀው በተፈቱ ጊዜ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ የተናገሩት አባባል ነበር። “ይቅርታው ሙሉ ነው። ሕግን እስካከበሩ ድረስ ለመምረጥና ለመመረጥ ይችላሉ። ያለፈውን ትተን፣ ወደኋላ ሳንመለስ ወደፊት ነው ማየት ያለብን”[6] ነበር ያሉት። ታዲያ “ወደ ኋላ አንመለስ። ያለፈውን እንተው” ብለውን እራሳቸው ግን ወደ ኋላ ተመልሰው “ይቅርታ ጠይቄያለሁ” ያለችውን ሴት “ይቅርታ አልጠየኩም ብላለች” ብለው እንደነፍሰ ገዳይ ድርጅታቸው ማሰቃየቱ ምን ይባላል?
“ሕግን እስካከበሩ ድረስ” ነበር ያሉት አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ። ታዲያ ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ የትኛውን ሕግ ነው የጣሰችው? ጠመንጃ አንስታ ሰው ገደለች? ወይንም የህዝብን ገንዘብ መዝብራ ገንዝብ ወደ ውጭ አሸሸች? ወይስ ጉቦ ተቀብላ ባገኘችውና ባጠራቀመችው ገንዘብ አሜሪካን ሀገር ቤት ሠራች? የቱ ነው ወንጀሏ ለዚህ ሁሉ ግፍ የዳረጋት?
እንግዲህ ሀገር ፍረድ! አሁን ያለውን አገዛዝ እንደግፋለን የምትሉ፣ ልብና አዕምሮ ያላችሁ ሁሉ ፍረዱ! እንስሳውና አውሬውስ እንስሳና አውሬ ነው። “ሰው ነን። እናስባለን፣ እናገናዝባለን” የምትሉ ሁሉ ፍረዱ! የዚች ሴት ጥፋት ምንድን ነው? እንደዚህ ቶርቸር የምትደረግበት ምክንያቱ ምንድን ነው?
ይሄን ያህል ጭካኔ በሌላ ወገናችን ላይ እስክናደርስ ድረስ እንደዚህ አውሬ የሚያደርገንስ ነገር ምንድን ነው? ምን ይሻለን ይሆን ባካችሁ? ለምንድን ነው እንዲህ የምንጨካከነው? ለምንድን ነው አንዱ ሲጠቃ ሌላው ዝም ብሎ የሚመለከተው? ለምንድን ነው አንዱ ደብድብ ሲል ሌላው እሺ ብሎ የሚታዘዘው? ምንድን ነው እንደዚህ ሕሊና ቢሶች ያደረገን?
ኧረ! አንተ ደጉ መድኃኔዓለም ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በቃቹህ በለን! እባክህን እኛም እንደሌሎቹ ህዝቦች እንደታደሉት፣ ለተጠቁት የምንቆም፣ ለድሃ አደጉና ለመበለቲቶች የምንሟገት፣ የወደቀውን የምናነሳ፣ የተሰበረውን የምንጠግን፣ ክፋትንና ጭካኔ ቶርቸርን የምንፀየፍና የምንቃወም እውነተኞች አድርገን!!! ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳንም አስባት! ባላችበት ቦታ ኃይልህ፣ ብርታትህ፣ ፀጋህና ጥበቃህ አይለያት! – አሜን!!!
ምናልባት ከ90% በላይ የሆነው ለመንግስት ቀረቤታ ካለው ህዝብ ማለታቸው ሳይሆን አይቀርም
Do we ethiopian people deserve to get some people to sacrify or suffer for our freedom ? Look what all the sufferings that Birtukan Mediksa is undergoing, What are we doing now? Are we using all our potentials to get her released. Lets all think of puting ourselves in woyanes prison for a week with all the mices,insects and guards insults…etc
Eshi Edgetu minuu lay naw? Bewerekt lay bicha!
Meles’ “ekonomiyachin bemeseretu tenama naw” sounds like
his former boss’ Bush statement who said “The fundamentals of our economy is strong” when the country is in the middle of one of the worst financial turmoil in history. no wonder these two got along!
This should be Ginbet7 and EPPF work. While they will be able to help to the immediate needy millions of Ethiopian to get their daily ration, it will also help the groups to get strong support from the Ethiopian population inside and outside of the country more than they are getting right now.
As it is clear woyane regime had no intention of providing food or for that matter, any basic needs to the Ethiopian people. Therefore, it is up to the Ginbet7, EPPF and other concern groups to come to the rescue. Talk is cheap, but talk is not cheap in Ethiopia, believe me on this. If talk was cheap then the people of Ethiopia can talk without the woyane interference and they can ask the international community to provide them the intended food directly through what every port they prefer too. So since talk is not cheap let us talk and help the people at the same time. The Ethiopian people need help NOW. Until Ethiopia is free from this junta and be self-reliance, it is imperative we all act quickly and effectively however we can.
Here is an idea what I think need to be considered.
First, these respected groups should talk with the Eritrean government. They should ask to use the ports of Assab and Massawa to transport food to Ethiopian people. I am sure the Eritrean government won’t say no. of course; the government will require some procedures for its own security reason, because we all know how woyane operates. However, I have no doubt; the Eritrean government will absolutely agree to do this important task. I remember as a young boy in 1990 when the EPLF captured Massawa, they agree to let the Derg regime use Massawa to transport food for the population.
Second Gimbet7 and EPPF should talk with the international community (INC) and they should appeal to the INC to monitor the food’s distribution and make sure the needy people get their intended food directly through the INC.
The question is will the Woyane regime accept this important proposal? We all know that when the Ethio-Eri war started in 1998, still the government of Eritrean was willing to let the Ethiopian to use the ports, but the TPLF regime refused to use it. TPLF its supporters are not having any problem in getting food or any other lavishness they wish too. We all know who the affected people are. Let us join hands.
From an Eritrean brother,
ere please let us stand up. what are we waiting for?
thanks elias
good job
This is very informative message.
The scam related to gold is so surprising.
May be the 10% growth is in adwa where meles, aboy sbhat come from
Thanks ethiopianreview,
Now the truth has come out after aboy sebhat interviewed with VoA how he got the money for effor, and this guy has been working with meles in corruption case he knows all the details, and i would like ethiopian review to post full interview of this guy.
He has all the details how EFFORT steal the gold and money form ethiopian reserve.
All scholars should work to document this case and time will come where they will face the ICC
Thanks again
The economic policy of the terrorist TPLF is crafted to impoverish and starve the Ethiopian people using some fake statistics and constructions of some roads and buildings as a smokescreen to hide their destructive, evil and inhumane activities they have embarked on. However, it is upto the rest of us to unite by putting aside our real or imagined differences and work together to get rid of the evil TPLF terrorist virus that is itching on our very being.
Hey, Elias the Ethiopian people need such information and thank you for coordinating this. Keep on doing the right thing Ethiopia will be proud of you.
Shocking. The IMF and World Bank are accomplices for their support of the tyrant Meles who has staged so long to bring this shocking tragedy. The lack of opposition forces to fight the tyrant in unison is also unfortunate
There is starvation even in the richest countries such as America and China. The economic progress can’t be achieved in a single night. Meles can’t feed each and every Ethiopian people. Development needs long term plan; sacrifice of many things, even life.
I am impressed by the comments of my ERITREAN BROTHER who has shown us, Ethiopians, the merciful hands of HIS ERITREAN GOVERNMENT as to how it will be willing to open up the ports of Assab and Massawa to let in grains to be sent from the champions of poverty and rescue the lives of many STARVING ETHIOPIANS! Talking as he says is cheap in the west! I tried to buy his ideas! But for a person like myself who is very proud of the deeds of my fathers who crossed the mountains, mighty rivers and deserts to give me the motherland I love most, I found it embarrassing to be advised by the son of Ato Isayas who in the first place is the architect of Eritrea’s cessation all along with Sebhat Nega of Adowa who defiled our forefathers blood poured in that part of the MOTHERLAND! I am proud to dye while preserving the faith I have in my forefathers who had a dream of making Ethiopia one strong whole that can be a home of diversity! I lament the fate befallen to us now, thanks to Shabya and its woyane counterparts! I even lament the fact that those who have always been legitimate to care for the identity of ETHIOPIANESS are slept or overwhelmed with talking and talking while keeping themselves in an illicit slavery! Now let me say this to my Eritrean Brother, take my word, I am not willing to listen to your advice as I am not listening to the Tigrean fellows who has given you that sent of being an Eritrean a creation of two budens!When the time comes the highlands of Seraye, Hamasen and Akaleguzay will grow the grains to feed the population of the Motherland and the lowlands of MerebMelash belive me will continue to host a diverse cultures who will always praise their Ethiopianess! In the mean time we We Ethiopians not abroad but inside the wombs of the MOTHERLAND will continue to seek solutions for our problems! GOD BLESS! GLORY AND GRACE BE MULTIPLIED TO MOTHER ETHIOPIA!!