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Wzr. Sinedu Gebru’s legacy

Woyanne ambassador to Washington DC Samuel Assefa at his mother’s funeral in Addis Ababa (Photo: Addis Journal)

The funeral of Ethiopia’s first woman parliamentarian Wzr. Sinedu Gebru took place two days ago at the Holy Trinity Cathedral Church in Addis Ababa in the presence of family, friends and {www:Woyanne} regime officials.

Wzr. Sinedu is an amazing Ethiopian who severed her country throughout her life as this brief biography shows (click here to read). Unfortunately, her legacy also includes having Woyanne ambassador Samuel Assefa as a son whose consciousness level is lower than that of a donkey. It is indeed sad that such a patriotic woman who fought for and diligently served her country had managed to raise a useless drunkard who is at the service of an anti-Ethiopia fascist regime.

Addis Journal reports Wzr. Sinedu Gebru’s funeral as follows:

The funeral for author, activist, patriot, and Ethiopia’s first woman parliamentarian, Sinedu Gebru has taken place at the Holy Trinity Cathedral Church on Wednesday, April 22, 2009, in the presence of Abune Paulos Aba Tagay Gebremedhin, the Woyanne-installed fake patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

President Girma Wolde Giorgis [Meles Zenawi’s puppet] paid his respect to the late Sinedu by sending flowers to her funeral. Mourners included the Ethiopian parliament’s woman representative, Netsanet Asfaw and other Woyanne officials.

The late Sinedu’s son, Ethiopia’s Woyanne’s current ambassador to the United States, Dr. Samuel Assefa, arrived in Addis Ababa on Tuesday to attend the funeral service. He was visibly shaken as prayers and blessings were chanted during the ceremony.

The Honorable Sindeu Gebru, who had been in a frail condition recently, died on Easter night at the age of 94.

Rita Pankurst, who has known Sinedu for many years, described her as a very independent-minded and formidable woman. “I have always been a great admirer of her. She was the heroine of my life.” Rita told Addis Journal.

Rita said she always went to see her on holidays with some flowers, including this past Easter morning where she was awake, but died that evening. Rita says Sindu, who has been the first Ethiopian school director of Etege Menen school, had done tremendous amount of job in promoting girls education. She was “a great believer in the importance of education, in general, and girls in a particular” according to Mrs. Pankurst.

Another former student of Etege Menen School said, “The loss of Woizero Sinedu is enormous but she leaves a legacy of accomplishment, hope and commitment for the community and her country.”

7 thoughts on “Wzr. Sinedu Gebru’s legacy

  1. My condolences, to the family of the honorable Lady Wizero Sinidu Gebru, whose name will be amongst the great in Ethiopian history, if not amongst the International Women’s suffrages to some extent. Modern Ethiopian women owe a lot to such staunch libertarian minded and courageous women of her time. Her time was, a time when women were to be seen and not heard, but she was trailblazer in changing that. Hence, by taking a seat in the male dominated feudal parliament, she was no lesser powerhouse than Rosa Park who refused to give a seat for a white man.
    Ordinary Joe

  2. rip woizeru sinedu.

    don’t we have ethiopian historians (or others) who are knowledgeable about ethiopia? is rita pankhurst the only voice who can give an account on woizeru sinedu?

  3. May Your soul rest in peace. My Sincere condolence to her children and family. Find comfort that she had lived a long and productive life.

    Sincerely and respectfully,


  4. There is an article about Siniddu Gebru in NORTHEAST AFRICAN STUDIES, Volume 4 Number 3 (New Series) 1997, pages 61-75, which will appear in slightly revised form in a book soon to be published. Great lady!

  5. May Your soul rest in peace. My Sincere condolence to her children and family. Find comfort that she had lived a long and productive life.

    Sincerely and respectfully,


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