ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA – Demissew Zerihun, who attacked 21-year-old Kamilat Mehdi in March 2007 with acid, received a 20-year jail sentence by a superior court in Addis Ababa yesterday. Co-defendant Yacob Haile was released freely.
![]() Demissew Zerihun sentenced to 20 years in prison
The acid attack, which severely disfigured Kamilat, had shocked Addis Ababa residents. Kamilat is currently in Paris, France undergoing constructive surgery.
A lower court had previously convicted and sentenced Demissew to death and Yared to 20 years in prison.
Upon appeal, the high court ruled that since Demissew did not intend to kill Kamilat, he doesn’t deserve to be punished by death. The high court also ruled that the evidence against co-defendant Yacob Haile, who was charged with assisting Demissew to carry out the attack, was not sufficient to convict him.
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8 thoughts on “Acid attacker received 20 years in jail”
he should be sentance to death. he ruined this poor girl life for good.
this is unfair he should get at least life sentence the acid could have killed her.
If he pleaded guilty, I think 20 years of prison is too small a punishment; he deserves at least lifetime, coz he made her to hate herself her entire life. Apology, lawyers in here as I do not know wha is written in Ethiopia’s wenjelegna mekcha.
The current decision is the right one as per ethiopian penal code. Shame on the judges of the lower court
That will send a very clear message who ever had any similar plan.
I dont know when the penal code of Ethiopia is going to be revised and properly serve justice.
Am glad at list his locked up in prison for 20yrs. I am sure he’ll get a great lesson of his life time. I wonder how Kamila is doing/has her facial apperance is back to normal?
i hate Ethiopian judges are they stupid 20 years for turning one girl life to hell that’s not fair