In response to “Al Amoudi’s human trafficker in Ethiopia identified”
By Jemal Ahmed
I am an Ethiopian who used to live in Atlanta and moved to my Country 20 years a go. I never knew Elias, but I knew his father, brother and sister. He knows my family in Atlanta and Ethiopia.
I am a self made business man who is very proud of what i am contributing to my country. It is true that I am a business associate of Sheik Mohammed Al AMoudi, Whom I have a very great respect.
Unlike ELias and his hate advocates, sheik Mohammed has been bringing billions of Dollars to Ethiopia and making a very visible change.
He hires over 60000 Ethiopians in Ethiopia. He helps cure 10000 Ethiopians, whom otherwise would have been dead, by spending 100s of millions of dollar.Insulting such a godly person may sound easy to some people, who do not have a fear of god at all. There is no problem hating the current political structure of our country as should be no problem on supporting as well. But why do you hate and make defamation on people who were only successful on their work in Ethiopia. For you guys you can only be good Ethiopians if you promote hate, but if you support the political structure and contribute to the Economic growth of the country, you are public enemy number one.
It is a shame that we do not have good opposition, who only oppose what is needed to be opposed.for Elias to be good Ethiopian, you have to oppose every thing what is being done hear.
I have no business of employment or human traficking.
I run legitimate companies that I own. My companies are engaged in heavy Industries and large scale commercial farms.
None of my companies made any forceful resettlement.getting into foreign employment is not my kind of business. By the way, there are around 200 companies who are doing that none of them belong neither to me nor to the Sheik.You can find about it. But why the lie??? what are you getting for all this lies and have innocent Ethiopians who have no clue what so ever Insult the respected Sheik Mohammed and my self.
Elias, ask your father and sister about me before you create false, story.
Who are you to tell us about Ethiopia when you are a declared fan of the world ruthless leader and Ethiopia’s public enemy number one Essayas Afeworki???
and those of you who are trying to sound like a hero and wants to kill me. I am very easy to find, come to Addis Ababa and ask about me or come and see me in Atlanta in mid April, when i visit my family.
I always go to Saudi Arabia to perform my religious duty but I do not have no business of sending labor. Elias does knows that, yet “Awko yetgnan sew bikesekisut waga yelewum.
Instead of talking crap on the net, i suggest you guys come and contribute to make a change in the rising Ethiopia. I do not advocate migration, i believe every Ethiopian could make his dream come true if he has a fear of god and work hard.
By the way, i will make sure that i get justice for the defamation you incurred me.
Prosperity to Ethiopia and god bless Shek Mohammed and people like him who are working to make change in Ethiopia.
185 thoughts on “Jemal responds to human trafficking, land grabbing accusations”
Hello Jamal in case you read this, please extend my sincere appreciation to Sheikh Mohammed Alamoudi’s for his good efforts and massive investment in the development of Ethiopia. We are the living witness of his 100 millions dollar aids and assists toward the poor and the sick. you have to know that what ever good you do THERE ARE ALWAYS HATERS TO HATE!!!
Wish you best!
Ethiopian replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 3:56 PM
Why don’t you leave him your phone number? you can get some leftover firfari
Jemal Jemal shat up don’t tell us what to do. You love al almoudi give him your a** you jerk.
Stop talking about Esays. He can finish you in one go, you stupid a-hole.
oh my god! you guys are burning deep inside. Jelousy is eating you! Poor you!!
Ahadu replies:
March 31st, 2012 at 4:48 PM
Banjaw Jelousy? what a hell are you talking about?are we jelous when a rat from no where entered our proud nation and destroy it for a low life damaged humans like you is jelousy for 80 million Ethiopians is the other way we dont like rats and thieves which is woyanne and and your god father the arab tujar will pay for the crimes that he has commited and most probably your likes will defend him on Ethiopan court as he can never ran or hide from Ethiopian eyes.
gragn ahmed replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:19 PM
BANJAW You ass hole leave us alone
Let me say what has been in my mind: I think it is a calculated move by Almoudi and Saudi Arabia, intentionally, to take young Christian Ethiopians out of Ethiopia in the thousands with the help of soulless men like Jemal, and Saudis buying hundreds of thousands acres of Ethiopia’s land. In the near future, it will be difficult for Ethiopian Christian men to find young Christian Ethiopian girls for marriage and to have Children. But, the Ethiopian Muslim men would have enough young girls to marry, often, up to three to five wives, and individual Muslim men would have twenty to thirty children, that way Muslims would be the majority of Ethiopians, then that old historical Christian country Ethiopia will be an Islamic country. The money hungry, heartless and Godless Meles and the tplf money worshipers, don’t give a darn to what happens to Ethiopia.
To understand the plight of a scattered people and its missing shepherd just read pertinent passages from the book of Ezekiel of the bible. Do you know that once arose a powerful and wealthy figure just like Al-Amoudi from one of the two antagonist tribes that sent chilles throughout the population? History of course repeats itself and this time, as Karl Marx pointed out, the farce is in the form of a fat hotelier tycoon who is fondling the country from all direction and in every way. When the children of Jacob particularly the blessed six reclaim thier heritage, the likes of Jemal Ahmed, the forigner Al-Amoudi, the Assyrian Zenawi, the Egyptian Afewerqi and their Bahede bretherns everywhere become powerless and out of time. Those who are toying with the people now, thier progeny will serve ours, having lost the claim to power and time once and for all, they’ll be the cursed lot. Both Al- Amoudi and Zenawi are biblical figures proof that our creator is not happy with us.
The efficient and effective way to stop maid trafficking is for families and relatives, and by extension, for communities to come to term that going or allowing to go to Arabia is one of those taboos that’s simply unacceptable. There is no question that the church and family failed, so have the schools, media and society at large – it is like waking from deep sleep when you realize how and for how long certain crazy things have been going on. Those who run weekly radio shows ought to drop thier jokes, irrelevant dramas, jokes and frivolities and instead bring to the front the most important and burning issues week after week just as Elias Kifle is doing. As a listener of those shows, if what you are treated to is frivolcity, commercials and music, do not bother tune in. It is a curse listening to stupid content when thousands are trafficked, become landless, homeless and die untimely death every week.
Jamal, you sound like a pathetic Alamudi servant,you days are numbered are you going to run to hide in Atlanta, time will tell, we will hunt you down and make a case here before you arrive here. Please, stop using God’s name you are not fooling any one.
Mr. jemal you are telling us, rather in a self assured manner, about the rising Ethiopia. It is the likes of you only who are rising in affluence and excessive life out of association with a pseudo-business man, Almudi, who chose to collude with a fascistic and mafia organization named TPLF to rob Ethiopia of every thing it has: its resources, its peace, freedom of its people, unity of its people. Alamoudi, by colluding with the fascist tplf receives all the big businesses without any competition , gets lands, rsources, raw material at favourable rates or for free and makes a profit out of sheer explotation of Ethiopian resources. He allocates part of the share to the mafia TPLf leader meles and his associates. Now Mr. jemal you are a foot soldier of this blood business and you have sold your soul for your comfort, luxury and personal affluence at the expense of the people of Ethiopia. History will judge you and judge you harshly.
You do not even have a decency in speaking when you said: “Instead of talking crap on the net, i suggest you guys come and contribute to make a change in the rising Ethiopia”. This rather thuggish talk shows your lack of any decent manner and the low level of respect you have for Ethiopians, much like the TPLF mafia boss zenawi and his big brother Almudi who record bad mouthing of Ethiopians almost on daily basis. My frank advice Mr. jemal is please wash your mouth of all dirty manners including this kind of crap talking.
You said also “Elias and hate advocates”. Are you charging our brother Elias – who is a victim of TPLF’s repressive rule just like any other ethiopian- of hating blood business, of hating fascism, of hating alamudine, the likes of you and your bloody deeds? Come on jemal who in his right mind and one with a conscience will side like you did with fascists and looters who rob Ethiopians in day light and at gun point. Elias does not hate any one. He hates dictators and looters. Elias hates slave riders. Elias hates those who incarcerate his fellow citizens. Elias hates those who prolong the suffering of his fellow citizesns. Elias hates those who drive profit from blood business by colluding with fascist and mafia-tplfs like almudi, you and the likes. Mr. jemal you traded your soul for cheap money and walfare and willingly became a false prophet for fascists and murderes and day light robbers. Be assured the only thing you will get hold of in the end , when you die, is ther resting place of the size of your body. The rest is harsh judjment by the Allah and you will be judged very harshly. May Allah for give you.
Mr. jemal no one declared a Fatwa on you. Those who terorise people in to submission are your masters like meles who issued a state fatwa on those who oppose their fascistic and dictatorial rule. You are aware most of the the time meles’s media of propoganda spends terrorizing and issiuing fatwa on all those who oppose its rule. Mr. jemal have not you witnessed what the fascist meles is at present doing to our muslim brothers and sisters? Meles robbed them of every thing and now he is marching on their soul and spiritual safe haven. What is left Mr. jemal no?. Are you praying to Allah for longevity of this eartly devils. For what Mr. jema?. We all can survive our day on earth with a piece of injera. That is enough to live on earth and live with clear conscince.
Mr. jemal you trave to Saudi Arabia on a slave ride duty. Now you want to tell us to be taken more like an under cover agent rather than as an official slave rider. You never visit a mosque because it serves no purpose for you. Afterall what soul do you have to be saved. I think you do not need Allah. Rather you need Alamudi. Almdudi is your allah and Meles you godfather. Mr. Jemal do not insult our intelligence.
Mr jemal you also said: “but if you support the political structure and contribute to the Economic growth of the country, you are public enemy number one’” Which political structure are you suppoting Mr. jemal?? one in which the citizens are subjugated and robbed. One in which citizens are imprisoned and charged with terrorisom for advocating their basic rightand freedom? One in which citizens are suffering undfer falring tribal hate and tribal divide and rule system of administration? One in which even the poor people have to join EPRDF even for getting the menial job of laying cobblestones? One in which people are getting poorer by the day while the few opportunities like you are getting richer beyond imagination? one in which there is no hope of living for any Ethiopian citizens as they are reduced to second class citizens and people are living the country in mass exodous? Which political structure are you supporting? What economic growth are you talking about? Who is growing? Only you and you likes only Mr. Jemal.
And Mr. jemal you wanted to draw accolade by copy-catting TPLF mafias when you said: “Who are you to tell us about Ethiopia when you are a declared fan of the world ruthless leader and Ethiopia’s public enemy number one Essayas Afeworki???” As far as we know Mr. jemal Almudi and meles on one side and Mr. Isayas on the other side were on a race of pillaging Ethiopia. As the saying goes thieves collaborate in stealing and fight on sharing. Almudi and meles wanted to monopolize the robbery and that is the central point of disagreement and the cause of the ethio-eritrean war. You, meles and almudi are ethiopia’s public enemy number one, two and three. Isayas is now not in Ethiopia. You said Isayas is ruthless but is meles repressing and killing Greek cirizens? Is meles incarcerating armenians? Mr. jemal there is one more saying: when people spot a thief and run to catch him shouting “thief! catch him thief!”, the thief while running will echo back his chasers and he will also shout “thief thief” while fleeing to divert attention. Mr. Jemal, by fingerpointing at Isayas, you are now trying to divert attention from the fact you, almudi and meles, etc are the thieves actively robbing ethiopia in real time. You are trying to divert attention from the fact that you are the ruthless robbers and dictators in ethiopia for which history will judge you harshly and for which you, come the day of judgement, will be brought to face justice.
Mr. Jemal your response speaks for itself. You are a foot soldier of mafias and fascists. There will come a day when you will stand and face justice. A day will come when the long arm of the law catches you. For now enjoy the loot, enjoy the indolence, bad mouthing while thriving on stolen money.
Semu replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 4:32 PM
Berhan, Thank you very much for taking few minutes to defend your country and your people. I read every word and sentence you mentioned and I can tell that you are an educated and well mannered person.It is so unfortunate that our country is invaded by these type of people and just in 20 years they are about to change her image, destroy her identity, damage our peoples’ livelihood, culture, religions, and unity.It is sad to anyone not only an Ethiopian even people who know Ethiopia to see regular people not having a right to exist on their land. We all say democracy and fair governance but the lack of these happens in many countries. But in Ethiopia it is even harder to have one meal a day while some steal and get themselves rich just for the fact that they are TPLF members. I hope we will see that changed soon.
Everything that has been suspected of Jamel is now happening.Obviously,Jamel is angry and is acting impulsively when the real of him is known to Ethiopians and what he has been doing behind the curtain in the name of being a business partner with the known criminal,Al Amoudi who made farmers landless and familyless is exposed to Ethiopians and the world community.
jemal says that he frequently goes to saudi arabia for religious purpose.Aren’t there mosques in Atlanta? Therefore,the present moment is, for him to sell children who are not his to traders and marketers who know him well their supplier of childreen.
Yes,Jemal,the business you are running is this huge and lucrative,and money flow is like a heavy rain,you can not see the consequence of selling childreen who were supposed to be with their families and going to school to learn and going to churches to pray.You are going to saudi arabia for religious purpose,but you are taking away our children from villages,schools,neighborhoods,and churches and selling them to Arabs.And with the money and the profit you make,you go back to Ethiopia which has its doors broken into,and walk straight into villages,towns,cities,and in the bedrooms and in the livingrooms of families and take small girls,young girls,and women away from their lives and sell them for a huge profit to your godyl master,Al Amoudi and to his grand masters.yes money and children of other families come to you easily because our country is running by mafias who invaded Ethiopia in 1991 and left the country dead for sacavengers like you to live on the lives of our dearest childreen.
At any moment you tell Ethiopians you are going to Saudi Arabia for a religious duty;at any moment you can tell Ethiopians you are a business partner of Al Amoudi;you can tell Ethiopians you are doing legitimate business;you can tell Ethiopians there are no good oppositions,but you can not tell us Ethiopians a lie that you are not selling children of other Ethiopians,and you only go to saudi arabia for religious duties.When we get back our children from Saudi Arabia and other Arab world that you and your business partner,Al Amoudi selling,they will never be the same,at all;this is going to be a huge loss on Ethiopia and families.Ethiopians will definitely remove the Zinawi’s regime,then every criminals will be captured before they run to different part of the world.National and international laws are standing by along with millions of Ethiopians to bring criminals to the justice.
Anonymous replies:
March 31st, 2012 at 8:35 PM
Well said and very true! God bless you!
Jemal, your emotional response to Elias is understandable, but you could have argued your case without resorting to legal threat. This is a democratic forum which provides opportunity to all of us to experess our opinion openly and without any fear. it is with in mind that I forward my opinion on your investment in commercial farms. You attempted to convince us that your investment in large commercial farms is beneficial to the country as it is creating employment to those otherwise unemployed. However this is at the expense of shrinking the grazing area and livlihood of the people once inhabiting the area where you are expanding your farms. In fact, the employment you are creating is a drop in an ocean compared with the people you are displacing. Jemal, to you and those whom you represent maximizing return in a short possible time, regardless of the consequence of your action, is paramount. And you are making boundlesss profit supported with all bearaucracy of the governemt and defended by an army which is armed to its teeth. The consequence of your action will not end at only displacing population and errrasing communities. Those dispalced could organize and resort to arms pushing the country in to yet another endless conflict and threating the unity of the nation. This is a realistic concern as we hear that armed conflict has already started in Gambela area. The same explanation could apply to the conflict in the Afar region. The message, judged from your action one could conclud that seem to be more interesed in your profit and that people like Elias in the welfare of the people and the unity of the country. Let’s hear your point of view.
Mr, Jemal;
So, your residence is in Atalant and your business is situated in Addis,and you perform your religious duties in Saudi Arabia;what else are you telling us?
Mr.Jemal,you have shown us a lot,but you have told us less;less is not more;more harm you did on our children.Mr.Jemal,wait and see when our children tell more and more of their dark lives you created for them.
But,You filled up the wareshouses with our children that you built allover and accross Ethiopia.In Zinawi’s world exporting children is legal,and you and Al Alamidi have licences to export our children to Sadudi and the middle east market.There is a law that protects children in Atlanta;you don’t know this? We do know.Al Amoudi did not say anything about your going to Saudi to perform religious duties;rather,he said,”Jemal is in Saudi Arabia.” Mr. Child steward,Jemal you will soon run out of lies and stand exposed to the truth and the reality.The truth and the reality are that you,as a middle-man your business takes you to Saudi Arabia.Listen,where would your sin take you?
Jemal,what do you mean by saying there are no good oppostion in Ethiopia? What do you think we are doing? We,we,we,we are opposing to your selling our children;we are not begging you to stop selling our children,we are telling you what to do ie stop!stop! Selling our children.You can laugh at us or mock at showing the gieft certificates that you are receiving from Sadudi Sheiks,but soon we will show you the work of justice,the exhibits are on display,may be are dead,but whoever is left alive,our children will speak of the suffering that you and Al Amoudi put through.How many farmers lost their farmlands and families?
If,you have a bonus,show us and make a fun of us;yes,exporting our children is a fun for you,but for us it is a pain and a loss.But,we will recover from the pain you inflicted on us because you are selling our childreen.
It was not long ago a local resident told his sorrow,”I don’t know who took away my small daughters from behind our small hut in a small corn and potato farm I told my children to keep monkies away.”
When this poor farmer lost his daughters,was it an employment option?
Jemal,you know what! these stolen childreen don’t make a vibrant communities in Saudi Arabia.Mr. Jemal,can you explain to this farmer,who lost his daughters why you frequently going to Saudi Arabia? Remember,this poor farmer is crying and praying for the return of his small children,Should this farmer go to Saudi Arabia for more prayers for the return of his loved ones?
What is your future plan?
What TPLF is doing now is not by its will. It is God is making them crazy so that they will go away. They are speeding up their downfall. God is doing miracle. You can see all Ethiopians sad and angry about TPLF. When TPLF started setting on fire our churches , monastries,selling our land, selling our national assets, selling our babies,selling our girls,… it it God working because he wanted to to unite against the evil,wicked woyane.
I call upon all Ethiopians to rise up , amhar, tigrie, gurage, oromo,… all rise up. There is no point to wait anymore. Let us die. There is no difference between a wicked TPLF and a foreign invading force. If Somalains were to invade Ethiopia, they would not do anything worse than what Woyane is doing. If Suadi Arabia was to invade Ethiopia, it can not do much more than what it is doing. We have given our country to foreigners without them shooting a single bullet while our ancestos gave thier precious lives to give us a proud history.
I call upon all Ethiopia,all walk of life, female, male, old, young, amhara or gurage, tigrie or oromo,… stand up. There can never be an Ethiopia like this.Do not be hodam please. Please do not be hodam. Money is comes and goes, do not betray your country for money or anything material. Do not sell your conscience or helina.Do not sell your dignity.
Elias, once again, you are making proud man. You keep up the good work. This is phenomenal. you are hitting our heart beat. Stay away from ethnic and do what you are doing. People will follow the truth. you do not need to give them anything.Give them the truth. no need for anything. The most lethal weapon is truth. one can not defend truth. Truth cries bare and naked, you cannot hide it. You can hide it only for sometime, it will be more power when you hide it.Anyone who is against truth is destined to fall. Stand for truth, truth never let you down. People can let you down, but never truth. I am truth, I do not accommodate falsehood. I am truth, I cry on the streets until I am heard. I may not be heard, but will be heard when I am understood why I cry. I am truth, you can hide me or you can not sell me.I am truth you cannot buy by money. I am truth, you can not bribe me. I am truth, you cannot scare me. I am truth, you can kill me. I am truth, you can cheat me. I am truth I stand against TPLF racism and ethnic discrimiantion. I am truth, I stand against barbarism and against wickedness. I am truth, you cannot burn me by fire. I am truth, you can not arrest me and keep me. I am truth forever.
I thought including Eritrea in every Ethiopian problem was only Wayane’s chronic problem. I realized that it is also a problem of the majority of Ethiopians. Solve your problem by your self!
Jemal is an Arab slave, and his little enslaved mind thinks everybody else is also an Arab slave.
Ethiopia’s problems are parasites like Jamal who will enslave themselves and other innocent poor Ethiopians.
To a slave like Jemal who hates his own African identity and languages, other non Arab people are considered like his enemies.
He goes to Saudi Arabia always to report his mission on weakening the center of Ethiopia to his Arab masters.
May God protect Ethiopia from Arab slaves.
Even though terrorist financier sheik AL Amoudi is well protected by Meles and his gangsta weyane and Saudi intelligence he can not hide his evil intentions of making Ethiopia a heaven for religious extremists and keep on selling innocent beautiful habesha woman to pervert rich old saudi men.He has not put his foot for many years now in U.S soil because of his guilty consciousness.Indeed he is guilty.He tried to silence Ato Elias Kifle for exposing him.It is time all diaspora Ethiopians to come together and lobby on behalf all the woman who have suffered so much for so long by Criminal syndicate led by Meles and financed by Sheik Al Amodi.Sheik your time is up go to your mother land Saudi Arabia.I am sure you are going to call me ABED,bUT believe me I am proud of my people”s honesty and cultural values.
Leave Jemal alone… he is a businessman…
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 2:50 PM
come to me i will give you ferefare…let me Sell your mother,lat me sell your wife and let me sale your daughter.then com and tel me i am a businessman..
Mr Jemal or Sheks butler
“By the way, I will make sure that i get justice for the defamation you incurred me” Well said!!
This is a kind of word we all Ethiopians pray once to say without buttlering like you. You should be ashamed for the threat you tried to blanket over poor descendants of Elias back home.
Honestly, for several years he has not been on my favorite Ethiopian writers list until now. He was the only news man could forsee woyane and your shek very early. I used to say ” he is so blant. What did woyane do. They are better than derg etc.”
I am very disgusted with your entire zibazinke.
Your statement of ‘defense’ revealed the worest side of you and your associate “sheik” Al Moudi. Your boot licking sort of statement praising the corrupted business man almost made me throw up.
For Allah Sake, answer me the following few questions:
1) Do you know more than 60,000 poor Oromo families from Shakiso and Adola were unfairly displaced from their own land for simple reason of making this corrupted guy richer ?
2) Do you know that MIDROC makes millions of dollars from mining industry which by itself could cover the construction cost of Abbay ?
3) What is a big deal about donating $ 10,000 for sick or starving person if you are milking cash from endless Ethiopian natural resourses ?
4) Are you telling us the corrupted “sheik” should be worshiped like allah for donating $ 10,000 to fellow Ethiopians here and there ?
My last warning to you, please stay away from trafficking precious Oromo girls. We Oromos know people like yourself are responsible for the death of our sister Alem Dechase in Berut. Blood in your hand !!!!
What an idiot……adding his IQ with the pig on the video (Almoudi)….I think it would very similar to the voodoo economic figure…..I mean 14-20.
I don’t understand why some people don’t even ask why is it Alamoudi is the only one who is getting all these gifts from the Ethiopian government? Unless there is some kind of a deal which Alamoudi himself said that in the video we just watched Meles told him to get into the business of heavy industry. It is not only heavy industry it is also agriculture, gold mine etc. so some of you , you don’t think Alamoudi gives back something for a favor he is getting from the government. It is absolutely impossible for those bandas to refuse some kind of a deal in return for all these things he is getting from them. They did the greatest favor ever any Ethiopian government never did. They even displaced the poor Ethiopians from the fertile lands to give them to Alamoudi. Some of you guys don’t even see this? And he said the best governments in the world are the Saudi and the Ethiopian TPLF governments. This guy is just a moron that does not even know what a democratic government looks like and he laughs at every one and when Weyane is gone he definitely will fly to Saudi Arabia and may be Meles too.
Some of you Ethiopians(I hope you are)instead of telling your brothers it is because they are jealous please ask yourselves in your home in a quiet room. Why is it only one person that is buying almost every thing in Ethiopia? why is it that some ex-ministers like Haile Asegdie are working for Alamoudi in a top position? Are you going to say I am jealous too? Do you think I would go into a business that will harm my country and my Ethiopian people in Gambella, Awash, Wellega? I do not have money but even if i do I think it would be wise to stay away from things what Alamoudi is doing. After TPLF do you thing Alamoudi will stay in Ethiopia to do business?
Looking back the days of robbers,known by his given name Legesse Zinawi,during the afteroon of that day, employees were held at gun point and banks were robbed;Legesse Zinawi,the robber escaped with blood in his hands and heist stached in sacks made of goat hides.
2005,the day of blood.The same robber that you knew terrorized villages and towns for years came on TV and gave order to his armed men to murder Ethiopians.200 Ethiopians were murdered in less than an hour.The committee of the crime family was busy in encouraging other members of the mafia family to carry out murder and robbery accross the country.The deal was quickly made with Al Amoudi and the calandar was marked,and advanced protection was given and signed between Zinawi and international and local thieves in addition to Al Amoudi providing funds to Zinawi’s regime to expand networks of spy agencies and informants.
On the list many crimes have been mentioned,but this one was more painful than the others:- Human Trafficking has been depeleted Ethiopia invaluable human resources which its negative impact would cost the country and the people in billions of dollars and years and years of rehabiltations victims of human trafficking,which to this hour and day caused hazard on the society and the country,where Al Amoudi keenly eager to spend money is where it benefits the once who sent him to Ethiopia,in the first place.The message Al Amoudi received was,make our dreams come true,and we will reward you with millions of dollars;message was received and action was immediately put into practice.Local devils were brainwashed and trained for the job they were assigned for;the job to steal human beings secretely,at the beginning,but was immediately carried out in public.Last year alone more than 33,000 young girls and women were sold and transported to different destinations in the Middle East;shortly after that, local recruits were ordered to increase their effort by any capacity they could and were told a lot of money will be deposited in their pockets;right up front;it was as easy as jumping out of bed and plung into shawor.The shawor was making noise and the cry of mothers was echoeing allover the country;it then quickly became unending nightmare to families and citizens.
Today,Al Amoudi and his locals,such as Jemal has become virus and bulldozers damaging the nervious system of the country and the core of farmlands.Families in Gambela are disintegrated and the fabric of the social system is broken into strands of helpless victims.Rice,gold,and human trafficking the core business of Al Amoudi that Ethiopians have been knowing very well.Another shipment double that was already sent to buyers is right on schedule;busy flies are buzzing in and out of Sadudi Arabia to sting the children of citizens who were evicted from the land that they were tilling and rearing families,this number is estimated more than 81,000 from which the greatest majority of them were baby girls and young girls.Right now,22,000 victims have arrived in Addis Ababa with nothing but little boys and girls in their hands,don’t know how many more victms will join them,but they are sure enough their little gilrs will be sold to customers in the middle east.
Human traffickers and Earth movers are foolish and criminals.
Jemal needs to be reported and investigated by the CIA, FBI and IRS about the illegal money his making through Human Trafficking, the blood money he is hiding in Saudi Arabia and other places, and if he pays his taxes or not, if he is a residence of US.
Tank you alemenesh I wish I have a sister just like you .wondiierful ethiopian woman. Thanks
Al Amoudi listed and thanked his colabrators starting from Meles and the past and present government ministers in the video he released. Then he indicated how he recieved order from his boss the Soudi Minister of Agriculture to grow Alfalfa to feed Soudi cattles, and all these done by evicting poor Ethiopians from their ancestoral land, facing starvation every where and shipping them to permanent slavery in the Arab world. He repeated the government false statistics how Ethiopian economy is growing double digits while Ethiopians are leaving the country by thousands scattered all over the world. The sad thing some Ethiopians are blinded by TPLF propogand of hate to each other.It will not be long when true Ethiopians identify who is their real friends and enemies.’chew lersih bileh taaft, alebelzia dingay bilew yitiluhal’.
Alias woyane will stays in power for decads.your site will do the same for that same time of period.pleas change your strategy.go back to where ever you come from and do some thing for your people.
abera replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 2:13 PM
Gashaw the little boy. Why are you crying? we all know Elias came from Ethiopia.And he will go back to Ethiopia one day when there is freedom and democracy when people like you and banda TPLF run out of the county. You guys are so angry because he tells us what type of people you are. You are angry because he loves his country and people.You want him to change his strategy to what? Working for TPLF? anyone who has a moral obligation can not even sleep seeing what is going on in the country. So sit on your sofa and watch a cartoon show. what do you mean do something for your country. do you think he is eating injera and sleep on the floor like you. he is doing more than something.
By the way little boy, the word Alias has a different meaning in English, so go back to school and finish your grade 2 class first before posting a stupid comment.You did not even remember how other people spelled his name even on this page. how old are you?
Ethiopian replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 2:58 PM
Abera, nefsih aymarim….lol
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 2:19 AM
do you know the difference YETEMARE ENA YALTEMARE..Yaltemare malet Meheret yalagny malet new… there for Alemawek Hatiat new ena kegziabeher ena ke Ethiopia mehertin teyek… YALTEMARKEW ANTE NEH ato Gashaw…
gashaw replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 12:50 PM
What makes me little boy or ” yaltemare “misspelling or not been good writing in English?weregna amharas and lost sidetegna.speaking english by it self doesnt mean you are person bizu ayaweram…Ethiopians in diaspora talk to much.pleas wake up habesha we are way behind even from other africans…..the reason is gura too much gra…lost generation weregna bicha …go back home be a man.fight weyanes steal or borrow the money and hire your poor brothers and sisters.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:05 PM
Way do you call Ethiopia Habesha?you cant stand the name Ethiopia.We are Ethiopian not TPLF. so go preach your heat to your woyane banda not to us Ethiopian, and pls reap-it what TPLF means. if not go to your dumb and dumber woyane universty and learn how dumb you are….
Abee replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 2:26 AM
@ Gashaw aka Hagos whats is your point exactly? Agasse Weyanne Zeembelhe Kersehen Atmolam?
Jamal claims he is not involved in human trafficking and the forced expulsion of people from their native land. but he admits he is involved in heavy industry. How can he deny responsibility for the crimes when he is doing business with the criminal Woyane regime? How can he sell his soul to evil and try to absolve himself of the crimes?
Jamal and these greedy men who are sucking the blood of the people will never escape punishment when this Woyane house of cards comes crashing down.
according to my info, the guy is the third or fourth richest man in Addis at present time and Not only he denied the claim but my independent source confirmed to me that the guy is too Big and too nice to be involved in labour export. Apparently low level individuals including some diaspora are the ones who are involved in this business of sending Eth. women abroad.
The Jemal, the Arab slave, had admitted in his writing, he owns several business and corprations in Ethiopia besides the services he provides to his Arab masters as the authorized slave broker.
If this is the case, US IRS and FBI should be informed of the outstanding taxes he is supposed to have paid all these years to the US government.
The US government should investigate this slave broker as soon as possible.
This is insulting to all the Ethiopians and Africans.
How can one evict Ethiopian farmers from their own land, so that Alamoudi will grow the cattle grass — Alfalfa to feed Saudi cattle, while our own Ethiopian brothers and sisters are starving?
Will the Woyannie Tigraians allow Saudis to evict farmers in Tigrai to feed the Saudi children? They will never allow this.
There are three types of citizenship in Ethiopia now:
1. Woyannie political members such as meles, samora, sibhat, Alamoudi, Redwan, Jemal, Bedri, Kemal …
2. Saudi, Kuwaiti, Pakistani, Indian, Turkish agro farmers …
3. The rest of Ethiopia
beTam nqewnal
Is Jemal an American citizen or a legal residence? I am very much interested in his legal status, because I would like to discuss his crime of human trafficking activity with my congress man and also write to immigration. Those of you who have contact with NAACP in Atlanta please introduce this Jemal character to them, explain to them how his modern slave trafficking business in Ethiopia destroyed thousands of children’s life.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:08 PM
wow that is something to think about…thanks man
Elias we really support you. Jemal is trying to justify his innocence, but No one will believe him with his nonsense escuses. (Why to mention Isayas, we really don’t want to know. But we believe that he is much better than the chat addict leader you worship in Addis Ababa)
Keep on Elias the whole Ethiopians support you.
The victims and the perpetrators are now clearly distinguished;the victims remain victims and the perpetrators become rich and and criminals.Criminals such as Al Amoudi and his stealing-fingers,such as,Jemal have been scaming of Ethiopia her little children with eventual consequences leading to a complete collapse of the society.
Al Amoudi was invisible until the today’s mafias,the then robbers made secret contacts with Al Amoudi’s makers and shapers,then the deal was made rapidly and Al Amoudi was quickly dispatched to Ethiopia to accomplish the mission that was given to Al Amoudi;at the begining,Al Amoudi was desperate enough to recruit the weaks and the sold-out mainly because he was an alien to the country and a complete stranger to the people;he then made a slow move;baby move.He then became knowledgabel in identifying and locating volunrable villages,towns,cities,and neighbourhoods;all were marked out and agents like Jemals were dispatched to villages and towns,not pick roses,to pick little angels for a sale to Saudi Arabia and other devil’s dwelling cities.No sooner than the customers in the middle east received the very shipment of young girls of different ages,Al Amoudi made a quick move with hungry head into farmlands and quickly evicted farmers and their families from the land that they were born and rebirthed for centuries and centuries;mothers cried lauder and lauder;the cry was heard allover and accross the country.Girls as old as 9 years-old were in high demand and were the unfortunate victims of child traffickers,farmlands for growing rice were too in greatest demand;the lands and the mothers cried blood allover Ethiopia.When days changed into nights,and nights changed to days,more and more children continued to disappear from villages,cities,neighborhoods,schools,churches,play groung,and the backyards.Like samples of rice were sent to Saudi Arabia customers for a quality check to their likings,sample of little girls were sent to them according to ages;according to their tast,19 is too old or tough meat.
It is heart breaking,but according to the deal that was made lately,upto 300,000 Ethiopians’ children will be shipped to Saudi Arabia before the end of 2015.
thx Elias for telling us who is behind of all this human trafficking in Ethiopia , now we have to make this guy to pay for the crime he commited in US court . we should not let him go for free
You said “…and ask about me or come and see me in Atlanta in mid April, when i visit my family……”
Could you please add your address and if possible your Tel # to it so that we know where to come to visit you. I hope you will let us know before you next flight to Atlanta.
Leave Eritrea to Eritreans.
Leave our dear, beloved Pres.Issaias alone.
Deal with your own problems. Period.
Gadise replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 10:22 AM
Merebai have you ever seen an Ethiopian talking about your tiny land unlike you and nearly all your country peoples can never leave Ethiopia alone,if you see any comment about Eritrea it is from your baby boys the woyannes and by now they are our enemies like they are yours.
Mr. Jamal,you are not a trustworthy and credible person,as all of it you mentioned to defend your bad deeds were all craps and trash.Millions of Ethiopians are eager to meet you in court;if Ethiopians are found guilty,they will go to jail,but you are the one who is going to go to jail for child trafficking.You admitted that you had been serving Mr.Al Amoudi for the service he hired you for,but you then said that you had never been or are not involving in child labour related business.You! Lier! You! Lier!
When you returned to Addis and went to the places you visited,what was that you did not do to convince us that your going to Saudi Arabia and coming back to Atlanta to your family and going back to Addis to oversea your business establishments different from business partnership that you have been established with Mr. Al Amoudi? You must answer our question honestly and very clearly.
You also mentioned that there are 200 child labor related businesses in Addis Ababa;you are a big lier.Only 200 offices and agents to sell babies and girls? Even at the time when stealing the children of Ethiopia was done as an underground business,there were more than 411 child labor agents;by now,it should be more than 533 in Addis alone.You big lier,the time is not too far justice hold you responsible for the bad business you have been doing and tons of lies you have been telling Ethiopians.\If you were a man of truth and honorable father of you children,you should have exposed those other child traffickers to Ethiopians so that mothers and fathers of the sold children would have blessed and thanked you;instead,you kept low yourself for too long while running illegal business thinking Ethiopians are preoccupied with fighting the enemy regime so that they don’t have eyes to see what you and al amoudi have been doing to harm millions of Ethiopians.We are not sleeping and tired;rather,we are always opening our eyes in every dirctions to see and defend our children.We did not ask you to take care of our children,we are simply asking you,don’t defend al amoudi,don’t defend child selling,don’t defend your lies,don’t defend the mafia regime;don’t and don’t!
Elias you have to come clean from the counter accusation by Jemal, that implied that you are acting on behalf of you sister. In any way you must come clean of this matter, because it put doubt on some who question the information, if it based truly based on national question or personal family feud. Jemal claims that he is not involved in human trafficking (man power) expert business and your article claim otherwise. How can we know the truth? Please speak out and let the truth be known to all.
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 10:41 PM
I will answer for this… I leave in Dubai! The truth is those girls want to have a better life and they go to Dubai, Saudi , Doha and Oman, there is a legal forms you have to fill to leave the country and to enter the Arab countries. Jamal and other ppl tike him don’t have the right plus the power to do any thing illegal. It’s all a lie. There are a lot of workers from Philippines and Colombo and India coming to work here. In the UAE there are over 8 million ppl leaving and 80% are all foreigners from those 80% ,20% of em are house mails and stuff. Its like we have a maid in Ethiopia they have a maid here… The only difference is some of em gat abused! That’s is true! But it’s not the agency’s fault really , cause now there is a new rule in Ethiopia if you have an agency to send workers you have to give training. Elias don’t know any thing about this instead he decided to ruin Jamal’s name I don’t know who this Jamal person is but I can Garnett you that he does not have the any thing to do with human trafficking . But trust me I leave here and I know. I can give you phone # of thousands of girls or the Ethiopian community here and you can talk to them. They will tell you no such thing happens here.
What I found funny here is how we get upset on one thing and ignore the whole point. Instead of accusing other people why don’t we get involved and help our ppl. I honestly don’t care what allamudi does in his personal life I see what he’ve done to the country, I went to Bangkok to a hospital that he sends Ethiopians to be treated, baggers from the street, friends and parents of friends, singers foot ball players ! I whipped my eyes off when I went there! you should google the hospital and see for your self. He is doing good things. Who cares if he gives Jamal money who cares if Jamal kisses allamudies ass. WHO CARES REALLY, when he is doing so many good things who cares about what he does in his personal life.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 10:49 PM
the truth is to see things as they are not as you want them to be..
no matter if Elias or anyone Else tell you,you will never understand what truth it west of time to explain that to you heir on the internet.
“Betam nekewenal”.You sound like you just wake up from sleep.Yes they are fearful but their fea is causing them to destroy us all.What do you think we ought to do about every thing we see hapening? It is sad most of the officials that make up in Baden are from Gojam.I am not impling you are one,but i just wonder when are the Gojam people to rise up.Are not Gojamese supposed to be Akrari christans how do they continue to work with weyanes when TPLF burns our monastries just athought.
Jemal, there are others who are proceeding with legal process’ against Elias Kifle, for defamation. A year ago, he was ordered by court to pay $270,000.00 in London for same vaiolation and is already a hand cup living on welfare. There will be more actions against him to come.
abdi replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 12:01 AM
mr anony, don’t forget the prison terms he was sentenced to by your Kangaroo court in Ethiopia. Actually, if they find him do you think he would be alive for a moment. Thank God he is in America a free democratic country.The people you are serving are sitting in Addis in the Palace they don’t deserve to be in. These bandas of Adwa, they steal and kill who ever they want.They inherited betrayal and political prostitution from their parents and look what they are doing now.
The so called you “Tekawamiwoch”, what did you do the last 21 years except just writing on such tabled magazines? Do you now political organization needs leadership, and commitment? Do you guys remember that Hailu Shawel, Birhanu Nega, Lidetu Ayalew, Debebeshetu, Birtukan Medikisa etc. were together but now they are million miles apart? What makes them to be that way? Hunger for money or power or selfish ego????
kuraa replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 11:20 PM
the same ass hole any way
abera replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 11:53 PM
So what is your point? Do you know that in any political struggle there are ups and downs, goods and bads, specially in a third world country like Ethiopia where organized political movement is immature and very young. On top of that the number of educated population is very insignificant. so whether we write or not one day when the people say enough they will be the most powerful force in the country.But in the mean time people who are together today might not be the same tomorrow, and they will mature and get stronger in the process.
what you said at the last line “hunger for money or power or selfish ego????” makes you look like a confused thief who gets into a big store and does not know which one to steal. I am not hungry for money or power.I am hungry for freedom and democracy. I can not get to power because i am not popular and to be a leader it needs wisdom and patience. Otherwise,i will be like Meles a dictator, racist against the Amhara and Oromo, a rude street boy who talks cheap, selfish and as you said “hungry for money and power”. Speaking of hunger, your people(only if you are one of us)are really hungry. Salt, Teff, oil, sugar, shuro and more and more items are disappearing from Ethiopia.What will your government do for that?
Please keep quiet…. what you wrote does not make any sense and if your name is real your own friends will laugh at you or they will hate you.
Anonymous replies:
April 4th, 2012 at 8:38 PM
Then you need to raise your weapon and fight…… not crying from your bedroom, man. But, I want to assure you one thing: “Amara will never ever come to power again, even after 1000 years. I guarantee you for this. Am enjoying your crys.
1111 replies:
April 8th, 2012 at 10:03 PM
if you did not have a nightmare about Amahara you would not have com heir. have a nice night but i doubt you will have one.
jemal ,it’s better for u to keeep sillent ,u are reall servant of weyane and that theaf areb allamude ,it is matter of time ,we will hang u in meskel adebabay befor u eating the money u got by selling our sisters ,God is with us !!!
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 10:19 PM
What I don’t understand is, do any of you guys have a job?
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:13 PM
yes we have a job..our job is to get red of Woyane and the HODAM like you out of our mother land Ethiopia…
I live in Atlanta, I know the Jamal family very well. Yes Jamal and his whole family are in this business. I hope not only this Jamal guy, but his brothers and friends come back to ATL, I’ll personally take legal action against all of them for selling these innocent girls to these evil people, any way I don’t even consider Arabs as a human beings. One of my under age cousin was sold to these monsters and now no one knows where she is. So Jamal’s human trafficking or modern-slavery company targets young beautiful teenage girls, somehow they tell these young girls that they found them jobs and other opportunities in Saudi or Dubai, and the rest is history. Did he really say he goes to Saudi to practice his religion?? Very funny, you learned about your religion when Weyane and the Sheik took over our country. Didn’t your Mom used to practice Christianity? until she was converted to Islam? I wonder why!! All I’m saying is this family will do anything for money……… I will say more about this family if they don’t stop selling these innocent girls to these most hated people on earth.
Anonymous replies:
April 21st, 2012 at 2:57 PM
Of course Ayda, Jemal’s brother used to screw u until u grabbed this Shimagle (ur husband) as u used to call him. Can u leave him and live ur walefare dependent life? Take it easy life goes on and we change..
First and foremost, my utmost respect and admiration of Elias Kifle hard work to bring the real truth of what is going on in Ethiopia. God bless and keep up the great job you are doing.
Every organizations that cares for women’s rights, Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Trafficking, Money laundering, and the United States Agents of FBI, CIA, IRS and INS should be informed about this soulless money worshiper Jemal, to be investigated to the fullest extent to stop the suffering of Ethiopian young girls! People like Nicholas Kristof of NY Times, who care deeply and write about Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking around the world, should also be informed about Jemal.
The greatest mafority of the readers very strongly believe that unless it is just a matter of time,Jamal will definitely go to jail.I agree.
It has always been true that Jamal goes to Addis and Saudi Arabia not only to deliver the childrn who have been trafficking to the customers,he goes in and goes out for a general meeting;look! Ethiopians,the number of the children who are being trafficked has increased from 29,000 last year to 45,000 this year.Obviously,this is the greatest news for Al Amoudi and the buyers;most of all,this lucrative devilish business has brought a huge profit for Jamal and other slave-agents.We are definitely,definitely hurt by this murdering the future of our children;while Jamal is building his illegal business,he is destroying the future of our children.Until justice hunting down Jamal and Al Amoudi,we will continue to fight child-traffickers where ever they are.
To Jamal,committement means,to destroy the future of our children by flying in and out from Saudi Arabia to deliver child shippiments to serve the men above him who carefully recruited him for the purpose he was willing to carry out and for the service he is quite suitable to perform.The sheiks and the customers were extremely delighted and pleased to receive this uninturrupted supply of the children of Ethiopia since 1991,and are still beyond their dream when they see what they wanted is right there,in their hands.Jamal and his staffs are also very happy because this evil business that he and his agents involved is bringing him rivers of wealth year round,while,on the contrary,millions of Ethiopians are suffering from heart and head aching and breaking suitations that their childreen are in.
Jamal,proudly and arrogantly said that his residence is conviently located way,way,far from the justice across the ocean that he fly over very often because money is everything for him but our children are nothing but money generating cheap objects so that when he goes to his family,he gets delighted and confident that they are in America living well and protected by laws and are not in danger of being taken away by child traffickers;but when it comes to our children,the evil regime where Jamal is running his illegal business as a legal business,he is quite aware that the children of Ethiopia are like gravel shtown on the ground and anybody can pick them and sell them for any amount he wantes;this is why Jamal is so angry and arrogant he tried to make us believe he can do whatever he wants to our childrneen and he tell us that who are we to tell him what to do;to tell him to not sell our children.This is not acceptable.
Al Amoudi and his little boys,such as Jamal are constantly in contact with regard to the shipments of our children to nearly every cities of the middle east to improve the overall delivery system,to increasee the quantity of the shipments,to attentitvly listen to arab customers and answer they questions properly and immediately,to expand the network of agenst allover the towns,cities,villages,and kabales for a quick pick up of our children and transport them to warehouses that are being built with the aim to increase the storage capacity so that when the demand increases agents won’t panic or do things in a rush;thee are actions and implementations that are done on a constant basis.
Al Amoudi and Jamal are not in the business of building a community with our stolen childreen in the Arab world;rather,it is making and building the dream for all those who have been involving in the diconstruction of Ethiopia.Jamal,whatever title he gave to himself,sells and service manager,part of this is just the grand protectors behind him,that is Zinawi’s agents and regime;through this regime that Jamal is confident enough that he will ge away with all the bad things he is involveing in,but we strongly believe we don’t have to wait until we crush Zinawi’s regime to get arrested Jamal and Al Amoudi;we have to continue to work towards the bringing of Jamal to the justice.
Thank you for your inquiry of the relationship between TPLF and Alamudi.The majority of Ethiopians know that Alhamudi is a front man for TPLF financial empire building. It is not that he gets every business betting for himself he is undeclared partner with TPLF,and are jointly working to complete their great mission. Alamudi,TPLF,Saudi these three tentacles ,and axis of evil are the ones we are confronted with.
Dear Ethiopian
Please look up the meaning of placenta my well educated friend. Also did you say you “build Internet acces”? Great, I will let you know when I need DSL in my home and maybe you can swing by in your van and give me the hook up. All jokes aside, you did make one good observation- any Ethiopian farmer has far greater wisdom and intelligence than you. Now go fix somebody’s Internet.
Ethiopian replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 7:56 PM
@Addisboy, I don’t need to look up the meaning of placenta, you are the very definition of it, once useful, then a reject. Next, yes DSL is becoming old school and I doubt it if you can understand modern technology in the first place and yes, unlike you, I have a respect for others regardless of their social status. You try to give yourself elite status by belittling others by saying “taxi drivers and parking lot attendants”. You ‘re one of the few self centered, arrogant and extremely dull people with no future of becoming close to be a human being. If I were you, which is ofcourse undesirable, i would try to take a chance in the next life.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 11:27 PM
is that Wat little knowledge do to people?
Dear Kuraa,
I love your English.
kura replies:
April 6th, 2012 at 10:40 PM
Thank you Professor (Alamoudi )