The Woyanne junta has intensified its ethnic cleansing campaign against the Amhara ethnic group in southern Ethiopia. So far, over 78,000 people, including children, women, and the elderly have been evicted after every thing they owned was confiscated, as reported by Germany Radio and other media. The following are photos of some of the evicted Ethiopians of Amhara ethnic group. The only way to stop such crime against humanity is to wage an all out war on the fascist Woyanne junta with what ever means available. The least one can do is to stop referring to this criminal organization as “Ethiopian government,” and the fascist dictator as “Ethiopian prime minister.”
The only crime of these innocent children is to be born from Amhara ethnic group. How can any one who calls him/herself Ethiopian continue to stay silent in the face of such atrocity?
Photos of some of the 78,000 Amharas who are made homeless by the Woyanne junta:
124 thoughts on “Ethnic cleansing of Amharas (shocking photo)”
Wake up Amhara.
Anonymous replies:
March 27th, 2012 at 6:14 PM
It is mind boggling to see such kind of animosity between brothers. I believed, it is not good to oppress the people of amare because if the Amara wake up, they will clean up their enemy from the earth. Please do not touch the sleeping lion because if he wake up, he will grip his enemy.
NAKFA replies:
March 27th, 2012 at 10:08 PM
So what are you waiting for?For Atzie Tewodros? Come back from his grave to save you?
Ras fitsum replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 8:29 AM
Nakfa,u banda stay away from ethiopian poltics!!
Wow replies:
March 27th, 2012 at 11:47 PM
“ባለቢቱን ካልናቁ አጥሩን አይነቀንቁ”
They have disrespected, despised, tortured, and killed us. What are we waiting for? I no longer consider them as my people. They have done everything similar or worst to what an outsider enemy would have done.
selam replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 4:25 AM
“fight Woyanne junta with what ever means available….””This statement of yours reminds me of Mengistu’s last talk in 1991 when he was on his last leg.
I am Amahara, and i am very close to calling my people HADGI AMAHARA too.
and i want my Amhara brother and sister to prove me wrong.wen other Amhara collaborate with TPLF we call them Hodam, but in my eyes if we stay silent and don’t do anything when our brothers and sisters are been killed and kicked i think that will make all of us more HODAM than those who Colbert with TPLF…..
wef replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 12:15 AM
Apparently, TPLF is desperate to create civil war as soon as possible especially among Amaras and ORomos so that TPLF can implement what it desires while the people are at war.
Anonymous replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 9:49 AM
That is exactly right.
Nothing new this started twenty years ago in humera&walkait
I’m an Ethiopian of Eritrean origin who was among the 80,000 people weyane had expelled from Ethiopia in 1998. I was only 8 years old. When I see the photos of the beautiful children forcibly removed from their homes and the environment they grew up, to be forever separated from their best friends, neighbors, teachers, and everything else, I’m reminded of the horror and grief I went through, which has left permanent scars on my heart and mind. My heart cries out for these beautiful Children whose innocence of childhood has been shattered and whose dreams and lives stolen forever.
I pray God to protect them. God bless Ethiopia.
Nardos T. Canada.
Anonymous replies:
March 27th, 2012 at 7:18 PM
Nardosa shekor, Who started?
habesha replies:
March 31st, 2012 at 7:55 AM
people have to leave their places for different reasons. one should ask what is the reason behind, and one should not forget the positive things this government does to the country. i find it nonsense to implant ethnic differences among ethiopians. we are all from one country, and we should all unite to keep this country.
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 6:57 PM
ananymos. wha a none sense comment. Nardos spoke of her experieiences. Her experieece is tht the woyanes and some ethiopians expelled people andput them into buses and lorries in the middle of the night , withoutpackinganything not even clothes. They were eritreans and Ethiopians with Eritrean blood. At that time you said eritreans were your enemeies, the colour of their eyes was not ofyour liking. When are the ethiopians to learn to live in peace together.??? 21st century, ethiopians deported in their own country. This is the making of woyane policy. Kililoch. kililoch. !!!!!!!!1
What happen now, the amharas are deported by other ethnics from Ethiopia. I do not think this is the making of the southern people. It has woyane’s hand. But in Ethiopia there is no respect for any ethiopian. Ethiopians cannot live in any part f ethiopia. No free movement. This is themaking of woyane. woynes made Kililoch, and every kilil is independent, so no one should venture into other peoples kilil.
The woyanes go any where in Ethiopia, because they are in power. But one day it is going to be their turn. I will see the Tegaru evicted from every where in ethiopia back to their beggar landof Tigray. Oh god , what is going to heppen to them.
Tegaru are every where in ethiopia. Te day they get their hund paid. Beerdut ejachew siferdu … That is the horror to imagine. But it shoudl happen. It is good if we can see, the tegary deported leaving everything behand . Let the amharas and other people deport theagames without even to have their lothes. .
This is going to happend. yefida ayqerim. It is from the god, revenge is going to be paid to the woyanes. agames tegaru.
beseferut quna besferut quna!!!!!!!
Mekonnen replies:
March 27th, 2012 at 10:58 PM
God Bless you, for those kind testimonials. I hope you and your families are doing well today.
Ethiopians can not live and work in any other province (region)of their choice than the their own ethnic region. Come on, In the 21st century, it is disgusting! 20,000 miles way away from home we live with respect and dignity with all freedom of movement to start a new life any where in the country. Ethiopians in their own country CAN’T? Do you know? no other county or government on EARTH treats its citizens this way.
Enough is enough,
Two evil cousins replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 3:34 AM
My heart goes out to you and the likes of you. Some of those Eritreans didn’t even speak Tigreagna. The only thing they knew were they were Ethiopians and loved their other Ethiopian brothers and sisters. You and the likes of you are the victims of the two evil cousins who have changed our county to the worst form of atrocities. Now, We are witnessing in Ethiopia, the same kind of viciousness Hitler did to the Jews.
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 7:32 PM
This should be the last thing that we cannot tolerat so let us come together and find immediate solution . To be practical , I am ready to take the initiative and willing to do anything . So please contact me . I am leaving in Seattle .my email address is I am looking forward to talk to you soon.. We need action not talking . We have been talking for the last twenty years.I beg you friends to change the comment to action plan ,condemning by it self is not enough.
ውድ ያገሬ ልጆች!
በወገናችን ኢትዮጵያዊ ላይ የሚደርሰው በደልና ግፍ እንቅልፍ የሚነሳ ነው።የወያኔ ዘዴ እኛን አናዶና አበሳጭቶ ለበቀል እንድንነሳ፣ጎሳ ለጎሳ ተላልቀን የቆመለትን ዓላማ ለማስፈጸም መሣሪያ ሊያደርገን ይህን ግፍ ፈጽሟል።እኛ በዚህ ተገፋፍተን ወደሚፈልገው አቅጣጫ መግባት የለብንም።በወገናችን ላይ የተፈጸመው በደልና ግፍ በሕግና በፍትህ ፊት እንዲታይና በደል የፈጸመውና ያስፈጸመው በሕጋዊ መንገድ ቅጣቱን እንዲያገኝ የሚችልበትን መንገድ መፈለግ ነው።እስከዛሬ ድረስ ከአሁኑ ያላነሰ በደል ተፈጽሞብናል፤ሆኖም ግን በብስጭት ለሱ ወጥመድ አልተመቸንም፣አሁንም ቢሆን መመቸት የለብንም።የሚፈጸመው ግፍ በአንድ ያገራችን ዜጋ ላይ ብቻ የሚፈጸም አይደለም።የኢትዮጵያን አንድነት፣የሕዝቦቿን ሰላምና ታሪካዊ ዝምድና በሚያከብሩና በሚወዱት ሁሉ ላይ በየጊዜው የሚመዘዝ ጦር ነው።የአማራው ሕዝብ ተጨፈጨፈ፣ተንገላታ የሚሉት ሁሉ ለአማራ ሕዝብ የሚቆጩና የሚያዝኑ አይደሉም ፡፤አንዳንዶቹ እንደወያኔ ትእግስታችንን ጨርሰን ለበቀል እጃችንን እንድናነሳ የሚገፋፉ ፣የጎሳና የዘር ውዝግብና ጦርነት ተነስቶ አገር ሰላም እንድታጣ(አሁንስ ምን ሰላም አለና ቢባልም)ሳንደራጅና ግንባር ሳንፈጥር በደካማ አቅም እንድንተራመስ፣ለመገፋፋት ፣ማኖ ለማስነካት የሚደረግ ስልት መሆኑን አውቀን በበሰለና በሰከነ አይምሮና በጠነከረ አንድነት መጠነ ብዙ የሆነውን የወያኔንና የአበሮቹን ተንኮል ለመቋቋም መደራጀቱ የተሻለ ነው።ሕዝብ እያለቀ እንዴት እንታገስ ይባል ይሆናል።ግን በችኮላ የምናደርገው አካሄድና የምንወስደው እርምጃ ከጥቅሙ ጉዳቱ ያመዝናል።የነ ቶሎ ቶሎ ቤት እንዳይሆንብን የአማራው ተወላጅ ብንሆንም እነወያኔ በሚጠሉትና ሊያጠፉት በሚፈልጉት በጠንካራው የኢትዮጵያዊ የመንፈስ ጥንካሬያችንና ብልሃታችን ነገራትን መመለስ ይኖርብናል።ጥቃቱ የተፈጸመው አማራነቱን ሳይሆን ኢትዮጵያዊነቱን ከፍ አድርጎ በሚያከብረውና በሚወደው ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜጋ ላይ ነው ።እኛም እንደሱ የኢትዮጵያዊነትን አርማ ከፍ አድርገን በመያዝ የጎሳ ስሜታችንን ዋጥ አድርገን እንንቀሳቀስ። ከአሁን ለጊዜው ልናደርግ የሚገባን ለተበተኑትና ለተጠቁት፣ንብረታቸውን ለተዘረፉት ወገኖቻችን መርጃ የሚሆን ገንዘብ መሰብሰብና በሚታመን ድርጅት በኩል መላክ ነው።ለወደፊቱም ጊዜው ለሚጠይቀው ተግባርና ግዳጅ ወጭ ከአሁኑ የገንዘብ አቅም ማዳበር ተገቢ ነው።
ወያኔ በቆፈረው ጉድጓድ ይገባል!
እኛ በወያኔ ጉድጓድ ውስጥ ላለመግባት እንጠንቀቅ!
ጥቃትን ለመከላከል የኢትዮጵያ ጠንካራ የአንድነት ግንባር እንመሥርት
mekatel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 7:21 PM
Brother!!!!!! you are absolutely right!!!!!!!! God bless you!!!!!
yegna awaki, afe kurit yibelilh, doma, you should go back and put your Diaper on. You dare to call Menelik , “monkey king”, but hey, you re the monkey, Menelik is an international hero and a role model for black people who trusted in God, believed in his people and defeated a sophisticated European army. Do you have any idea who were the biggest military officers and generals in the Menelik circle, Ft. HabteGiorgis from the Oromo tribe, Balcha Aba Nefso from the oromo and Southern Ethiopia tribe, Ras Alula from Eritrea and so on……those people were Noble of the Nobles. Many many Ethiopians from all parts of the country were given “Prince Status” during Menelik’s time, before Menelik’s time and during HaileSillasie’s time. You need to go back to school. I am a proud Amhara proudly calling all Ethiopians of every ethnic groups my brothers and sisters.
Honest replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 12:20 AM
Balcha Aba Nefso is Oromo not Southern
Ras Alula is Tigrai not eritrean
either way they are Ethiopian.
Ethiopian replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 12:19 AM
@Honest,,,Thanks for the correction
Daniel replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 10:46 PM
Alula was from Tigray , ” Keshi amara aend Abera ” yetebalelet was Eritrean !
I am an ethiopian who born tigray and i married amhria .so as an ethiopian this the stupied game of meles-azebe.This the desperate turn point of meles shabia inorder to create coflict between amhria and tigray.The solution we have to cooperate each other as an ethiopian and save our country.
Sorry to the ethiopian displaced from south region!!!
god bless ethiopian and ethiopia!!!
Death to meles banda!!1
Ethiopian replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 12:30 AM
I wish everybody thinks like you, nowadays, when woyanne/tplf is cursed, Tigrayans take offence. Don’t know why though. As for me Meles and his party never represented the people of Tigray, I am Amhara through and through but sincerely believes in patriotism and true nationalism of Tigrayans, after all, Tigray is where everything about Ethiopia as a whole started from. ALL Amharas are descendants of Tigrayans, the most conservative form of the Orthodox Tewahido Church commenced from Tigray. Meles and his ignorant, arrogant, scums of earth followers and Aba Paulos can never represent anyone but themselves.
Anonymous replies:
April 5th, 2012 at 3:53 AM
if you are tg or am what the deferent you have both of you f/////// stuped pigss
I am sorry for the people affected. It can not be justified by any means to displace people of any Ethnic group involuntarily with out giving them an alternative.
ayda replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 7:10 PM
what do yo thing comes from woyane policy of kililoch. and the yemegenTe mebit article 39 of the woyane consitiution. I hope the other ethiiopians deport the tegaru , revenge is sweet. and the amharas now deported are victims of te woyane policy They are deportedin their own country by their own government. The government supports the destruction of the amharas,. becasue th tegaru consider the amhara nd call them “Neftena” and they are happy now this much peple displaced, their lives destroyed. Gebremedhin what do you say now. woyane policy is going to hount the tigray people. No peace n Ethiopia as an ethiopian deports an ethiopian , butit is the making of the woyane. That is what woyanes wanted in th first place when they set the consitition . No one ethnic grooup is allowed to live in the other ethnic groups land. yibel new sira , yewayenewoch policy, democracy, human rights, development, economic growth 7% ha ha ha ha . what development when people are dported in their own country. Shockign , it is scary and very shocking.
we need to start killing , that is the only way out , I am tried of people talking and , reading poems , music and all of that shit. talk is chip. we need to see action. I dont even give a F about Ethiopia unite any more , We need to destroy TPLF and there kind of people from the face of the plant.
Gezaee H. replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 2:42 PM
You’re not capable of doing that.
Anonymous replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 7:36 PM
Your opinion doesn’t matter to me.
Fadi shahin replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 7:03 AM
You are everywere from Enda Awete Eritrea site to nazrteh Ethiopia and what is your clear point?to cheat folk here and there?I don’t realy care if your halve there and here ,but You are not a welcome person in the world.Werade agame Tigria.
Daniel replies:
April 2nd, 2012 at 10:49 PM
” Kuukim kefes TeqoTTra ” !
Question to weyane
does you own ethnic cleansing policy apply to your
ethnic tigrayans, who are scattered all over the country?
If is does, then when are we going to see these scavengers (tigres)
deport back to your dirt land of tigrai?
I say an eye for an eye ,tooth for tooth.
I think it is a very testing time for all Ethiopians. I hope there would be no true Ethiopian who likes to see this atrocity. We all have to feel the pain for any children who are suffering in this manner. There is no excuse to do this kind of things any more. There were so many Amhara students and other young people who struggled and died for the liberation of all peasants from the feudal oppression. We should all know that there will be no peace in Ethiopia if this continues. And there will be no peace if Ormos, somalis or gurages etc are treated as second class citizens. the only one that is happy is Weyane. They know their time is up so they are starting what they planned for a long time. They want war between different ethnic groups. So don’t be stupid.
This time is to unite. They are trying very hard to encourage war. Don’t be surprised if they give guns to Amharas telling them to fight so that there will be war.
Anonymous replies:
May 20th, 2012 at 5:58 PM
I Like how you put it! solidarity is what we should fight for ! we ethiopians are one! “Dir biyabir Anbessa Yasir”
I am not Amara but this is evident that the making of Oromia agreed between TPLF and OLF (not even the desires of Oromos) is coming up. Becareful those who support OLF. It is also evident why churches are being burned in the South. So, the OLF who are the majority are muslims are considering Oromia a Sharia Islam nation per Jawar who secretly is supporting the agenda of tPLF? What do the rest of Oromos who are non muslims think about this? At the rate where the world is suspicious of radical Islam such as Wahabism, TPLF regime is spreading Islam in Ethiopia unlike where peaceful muslims and christians had lived in peace in the past before. How can we not be able to campaign against this TPLF regime in the spreading of extrem Islam with the support of Alamoudi? Why are we not collaborating against spread of extreme Islam with the rest of the world and that TPLF is promoting this?
Its TPLF final attempt to stir war between Amara and oromo -it aint succseded for the last 21 yrs -And Will not Succsed NOW EITHER -rather AMARA AND OROMO ARE UNITED MORE THAN EVER AGAINST TPLF ETHNO-APARTHEID SYSTEM
Ethnic cleansing?????? What a sophsticated thinker you are.The title you chose is ery repulsive and discourage people to read the entire content.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 4:12 PM
Woyane will eventually attack all ethnicities. I doubt it will stop just by Amharas.More cheap labor for the international land owners that’s his main intention. Woyane is trying to sell their properties and at the same time create cheap labor by puting this people out. Anybody in a desperate situation like this one will definately work for food and a place to stay. Even children like the ones above will be forced to quit school and work just to survive. Amhara is definately being pushed down more and more by Woyane. What Woyane do not know is that for every action there is a reaction.
Forget G-7, and all the LF’s. It is time for “ETHIOPIAN LIBERATION FRONT”
“There is no peace with out freedon, There is no Freedom with out a fight”
A great job by Sibhat Nega. That bloody fool. Hope somebody put a bullet in his ugly face.
I am against this dirty work of Woyane’s ethnic cleansing against Amhara civilians. But Amharas are getting the result of their crimes for two reasons:
1. The Amhara people and leaders did the same with other ethnic groups (including Ogaden, Afar, Gambella, Oromia, Sidama, etc), and occupied their lands, and took their homes and resource,
2. Amharas are the lead people in the Woyane government and occupied all ranks and levels of the government, and they are happy with all displacements, massacres, and genocides going on in the country; particularly in the Ogaden, Afar, Gambella, Oromia, and Sidama communities. So, they must get the results of their dirty work.
Anonymous replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 10:01 AM
you are a little man with a very little brain. I am assuming you are living in the West now. I am sorry for that country who gave you a chance to live with this brain. You are not good for anything with this kind of thinking in this modern era. Every body knows what happened before. Reconciliation, unity, and a struggle for a true democracy is the one what we need now. You don’t even know who is in power in Ethiopia even a grade two kid knows that TPLF is in power. How did you miss that? You just woke up or were your deaf and blind? Then we will feel sorry for you if that is the case. Read more, talk to other Ethiopians Oromos, Amharas etc and you will learn. What ever your motive is what you said is cheap and garbage.
Brainwashed! replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 10:42 AM
You poor man! your brain is so washed up with Isayas and Meles propaganda, you cannot even think for yourself to make a sound judgment. The kinds of atrocities woyanes are committing on innocent Ethiopians these days, have never, never ever happened in Ethiopia even under tyrant Mengestu, which happened to be an Oromo and Amhara. You’re brainwashed so much, you have become like a puppet. Which Amhara leader of Ethiopia in the past literally looted the country blind and controlled every governmental department? Which Amhara leader gave every centimeter of Ethiopia’s seaport and left Ethiopia landlocked? Which Amhara leader ever kicked Ethiopians out and give to Sudan and sell their land to foreigners? Which Amhara leader ever sold thousands of young Ethiopians to be slaved and abused in Arab Countries? Which Amhara leader ever incarcerated hundreds of thousands of innocent Ethiopians and tortured them and killed them? Which Amhara leader ever divided each province by a different flag and divided Ethiopians? Which Amhara leader ever modernize one Amhara province as Meles has done to Tigrae province? I can go on, but no use, since you’re a stone head.
tezibt replies:
April 4th, 2012 at 2:27 AM
You are one hell of a bone head monkey. Amhara youngsters collaborated with many other ethnics and gave their lives for change in our country and how do you look at that? Pay attention to time or if you need to change the battery in your clock, please do so. It is 2012 and who ever you are blaming isn’t alive. You have only one choice for peace and that is accept facts and law.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 4th, 2012 at 6:28 PM
how do you know he is Amahara? for what i know you sound TPLF,if you walk like TPLF walk like TPLF you are TPLF.and what fact? what low? your inferiority redden WOYANE low or your banda mentality out of your narrow racist click from just a parasite to Ethiopia.nothing more…
Anonymous replies:
May 20th, 2012 at 6:08 PM
Adem, I say you are a victim of a brain washing machine that was driven by the higher authorities. What they told you about amhara is pure lie! they used amhara’s name. This was done to disintigrate our oneness/solidarity as ethiopian. the fact that amhara was a rulling class should not make them criminals. If you read history they were many other hero ethiopians who belonged to Oromo, sidamo, guragea and many other tribes. Balcha Aba nefso, Gersu Duki, are few, they were many. Please don’t fall for their fabricated lies!
my heart bleeds. Any onw who could arrange how we can contrbute something?
One Ethiopia that recognize all Ethinics
NAHOME says:
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Abdoulaye Wade ( Senegal )-age 83
Hosni Mubarak ( Egypt ) – age 82
Robert Mugabe ( Zimbabwe ) – age 86
Hifikepunye Pohamba ( Namibia ) -age 74
Rupiah Banda ( Zambia ) -age 73
Mwai Kibaki ( Kenya ) – age 71
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ( Liberia ) -age 75
Colonel Gaddafi ( Libya ) – age 68
Isaias Afewerki (Eritrea ) -age 66
Jacob Zuma ( South Africa ) – age 68
Bingu Wa Mtalika (Malawi) – age 76
John Evans Atta-Mills (Ghana) – age 67
Average Age: ======================= 75.6
Approximately 76 years
Barrack Obama ( USA ) – age 48
David Cameron ( UK ) – age 43
Dimitri Medvedev ( Russia ) -age 45
Stephen Harper ( Canada ) – age 51
Julia Gillard ( Australia ) -age 49
Nicolas Sarkozy ( France ) -age 55
Luis Zapatero ( Spain ) -age 49
Jose Socrates ( Portugal ) -age 53
Angela Merkel ( Germany ) – age 56
Herman Van Rompuy ( Belgium ) – age 62
Average Age: ==================== 51.1
Approximately 51 years
DIFFERENCE: ==================== 25 years
Yeneta replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 3:56 PM
And on top of that it is only if we believe that the ages of the African leaders is true. It is very common in Africa people hide their ages. we should add at least 10 years on top of what they admit.they want to pretend they are still young and can rule for more years. Ignorance, power, greed, corruption, dictatorship, begging the west and even the east(China) are the common practices of these leaders. Which ever country we are from Africa is a shameful continent with dictators killing and looting there own people. Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya,etc. I am not against the people because they are the victims of all these evil leaders and their political system.
Those of you who are serving and admiring these leaders are not better than them. And now killing and displacing the Amharas is taking place in Ethiopia. It does not help the country. May be there are people who want to see blood flowing even those who are writing on this web site. No body benefits out of this. The Oromos are killing the Amharas now, and the Amharas are also capable of killing and shooting guns too. So is this good for the country? A very few of you what you are posting on this site what you want may not happen in Ethiopia but it is not good for a normal person to even say that what is happening to the Amharas is good. So think, think hard in a human way.
May be you don’t love Ethiopia for what ever reasons. Or may be because you live in the States or other countries and you don’t care. But there are millions others who love their country.
Kidi replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 8:18 PM
You would think they get wiser as they age but the older they get, their way of thinking becomes dangerous. they start killing, tourturing, stripping God given rights of their own people. so i say getting old for African leaders is not a blessing, it a curse.
what a hell is small kimalam BEGGAR seated in the Menellik’s palace by the USA are instigating! Lets wage war on TPLF!!!
It is unfortunate that the human brain is so fragile and very weak, once it is brainwashed with hate stains it is difficult to remove it, regardless how much one is educated or not. Issayas and Meles and their puppets had worked hard to create division among Ethiopians for four decades. Every Ethiopian who believes in the goodness of God and Jesus Christ and call themselves Christians regardless Evangelical, Catholic or Orthodox and our Ethiopian Muslim brothers who believe in the Merciful God/Allah, should stand against these kinds of ethnic cleansing and human cruelty and human abuse. What Meles and his TPLF committing is a work of Evil against the Merciful loving God. Believing and loving God means, showing care and love to others. My fellow Ethiopians, lets not give support to an evil regime who doesn’t care if Ethiopians live or die. Meles and his TPLF puppets are consumed with the love of money at the cost of Ethiopians lives. Ethiopians, stand against Evil!! If not now, when?
Ethnic cleansing! Ethnic cleansing!
The enemy has reached the most develish stage where it can not step back until it destroys millions and millions of citizen;this,the enemy will do it;therefore,we Ethiopians must take our struggle many steps ahead and destroy the enemy for once and for all.
In particular,the enemy has paved ways or fascilitate everything to sell the little girls to Arabs because families of these little and young girls have completely disintigerated into homelessness.
Although we are deeply hurt by what the enemy has done before and what it is doing,it is quite predictable that the enemy will continue to do its devilish things until our country is bankrupted.We know what that means and where it will lead us.
All Ehtiopians must take actions individually and as well as collectively to defeat the enemy to its complete and final going into its eternal dark grave.
Poopoid replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 2:38 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You will fail! You will fail! You will fail! Stop trying.
The shows the ugly nature of Meles Zenawi. Meles Zenawi has human face, but he is not human. I have actually heard this sort of stories from who arrived here. People deported from a new country called Oromia to addis ababa and from Afar country to addis ababa. The is one of the ugliest nature of TPLF. It is an ugly form of modern aparthied that not different from the South African Aparthied, apart it is imposed by home grown banda who spent his entire life studying how to divide people on the bases of language.
But I do not anymore TPLF,I detest the useless opposition like Berhanu Nega who have left from Addis Ababa and now live in luxury in the west and preaching democracy? If an Ethiopian cannot live in any corner of his country? what is then Ethiopia? I detest this barbaric, primitive way of dividing people in the 21 century. But equally I condemn the useless,boneless, toothless opposition including Elias Kifle. You all failed because one way or another, you are all engaged in dividing people although none of you acknowledge about it. That is reason the regime is ugliness is even getting worse because there is no anyone who can say enough is enough.
I condemn this phenomena and I condemn TPLF for bring this ugly social structure in our country. It is the uglies phenomena in the 21 century. No where border is becoming useless because of the cyber world, Meles is engaged in creating a his own narrow and dark world of the century. This is a 100% aparthied in action.
Saba replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 4:21 PM
Hello Mr. Gezaee H. You got a very sneaky way of attacking individuals who are working hard to liberate the country every one of us love. You condemned TPLF that is good, but in the next line you are condemning Elias Kifle and Berhanu Nega. I think your main target is not TPLF. Your main targets are Elias and Berhanu. You are accusing Berhanu because he left Ethiopia? Is that your problem? You don’t think he is doing a great job here than being in Kaliti Prison? Don’t you give him a great credit for working hand in hand with the OLF? I am proud of him. He could make mistakes he is a human after all, but he is trying.
The strategy of yours is writing something that sounds like you are with the rest of us. But behind the curtain your real motive is attacking the opposition and when the opposition “fails” as you said, TPLF benefits. Because they loose nothing. They are not democratic any way. So it is good for them if there is no organized opposition. They don’t care if you insult them separately, what they hate is unity.
Gezaee, whether you know it or not you are helping them. Don’t accuse Elias and Berhanu for every problem you see in the opposition camp. They are officially preaching unity and democracy. You did not even like Dr. Berhanu talking about democracy. Why is that wrong?
I don’t even know if Elias is an opposition leader.I always think he is a journalist critical of the dictatorial government in Ethiopia. There are many journalists like him around the world. And he said it many times that he wants to see the rule of law reigning in the country who ever comes to power. Nothing is wrong with that. I think he is doing a fantastic job. If it was not for him and his friends we will not be here talking today on this site. You know Weyane hates these two Ethiopians. So, why are you siding with Weyane by accusing Elias and Berhanu of things that don’t even call for an accusation?
Common man, what is wrong with you? some times you write good. And is that also your trick ? But we all know that kind of game. it is an old one. Please-knock it off.
This is extremely unacceptable and intolerable!
neg-bene? this is exactly what happened to Ethiopians of Eritrea origin.
Egziabher yirdachu
You are simply a dirt bag, dumb, and bisbiss banda. How much were you paid by the terrorists Woyane TPLF thugs? Or are you trying to instigate and perpetuate your radical Islamic agenda? Yes, some Amhara rulers may have committed crimes of injustices and corruptions at various times. But, unlike the treasonous and treacherous Mellesse and his Woyane/TPLF thugs none of them ever committed ethnic cleansing and genocide in Ethiopia’s long history. None of them can be accused of committing national treasons and treachery.
Teklu, I fully concur with your line of thought. No more about the so called legal opposition parties, LFs, and even those opposition groups outside of the Country. Though we lived through twenty years of hell they did not deliver anything that resulted in our liberty. To the contrary, they gave us only false hope and legitimacy to Mellesse and his Woyane/TPLF terrorists. We Ethiopians from Tigray to Borena and from Gembela to Ogaden still daily live and die of hunger, torture, ethnic cleansing, genocide, kidnapping, and murder by the hands of Mellesse, his Woyane/TPLF terrorists and sellouts from other ethnic groups. We have had it enough. We have to rise up in unison and say “give me freedom or death”. It is finally time to give Mellesse and his Woyane/TPLF terrorists what they deserve and deal with them for good. Ethiopia and Ethiopians cannot live with these treasonous, treacherous, murders, and worthless terrorists.
I think at one point the tigre will pay dearly the crime they are committing. this is not joke. our heart is bleeding none stop. In any case i do not know how to help. let us organize.
what do u expect from wayanne regime.
Anante Mawrat Akumna, sela amhara or tigrie or oromo mawrat akumuna, hulum Ethiopia yemiflegew negre sru. Talking about amhara or tigrie or oromo,… will not address the problem. The entire nation has to rise up against devil creature. I am having hard time this idiots came from Ethiopia. What a mess? They are giving land to Arabs, Indian, you name it, but they are uprooting people from thier land. Damn, Minaynet denkoro Hzbnu Bakachu, ere, ere,… afer belu, denezoch. You tell us about Indian company, Arab company investment, by your humiliate your own people at home and outside?
Enew yemlew, mote ayshalm endie? All I want to see in my life is the Hyena looking Meles in a court room for all the crime he has been committing againstt the country and the people.
Ere bekachu beseme ab belu ena bekan ahun bekan belu. Yeamara or yeoromo or yetigrie worie or gossip akumna hulum sew yemfelgew system fteru.
final thought replies:
April 1st, 2012 at 6:28 PM
TO Gezaee,
no matter what you bluff, I do not trust you.
You are wolf in a sheep skin.
Let’s do a big meeting or demonstration?
I am an Eritrean and heart broken of this naked ethnic cleaning taking place in Ethiopia against the Amharas.
These atrocities against the Amaharas have been going on in the last 20 years and it is not slowing down. What
is the crime of the Amharas to deserve this? These are the poorest of the poorest of Ethiopia who have nothing?
Amharas “crime” is for being Ethiopian first and ardent defenders of its identity.
I condemn the Weyane TPLF regime. I pray for the Amhara victims and all Ethiopians passing through difficult times.
What do you do when you are bothered by a rotten teeht? In a normal ciecumstance you try to fix it, treat it with care to be a painless theeth to last you long enough to serve its purpose pain free.But if it persisted to gives you pain and grief endlessly,well you will be obliged to find way to do away with it though it affects your looks when ever you smile.
You people I mean the Amaras in particular, you are only good on ranting.The time for talking endles and meaningles talk is over.I am not going to tell you what you should do or not because you are the sharpest of the sharp of the coutry in the kitchen cabinet.
Dear Saba,
You are fully entitled to have your opinion. You can love Elias or Berhanu Nega. But you must also respect my position. Do not give me names. There is no one I can worship, be it Elias or Dr. Berhanu, I do not see them better than any Ethiopian. I respect them as Ethiopians, but no worhsipping. I do not favour or flout with anyone of them. Be it TPLF, OLF, G7, G8, … none of them appeals to me. But as I said, you can worship them if you want. But I can say whatever I feel about anyone as long I do not degrade them.
I have no any motive for writing except for expressing my frustration, nothing more. No agenda to support anyone or not to support anyone. I cannot write only about woyane. Some expect me to talk nice about them, but only bad about TPLF? but for me, they way I see is things is from different angle.
If Berhanu Nega did not refuse to share power in 2005, TPLF would not have continued until today destroying the country. The best way to overthrow Meles was from addis ababa, but he refused to be the mayor and went to Kaliti and after that he flew to a University programe in the states? why? It is not TPLF which is betraying Ethiopian, everyone doing the same thing. Othewise, if 91 million could say no, Meles or with his co, woult not have able to do anything. But thanks again, to Dr. Berhanu and others who started their ethnic division right before they set their foot on the palace, aborted their own victory which gave Meles a new lease of life to sell and humiliate Ethiopia and Ethiopia.
I condemn everyone who betrayal. You do not have to be only TPLF member to be a traitor. If that was not the case, TPLF would not continue on land, national asset garage saling spree.
Anyway, all will pass, but history will be recorded for the greedy and traitors who are dancing on the blood of our people for their own selfish material greed.
Woyane supporters, you are disgracing the nation by blindly supporting the Mr. Meles who is hell bent from day one upto now destroying the country. Uprooting citizens and giving land to foreignes and shipping teenage girls to Arabs to raped as house maid and to throw themselves from skyscrapers is wickedness utmost.
Degenerated generation, Ethiopia has no citizens, everyone of us are shintamoch otherwise one person would not continue destroying the country for his own narrow agenda. He knows we are useless citizen and he is urinating on all of us. Meles Zenawi? ah what can you do?
Saba replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 9:56 AM
Well well well now we are going to talk about the 2005 election. That election when the opposition was branded of being the same as Inerhamwe, the organization that killed 100s of thousands of Tutsis in Rwandas, 2005 was the year state of emergency was declared because the opposition refused to accept the lies of the government that itself as a winner, and it was a year when innocent Ethiopians were killed for simply protesting after all this happened who wants to be a mayor even if that was possible where the police was replaced by special forces directed by Meles? 2005 is a long story.
Any way we have accepted the reasons of many TPLF members including Seye Abraha into the camp of democratic forces. They are struggling for the rule of law and democracy in Ethiopia and that is great. Berhanu Nega, Elias Kifle, Tamagn Beyene, etc…. are all doing the same thing.
In this above posting you said you do not worship or favor any of the organizations like TPLF, OLF, G7 etc. No body worships these organizations. I do not know any member of them personally, i just see and hear what they are doing and I like what they are doing. You see this is a problem i have. Don’t get me wrong it is your opinion and i respect it. But the problem with this analysis is like saying “I don’t worship the devil, St. Mary, St. Gabriel, St. Michael etc” . It is absolutely ok not to worship the devil or TPLF but why do you mix them up with the good guys?
And even if I do not agree with all their programs i like any one who fights for democratic rights, equality and unity, freedom and justice in Ethiopia. And I give them all the support i can.
And previously you called Elias Kifle ” useless, boneless, and toothless”. Are you really serious? I completely disagree with you. First of all, if he was what you said Weyanne would have been the first one to call for a dance party all of the country. Have you seen how many people are jailed accused of being associates of Elias? So if what Woyanne is saying is true it means Elias is having an impact in the struggle or if what Woryanne is saying is not true then Elias is creating paranoia withing TPLF without even being in Ethiopia just by using Ethiopian Review and his supporters. So how is it that Elias is “useless, boneless and toothless” according to you?
My point is that I am not going to condemn Elias or Berhanu Negau in the same page as the TPLF. And I agree with everything you said about the TPLF. They have to go. Ethiopia has to be free for all of us. Not for Amharas, Oromos, Somalis or Tigres for every one of us.
it amasing to see some eritrian slaves here shading thier tears for Amhara.for more than 30 years shaibia told you amhra is our enemy. they are murdereres, even they killed pregnant women and so on……now u become amhara lovers…your are real parasites, stick with your left over spaggetti that your masters left you. and leave it for us to deal with weyane.
Anonymous replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Sami you are programmed to hate Eritreans with cheap propaganda from DERG and Woyane. Eritreans never hate Ethiopians, and if they sympetize with those who are being evicted from their home be Amara, Oromo, Somalis, there is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps they fill their pains, because some Eritreans were victim of such policies in recent Ethiopian history. Peace
Anonymous replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 9:18 AM
am not programed by any one to hate eritirains. i just follow thier history and what they done against ethio to destroy that country.weyane trying to bring walmart to ethio and issyass is buzy with Alshebab mart. don’t try to fool only fell love with oromo when weyane kickd out.
Londoner replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 10:36 PM
Mr Robot, you claim that “I am not programmed by anyone to hate eritirains. i just follow their history and what they done against ethio to destroy that country”. What was Eritreans history in Ethiopia? Many Eritreans came to Ethiopia drafted as Italian Soldiers, after Ethiopia betrayed them and signed a treaty with Italy after the Aduwa battle. Menelik signed Eritrea to be an Italian colony in exchange for arms and few Italian liras. That was not unusual for native people to serve their colonial masters war. The Indian, Sudanese, Ghanaians, West Indians fought for Britain their colonial masters. Just like Oromos, Somalis etc are fighting for, Haile Selassie, Derg and Woyane today in the name of Ethiopia. But what was the contribution of Eritrean Soldiers to Ethiopia? Many of them defected then from their Italian army and joined the Ethiopian patriots who were fighting Italian occupation. Other Eritreans who were sent Somalia crossed to Ogaden to join Ethiopian patriot there. The town Kebri Dehar in Ogaden testify for their dedication if you know what it means! They were the arm suppliers to the Ethiopian resistant forces in the country. You need proof read your history from true Ethiopians like Ras Imiru and Ras Abebe Aregay and others. While today’s Woyane fathers like Ras Haile Selassie Gugsa of Tigrai and Ras Hailu of Gojam betrayed their country and joined the Italians. Read about Abraha and Mogus who wounded General Graziani. Read about Zerai Deress in Rome who stood alone for Ethiopia and turned his sword against Italian soldiers who were desecrating Ethiopian flag. Learn about Lorenzo Taezaz, who coordinated the Ethiopian patriot activities, in the country raising fund internationally and supplying them with few arms at the time when the world powers Britain and France had imposed arms embargo against Ethiopia for self defense. Lorenzo Taezaz is the man who forced the Emperor Haile Selassie to address the League of Nations, from his hiding place in England. He was the one who wrote the words that the Emperor read in that League of Nations assembly in Geneva now credit the Emperor. Learn about General Andom Michael nick named as Lion of Ogaden, his service to Ethiopia in Korea. Eritreans did the heavy lifting to remove Derg from Ethiopia. They gave Ethiopians to decide their future after the Derg without interfering in Ethiopia’s affair, The TPLF, the OLF and the other Ethiopian forces drafted their constitution dividing the country in to ethnic Killil federation. At the time Isayas expressed his displeasure on dividing the country in Ethnic Killils! But it was Ethiopian decision, not Eritrans which is now became the root cause of ethnic cleansing that we observe in practice. The Eritreans only asked for a referendum to decide their future. The referendum which Ethiopia entered an agreement when the federation was imposed on Eritreans by UN in 1951, to be conducted after 10 years, but Haile Selassie unilaterally abandoned that and dismissed the Eritrean Parliament and declared it as a province. Eritreans have contributed more to help Ethiopia than any group that claim to be ‘Ethiopians’. That may be the reason the generation who lived under Italian occupation for that brief 5 years referred to those Eritreans ‘Sime Tiru Hamasen’! You hate Eritreans only for their guts to stand up for their right, while people like you are bending for every dictator that came to rule you! Stand up and fight for your right! Despite many injustices and atrocities committed by Ethiopian rulers, Eritrean people never betrayed Ethiopia! I wish I could say the same thing about Ethiopia. Ethiopians and Eritreans we are blood brothers, ‘Afinchan simitut Ayn yaleksal’ yibala. Ethiopian suffering is Eritrean suffering.
Now what can I say about Wal Mart and Al Shabab? It is irrelevant to the issue we are commenting in this article of Ethnic problem in Ethiopia, it is the usual and deliberate destruction of issues of woyane robbots.
meseret replies:
March 30th, 2012 at 11:15 AM
This message is to Londoner.I think the problem here is not knowing who is the real enemy of Ethiopia. It is not fair and right to accuse all Eritreans as enemies of Ethiopia.There are still many Eritreans who want to see at least a normal and peaceful relationship with Ethiopia as two sister countries. The can also unite may be one day. That is up to the future generations. But there is no a shadow of doubt that Shabia and his supporters have been enemies of Ethiopia.They befriended with the Sadam, Gadaffi, Mubarak, and all the other dictators of the Middle East to sell Ethiopia.Their goal was to come to power in Eritrea by all means. And they are in power now and they are doing the same thing they have been doing for more than 30 years. That is Terrorism. Shabia is a terrorist government.
The Eritreans who thought they will see democracy and justice in their new country are suffering like Ethiopians under brutal dictatorships. So the two people are in the same pot. What they need is to join their hands in their struggle for a true freedom and democracy.
In conclusion I strongly disagree with Londoner’s comment that says Eritreans were betrayed by Menelik.You told the other guy to read history books, but i can tell you that you missed the part that talks about why Menelik had to turn back after beating the Italians. If he pursued them it would have been the end of Ethiopia. The main point here is I have nothing against Eritreans who are not supporting Shabia.
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 5:57 PM
Not able to identiy the roots of this kind cleansing it would be the main problem because these and others any mission will be doomed to fail. the good anlogy will be a doctor prescribing wrong mediction to his/her patient. You are blinded hatert to Eritrean people, the Eritrean govenment have nothing to with Weyen inhuman people you need to wakeup. The principal enemy of Ethiopian people are Weyenes. The Eritrean govenment and people have no wish or desire to see the mistreament the barberic action of Weynes
The work of menilk and h/ silase biting the amhara whom sent
To rule over the southern and oromia as balabaats that being
Said for the country is so divided and people specialy oromia
Has grievence in the so called .Ethiopia colony I personaly feel
It is better them to relocated for thier safety if incase the gov colaps
So genocide could be averted
merkeb replies:
March 28th, 2012 at 10:56 PM
where do you live now mr. reader? I don’t think you are in Ethiopia. So according to your opinion it is better for the Amharas to be relocated to Amhara region created by TPLF “so genocide could be averted”. And again according to you the Oromos should also be relocated, the Tigres should be relocated, the Gurages should also go back to where they came from. So this is your idea? Because your name is just a reader i can also assume you could be a European who supports colonialism in the 21st century.
At the end of the day there will be no Ethiopia if every one follows your advice.
You must be using only one cell of your brain. Otherwise no Ethiopian( if you are an Ethiopian) comes up with that kind of argument. You see Ethiopia was a country where any body from anywhere can live where ever they like, start a business, go to school, get married and have children and etc. That is what every one is fighting for contrary to TPLF’s plan.
As somebody else said it here earlier few people think it is only the Amharas who are being treated like this. It is happening every where.So i think you forgot that the Amharas can kill too. They have been fighting for their country for years. They know how to shoot.It is not only a one sided view. we have to be careful with what we are saying.The majority of Ethiopians want unity, freedom, democracy, brotherhood, the rule of law.
Anonymous replies:
March 30th, 2012 at 2:55 PM
Comment on Meseret.
In Your comment to the Londoner you wrote “I think the problem here is not knowing who is the real enemy of Ethiopia. It is not fair and right to accuse all Eritreans as enemies of Ethiopia. But there is no a shadow of doubt that Shabia and his supporters have been enemies of Ethiopia. Shabia is a terrorist government”.
In Amharic we have a proverb “Alsheshum zore alu”.
You don’t have a single fact to support ‘Shabia as terrorist organization, but there are hundreds facts that TPLF/EPRDF as terrorist organization, accused of genocides from Gambela to Ogaden, from Maji to Humera . It is the new song that the enemies of the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea manufactured and as usual you keep singing it. Everybody who oppose the dictator Meles is labeled as ‘Shabia , Al shabab, terrorist’ and that is the new slogan that every dictator in the region has adopted to milk the U.S. and British taxpayers , paranoid by the incidence of 9/11. It is not new that labeling EPLF or Shabia as terrorist, separatist, secessionist, communist, arab agents, imperialist agents, Agamidowoch, Shifta etc since they started their armed struggle for independence. The Eritrean people voted 99.98% for independence under Shabia or EPLF leadership. The few misguided Eritreans who are running from their country’s of obligation cannot represent Eritrea and conclude that Eritrean are suffering as Ethiopians, therefore Ethiopia and Eritrea are the same, that is twisted logic. The Eritrean people trusted and followed Shabia for independence for 30 years, and they are not to give it up because, someone wanted to sell them another new plan of ‘colonization’ sugar coated with democracy’. Therefore, Shabia is Eritrea and Eritrea is Shabia. There is no middle ground, where you split Shabia and Eritrea. But TPLF or EPRDF is not Ethiopia, that is the Eritreans belief, You make you choice, if you are enemy of Shabia then you are enemy of Eritreans, and vice versa.
meseret replies:
March 31st, 2012 at 9:58 AM
You definitely sound Shabia, because no right minded Eritrean says Shabia and Eritreans are one. Refugee camps are filled with Eritreans who fled their country. You tell me they are misguided Eritreans. You better travel to those camps and tell them they are misguided.
It is customary in a dictatorial country to win 99.98%of the vote.They thought they will see “freedom and democracy”as promised to them for 30 Years. Instead the prison doors were open to them if they don’t fight against Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti,Yemen, United States, United Nations etc. For sure your leader is sick in the head. And no surprise in that kind of figures about voting.It happened in Ethiopia just almost the same 99.96%. So according to you these numbers show that the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia love TPLF and EPLF. Nice dream, but when you wake up you know it is just a nightmare.
I know innocent people are labeled as Shabia in Ethiopia. I don’t get your point.why did you bring that up? To tell me not to accuse Shabia. It is Meles’s accusation Isayas’s servant that you trained , because he wants to pretend it is only now he realized Shabia is a terrorist organization.They were friends and now they are enemies.It happens, two thieves fighting each other.
There is a lot to be said about your Shabia propaganda jungle politics. But I tell you one thing, you asked me to choose, if i am an enemy of Shabia then I am an enemy of Eritreans, Nothing else in between. I choose Eritreans who fight for true democracy and freedom. I choose justice and the rule of law for Eritreans. As for you enjoy your one party system of dictatorship under the leadership of Shabia.
Anonymous replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 9:59 PM
Dear Meseret;
Yes I am proud supporter of Shabia. But what amazes me the most when ever I visit Ethiopian websites, constantly the comments I read have to drag Shabia and Eritrean into the mix. Here we were discussing the isue of Amara ethnice cleansing tragedy and yet people have to spice their comment with ‘shabia are enemy’ phrases. Can Ethiopian discuss their issues without blaming shabia for a day. The government cry day and night shabia, this shabia that, and oppositions repeat the same song shabia our enemy. So what is the difference between Meles and you? Can Ethiopians unit to solve their problem with out declaring shabia as their enemy? Can’t you show your national feeling as Ethiopian without hating Eritreans and their government! You sound that you are concerned about Eritrean refugees more than Ethioipan refugees being uprooted from their homes in Ogaden, Gambela, Oromoa etc. and sold allover the place! Yes there are Eritrean refugees every where in camps, but prisions all over the world are filled with Ethiopian reffugees, from Kenya all the way to South Africa, Yemen and Soudi Arabia. Shabia is your hope, if there is any hope for Ethiopia to restore its freedom and dignity! Eritrean situation of 30 years of Ethiopian government and its supporters, USSR, East Germany, Libia, Yemen etc of constantly air raids and burning villages, to what you see life in Eritrea today under shabia is comparing night and day. The 99.98% was a peaceful voting supervised by the U.N. can not copare with vote driven by starving the people as was done in the last woyane election. Open you eyes and see with it than being blinded wit hate. Peace!
If that is true,Shame on the Ethiopian government. Civic organizations have to condemn the Ethiopian government.Where is Amensty International,Human right Watch and others fighting for basic human right?
Thanks to the United States Of America any Ethiopian can live and work in peace without ethinic discrimination.
You should act responsibly and stop inciting ethnic hatred among Ethiopians. Melles is deporting these poor defenseless civilians to incite ethnic hatred among Ethiopians, Melles has been doing this in a brutal fashion in Ogaden for over a decade, not just relocate and deport Ogadenis but also brutally exterminating whole villages again and again, this kind of ethnic cleansing has been going on in Wolakit Tzegede for over 20 years but not much was written about those atrocities against civilians on your website or others.
What is needed is to expose the despicable and desperate actions of Woyanne and not demonize the overwhelming majority of Tegaru for the actions of the few, that will only lead to disunity among Ethiopians. Your website and others should be conduits for unity among Ethiopians at home and the diaspora and also used to pressure the weak political leaders in the diaspora to shape up and unite their efforts and eventually go back to Ethiopia and lead from the front.
Absent of these kinds of actions Ethiopia will be balkanzied into ethnic enclaves and will make the situation in Somalia look like a picnic.
i am so sad about those children may god give them his strength.this is shame on him who ever do this. God will pay him.
My dear friends,
let us not hate tigrians; it is only the the policy of the government that causes all these problems. we should focus on the government.
History repeating!!!!
Ethnic cleansing by woyane was done village by village and now it is nation by nation. That was why Mr. Obang Metho once said, “You are evicted from Ethiopia”.
“First they cam for the Amharas to evict them. I did not speak up, because I was not an Amhara. Then they came for the Gambellans, I did not speak up because I was not a Gambellan. Then they came for …”.
Finally, “They came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up”.
“First they came for the Communists”
By Pastor Niemoller
In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
are gobez yihChin HAGER ke sew JIBBOCH enTebikat ye hizBachin itta fentta be ijaachin new yalew…!!! Beteley beteley AMARAW tariik sertew kibber yalew HIZZB ena HAGER asrekebewk yalefut ABBATOCiH kebad addera aleBeh….!!! Ketto aykerim mootu minem bizeGeyu minem bitaKitu….mot lemotu tarik yalew ye’Jegna mot kiber aleew~kezelAlem barNet ye’Annd ken NETSANET yibeltal. WoGen hoy aahun new seeatu teNes taGel ziMet……!!!
Ethiopiawinet ena ETHIOPIA TIKDEM
bandaw woyanie yiwDem
I think we Ethiopians can’t think beyond the land. I travelled all over Ethiopia and I saw we have resources(Material) enough to feed ourselves. I beleive we lack Man/Woman:
What kind of man/woman?1-Physically fit
2-Mentally fit
3-Socially fit
4-Spritually fit
The above 4 points are mentioned in pschological books, and also in HOLY BOOKS.
Now our generation including me have not met the criteria of man or woman.
Let’s ask ourselves a question am I really man/ woman?
It’s a shame that the only sane-minded resolves amongst this thread of comments came from Eritreans, yet some of you lot blame Eritrea while some of ya are wierd enough to claim that “Weyane & Shaebia are doing this ethnic cleansing”.
It needs so much soul searching and comprehensive solution but I doubt if it comes from you lot barking here so uncontrollably. Some of ya got so much hatred against one another that your unjustified hatred overflows towards Eritrea & Eritreans. “Aheyaw’n ferto dawelaw’n” endillu.
Some of you hate one another that you chose to be a tool & played at the hands of the brutal regime of Weyane and the criminal weyane is happy to comply & time & again seems to be playing one ethnic against the other for the last two decades. You made a conscious decision to be a playthings for the weyane and still don’t look to have learned a lesson. If you don’t care about what the weyane did to the people of Anuak, Oromo, Afar, Ogaden & Hadiya, now you can not be trusted to pretend to care for the Amhara victims of the weyane when their turn comes. The weyane will never Chang. And I think neither will you. The only thing that seems to change is the volume of your barking.
God help the poor Ethiopians who are victims of the barbaric Weyane and the weyane’s playthings at home & in diaspora.
It’s a warning for the rest of the remaining Ethiopians anywhere in the country not to dare not vote for Weyane in the next “election”.
If you do not vote for Weyane, you may be either starved, jailed, tortured, killed or ethnically cleansed.
To spare yourself, VOTE FOR WEYANE!!!!
Yes we desereved, because we don’t have UNITY. SHAME ON US!!!!!!
I am from south and i am ashamed to hear and such things happen to my fellow citizens by woyane surrogates. Sorry i would like to fight and fight to death along with the amhara people and put an end to this madness. It is inhuman.
I agree with you that TPLF leder’s time is up.Their conscious has over worked under the HEAVY BURDEN OF SIN FOR the last 38 years.And it is clear they know not where to go to find relief for it.There is only one place where sin can be forgiven and washed away.They must be willing to humble and bow down at the fooot of the CROSS to be forgiven.The strange thing is this “GOD will not live himself without witness”.He even forgives sinners such as Tamerat Lyne who was their formere friend in arms,but who fall out with them-he maet his savior in jail. It took him to suffer betrial by friends to discover the faithful GOD who is able to forgive.Alas could the weyanes learn from this!
Unfortunately, from all account weyanes have caved in by giving to fear.But, I want to remind you this what ever weyanes are contempleting against Ethiopians,God limits and controlse the damage they are capable of doing.You and the rest of us the one important thing to keep in view is this-abide in the spirit of our humanity and Ethiopian unity.There are multitude of us who are sober,and thoughtful citizens from all wakes of life including in Tgray,than the few who are led through their own deceitful heart.There fore, don’t be concerned with the notion Weyans will found any place to divide Amharas and Oromos any more.Unity is the source of our strengeth provoded we remain together, we are capable of taking them out.It is a fact weyane ,through here intellegence, controls only the cities and towns.The rest of the country is out of their reach.Who is to be on their side when they start to wage their genocidal war against anarmed innocent civilians?.The gun may be in their hands, but the terrain is ours;we will sacrifice to retain their guns and ammunition.
Dear Saba,
As I said , you can appreciate Elias, Dr. Berhanu,… but I do have a right to oppose anyone who I am not interested in. No matter whatever reason you give me, I do not accept lame execuses. I do not agree on biases. I do not agree woyane is the only problem in Ethiopia. I do not , if that was the case, woyane would not exist for 20 years. There is a national problem that is within us. Everyone of us are part of it. You can see yourselves, you wanted me to condemn TPLF only,but you are not willing to hear critism of those whom you support. It is either you are with us or not with us. That is the dirty and ugly politics of Ethiopia where free thought is not allowed. You have to side with one group. If you do not, you are perceived an enemy or a supporter of the enemy. For instance, I have to condemn TPLF to be accepted as an opponent. I can not have balanced view. I have to be polarized to one group?
If we want change, we all need to change the way we treat each other and then those who abuse power will not have place to hide. But if we keep on creating enemies and friends, things will continue the way they are.
Election was stolen even in the United states, but people did not kill each other or leave office. Blaming everything on woyane is a lame execuse and fleeing away from truth and responsibilities. Who is responsible for the killing of the people? In Ethiopia people do not want to be responsible? they wanted to rule only? that is the truth.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
March 29th, 2012 at 7:34 PM
it is not about you or me don’t be self centered,go and look at the picture and try to find your self in them. that requires love!!!
Saba replies:
March 30th, 2012 at 2:33 PM
Gezaee H, you are absolutely entitled to your opinion and you are absolutely entitled to criticize Elias and Dr. Berhanu but i do not agree with putting them on equal footing as TPLF. TPLF is a criminal organization with a lot of blood in its hand. And now you are suggesting that the opposition parties are responsible for the killing of innocent Ethiopians in 2005. That is because i said TPLF killed them. This is what i do not agree and i know you are wrong. Towards the end of your comment you said “people do not want to be responsible in Ethiopia.” That is right if you are talking about TPLF. The opposition parties have a right to call for a demonstration. And the people have a right to criticize the government. As you said there are irregularities of elections every where but when one party is defeated it does not declare a state of emergency in order to kill people. That was what happened in Ethiopia.The defeated party was TPLF, and the one who declared state of Emergency was TPLF. You blamed Dr.Berhanu for that kind of turmoil created by the TPLF.
Finally, you do not have to join any political party or organization that is your right. I am not a member of any organization either. But I support any one that fights for justice, democracy and equality of all Ethiopians in their country. I will criticize you, Elias or Berhanu if I feel you guys made mistakes. But TPLF is committing human rights and war crimes in our own country. It feels like Ethiopia was invaded by an army of some fascist government.
Gezaee H. replies:
March 30th, 2012 at 3:29 PM
Aye saba, I see you hate TPLF so much. But the thing is we hate its policies, but we do nothing about it. I do not agree with you on the election of 2005. I do not agree putting all the blame on TPLF. TPLF is actually brought such wonderful election in the history of Ethiopia whether it was intended or not, I do not know.
I personally do believe TPLF was defeated with no question. I do not even understand why in the first place TPLF got into such election since it did not have policies which Ethiopians like, it was 100% obvious TPLF will be wiped out. Why TPLF went to election I do not understand. I think TPLF had the election of because of stupidity. Otherwise, how does one go for election while having all antiEthiopia policies?
I do not doubt TPLF was defeated. But I completely against Berhanu and his group the way they handle themselves. Whether you agree with me or not, they messed it up. Reason, they intimidated TPLF leaders, they intimidated Tigreans. I have family in addis who worried some much at that time because they were threatened immediately. Protesters started looting Tigrean properties,… Kinjit never disciplined or indoctrinated its supporters and they messed it up and they gave TPLF a second life otherwise, Meles was gone long ago. We would not have seen the devil upto today.
I do not agree it is only TPLF who is to be blamed for the killing. Both are to blamed. Any govermment would defend itself when there is violence. People were burning buses and intimidating ethnic people and doing many violent thing. There is no goverment that allows violenc. I live in Canada and we have laws. Canada is most democratic , actually more than democracy, but still if I do any violence, trust me I will be arrested and thrown into jail. There is no govenment that allows violence. I know Ethiopians wanted Meles to leave office immediately, but that was unwise and intimidating and it became counter productive.
It is the law of phycis. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction or more. The law of gravity. It is naive to think that TPLF was supposed to be treated the way they started treating it. Berhanu was partying with Europeans than with Ethiopians about the victory while it was still too early. It was unmature handling of the situation that aborted the victoy. you cannot blame everything on TPLF? You have to take part of it. Accusing others, blaming others does not make you that you are not part of it.
Anyway, we need better and new breed civil movement right now. We do not need people who divided people. you can see the affiliation. There is no Tigrean or Oromo in G7. There is no other ethnics in others. We need new paradgim. These old tactic is killing our country and giving a freed ride to Meles to sale our country to anyone. We need innocent and honest citizens who are committed to help our people. We need people who become an umberella to all Ethiopians regardless ethnic. We do not have one. I have to be honest there is no any politics that appeals to me in Ethiopia. It is all be with us, if not you are not with us politics. That does not help at all.
Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:
April 3rd, 2012 at 12:51 AM
What do you need SABA told you you have the right to your opinion,but it dos not mean your opinion is you are entitle to your love of TPLF.
Look at those beautiful eyes.