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Let us give meaning to Ethiopia and being Ethiopian

By Aklog Birara, PhD

It will be an understatement to state that, regardless of ethnic, religious, gender, age or ideological {www:affinity}, Ethiopians and people of Ethiopian origin discuss their country of origin with passion and genuine interest. Broadly, they share a common set of principles. This is the good news. However, there is another side to the story that generates animated conversation within and outside the country. This short article reflects my own assessment and conclusions with regard to the two schools of thought that have more or less raged for more than forty years.

What is the area of consensus?

All of us wish to see good governance based on the rule of law, equality and justice, commitment to human rights and human dignity, freedom and political {www:pluralism} otherwise known as democracy. Clearly and by any socioeconomic and political measurement, the world in which ordinary Ethiopians live is as inhospitable as anyone could imagine. It is this in- hospitability that drives those of us who hope for a better tomorrow for all Ethiopians that dictate these generally shared values. They are fundamental and critical enough to force each activist to soul search so that we can contribute to the realization of the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the Ethiopian people as individuals and as communities.

What then is the hurdle or problem?

For more than forty years, political parties, groups and their supporters focused less on the commonalities that bind them as people and drove their thinking and their actions through the prism of ‘irreconcilable differences.’ This is a trap implanted by the current governing party. The experiences of people across the globe in general and the recent people-anchored revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East inform that there is no contradiction between the {www:essence} and meaning of one or unified Ethiopia that embraces all of its citizens, and freedom and democracy. Divisions along ethnic, religious or rigid ideological lines and the contention that Ethiopia is an artificial creation of the ‘colonial type’ continue to act as barriers in pursuing and achieving the hopes and aspirations of all of the Ethiopian people. What best describes Ethiopia and Ethiopians is that they are the sole creators of a mosaic of nations and nationalities that defended the national independence and territorial integrity of the country for thousands of years. This Ethiopian made multi-nation building was not imposed by colonial powers. At various times in history, all Ethiopians contributed to the formation of this mosaic. I suggest that no single nationality group has preponderance over this, recognizably, tumultuous history through which other countries had to pass. Ethiopia deserves the same treatment as other countries that have gone through rough waters in which an untold millions were killed in what most experts believe is the natural evolution of both homogenous and {www:heterogeneous} or multi-ethnic nations. Belaboring the agony of the past that comes from each successive system of governance detracts from singular focus on the future.

I should like to illustrate the enormous economic, social, political and security costs for all members of Ethiopian society of past and current preoccupation with ‘irreconcilable types of differences’ by citing five examples:

• The so-called developmental state led by the TPLF/EPRDF has induced one of the worst income inequalities in the world. The gap between the small super rich whose incomes, wealth and assets originate directly or indirectly from a discriminatory and exclusive system has reached a dangerous level. This pronounced inequality in wealth and assets deprives better livelihood for the vast majority of the Ethiopian people. It undermines fairness and equity and retards the development process. Inequality takes a toll on the national economy in that those with low incomes and the poor cannot afford to purchase even domestically produced goods and services. In the end, inequality that comes from discriminatory and exclusionary policies and programs will threaten the very fabric of the society and will lead it to instability and fragility. The regime is able to get away with gross inequality because there is no political competition. It is not accountable to the public but to itself. Opponents can and should mobilize and work in unison to bring gross inequality to the attention of the world community.

• In a succession of reactions to poor and repressive governance, my generation opposed and revolted against the Imperial regime, the Socialist Military Dictatorship and now the TPLF/EPRDF dictatorship without a clear vision of the future and the alternative political and socioeconomic order that will govern the country.

• Ethiopia and its diverse population lost their legitimate access to the sea. Therefore, the Ethiopian and Eritrean people that share a great deal in common lost economic and comparative advantages that would benefit both. Political elites in both regions who exploit divisions and tensions have put them at risk.

• The TPLF/EPRDF exploited the void in unified political and civic opposition and granted millions of hectares of Ethiopian fertile farmlands and waters to more than 1,000 licensees from 36 countries, and to favored supporters of the regime. Yemeret neteka ena kirimit affects sovereignty, dignity, citizenship, security and wellbeing, long-term national interest, the environment and ordinary lives of people.

• The same void in political wisdom, organization and national leadership within the opposition exposes individuals and groups within the country for constant and relentless assault by the governing party and state. The Failed States Index for 2011 and Wiki leaks reveal shocking information concerning the brutality of the one party state on Ethiopian society: group grievances not addressed, human flight in thousands, uneven development and income emanating from discrimination, economic decline and relentless inflation, increasing de-legitimization of the state and gross human rights violations almost on a daily basis. The regime has compromised the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Wiki leaks reveal that the governing party cost Ethiopia “a large chunk of territory” that the regime transferred to the Sudan in a secret deal. The single party state is “the judge, jury and executioner” with no end in sight.

All of these and more present a dire picture that cannot be resolved unless all opposition parties, groups and civil society close ranks and place the interests of all of the Ethiopian people at the center of their struggle.

What then is the alternative?

In my assessment, a firm and determined commitment for the unity of the Ethiopian people and for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country is the surest path to freedom and political pluralism. I have no doubt in my mind that unfettered unity will lead the Ethiopian people to freedom and political pluralism. The country is large and potentially rich enough to accommodate the hopes and aspirations of all of its diverse population. The ills, misinterpretations of history, ‘brutalities’ and other transgressions of the past can and should be addressed by a democratically elected government rather than used as a precondition for transformation. In Australia, South Africa and other democratic countries, legitimate representatives of the people set-up institutional mechanisms to investigate and address past grievances. Ethiopia can achieve the same goal.

I believe that we can draw a critical lesson of what not to do from our own recent political history that division along ethnic lines rather than genuine commitment for the pursuit of freedom for all Ethiopians is a losing proposition. For example, I would hate to imagine that ethnic and other divisions would subject Ethiopians to perpetual civil war in order to satisfy the narrow interests of foreign powers or the needs of political elites. The regime’s relentless attack on individuals and groups in the country is a prime indicator that it will not tolerate any form of dissent. This is the reason why I argued in several articles that the regime is more like Libya, Syria and Yemen than Egypt or Tunisia. This attribute should compel all to work in tandem and energize all Ethiopians within the country to rise against repression and oppression.

The incontestably able and dedicated Ethiopian humanist and political activist Obang Metho, Executive Director of the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia captures the essence of what I am saying in two themes: “Humanity before Ethnicity” and “No One Will be Free Until All are Free.” Division and fragmentation go exactly in the opposite direction from realizing freedom and political pluralism for each and all. If the ultimate objective is to dislodge the TPLF/EPRDF oppressive system of governance and replace it with a government of national reconciliation, peace, unity in diversity, freedom and equality, justice and equitable participation in social and economic life, human rights and the rule of law, then all aspirants must join forces and aim for the same goal. This is the reason why I suggest that the unity of all of the Ethiopian people is the surest path in achieving freedom and democracy in the country we love. Imagine if all Ethiopian rise against oppression. Who in the world can stop them? There is no force that can.

In my view, the hopes and aspirations of Ethiopia’s 90 million people are constrained by an enormous gap in national political organization and wise leadership. It is response to and filling this gap that will enable them to achieve genuine freedom, political pluralism and participatory and equitable economic and social opportunities. Ultimately, it is realization of this noble goal—that can only come from a unity of national purpose–that will create the foundation to conquer abject poverty, hunger and famine, dependency, unemployment, diseases, corruption and gross income inequality and illegal outflow of billions of dollars from one of the poorest and hungriest countries in the world.

Lack of unity of purpose and recognition that Ethiopians share common values and aspire for a common destiny will prolong the agony of the Ethiopian people. If we defer accepting the principles of Ethiopian sovereignty and territorial integrity and the unity of its diverse population, it will be difficult if not impossible to achieve the kinds of transformative, grassroots and youth-led popular revolutions we are witnessing in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and Yemen. In none of these countries is the principle of national unity and the unity of people at risk. The tragedy of not forging ahead with a unity of purpose that comes from accepting these fundamental principles that will serve all Ethiopians in the long-run is that Ethiopia’s economy will be in shambles. Instability and gross violations of human rights will persist. We see evidence of this in hyperinflation, gross inequality and selected and indiscriminate killing, persecutions and jailing of innocent people by the governing party. The regime explains these and other anomalies as the price of growth and development; and ‘anti-terrorism.’ The terror comes from the one party state itself.

Where do we start and where do we end-up?

At the end of the day, political and social actors must believe in and trust the Ethiopian people to do the right thing. I do. The long-term interests of the country and its entire people must guide political and social action. I have no doubt in my mind that peaceful, country anchored and youth led transformation is possible; in fact, inevitable. The rest of us in the Diaspora have a moral obligation to contribute to the democratization process through collaboration rather than division or silence or skepticism or detachment.

If we remain preoccupied with our differences rather than the common bonds that we share as Ethiopians, and the aspirations and hopes we believe in for future this and future generations, we will contribute to the enormous risks that the country and its diverse population face. As some in Addis Ababa said recently, we will simply accept the tragic notion that “Ethiopia is a country that resembles a person who is traveling in a pitch-black dark night.” I know what it means to travel in a “pitch black night. “ In Waves, I depicted my own and my father’s journey in Northern Gondar at night not knowing exactly where we were headed to; but hoping that we will end-up at our destination by some miracle. A country led by an arrogant, cruel, repressive and exclusive ethnic clique is a country that moves in the dark. For those in power and with wealth, nothing can be as good and as bright as staying in power and enjoying the spoils of political capture. For the disenfranchised—the vast majority of the Ethiopian people—the Ethiopian regime is a nightmare. It turns daylight into darkness, hope into misery, aspiration into despair, and hope into hopelessness. The rest of us must reject this situation.
Our person-made and too often, self-serving divisions will postpone the democratization process indefinitely. This artificial division will allow the current repressive regime to single out and decimate persons of conscience, principle and stamina who expose inhumanity and cruelty. It will deny current youth the possibility of closing ranks and standing solidly for freedom and political pluralism in a sustainable way. It will undermine the noble tradition of the Ethiopian people to live side by side. It will give political elites a chance to divide and weaken all of us. It will prolong the life of a divisive, oppressive, inhumane and brutal regime. If the situation continues for too long, the country will continue on a path of eternal darkness, fragility and greater ethnic based fragmentation. This condition will not serve anyone. At minimum, the Diaspora can try to cleanse itself of the culture of egoism, individualism, village-like mentality, elitism, partisanship and division, attributes that sustain the TPLF/EPRDF regime. The current onslaught against civil liberties, individual rights and freedoms is as much a manifestation of a desperate regime that has gone berserk as much as it is a manifestation of weaknesses within the opposition camp whether within the country or in the Diaspora.

The march of history tells us that the brave and principled souls within the country who are sacrificing their lives, their families and their wellbeing are precisely what Ethiopia and Ethiopians need today. At minimum, we can and should stand shoulder to shoulder with them and reject repression and oppression of the one party dictatorial state today and not tomorrow.

16 thoughts on “Let us give meaning to Ethiopia and being Ethiopian

  1. It is very unfortunate but it is possible to discuss all senarios with “normal” people but not looters and killers. Meles and his ethnic party made their point from the very beginning very clear that their main aim is to disintegrate Ethiopia and build greater TIGRAI and are doing accordingly. Those true Ethiopians from Tigrai and the rest of the regions/kilils should unite to counter this evil goal which does not even benefit anybody except the looters and killers. If Ethiopia disintegrates, Meles and his evil collaborators should not think that the land taken by force from Gondar, Wollo, and Afar will be left out without bloodshed.
    I really do not know why Meles uses his intelligence if he is so for the benefit of Ethiopia and Ethiopians instead of trying to create chaos just to prolong his reign of terror.

  2. I will be harsh to Dr. Aklog:

    If you could use the word “is” more often than “should.”

    If you could use “I” instead of “we” more often.

    If you could do those two things, your articles would be brilliant. You continue to make blunders because of your normalizing sermons about the we you are projecting

    I guarantee you, that mode of thought will not get rid off TPLF. And before anything else, the eradication of TPLF is the most important goal, atleast to me. Anything that will remotely keep TPLF in power while we figure out something else, to me, is pointless and foolish.

  3. What is worth mentioning is our youth is being bombarded and managed by Woyane agents and their puppets. If you do a minimum, research you will find quite a few deliberately veiled sites in social networking websites managing and trying to disorient the youth. Hence, it is very important for learned men such as Dr. Aklog Birara to
    Enlighten us in a simple language we or most of us understand without being sophisticated and using complicated languages. Thank you Brother Aklog!
    However, I will repeat part of his article to give it emphasis!
    “Our person-made and too often, self-serving divisions will postpone the democratization process indefinitely. This artificial division will allow the current repressive regime to single out and decimate persons of conscience, principle and stamina who expose inhumanity and cruelty. It will deny current youth the possibility of closing ranks and standing solidly for freedom and political pluralism in a sustainable way. It will undermine the noble tradition of the Ethiopian people to live side by side. It will give political elites a chance to divide and weaken all of us. It will prolong the life of a divisive, oppressive, inhumane and brutal regime. If the situation continues for too long, the country will continue on a path of eternal darkness, fragility and greater ethnic based fragmentation. This condition will not serve anyone. At minimum, the Diaspora can try to cleanse itself of the culture of egoism, individualism, village-like mentality, elitism, partisanship and division, attributes that sustain the TPLF/EPRDF regime. The current onslaught against civil liberties, individual rights and freedoms is as much a manifestation of a desperate regime that has gone berserk as much as it is a manifestation of weaknesses within the opposition camp whether within the country or in the Diaspora.
    The march of history tells us that the brave and principled souls within the country who are sacrificing their lives, their families and their wellbeing are precisely what Ethiopia and Ethiopians need today. At minimum, we can and should stand shoulder to shoulder with them and reject repression and oppression of the one party dictatorial state today and not tomorrow.”
    our youth is our future! God bless the youth!

  4. The opposition has a lot of work to do. the opposition camp could be divided into two groups. Ethno-nationalists who are allegedly fighting exclusively for one or other ethnic group on the one hand and the pan Ethiopian groups on the other.

    Some of the ethnic-based groups raise ‘abbysinian colonialism’ as the main target of their struggle. this view is particularly promoted by one wing of the OLF controlled by the shabia.

    Other wing of the OLF still hope that they could do deals with the TIgre People Liberation Front, TPLF.

    Another branch of OLF believe in discussion with groups like G7.

    ONLF is another group fighting for total independence, and this groupis mainy supported by the Shabia.

    Under The pan Ethiopian groups one can include G7, UDJ, MEDREK, EPRP, ..

    Each group has various levels of support, some small some large.

    Looking at the history and programme of these groups it is hard to see how they could work together. THEY DONOT EVEN HAVE THE DESIRE TO WORK TOGETHER. They are as opposed to each other as they are opposed to the Tigre People Liberation Front, TPLF.

    OUT OF THESE OPPOSITION GROUPS ONE group with the largest public support has to emerge and lead the peoples’ uprising. Time will tell which one of the groups will emerge as a leader.

    In the mean time what the other groups have to do is at least to refrain from attacking each other and to be able recognise their differences and learn how to live together.
    Is this too much to ask.

  5. the terrorising of ethiopians begun long before TPLF. TPLF is just a current face of the monster.It’s astonishing that anyone who professes to believe in equality, human rights or, in fact, any religion whatsoever can justify support for TPLF or that Americans willingly work hard every day so their tax $$$ can supply the funds that provide TPLF with the means to continue its illegal killing of innocent oromos,ogadens,afars,sidamos…..amhara. It’s even more amazing how many people are foolish enough or blind enough to fall for the endless, meaningless rhetoric spewed forth by tplf as empty excuses.
    I see no reason why ONLF should ‘drop’ the demand to allow OGADENIANS their legal right of SELF DETERMINATION.
    That right is guaranteed under the Geneva Conventions & International law & applies equally to all.

  6. What Dr.Aklog is dicussing is what all Ethiopians who love Ethiopia and its people always talk and discss as he aknowleged it.So what he is saying is on the money,but the problem is the same people who are talking the talk but don’t walk it.As you all know it very well we have seen twice the formation of unity and struggle.EDHAK and HIBRET both were dispersed by polititians who swear in the Name of Ethiopia.Because of some greedy for power gruops Derg dictated Ethiopians and now the current despot is controling the souls of our people and their freedom.Some pick up what is left over from Meles and his cronies and the tommy is full and don’t care what is going to happen to thier famly or history.Those who are under the name of ethnic movement are not all genuine.If they were they would have exploited the setuation and helped the birth of Democratic Ethiopia which could have benefited the very people they say they are trying to librate.Over all what you are saying is right but our problem is the very people who call themseves libraters.Thanks.

  7. to Atakilti #28
    BBC follow up on Meles Zenawi’s atrocities in Ethiopia (video)

    Dear Atakilti, at any rate I appreciate your effort and attempt to explain and clarify your positions. I however have to disappoint you as much as I am a somewhat disappointed with your answers.
    Namely, you did not give us any relevant answer to the questions, which is puzzling us. You fixed your comment on attacking BBC, which is fine with me. It however has nothing to do with my questions.
    You began your comment with “The reason why I want to wait for more material is because of my experience with the BBC. They have acted irresponsible in the past for their unfounded allegations on a few issues. In addition, they have been hemorrhaging with a decline in listeners and therefore ratings continuously for the last 10 years. Also, CNN has been eating their lunch since 1991.”
    I think (i.e. what my uncle told me about the massive news coverage of bbc in support of tplf & eplf in those days. Seeing is believing and I saw a whole lots of broadcasts which my uncle documented bbc’s broadcasting on video tapes) DERG was singing the same song as BBC and CNN, which were one of the “most ardent supporters” of TPLF & EPLF in the old days, were broadcasting anything about Ethiopia.
    There were people including DERG who were accusing BBC and CNN as a neo-colonial mouthpiece of Africa’s and especially Ethiopia’s disintegration and support to terrorist organizations (from the side of derg, TPLF & EPLF in those days were seen officially as terrorist organizations).
    What do you mean when you say that they are looking for their ‘hidden gem’ of a sensation that may raise lost status, which they are still looking for decline of listeners? If that it is the case, dear Atakilti then they had been in the same crisis since the time BBC was a mouthpiece of TPLF while it was illegal in the eyes of the then Ethiopian government. Which means BBC is still in the same hemorrhaging and decline of listeners until this day, which makes it now over thirty years rather than ten years as you say. In other words, we are still waiting for the answer why they (BBC) were broadcasting and campaigning in favor of TPLF and EPLF massively and supporting to collect millions and millions of donated pounds, which we see today, as treasures of REST and co managed by Azebnesh.
    We are still waiting for a third independent party and godot to get the answer why BBC was supporting TPLF in such a massive scale in those days. Unless you of course say, the broadcast BBC did then was also all lies since it was of cold war principles with the motto ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ since DERG was on the side of the east!?
    Other than that the news regarding the deterioration of human rights, the cause of land grabbing, and the menace of one man rule and hunger catastrophes are in other global news media’s daily and very intensively too. What I am trying to say is Ethiopia and the catastrophical situations in our country as a topic is presented in global news in all continents. I do not think you are going to tell me that all are conspiring against melles and woyanes or that all are lying! If that is the case then BBC was also lying in those days when they were sponsoring TPLF on the media as freedom fighters……?
    Coming back to the point and to make it easier I will copy and paste some part of the original comment #21, I made to which you responded or forgot to respond:
    If you are genuine and mean it serious what do, you say when one man is sitting on power twenty years long and says the same thing repeatedly, wait and give us time? Even if you think he is doing the right politics which justification, does he have to stay on power twenty years long uninterrupted? Do you believe that such behavior is productive and beneficial to the improvement of our political culture and society to develop? Even if you take it on the ethnic line, are you telling me that there are no other intelligent people in tigray good enough to substitute melles at all? Again, going on the ethnic line is that not an insult to the whole Tigray population that only one person within the whole region is capable enough to be on power. What would you say to the land of our ancestors being sold or given away where our hero the Martyred King of Kings Emperor Yohannes IV fought for?
    Where are all those initiators and true heroes of the struggle of tplf today? Why are they in exile or liquidated?
    Do you have to apologize unfairness at all costs because the dictator by chance happened from tigray region regardless of the quality of leadership he has?
    Finally those who you say go on “their usual binge of calling you derogatory names as they have done in the past – ‘Ag’me this and Ag’me that’,” for me such name-calling based on ethnicity are out and out enemies of Ethiopia’s unity and its people or are agents and agent-provocateurs who are creating such an atmosphere to divide people on ethnic, religious etc line to loosen and avert the strength of unity just as the woyane system is using ethnicity to their divide and rule procedure.
    You know the saying “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion” if there is anything, what scares enemies of our country most is to have our people united!
    True sons and daughters of Ethiopia have to stay above such cheap and ignorant manner of using such derogatory terms or ethnicity and religion as politics!
    Thank you brother Atakilti!
    More Power to our brothers and sisters The ETHIOPIAN YOUTH!!

  8. Aklog said,

    “At minimum, the Diaspora can try to cleanse itself of the culture of egoism, individualism, village-like mentality, elitism, partisanship and division, attributes that sustain the TPLF/EPRDF regime.”

    I would say this is a very good observation.

    To start with, why is that everyone in the meeting room acting like a King or a Queen before doing anything? There is a place for pride, but empty pride doesn’t make one better than Weyanie itself. Meles was a son of a Bnada. His father was a militia for Italians during the war so, not to be surprised much with what he has been doing. What he has been doing is basically the work of Mussolini (Read Alberto Rosi’s book on Italian Invasion of Ethiopia) and compare that with what Meles’ policies are set up do right now. But, again, to fight this kind of enemy needs the charter of genius not egoism and village-like mentality as Aklog alluded.

    Stop thinking I’m from Gonder, I’m from Shewa, etc. We can’t go back to Zemen Mesafinte and form a Gulak state in anyone that put a Shewa person on podium again or a Gondere for Prim Minister. We want to build an Ethiopia that is based on individual right and talent, where the leader would be elect by the people and work for the people.

    Ah, of course, you know that…right? So, why is that you pretending that you are so and so moron? Don’t act like you are special. “Mongh Erasun Tekenanbo, Ketun kefto Yehedal”
    Did you see that?
    Think like I’m an Ethiopian, if you what to help the poor country. Wyanie has been planting this kind of thinking for so long which basically is preventing you from doing the right thing. This what he mean when he says village-like mentality.

    Also, if you want to help Ethiopia, talk the truth about political parties in a meeting. Talk the truth about individuals who are making a living at the cost of the Diaspora.

    While I’m here, the other point I want to raise is about the demonstrations that are taking place on and off at the State Department. Please stop it. It is not effective. What we need to do is connect one another, unite and support the party in power and lobby for the good of our country (Learn from the Israelites here in the state). I don’t know what kind of solution these demonstrations give other that short term satisfaction or feel your ego.

    From Sunshine state.

  9. Written words speak too much and louder and louder. They only give details of the person than catching other persons. Today Ethiopians of all group speak out their life, their history, their culture and moreover they worry about their humanity, not about Ethiopia at all. Ethiopia only live when their live is meaningfull in that country, if not they avoid any business about it. So it may better to speak about the people than the country. One may not differentiate between people and country but, country is meaningless without people, it is a collection of rocks and bushes if there is no human there. That is why Ethiopia, even the word Ethiopia is meaningless to many of Ethiopians, Some even explicitly saying they hate Ethiopia and ethiopiyawinet. so please think from people point of view, from what the poor thinks about his country not from the elite like you thinks about country, it is the poor that goes to fight for this country not you Dr. Do not forrget whenever you think of the unified Ethiopia you are forcing many Oromos, and other southern nations to join Wayyane. This should be clear to you and do not be over confident about the one, unified ethiopia, that will never be acheived unless the idea of people is listened to, and entartained.

    Thanks so much

  10. The Woyanne slave Hailemariam Desalegn will convene with sell out Ethiopians who exchange land and business from the bloodsucker Woyanne at the J. W. Marriot at 14th St. NW and Pennsylvania Ave. NW at 09/28/2011 at night.

  11. The only preconditon that we sould put forward is freedom.I don’t buy the idea that unity is more important than peoples right to decide what is best for themselves or the idea that Ethiopa’s integrity is moraly equivalent to freedom. What some of these people are intersted in is regime change back to the old system, and that’s a red flag for me.People who deny the existance of other people can not possibly speak of other’s right.

  12. To add on “The Patriots” comment regarding those who use derogatory terms to ethnicity I will add this. I believe those who curse and use derogatory words because of the persons ethnicity are either suffering from their own personal inferiority complexes or are simply ignorant, or are as mentioned many times woyane agents who don’t restrain from using such tactics to their cheap way of creating chaos, resentments and divisions with I told you so stance. We should keep in mind that in today’s Ethiopia every one is a victim of Woyane cliques.
    On the other hand, it is difficult for us to understand why those responsible people for their web sites do not control such derogatory and unproductive comments in their web portals. We see names of moderators or waiting for moderation signs i however will be happy to know what their function is to be mentioned as moderators at all? Or are they ghost moderators? I think a great part of the responsibility and blame goes to the editors and moderators of the websites.
    Some might say that everyone has the right for free opinions. However some comments we find in these webs are so cheap, and a below the belt comment and disgusting which cannot be designated as opinion or productive at all. The worst part of the whole thing is that we know there are agent provocatuers who use this important platform of communication to their own advantage. Do not misunderstand me please anybody including woyanes have the right to put their opinions as long as it is in an orderly manner. However, cursing and using ethnic slur as an opinion is like allowing Hitler to use this possibility to curse non-Aryans to reach his goal.
    Please moderators and editors of web forums how many clicks you get or which web portal is the most visited should not be your priority. Please see to it that such scams do not abuse the freedom to have an opinion otherwise you are as guilty as the perpetuators of such an ugly act. It is not the quantity but rather the quality that counts…
    Thank you!
    Power to the YOUTH of Ethiopia!

  13. Dr.Aklog thank you for this article,and for your continual service to the ethiopian community.

    I read your comments above and I like to much of what you said in it.However,I lost you in your concluding paragraph.What do you mean when you say,

    “While I’m here, the other point I want to raise is about the demonstrations that are taking place on and off at the State Department. Please stop it. It is not effective.

    ‘What we need to do is connect one another, unite and support the party in power and lobby for the good of our country’

    (Learn from the Israelites here in the state). I don’t know what kind of solution these demonstrations give other that short term satisfaction or feel your ego.”
    Are you,Mr.Dibaba telling Ethiopians that Human right abuse,lack of freedom of speech,lack of economic opportunity ,lack of rule of law,and justice are not important in Ethiopia.Insted what is importantfrom your point ovf view is econmomic development to Ethiopia.
    How dare you we live in the sunshine state and enjoy the freedom that the U.s in which you hve not fought dare to say the demonstration of Ethiopians on behalf of those who langush in Leges prison is meaningles exercise.How do you dare to compare democratic the Israelites with a known ethino fasicst weyane regme.The Israelites in U.S.A lobby on behalf of the Jews state because they dont have humanright abuse to occupy their time,they can freely travel in to their land invest,or live there if that be their choice.To them,as far as their freedom and way of life is consrned there is no difference between U.S.A and Israel.On the other hand we Ethiopians can not say the same thing about our country.Only those who are not from Tigrie know what this means inprctical terms.I have travelled and saw it how i was unable to get breathing ground.The people that you meet at the air port not ordinary citizens but but ,agents who pose as civil employees.Can any explain my laguges can travel across the world but when it comes at Bolle air port you will be asked where you are heading.You tell them then on the other side you find your laguage torn appart. Any ways you sound here you are attempting to argue the Legese economic plan which goes debvelopment before democratic governance.uinother words let TPLF polit peuro sack the milk of Ethiopia first then we will try something else.
    Fortunately,the Ethiopian oppostion heeds not this tirade.We demand the release of our people from Leges prison and I believe this effort is not in vain.We know legese may be able to intimidate an armed Ethiopians,but he is under the control of his captors.When he is told to release he will immediately comply.In addition,the people have spoken’BEKA,GAY.Yakel

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