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Map of ‘Greater Tigray’

According to the 1976 TPLF Manifesto, the map of Tigray will look like this if Woyanne succeeds. Note that the Tigray border stretches to Red Sea. That may explain:

1) why Tigrean elites — even those who hate Meles — have soft spots in their hearts for Woyanne, and

2) they are obsessed with Eritrea, currently the only power in the Horn of Africa region that is capable of preventing the manifesto from becoming a reality.

70 thoughts on “Map of ‘Greater Tigray’

  1. Surprising!! Don’t you know that the Axumite kingdom was rulling upto Yemen in the North and Madagascar to the south? pls read the history that was written by your anciestors not by WOYANE. So do not feel inferiority complex that you don’t have history to tell about. Just accept facts. The strong Axumite kingdom is now on its way to rule for 1000 years What will happen to you?

  2. I have a QUESTION???????? and the ANSWER too.

    Q1) Do you know WHY Woyane and Shabya broke relationship during the late 80’s?

    A1) YES. it is because shabya insist the woyane’s to change their policy and straggle strategy (starting from changing their name from Tigray Peoples Libration Front(TPLF)- to – EPRDF or any other name that represent the whole Ethiopians People struggle)in exchange of military and diplomatic support from Shabya.

    They refused….no support…. followed by 3 years military and diplomatic defeat …. their very existence came to the balance… then back to their normal sense … and decided to stick with Shabya’s plan – EPRDF.

    Q2) If Shabia liberate Eritrea (which was certain!) and if Woyane were allowed by shabia to go with Greater Tigray, do you think the present form of Ethiopia will be hold?

    A2) NO! Ethiopia would be history, thanks to Esayas Afeworki of Shabiya.

    By then:-

    – Think of OLF who fought for the liberation of Oromia State.
    – Think of Alithad and ONLF who fought for the liberation of the Ogaden State.
    – Think of the many other “Anasa Biher” who fought for their rights …..

    Esayas Saved Ethiopia …. if you don’t know about it folks.

    The war now we are engaged with Meles and co. is as a reprisal to punish Esayas for hijacking their great dream (Abay Tigray).

    As of these days, I can’t guarantee you guys Esayas will save you for the second time ….. am not so sure ….

    Hope you SAVE yourselves this time.

    Choma ras hula.

  3. We Eritreans wish and hope that you Ethiopians will come to Eritrea in good faith as naighbor to work, to have fun and to help each other. Please please and again please stop to dream about endless blood and let us start work together.
    1. We can help you driving out Weyane for never ever see and you can help us to be a good naighbor for ever.
    2. We can give you a sea access with very low tax and you can give us a good naighbor with very low hiding agenda.
    3 We can be Africas richest countries together, because these two countries got all what all African countries haven´t. Sea, Addis Rain, Gold, hard worker people, in short Eritrea and Ethiopia can rule Africa.

    Please be a good naighbor and don´t dream about things that not belongs to you.

    We Eritreans are always ready to help you and so you have to do, then you´ll see that you don´t had to dream because brothers can be complementary.

    May God help Ethiopia to find her true self
    May God help Ethiopia to accept her sister Eritrea.
    Peace to all Ethiopian and Eritrean people and down with Weyane.

  4. It is good, even nicer to differentiate between Ethiopians in Tigraye from the Meles Naziawi and his criminal individuals collaborators.

    The best solution to avoid any further harm and to reverse the harm alredy done to our country, Ethiopians must take their Ethiopia and their lives in their own hands. The Meles Naziawi regime must be removed by any available means and ways so that old dream of those anti-Eethiopia members of the distructive organizations shall indefintely be shattered into pieces of nightmares, thereby there won’t be the greater thing but nothing but an intact Ethiopia in its orginality as it was passed onto us from the commandable ancestors of ours.

    Asab and the rest Historically, spritually, and geographically what belongs to Ethiopia is ours and will remain so indefinitelly.

    God and Ethiopia is great. When there is no God and Ethiopia, there is no life and the motherland Ethiopia. In short, there can nver be sweet peace while a part of Ethiopia is missing form the hearts and minds of Ethiopians and there can never be a meaniningful life without the whole Ethiopia, and there can nver be peace without the victory oever our enemies. God bless Ethiopia and amen.

  5. first of all why you ethiopians always say asseb is ethiopian asseb belong to us never once i saw an ethiopian say anything concerning the afars,you are taking their land just to get acces to the sea but you dont care about them or what they think,no wonder the afar in eritrea say they rather give their land to isreal than ethiopia getting it back.the afar in eritrea has alot of martyrs for the independance of eritrea but not one afar from ethiopia died to get rid of the derg regime,now you see why when the afar in ethiopia say we want to be one with eritrean afars they dont share the same feeling.

    secondly about this map eritreans knew about it from 1975 when it came out not 1976 and that was one of the main reason elf fought against tplf who eplf sided with them in the late 70’s because they didnt want to give them a land they knew tplf would keep even if eritrea is free and guess what they fought over?u guessed right BADEME.

    In 1991 my uncle was one of the advancing forces with the eplf tank division that entered addis,the first group that entered addis and once the capital was secured few days after he was ordered to go outside addis to secure an eplf meeting with an oromo oppostion,it didnt make sense to him at that time but he reliased that tplf tried to play games with the independance of eritrea and tried to slow it down hopefully so they can destroy the idea of eritrea seperating but this move send a clear signal to meles that if you are not going to sign then you will be shelved and get some1 else who would sign and take power in ethiopia,the next day after that meeting meles agreed to sign for the seperation via referndum to be held in 2 years and signed the papers knowing he almost put the greater tigray dream to rest.remember in 1991 eplf was probarly 3 to 4 times stronger than tplf they had 6 tank division tplf didnt even had one tank,eplf had 3 commando’s platoons tplf didnt had one commando so tplf had to obey or be the quickest shelving of a goverment in the history of human kind.

    back to asseb if you ethiopians want to take it back by force one thing you have to understand,this war will be destructive and if you think eritreans fighting for 40 years was tough you should know that you have to kill every eritrean to get that land,saudia,yemen,egypt,libya,uae and qatar already said that if ethiopia tried to retake eritrea by force they will most likely join the war in a formal way if eritrea’s soverignty is on the balance.after all they invested alot in the last 40 yrs to eritrea’s fight for freedom to let colonist amhara or tagaro who think they live in the axum era to play the colonist “i keep what i grab” game.

    if you try to take it legally you have no case you sold it to the italians for few guns and gun powder and ITS NOT FOR SALE BACK it belong to us by oau colonial 1956 treaty.

  6. History is a fact and tells nothing but the truth;well, Ethiopians tell their globally known good history supported by facts.

    There wasn’t a time that Arabs either directly or indirectly attempted to destroy Ethiopia, although they failed terribly before God and Ethiopians.

    The following enemeis attempted to conquer Ehiopia and failed indefinitely:- Egypt, the Ottoman, the Derivish, and the last but not the least, the Italian Bastards were defeated and burried along with their guides down into the deepest grave that was dug by their loyal guides. This is fact.

    Well, Shabya and tplfwoyanae collaborated and invaded Ethiopia;again, the fact is, they will meet their unlucky fate on that chosen day at the spot of the enemies choice.

    What belongs to Ethiopia will remain Ethiopia. All those lands and waters stolen by Shabya and woyanae shall be retaken by the mighty ones. This will remain universal fact eternally. God bless Ethiopia and down with the enemies of Ethiopia.

  7. I think you forgot what the Axumite empire stretched to and that is the tigrayan history and land. Everything you were told about Ethiopia is Tigrayan in origin.

  8. Not bad at all. If Tigray stretches like that no problem as long as it is part of Ethiopia. Ethiopia deserves to have its own sea port and map of Tigray which you have presented seems to include our historical port, Asseb. I am infavour of that if it happens.

    Not shame as you feel Elias.


  9. As being a non-tigri person myself, I find it sad and tragic to see the hatered b/n the tigrai speaking tigris of eritrea and tigrai and it shows me why the horn of africa is drawning in blood. You people need to get off your superior high horses and get back to earth. Millions have died for the last 30 years b/s of your superior dream and what have you both got for it: a sad and starving population, for what. Over 120,000 lives lost in two years for what. You both talk about Ethiopia is progressing or Ertrea is progressing, but in reality both countries are failed states. There are thousands of ppl from both countries fleeing poverty and political killings.

    So wake up from your ethno infested dream and see the reality on the ground. It is thinking like this that is draging Africa back to the dark ages.

  10. Elias,

    I admire how you run a brainstorming topics,

    I am agree with commentator

    #20. ZENASH and
    #36. SATENAW

    God Bless all poor people in the WORLD.


  11. We know how many twist and turns, lies and deceptions the Weyne’s made, nothing new at all. They’re still doing it. They will do it till their death. Because they are made for it. One thing for sure is weyanes will not take un inch of land from eritrea. That will be their final day. Sick of weyane lies.

  12. You are a jewel!! Did you notice Ethiomedia has taken your website from the list. Hey! bro cries when motherland tigray is on the radar. Please post Mekelle in picture. It’s modelled after Paris. Good job!!

  13. It is not new, it has been part of the Axumite kingdom so don’t brag about greater Tigray, it is part of Ethiopia and it will be part of Ethiopia always.

  14. Woyannes are greedy,short-sighted.Instead of illegally carving out chunks of lands from Afar,Wollo,Gondar and Eritrea(an attempt)and trying Greater Tigrai,they could have made it a region, a large region-based on geographical proximity,social,economic and cultural factors through the blessing of the parliament.
    They could apply the same model on the rest of the regions.But the problam with the Woyannes is that they act like foreign invaders.They loot,make all sorts of treachery,murder,imprision,monopolize political and economic power.They don’t the ability to think that they are living in the Ethiopian society and that one day all their evil acts will backfire.

  15. yaya wrote

    “In 1991 my uncle was one of the advancing forces with the eplf tank division that entered addis,the first group that entered addis and once the capital was secured few days after he was ordered to go outside addis to secure an eplf meeting with an oromo oppostion,it didnt make sense to him at that time but he reliased that tplf tried to play games with the independance of eritrea and tried to slow it down hopefully so they can destroy the idea of eritrea seperating but this move send a clear signal to meles that if you are not going to sign then you will be shelved and get some1 else who would sign and take power in ethiopia,the next day after that meeting meles agreed to sign for the seperation via referndum to be held in 2 years and signed the papers knowing he almost put the greater tigray dream to rest.”

    elias read the above comment which is widely told by eritreans and contrast it with your remark where you said “shabia didnt want to secede eritrea from ethiopia”.

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