World’s Most Famous Fossil ”Lucy” Comes to Seattle
West Coast Premiere Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia Opens Oct. 4
Discover Five-Million-Year History of the Cradle of Mankind
SEATTLE — Ethiopia is the cradle of mankind, the birthplace of coffee, the purported resting place of the Ark of the Covenant — and home to legions of Bob Marley fans. Discover five million years of this country’s diverse history and culture in the West Coast premiere exhibition Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia, on display at Pacific Science Center from Oct. 4, 2008 – March 8, 2009.
The exhibition will include the original fossilized remains of the 3.2 million-year-old hominid known as Lucy. With 40 percent of her skeleton intact, Lucy remains the oldest and most complete adult human ancestor fully retrieved from African soil. Other important paleoanthropological discoveries will also be represented to complete the current account of human evolution as known to scientists today.
“Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia provides visitors with an extraordinary opportunity to come face to face with Lucy, the oldest, most complete, and best preserved adult fossil of any erect-walking human ancestor,” said Bryce Seidl, president and CEO of Pacific Science Center. “The discovery of Lucy continues to profoundly influence our understanding of human origins. “Lucy’s Legacy” provides people the opportunity to better understand current scientific theory of human evolution and to see for themselves how, more than 30 years after her discovery, she continues to create debate.”
Pacific Science Center has been working with the local Ethiopian community and others to ensure the experience of this exhibit extends to all corners of the Pacific Northwest, added Seidl.
According to Amina Negash, a young Ethiopian woman living in Seattle, this exhibition will mean a great deal to the young Ethiopian people in this community and region.
“We not only want the young people in our community to learn about our rich history and culture, but this exhibit is a chance to share that with other young people who may come here on school field trips or with their families,” Negash said. “And maybe by learning about the people of Ethiopia we bring the world closer together. We appreciate each other more.”
The 1974 discovery of this famous hominid contributed to the definition of a new species, Australopithecus afarensis, and continues to have a major impact on the scientific understanding of our human origins. Through additional artifacts spanning over 1.6 million years, visitors will also experience Ethiopia, Lucy’s homeland. With eight locales on the World Heritage List, Ethiopia is rich in history and culture, and it holds a unique position in the study of paleoanthropology.
“Ethiopia’s natural diversity also extends to the plurality of its peoples,” said His Excellency Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. “Her people speak more than 80 languages. Ethiopia is home to different faiths and religions. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and a number of traditional indigenous beliefs have peacefully coexisted for millennia. These long-stretched and deep-rooted values have made Ethiopia a country known for its proverbial hospitality.”
Explore over 2,000 years of history of the ancient civilization of Axum, which became the first Christian African nation in the 4th century A.D.; the people who created the spectacular rock-hewn, underground churches of Lalibela (named after the last king of the Zagwe dynasty) in the 13th century A.D.; and the stunning architecture of the Royal Enclosure at Gondar, built in the 17th century A.D. Discover a dynasty of emperors that ruled Ethiopia through 1974, believed by Ethiopians to represent a direct, unbroken line of descendants of the Queen of Sheba and the biblical King Solomon.
More than 100 artifacts illuminate Ethiopia’s rich heritage. See early stone tools found in Ethiopia; a wide selection of objects from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church such as illuminated manuscripts and processional crosses; a selection of Korans from the holy city of Harar, the fourth most important site in Islam; and the first coins minted by an indigenous African civilization. Paintings, musical instruments, implements of daily use, a scale model of the famous Church of St. George in Lalibela and more will also be on display.
“The history of Ethiopia, known to many as Abyssinia, is rich, ancient and, in many ways, still unknown,” said Seidl. “This exhibit introduces viewers to the rich cultural heritage that has flourished in Ethiopia over the course of the last 3 millennia and to the vibrant country that Ethiopia is today.”
After its West Coast premiere in Seattle, Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia will tour museums throughout the United States.
“What we know about human evolution comes to us from the African continent and, in large part, from Ethiopia,” said Dirk Van Tuerenhout, Ph.D., curator of anthropology at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. “In addition to its importance to human prehistory, the recorded history of Ethiopia has many surprising and fascinating aspects, from its tradition of beautiful art to its diverse religious community. Visitors to Lucy’s Legacy will have the opportunity to explore all of the intriguing characteristics that make this country unique.”
As part of the total experience, Pacific Science Center will feature the IMAX® film Mystery of the Nile, hands-on interactive exhibits, cultural and scientific demonstrations and, in alliance with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, a distinguished lecture series.
Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia is an international exhibition organized by The Houston Museum of Natural Science in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Exhibition Coordinating Committee. The exhibition’s presentation in Seattle has been made possible in part by the Mayor’s Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, City of Seattle and King County. The Seattle Times and Seattle Post Intelligencer are the official print sponsors of the Seattle exhibit.
National funding for Lucy’s Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia is provided by Ethiopian Airlines and The Smith Foundation.
For general information please call 1-877-SEE-LUCY(733-5829) or go to Group bookings available now: 206-443-3611. School Field Trip bookings available now: 206-443-2925. Individual public tickets go on sale July 1, 2008.
For more information about Lucy and this exhibit, check and
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Pacific Science Center
Wendy Malloy, 206-443-2879
30 thoughts on “Dinknesh ”Lucy” goes to Seattle”
Wizerit Dinkinesh has been here in the United States for some times now; is she making enough money that would cover Meles’ war expenses against his own people? Is she bringing him enough political allies, or is her presence in the United States helping the Ethiopian people to get out of their poverties?
Since she has been here, I’m confident she is learning democracy and the rule of law, and when she goes back, unless she changes her mind and asks for political asylum to stay here with her Ethiopian children in diaspora and with the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in exile, she is going to preach democracy to the rest of her children at home. I hope she will convince her exceptional outlandish and immoral child – Meles Seitanawi – to accept her American good experience – democracy and the rule of law. She has become saddened what she saw in Ethiopia, and that is why she left Ethiopia and came to America to find a solution to the problems some of her children have created. She will continue to mediate between her children at home and her children in diaspora, and I hope she will succeed in bringing peace, democracy, and prosperity to all her children in the world. She is terrified to see the American factories destroying the balmy environment and polluting the air, and the water. When she was in Ethiopia, the first question she asked was: “Where are the trees, the animals, the birds, the insects, the frogs, the fish, the butterflies, the bees, the rivers, the lakes, the grassy mountains, and all the wild fruits?” Yes, some of them exist in deformity, and most of them are extinct because of the cutting, the over grazing, the burning, the over fishing, the spreading chemicals everywhere, and the carelessness of us the people of the planet earth.
I love Lucy.
So shame !!!! TPLF has sold even dinkenesh. could not weyane perform an exibition in ethiopia to get more money for the war against innocent ethiopians all over ethiopia? Dinkensh should not go back to ethiopia after her long time USA’s visit. otherwise weyanes will keep her in qality because of her pro democracy attitude.
dear assta
is that necessary to connect every event with weyaney? whether u like them or not they are ur brothers and sisters ,mothers and fathers .this extrem hatful expression doesn’t provide postive effects, but generates further trouble.
“Unless she changes her mind and asks for political asylum to stay here…”
I thought that was funny…I’m sure a lot of ppl can relate ;)
In a country of blinds one eyed man is a king!
Shame to Ethiopians,
Lucy is a misslink between human and ape.Human evolution is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence of homo sapiens as a distinct species from other hominans, great apes and placental mammals.
Where as the majority of Ethiopians believe in God, they should have rejected Lucy. It sould be burried according Moslum or Christian tradition.
The foolish Ethiopians are proud to be the first in the world hence they accepted the theory of Evolution without any rational.
Meless is ignorant
Aba pawlos is ignorant
Ethiopian Scientists are ignorant (Because theory of evolution places blacks at the bottom) Admitting white supermacy. It is a blind leading a blind
My dear Chomchambawe,
Thank you for your deep concern about the Woyanne people, my people, your people, who are indiscriminately destroying our brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers from Ogaden, Oromo, and Amhara. I have been patient with these Woyanne people for a long, long, time, thinking they would come to their senses and stop killing, cheating, and plundering their own brothers and sisters because they are not ethnically related to them. I gave them plenty of time to repent about the blood shed they have been spilling on the streets of Addis Ababa, Gondar, Oromo, Ogaden, and on any other streets of the provinces. The blood of these innocent Ethiopians is tickling me to say something against those killers whom you call our brothers and sisters, and I don’t doubt they are our brothers and sisters. When Cain slaughtered his brother Abel, what did God do to Cain the murder? God said to Cain: “Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand” (Genesis 4:11). To me these murders Woyanne are under the curses of many Ethiopians, old and young, and wherever they are, we should condemn them for their atrocities on the Ethiopian people. I came from a warrior and proud tribe, and that tribe is now whipped out, trying to protect its land, and its people, its heritage, and no one is left; the entire village is gone, thanks to the Woyanne people. I hope what happened to my village will never happen to yours, and God forbid!
I will continue to tell the Woyanne people what they are doing to the Ethiopians is offensive in the eyes of the Almighty God; I don’t hate any person, but what I hate is the person’s bad actions toward his fellows. It is true my advisor the Apostle Paul tells me: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay…’” (Romans 12:17-19). Throughout my life, I have tried to live in peace with every body, but I cannot live in peace with Woyanne; it is almost impossible from what I hear from other people about the heinous crimes the Woyanne people are committing almost on every day basis. May the good Lord prevent them from committing further crimes, forgive them, bring peace to Ethiopia, and to all of us in diaspora!
Dear Gonder MED,
Whether Lucy is a human being or an animal, it doesn’t matter, both are created at a certain time by God’s word, and there is no such thing as evolution. Man is always man, and monkeys are always monkeys. It has been that way, and it remains the same way until the creator changes it for good or bad; for bad because we are sinners; for good because God loves us, and by his grace we will be saved. Rejecting Lucy or accepting her does not make Ethiopian scientists, Ethiopian church fathers, Muslims, Christians, and Jews ignorant as Mr. Gonder suggests.
Now,She has been taken to the north-west,She might go to Canada for sure.
By the way,do Ethiopians know Lucy’s trip?
Is that not posssible to have exihibition in Ethiopia?
Even college students(social science students,Geology students) didn’t see Lucy,despite She is Ethiopian.
Yihchi set beqa zewari hona qerech malet new? Wey America! Ande kegebu mewtat yelelebat bermuda!…belu eski 711 minamen sira afelalgulat!!!
assta, Thank you very much for your cooment based on truth ; Denkinesh could be either from animal kingdom or human kingdom. there is no transformation of animal to human being. almighty God created man like him more no less. It doesn’t matter whether Denkinesh is from animal kingdom or human kingdom. the fact is denkinesh’s sekeleton is the oldest one on earth, it should be kept in ethiopia.But I have never accepted the history of denkensh that she died when she was between animal and human kingdom. there is no such a facts. but denkinesh should stop it’s zuret from one country to another country. she may expose for HIV and at the end of the day.
Dear yikerebelen,
Thank you for reading my comment about Dinknesh: I believe Dinknesh was born as a human being and died as any other person at a young age or at an old age. For those of us who believe in creation, there is no such a thing that she was an animal for some times, and then after many, many years, she became human. God created every thing – all kinds of living and non living things – once at a certain time – and he was finished; he doesn’t have to create something every day.
I agree with you she should take some rest, but I don’t think she would get affected by HIV because the chemical-free food she had been eating for a long time could protect her from such and other diseases. Those pure and natural foods she had been enjoying in her time are no where to be found today; they are gone forever, and we will never get them back. Too bad! Nowadays, every thing we eat and every thing we drink have been diluted with something else, which is not good for our health, so our immune system is weak and easily vulnerable to any diseases. I don’t think our body would last for a long time after we died, but since we are close relatives to Dinknesh, it may last for at least 1 or 2 million years.
Pride or insult
There is an Ethiopian proverb “How is the foolish, the foolish is so good, but the folish’s brother is suffering”
Dear Gettu,
Read articles about Lucy, as simple as Just type “Lucy” in google. Or human evolution and Darwinean theory of evolution and classification of human race. You seem to be so ignorant on this subject. You want only we are the first.
What is the significance of Lucy in human evolution. If you are mixing Relgion and Science you are Jehova Wittness.
What ever the case it is due to this theory always particulary blacks descriminated based on the so called scientific evedence.
I do not mean to follow me you can worship a white man as god.
But be rational only after reading Human evolution, races and Darwinean theory of evolution
We, the new generation, are sick and tired of old losers blaming everything on Ethiopian government. Lucy Exibition opened eyes for future visitors to our beloved country. Ethiopian government, especially Meles Zenawi deserve a lot of credit for progress in our country. I can’t wait for old losers to exit this world.
My dear Gonder MED,
As always, the Christian Church has been triumphant over so many charlatans, the so called scientists, who deny creationism but believe, without any proof, in evolution. The debate, even though the Church has won a Pyrrhic victory on this and other issues, between scientific evolution and biblical creation has been with us for several years, and it will continue until these soi-distant scientists like you a changeling with great vacuity are proven wrong.
To make this discussion simple and short, I ask you to do the following: Go to your fossil; I will go to my Bible; go to your master, Charles Darwin; I will go to my master and creator, Jesus Christ; go to your Big Bang theory; I will go to the Six Days of Creation, which is not a theory but a reality; go to your Dinosaur; I will go to the Great Flood.
By the way, where do you get the idea that Jehovah Witness is a confused religion that does not know the difference between science and religion? I advise you to go to one of their meetings and learn the truth; this is desideratum before your farcical judgment about some ones’ faith.
The significance of Lucy, if she has any, is to you not to me because I believe all human beings are the same – they propagate, they live, they die, and in the last day, by the power of Christ Jesus, they com back to life. When Jesus comes back, Lucy the woman, not Lucy the monkey, will also come to life and stand for the last judgment; whatever you do with her skeleton now, it doesn’t matter. You too will come back to life, unless you are changed into a monster through your evolution – your religion.
You have asked me to read articles about Lucy; I have already read my Bible about Lucy the woman and others created by the living God (Genesis 2:22), but for a curiosity, I may read those articles if I get time because I have read so many articles about evolution and some court cases concerning this old and time consuming discussion.
It seems you have a problem with black race and white race because of, perhaps, your extreme views about evolution that lead you into this problem. To tell you the truth, I don’t have any problem with any race: black, white, red, yellow, brown, for I follow not what evolution says but what the Bible says: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are one in Jesus Christ” (Galatians 3:28).
In conclusion, I say all articles written in support of evolution are Charles Darwin-breathed and are not useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in human development; however, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, the Holy Bible is my pabulum – a book that gives me spiritual nourishment while the articles you want me to read give me, perhaps if I read them, confusions and bewilderment. I am settled with my creation, and you go and enjoy your evolution; who knows, one day, you may be changed into an African lion or still better into an African donkey.
Dear We Can Says:
Yes, Meles Seitanawi deserves a lot of credit not for progress but for magbesbes; God knows who the real losers under Meles Seitanawi are. It is the Ethiopian peasants who are the real losers under your cousin Meles Seitanawi. They are the ones whose land was sold to another country, whose gold was shipped to the Arabian Peninsula, whose camels were taken with little money to them and sold at high price somewhere out side the country, whose natural rights are considered impediment for Meles selfish motives, and whose kings are ridiculed by Meles Seitanawi. If you need more evidence about Meles’ ruthlessness, go to Ogaden, to Oromo, and to the Amhara region, and they will tell you what has happened to their children, to their brothers, and to their sisters.
Dear Gettu,
I am happy about you. You are proud like any white about your skin color.And you assume all your likes have Social ,Economic and political equity
At least you did not plan to change your nose like Michel Jackson.
“Yehe new Ethiopiawi”
Dearest Gonder MED,
Please, give me a break!
No, you are once again wrong about my skin color, and I’m willing to correct you, if you don’t mind. God accepts all of us as we are; he doesn’t care about our outside appearances as he cared too much about our inside thing – the heart. The Holy Bible says: “Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer” (Deuteronomy 10:16). Any person who has a humble heart but physically deformed or an attractive in appearance is more acceptable to God than the one attractive, pleasant, good looking person without a humble heart. Whenever you look at some people’s appearance, I want you to remember what the great prophet Isaiah says: “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not” (53:2-3). You figure it out who the prophet is talking about and why. Therefore, whether I’m white, black, brown, red, and yellow, with a flat or straight nose, thick or thin lips, short or long hair, and big or small eyes, I’m not proud of my outside appearance, but I’m proud of my humble heart, and if I work hard in my community or in any other community, I believe I will achieve the highest social, economic, and political status.
Look, how many black milliners we have today in America; their colors did not impede them from becoming great celebrities, mayors, governors, senators, judges, scientists, great theologians, and astronauts, so my skin color will not stifle my desire to be one of these great black Americans or great white Americans, Mexican Americans, Chinese Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, and Asian Americans.
To be frank with you, I’m not concerned too much about Michael Jackson’s nose; before he attempted an operation on his nose, Michael Jackson was already an accomplished celebrity. In other words, he can do anything he wants about his body, and I don’t want to imitate his appearance; if I want to emulate something, I will emulate the spiritual aspects of any person not his/her evanescent physical appearance.
Dear Gonder MED, Almighty God created every creatures with in six days[ from suday to friday]. God created adma on friday. There is no evolution of revolution from animal kingdoam kingdom. My philosophy teacher some hwere in europe told told us ” human being transformed from monkey through evolution” we asked him, there are different types of monkeys now also, why do not these monkeys transform to human being? he did not have any answer for that. dear GONDER, it is not white’s jehova wittness which refused to accept the transformation of human being from animals through evolution. It is ethiopia’s orthoox tewahedo church teaches denkinesh was either human being or animal. but she could not be between animal and human being. there was no such a process after all.the so called “Scientists” tell them to find the medicine for HIV AIDS.I am sure they will never get it, becuase it is God’s last sword. can be cured only by holly water like kidanemeheret or any other tebele.HIV aids is curable disease, ‘ YAMEN ENA YETEMEKE YIDINAL”
yes WE CAN. WE GIVE CREDITE MELESE. FOR WHAT? 1, melse made our country land locked by giving our sea prot to his mother land.2. he sold our ship to negeria, 3, he dismantled Eethiopia’s military forces and he is fighting with un well trained young soldiers, that is why we lost 70,000 HUMAN LIFES in the war with his mother land[ eritrea] 4, melse gave the fertile land to sudan because he is affair of sudan even. 5. melse colonizes somalia for more than a year and he created so many muslims enemies for our country in the future. ethiopia has never invaded any country in it’s over 7000 years history, 6, melse forced over 1,000.000 to sleep in the street and over 3.000.000—–4.000,000 ethiopians died because of HIV aids, it was his responsibility to take the matter very seriously and take action to save milions of ethiopians. 7, melese sold over 1,000,000 ethiopians girls aged from 16—30 for arabs as a 21 st c slaves. 8, melse sold giwon [ abaye] for egypt for more than 100 years. 9,melse gave green light to eritrea to separate from it’s mother ethiopia for his personal business[ for power] 10, melse divided ethiopians in ethnice line to use their division as his gaurantee for long time in power, 11,melse has kept bilions of dollars in foreign banks when ethiopians are starving 12,melse insulted ethiopia and denied it’s anncienty and he said ethiopia has only 100 years a colonial history. 13, melse considered ethiopia as black colonizer . 14, melse dimissed all ethiopia’s intellectuals and gave ethiopia’s universtied to foreign maffias like from negeria and india. 15. melese has implemented sick education policy and forced to drop the youngest generation from 10 th grade, which is un thinkable in ethiopia at this level 17, Ethiopia’s national bank lost 128 kg of golds during melse’s leadership 18,melse has sown and spreaded a hatre politics for his power soooooooooooooooooooooooo onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. it is easy to state all what he has done good. because he has done nothing good. he good for nothing
Dear yikerebelen,
Excellent points! I will add as number 16 to your valid points, i.e, Meles has sold indispensable Church artifacts such as Geez book, paintings, gold cross, and gold crowns.
Yikir yibelen
I thank you for your comments.
We all believe in God. God created man in his image full stop. Life did not originate spontaneously full stop. God did not create man from monkey full stop. All men are created equal full stop. Gettu wrote, black Americans are equal to whites, because Obama is competing? Let Martin Luther King not listen you. Why millions of blacks are dead due to Hurricane Katarina?
But the research on Lucy which is called human evolution and palentological research is evil the left hand path. If you believe what the stupid scientists tell you (Science is not always true, we are learning the disadvantage of science, it is all about nature but God is super natural, beyond the imagination of man’s Brain. Science is also a religion! It is mare the creation of technology which most naive people are attracted) So we have to condemn research on Lucy. Or you should not be proud at it. Otherwise you are supporting the evil admitting all the theory of racism behind this tricky research playing on psychology of Ethiopians.
Dearest Gonder MED,
I’m delighted you have finally believed in God, the creator of the universe. It looks though you are a slaw learner and a purblind person because I have never said in all my comments that black Americans are equal to whites, because Obama is competing? I have no idea where you got this kind of statement. What I said was that anyone is equal in the eyes of God, and if anyone works hard, no matter what skin color he/she has, can achieve the American dreams. If you misquote me, those who read my comments will judge you gently or fairly, and it is up to them.
Do you think if Martin Luther King Jr., listened to what I said: “All humans are equal in the eyes of God” would be offended? I don’t think so. King fought hard for the equality of all races, not just for blacks like you and me. Martin Luther King in his famous speech “I have a dream,” said: ‘we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal.’ His statement, be sure, includes Lucy the woman who is created in the likeness of God, too.
Are you saying the white people brought the Hurricane Katrina and destroyed millions of blacks as a result? Am I not right to call you a purblind man? When a natural disaster hits a certain area, there will be, of course, loses of properties and human lives. You said: “Why millions of blacks are dead due to Hurricane Katrina?” Please, go back and read the statistics that tells you how many people, in fact, died because of this horrible natural disaster. You said millions of blacks died, not a single white man, according to your estimation. Statistics shows that about 1,836 people died, not millions, and the death toll includes both whites and blacks. A disaster is not like you, a discriminator; when a disaster hits, it hits indiscriminately – blacks and whites – there is no partiality there.
Don’t exaggerate, please; tell the facts as they are: About 1, 836 people lost their lives, not millions; yes, the property damage was in billions, and the white people didn’t bring the disaster; nature did!
Why do we have to condemn research on Lucy? This type of research, one day, may tell us how Lucy died either from natural death or from the cause of lightening or may be some one broke her house to rob her and kill her as she was resisting to give up her hunting tools. Research is very important if it is done properly and wisely and for the benefits of human beings, not to prove humans were animals. It is through research that we were able to invent penicillin and many other useful inventions such as cars, airplanes, radios, television, telephone, Internet, and many others. Therefore, I’m not against research either on Lucy or on any other living things and non living things.
Selam leke weselam lebetesbike!
Dear Gonder Med, THANK YOU very much for your accepting Almigthy God as the creator of everything from A— Z, God created even evil melese. WE, ethiopians should know what is true and what is not true after reading all what the ignorant scientists who could not find a single medicine for HIV AIDS write. WE SHOULD never ever forget that our forefathers were so intellectuals and wises and they had chosen and followed the right directions. Most scientists do not have religion or they have never accepted an existance of Almigthy God. They are athiests [ they believe in devile ]. But at their some point they say, human being is very unique creature, very wise and with deep intelegeincy to understand his or her surrounding. so there must be some thing behind who is very wise and capable of creating human being like this. they agreed that there is a “super naturaL power” who crerated human being, but they have never called that is “God” THE DEVILE SPIRIT which is in their whole part doesn’t allow them to give recogination. So my brother Gonder MED, There was no such an evolution around W/ro denkinesh. denkinesh borned from her father and mother as a human being grew, and finally died as ahuamn being that should be our ethiopians conclusion . when they are trying to cheat us, we should be ready to be cheated by them.
Gettu You seem to be a white man under Ethiopian pen name. Religion is the opium of the people! “Find your fools” An Ethiopian saying.
From the outset I did not go for Lucy revise my posting. It is you who tried to inject and confuse Ethiopians Lucy is the mother od skelleton
You know, I can’t stand racism. I don’t like ANY race that thinks they are better, stronger, smarter, or the true race. When any race poses these kind of questions, it keeps racial tension high. We all have to stop acting like we are better than anyone else. I don’t prefer my race to anyone elses. There are a-holes and angels in ALL races.
Black is power
Dear Assta B. Gettu & yikerebelen,
A fifth grader in the US knows more about Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Ogaden history more than you two. Blaming a Prime Minister who advanced Ethiopia to be known for its wealth rather than what we have been hearing for half century ‘famine’ ‘drought’ ‘war’ is totally unacceptable by my generation. Ethiopia will become the bread basket of the world once people like you are removed from society by any means necessary.
My dear Gonder MED,
Most Ethiopians are honest, but it does not look you are one of them because the person who originated the famous sentence you plagiarized was Karl Marx, who said: “Religion is the opium of the people.” You should have, at least, given him a credit by putting the sentence into an open and ended quote. Remember the readers of ER are watching you very carefully and judging you how simpleton you are.
Religion is not a drag, a marihuana, hashish, a chat, opium, or a bad habit; it is a conviction, a person’s innermost desire to find his creator so that he/she could have a meaningful life in this world and in the other world to come. When a person refuses to let Jesus into his heart, then he will have a confused life; then he becomes addicted to drags, and the drag becomes his religion, and it will be very hard to get out of this kind of religion and come to the real religion: to have Jesus Christ as a personal savior.
It is a historical fact that most philosophers, scientists, and great politicians are the children of the Church and have religion; the Church has given indispensable services to the world. It is the Church that brought this world from darkness to light – to modernity – through its religion. Without the Church, the world would have become a world of lawless and uncivilized people. The Church through its religion has worked miracles and wonders in this world, and that is why Jesus Christ gave his life for this Church.
You can call religion what ever name you want, but you don’t have the power to change it because it is real; Karl Marx and its followers tried hard to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church for over 70 years, but they failed, and their ideologies collapsed, and the Church once again triumphed.
You said: “Gettu you seem to be a white man under Ethiopian pen name.” Is it a curse to be a white man? Is it curse to be a black man? As my name suggests I’m an Ethiopian, and as an Ethiopian, I love all races, especially, to make you more angry, I love the white race – they are my best brothers and sisters since Ethiopia is the origin of human beings. In fact, you don’t deserve to carry the name “Gonder,” because most people from Gonder are religious people – people who believe in one God and worship him every day. Gonder is famous for its traditional Church education. Students from other Ethiopia’s provinces used to converge into the Gonder region to get their education. It seems you didn’t get that chance, and that is why you are confused with your intellect. Any way, you chose the name Gonder so that people would respect you as an educated and a religious person. Now they know now who you are, a disciple of Karl Marx, an iconoclast, a Darwinian, a communist, and a racist that should be condemned and sent to Kaliti if not to Siberia.
You further said: “I don’t like any race that thinks they are better, stronger, smarter, or the true race.” Well, if you think the white people think they are better, stronger, and smarter than any other race, then prove to them that you are better, stronger, and smarter than they are. Until you do this, you remain throughout your life as a damn and ignorant African slave.
You also continue to say: “I don’t prefer my race to any one else’s.” No one asks you to take your race from you; you can keep your race to yourself, but don’t mess with the other race, which is not yours. While the race issue is fading away, you are resurrecting it, because you feel inferior to the other race. If you believe in God, you will never feel neglected, despised, ignored, segregated, and this is my first time to communicate with an Ethiopian who feel his race is inferior to the other race. Ethiopians have always been proud of their race and their faith in God.
Let me straighten the fact once again; I’m not the first one who said that Lucy is the mother of all human beings; it was those who examined her skeleton who said that she is the mother of all people, but you are the one who confused Lucy the woman with Lucy the monkey.
Have faith in God, and he will enlighten you more than any one else! Denounce Evolution, Communism, and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
Correction: Religion is not a drug,not drag.
Mr. We can say,
The history of Ethiopia under your ruthless master Meles Seitanawi is like the history of Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe except Mugabe has not cashed in foreign money by selling innocent children and beautiful girls to the Arab world. The history of Ethiopia under your greedy master Meles Seitanawi is a dark history that divested Ethiopia of its sea outlets. The history of Ethiopia under your dictator Meles Seitanawi is a history that denied the Ethiopian people their natural rights to speak freely, to write facts about their regime, and to have access to modern transportation, health care, pure drinking water, adequate sewages, and proper visitations to their loved ones who are unjustly jailed at Kaliti. To tell you the truth, there is no democratically elected government in Ethiopia, and there is no difference between Ethiopia and Somalia – two countries without a legitimate government. There is nothing I can say about Ogaden because you have completely destroyed it, so there is no point to talk about the dead young and old people of Ogaden, but their blood, the blood of the Amhara, and the blood of Oromo people will accuse you in front of a justice government that would come and pulverize into piece your selfish master’s regime. Then, you would have no place to hide, and you always think any person you meet is your killer. Yes, Ethiopia was known for its wealth under Emperor Haile Selassie, but under the thief Dictator Meles Seitanawi, Ethiopia is known for its children’s deaths. Are you telling the world that there is no famine in Ethiopia? Yes, you and Meles and his political gangs may have plenty to eat, plenty to drink, and plenty to wear, but the poor Ethiopian peasants have no a single penny in their pockets.
By the way, ask your master Meles Zenawi if has come across the recently lost Ethiopian gold? Would you? Also, ask him why he sold Gondar’s fertile land to Sudan. Please, ask him, since you are one of his stool-pigeons, if he is running for reelection to destroy the country completely. Under your master Meles’s regime, Ethiopia will become the disease and famine basket of the world, not the bread basket of the world. You are right though “a fifth grader in the U.S. knows more about Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Ogaden history more than you two.” What about a fifth grader in Ethiopia; you don’t have him because of the AIDS and the famine, and that is why you picked up a fifth grade child from the U.S. rather than from Ethiopia. Shame on you, my friend! Can you tell me the history of Eritrea? I know Eritrea is a free country, purposely separated from its mother land Ethiopia by the selfish motive of your god, Meles Seitanawi, and it is more stable than your country Ethiopia while your country is fighting with the Ogaden, Somalia, and others. There will never be peace in Ethiopia as far as Meles Seitanawi is in power, but the good thing is that his days and yours are numbered.
I believe this is another attempt by the Woyanes to plunder and destroy Ethhiopia’s treasure and legacies. It is a commerical transaction to enrich a few Woyane agents in Houston like Gezahegn Kebede, his African-American cohorts such as Senator Ellis and former councilman Jew Don Boney. All of them are predeators, like hyenas snatching resources from the poor people of Ethiopia with any regard to their interest or well being, while at the same empowering and proping their opressor, Meles and his Woyane army.
Dawit Hailu