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dla piper

Meles and our BEKA! moment

By Yilma Bekele

By all accounts the minority based dictatorial regime in Ethiopia is in big trouble. Circumstances in the neighborhood are a bit disconcerting to Meles and company. You can tell from the flurry of activity being orchestrated the last three months that Arat Kilo is on pins and needles. The Woyane regime is doing its best to keep the Ethiopian people at home and their Diaspora relatives focused on something else other than the vision of an uprising. The events in North Africa and the Middle East have unnerved our TPLF bosses. It is rumored a few of them are in need of diapers, may we suggest Huggies due to their patented leakage protection.

The regime has devised a two-pronged attack to postpone the inevitable uprising. At home the Junta leader is busy wagging his fingers and huffing and puffing to scare and bully. The last two weeks he has put on a performance with the local cadre press to assure his followers that their job is safe due to the phenomenal economic growth that the chances of upheaval is deemed to be non-existent. No one believed him. Looks like it was not enough.

He decided to use his podium in the kangaroo Parliament to vent some more. There is a video posted on his web site. It is as usual two a part series. I listened to part two. Is it possible that all tyrants attend the same school? Castro used to speak for four hours, Mengistu used to speak for hours, Gaddafi was given a fifteen-minute slot to speak at the UN but rambled for an hour and half and our own orator spoke for an hour and twelve minutes in part one and an hour and thirty-four minutes in part two. He must love his voice. Of course it was a captive audience. He knows no one will dare leave his lecture. I am sure most of the cadre parliamentarians have no idea what he is talking about and the fact is he was not actually addressing them. They are just a prop.

This lecture was more focused on preparing the ground for his actions when the people’s demand for democracy begins. He was lining up the new enemies that are going to get the blame. This time around Egypt got the top billing. According to Ato Meles Egypt is in the process of undermining our way of life. Egypt in collusion with archenemy Eritrea and the local opposition including OLF, Andenet and Medrek and others are conspiring to topple our democratically elected government. He was very theatrical when he started waving his fingers and adjusting his glasses. It looks like the subject is dear to his heart. He just wanted to say I told you so when his sharp shooters start the mayhem.

His Diaspora strategy is unfolding as we speak. His cadre representatives are in North America. According to the World Bank the Diaspora sent in remittances $3.2billion USD in 2009 which is about $52 billion Bir. In 2009 Ethiopia earned $375.8 million from coffee, $158 million from flowers, $205 million from Khat and $129 million from sesame seed. You see what I mean. The Diaspora contributes ten times as much as the number one export. We are the premier benefactors of our precious homeland. I can say ‘may the almighty bless the Ethiopian Diaspora’ but I won’t. It is not something to be proud of. If the regime attracts $3.2 billion without working for it the question becomes what is the meaning of the current tour?

The fact that the illegal regime is dispatching its ‘top guns’ to face the fury of the dreaded Diaspora is a little, shall I say strange. Why at this juncture in time is a good question? It is not logical to think the DLA Piper advised regime would send its officials into the lion’s den and in broad daylight without a valid and compelling reason. My hunch is there is more to it than selling land. When you consider the temperature reaching a boiling point against tyranny around the neighborhood I have a feeling Woyane probably felt this to be a good time to shift the attention of the Diaspora away from lighting the fuse.

Nice try but it won’t work this time. Looks like all the vital ingredients for a ‘BEKA’ moment are all present and accounted for. Based on our recent experience in North Africa and the Middle East we pass the test with flying colors. Let us see, the main causes for the peoples uprising were, leaders in power for too long, rampant corruption and runaway nepotism, economic stagnation and recurring high inflation, high unemployment and a vast majority under thirty and under utilized, general hopelessness and resignation with high rate of migration. It is what is commonly referred to as volatile situation.

The weakest link in our peoples yearning for a better future is a small section of the Diaspora. It is a sad fact. To see those that got away due to a matter of chance using their new found success to bring misery on their own people is shameful. Without the cash inflow from the Diaspora the Ethiopian regime will not have been emboldened to be so arrogant. Remittances enable the regime to live for another day. This is not about the few hundred dollars that is sent to keep a family alive. That is a humanitarian act. It is about the big money. The money, that goes to buy stolen land to build a fake foreign looking building in collaboration with government and government affiliated businesses at an inflated price. The dollars that come in without strings attached enable the regime to pay its many employees that exist to torment our people.

Today we have government cadres in our cities promoting the so-called Growth and Transformation Plan. It sounds like something DLA Piper will come up with to give it a positive and friendly spin. What ever it is you can be sure that the Ethiopian people do not have any input in this plan. Their representatives are government cadres chosen for loyalty not ability. They are not capable of understanding the issue and they do not have expert staff to help them. The plan is the brainchild of Meles and company in consultation with IMF and World Bank. Eighty million people are beholden to a handful of cadres that are in power because they have big guns.

What they want from the Diaspora is more cash to be invested in enterprises they choose. Buying land, building a house, establishing bar and nightclub is encouraged. It is not allowed to start an Internet provider company, private television transmission, private radio station, independent newspaper and magazine or a printing press. The TPLF regime is allergic to knowledge-based investment.

So what is the rational for investing? Some say it is patriotic and that it creates jobs. That argument has been tried before. That is what the Western governments said about their investment in Apartheid South Africa. They called it ‘constructive engagement’. It was a big lie. They were just greedy and slave labor was always cheaper. The South Africans response was best delivered by Noble Laureate Albert Luthuli, President of the African National Congress who said ‘“The economic boycott of South Africa will entail undoubted hardship for African. We do not doubt that. But if it is a method which shortens the day of bloodshed, the suffering to us will be a price we are willing to pay.”

The use of economic muscle to modify an adversary’s behavior is common in International dealings. One of the earliest examples is In fact the American Revolution that owes its inception from the movement that erupted when the British Parliament passed what is known as the ‘stamp act’ in March of 1765. The act required printed materials in the colonies to be produced on stamped paper from London and carry revenue stamp. Colonial America revolted. The stamp act was the spark that started the prairie fire that led to the American Revolution. The American colonies took exception to the ‘stamp act’ because they felt they were being taxed without consent. Since they have no representation in the British parliament the colonies felt the act to be an affront to the system of local representation that they have put in place. The colonies said ‘no taxation without representation.’

A few months back here in the US the state of Arizona passed a draconian bill to control the so-called illegal immigration problem. Some people felt it was an attempt to increase the power and intrusiveness of the State and should not be tolerated. Labor organizations, liberal groups and Human Rights advocates went on the offensive and organized boycotts of all business associated with Arizona. They used their economic muscle as a leverage to advocate change.

Mrs. Rosa Parks’s refusal to give her bus seat to a white man sparked the ‘Montgomery Bus boycott.’ Our African people in North America used their economic power to fight injustice. Martin Luther King was in the forefront of using boycott as a weapon to secure the rights of black people in America. The freedom we enjoy here today came because some fought using every means necessary. Today’s Diaspora is working, learning, raising a family and helping their brethren back home because MLK, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and others said BEKA, GEYE, BAS, ALONE, WETANDEM, YAAKEL, GIDES, DETEM!

Dear Diaspora, don’t you think it is a BEKA moment today. Do you really think the cadres that have been in power the last twenty years are capable of bringing change and transformation? Do you think they have the interest of Ethiopia at heart or are they focused in staying in power using any means necessary? I am sure a lot of you went to check on your investment, tell me were you satisfied with what you saw? I know the Woyane regime have prepared all that is necessary to make your stay comfortable and fun. When you consider the vast number of Hotels, nightclubs and whorehouses set in place to suck your dollars did you think that reflected the reality your parents and cousins face everyday? Did you notice the fear permeating the society, the unfriendly stare by cadres and security to remind you of your place? May be you thought that foreign passport afforded you some form of protection but how about your brothers and sisters? No matter how you look at it is a betrayal of country and people to wine and dine with killers and psychos. A mistake has been done but there is no point compounding it further. Today is a BEKA time.

When you consider how India, Korea, Israel and others used the potential of their Diaspora for transforming their country it is sad that we are still fighting against a predator regime that is hell bent in dividing us, setting us against each other and spending our resources in useless, unsustainable projects that do not help our country. Those countries did not invite their Diaspora to come and lease their parents land to build condominium. No they asked for investment in education, agriculture, industry and manufacturing. They wanted brainpower, they encouraged and subsidized knowledge not fell good projects for show and tell.

Change is coming. Mubarak did not stop it. Gaddafi tried but it looks like his days are numbered. Meles is trying to devise new ways of buying another week, another month but it is a useless exercise. He is not stupid, but he is blinded by power and false sense of security. It is the nature of dictators to think they are unique and what ever happened to their neighbor is not possible in their house. History has shown us otherwise. Ato Meles and company will not escape the judgment of their people. For now we will be in their face where ever they show up and say loud and clear BEKA!

Ethiopia: Broken Contract, Broken Faith, Broken Country

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Over the past week, Meles Zenawi has been waxing eloquent on contract and leasehold law. Asked by a local journalist whether the winds of change blowing in North Africa could make a detour to Ethiopia, he said that was impossible because he and his party have a five-year “contract” with the Ethiopian people. He explained[1],

When the people gave us a five year contract, it was based on the understanding that if the EPDRF party [Zenawi’s party] does not perform the contract to expectations it would be kicked out of power. No need for hassles. The people can judge by withholding their ballots and chase EPDRF out of power. EPDRF knows it and the people know it too. Therefore, in a situation where the people have this kind of power and have given consent to a government which has been in power for 10 months, they can wait [until the end of the five-year contract] and remove it by denying their ballots. There is no reason or logic why they would change it by other means. That is why a change similar to that in North Africa cannot happen in Ethiopia.

It is not clear what Zenawi means in his repeated use of the word “contract” to describe the relationship between the people of Ethiopia and his party, and how that “contract” became an ironclad deal for five years. The terms of the “contract” and the circumstances that constitute breach are also unclear. But the word  “contract” has special significance for those in the legal profession and students of political theory.

Legal Contract?

In the civil laws of all modern societies, a contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties with mutual obligations. There are all sorts of contracts, and certain ones have no validity in law.  For instance, there are “unconscionable contracts” in which one party imposes terms on the other party by duress (such as use of physical threats, economic pressure, misleading information, etc.), undue influence (one party takes unfair advantage of the weaknesses of the other party) or  “unconscionable bargaining” (the party in a superior bargaining position denies the subordinate party realistic opportunities to negotiate beneficial terms  leaving that party the option of only acquiescing to the deal).  A contract based on an “illusory promise” is invalid because one party has the sole option to live up to the terms of the contract or to avoid the obligations at will. If Zenawi does indeed have a legal “contract” with the people, it must be of the “unconscionable” variety.

A Social Contract?

Perhaps Zenawi is referring to a “social contract” with the Ethiopian people. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the philosophical anchor of the French Revolution theorized about a “social contract” in which individuals gave up their natural liberty to ensure their self-preservation in civil society. Rousseau penned the memorable phrase, “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” The “chains” were put on man by other men who seek domination.  Rousseau’s solution to the problem of “man in chains” was to create a community of people who establish a state that expresses their sovereign “general will” by passing laws that benefit them. Rousseau believed that government has a tendency to usurp the power of the people and supported the right of the people to alter their form of government and replace their leaders at will. The question is whether the Ethiopian people are in “chains” or “free” in their “contract” with Zenawi.

John Locke, the philosophical anchor of the American Revolution, also theorized about a “social contract”. He argued that individuals collectively formed society in mutual consent to protect each other’s life, liberty and property by establishing government. He believed the “just powers” of government derive from the consent of the governed. He wrote, “Freedom of men under government is to have a standing rule to live by, common to every one of that society, and made by the legislative power vested in it; a liberty to follow my own will in all things, when the rule prescribes not, and not to be subject to the inconstant, unknown, arbitrary will of another man.”  Locke’s basic argument is that people entered into a “social contract” to live under the rule of law (that is by application and respect for constitutional principles and legislation passed by the people’s representatives) and avoid the rule of a tyrant. Locke’s “social contract” is revocable at any time by the withdrawal of popular  consent. The question is whether Zenawi’s vaunted “contract” with the Ethiopian people is based on the “rule of law” or the “arbitrary will of a man”?

Thomas Hobbes, the English philosopher and champion of absolutism (dictatorship) also proposed a “social contract” theory. He argued that in the state of nature (before government was established), life was “nasty, brutish, and short”.  To end the “war of all against all” in the state of nature, humans entered into a “contract” and gave up their “unlimited natural freedoms” in exchange for a political community and civil society that maximized their self-preservation and personal security. Hobbes believed that a powerful and supreme sovereign (a monarch) was needed to enforce the “social contract”.  Unlike Locke who believed in the rule of law, Hobbes believed in rule by prerogative (arbitrary rule by one individual who is accountable to no one) in which a monarch would exercise supreme authority to ensure the safety and security of individuals in civil society. Having personally experienced the English Civil War, he came to believe that the burdens of the most oppressive government are “scarce sensible, in respect of the miseries, and horrible calamities, that accompany a Civil War”. In other words, having an absolute dictator is better than risking civil war. Louis XIV of France was probably echoing Hobbes when he told parliamentarians challenging his personal decrees,  “L’État, c’est moi.” (The state, it is me). More recently, Moamar Gadhafi and his sons have been pleading to extend their 42-year “contract” on the Libyan people indefinitely by claiming: “The tribes are all armed, there are forces from the Libyan army and the eastern region is armed. The situation is very dangerous. From the perspective of a civil war, the leader must play a very, very big role in calming Libya and convincing people to sit together. If something happened to the leader, who would be in control? A civil war would start.” Perhaps Zenawi is referring to a Hobbsean-type of social contract?

This idea of a “contract” with the people is nothing new. After winning the 1994 elections, Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives claimed to have concluded a “Contract With America” (CWA) aimed at “restoring the bonds of trust between the people and their elected representatives.”  They said they would bring an “end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public’s money.” They promised to eliminate deficit spending and reduce fraud, waste and abuse in government. Over the following decade, “Big Government” continued to grow bigger under the CWA. Republicans went on a spending spree incurring the biggest annual increases in spending over the preceding 40 years. They got entangled in a number of spectacular corruption cases and lobbying scandals.  The three “engineers” of the 1994 “Republican Revolution” publicly broke their “bonds with the people”. In 1998, following Republican losses in the mid-term elections and paying a fine of $300,000 for ethics violations, Newt Gingrich resigned both his Speakership and his congressional seat. Dick Armey served as House majority leader before retiring in 2002. He dumped the Contract With America, joined the DLA Piper lobbying firm and snagged a contract “for a minimum of $50,000 a month” with the Zenawi regime. Tom Delay, another member of the CWA team took over from Armey but was forced to resign in 2005 after he was charged with criminal money laundering. He was convicted in 2010 and sentenced to three years in prison.

Leaseholds and Land Grabs

Zenawi also offered extended legal analysis of the  “land grab” problem in Addis Ababa. The question raised by a young reporter was whether developers who held leaseholds in urban land in the capital could freely transfer their interest in the open commercial real estate market regardless of any improvements (buildings) on the land. Zenawi made the bewildering claim that “developers were grabbing land that does not belong to them in any legal sense and misusing the land lease rights they were given for personal profit and speculation.” He said such transfers were fueling “land speculation” in  the capital with “government officials facilitating such activities or turning a blind eye” to them. He said the “intention” of the law “was to transfer use rights for those who can use it better” but that “the law was open to interpretation.” He proceeded to make the following astonishing statement:

The reason why we have not taken anyone to court on that basis is simply because it is open to interpretation.  The political mistake is that it was open to be interpretation and therefore strictly speaking such acts may not have been illegal. They may not have been wise, but they may not be illegal. So those who made those unwise decisions, but they cannot be held accountable simply because the law provides for such interpretation. And so we will be taking steps to clarify those specific provisions in the law to make sure they did not open the floodgates for speculation in urban land. All of those, with the exception of one businessman have admitted they made very serious mistakes, offered to correct the mistakes and asked for administrative penalties rather than taking them to court. It does not serve our development interest to lock up so many businessmen since they admitted their mistakes, mend their ways and pay hefty fines. All government officials involved will be taken to court.

Zenawi’s analysis is remarkable for its manifest misconstruction of the urban land proclamation and non-sequitur (fallacious argument) explanation. First, the transfer of leasehold interest by developers in the open commercial market is a perfectly legal activity and can in no way be characterized as “land grabbing” or “land speculation.” Article 13 of Proclamation No. 272/2002 (A Proclamation to Provide for the Reenactment of Lease Holding of Urban Land) provides: “Any lease-hold possessor may transfer, or undertake a surety on, his right of lease-hold; and he may also use it as a capital contribution to the amount of the lease payment he has made.” The are no express or implied limitations in the Proclamation on the transfer of leasehold rights by anyone who has “lease-hold title” as defined in Article 9 (i.e. “any person, to whom lease-hold of urban land is permitted through auction or negotiation, after he has signed a contract of lease with the body permitting the land or the appropriate body.” Article 6 (1) (b) (1) provides that Addis Ababa’s urban land may be leased for “upto 60 years for industry” and “upto 50 years for commerce and other” activities. There is no textual basis in the Proclamation that limits the transfer of urban leasehold interests by a lawful title holder or renders such an  interest invalid because the title holder has found a way to generate personal profit from it.

Second, the penalty for violation of the terms of a leasehold is termination and forfeiture (give up the land) as set forth in Article 15: “The lease-hold of urban land shall be terminated where the lease-hold possessor has failed to use the land for the prescribed activity or service within the period of time set.”  It is not a crime to violate a “contract of lease”, yet Zenawi says “it does not serve our development interest to lock up so many businessmen since they admitted their mistakes”. Zenawi has no legal authority to “lock up” any businessmen for “mistakes” allegedly committed in the exercise of their contractual rights. All he can legally do is repossess the leased land following a contested court trial and seek compensation for damages, if any. To threaten businessmen to pay “hefty fines” or face “lock up” is plain extortion.

Third, Zenawi says the “law is open to interpretation.” The relevant parts of the Proclamation are plainly written and present no ambiguity which require interpretation. But if there is a dispute over the meaning or application of a particular law or provision, it is up to the courts to make authoritative determination on what the law means. Simply stated, whether the Proclamation allows commercial transfer of leasehold interests is purely a question of law (not fact) to be decided impartially by a judge; it is not a question to be decided by executive fiat in which one person becomes the policeman, judge, jury and executioner. For Zenawi to issue authoritative legal interpretation and dispositive declarations on what he concedes to be ambiguous questions of leasehold law is not only a travesty of justice but also an unconstitutional usurpation of judicial power. (Apparently, “one businessman” has chosen to try his luck in court by refusing to pay “hefty fines”. Best of luck!)  Anyone who doubts the complete absence of the rule of law in Ethiopia and entertains the fantasy that there is an independent judiciary can take hard lessons from this example.

Fourth, Zenawi says “developers were grabbing land that does not belong to them in any legal sense and misusing the land lease rights they were given for personal profit and speculation.” It hard to make sense of this statement. Nonetheless, businessmen, including developers, are in business to make profit, as much profit as they could. Few businessmen and women are in business for charity, and even fewer would remain in business if they did not make a fair profit. A leasehold is a valuable asset in its own right and can be traded for profit as a physical asset, a fact fully acknowledged in Articles 13, 4 and 5 of the Proclamation.  What must be understood is the fact that legitimate developers buy land, acquire leaseholds, finance real estate deals and build projects at great risk and expense. They often take extraordinary risks in arranging financing, obtaining loans and securing necessary regulatory approvals. More often than not, they are at the “mercy” of architects, city planners, engineers, surveyors, inspectors, contractors, brokers and building materials suppliers. It is unfair and mean-spirited to paint them with a broad brush as “land grabbers” and “land speculators” who are no better than gangsters and street criminals that deserve to be “locked up.”

Real Land Grabs and Land Speculation

On the other hand, the phrases “land grabbing” and “land speculation” are perfectly applicable to other land transactions that have been taking place throughout Ethiopia over the past several years. For instance, handing over 1.8 million hectares of farmland, “equaling nearly 40 percent the total area of the principal grain-growing state of Punjab, India” to Indian “investors” for 70 years is a prime example of “land grabbing.” Turning over 250,000 hectares of land to the Saudi Star Agriculture Development Company for decades is another excellent example of “land speculation”. Selling hundreds of thousands of hectares of land in Gambella for $1 a year “lease” is a land giveaway fest of epic proportions. Doing 815 huge land deals with foreign “investors” over a three year period without transparency, institutional mechanisms for accountability, environmental impact analysis and the forced removal of local resident from ancestral lands is not only land grabbing and land speculation, it is also a gross violation of human rights. Truth be told, it is not just urban land and it is not just farmland but the whole of Ethiopia’s land that is on the chopping block!

In the American Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, inspired by Locke, wrote that when government breaks its contract and faith with the people, the people have the right to terminate the contract at will and reinstitute government that earns their consent and deserves  their trust: “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” The only contract that cannot be broken is one concluded with Mephistopheles.

[1] Translation from Amharic.

Al Amoudi gives $240,000 to his bootlickers in ESFNA

Ethiopian-born Saudi billionaire Ato Al Amoudi has given $240,000 to his thugs who have hijacked the Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), according Ethiopian Review sources.

Al Amoudi is a major financial backer of the ethnic apartheid junta in Ethiopia that is led by Meles Zenawi. He is also a self-proclaimed member of the ruling party, Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF)

Using his enormous wealth, Al Amoudi has been trying to infiltrate various Ethiopian civic and political organizations inside the country and around the world and turn them into a political tool for the Meles dictatorship.

During the past 5 years, ESFNA has been turned into a personal club for Al Amoudi by a group of individuals in the 27-year-old organization who are prostituting themselves for the billionaire’s  crumbs.

Al Amoudi has been trying to shut down Ethiopian Review by hiring a powerful law/public relations firm in Washington DC named DLA Piper. Recently, he won a default judgment in a British court under a shameful U.K. libel tourism.

According to Forbes Magazine, Al Amoudi’s net worth grew by $2 billion in 2010 to $12 billion. Much of the $2 billion he profited last year may have come from his gold mines and farms in southern Ethiopia. One can imagine that if Al Amoudi made a net profit of $2 billion in one year, how much his business partners Meles and Azeb (the dictator and wife) may have made during the same period. Also in the same period, 2 million Ethiopians have faced food shortages, according to the UN, while Al Amoudi and Meles were looting the country.

DLA Piper’s blood money at work

The Washington DC and London-based DLA Piper law and PR firm that is trying to shut down Ethiopian Review is receiving $50,000 per month from Ethiopia’s tyrant Meles Zenawi and partner in crime Al Amoudi. The following is a list of some of the activities DLA Piper has carried out on their behalf Meles since 2007 (Source:

Date Lobbyist Firm Country Method Level Contact Office Issues
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff LeAnne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff MemberHouse Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Burton, Dan H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member House Foreign Affairs on Africa and Global Health) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mary Noonan (Chief of Staff) Smith, Chris H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Terry Lierman (Chief of Staff) Hoyer, Steny H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Leanne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee ) H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Professional Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Commitee on Africa and Global Health) H.R. 2003
2007-09-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mary Noonan (Chief of Staff) Smith, Chris H.R. 2003
2007-09-18 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Chabot, Steve (Member of Congress) Chabot, Steve U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-09-18 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Chabot, Steve (Member of Congress) Chabot, Steve U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-09-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Angela Weaver (Scheduler) Chabot, Steve Preparation for meeting with Amb. Assefa and Rep. Chabot
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Robert R King (Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Yeo (Deputy Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David Abramowitz (Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kristin Wells (Deputy Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Doug Campbell (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Berman, Howard Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David S. Adams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lisa M. Williams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Noelle LuSane (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Don MacDonald (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jesper Pedersen (Legislative Assistant) Wexler, Robert Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jason Steinbaum (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Forni (Congressional Aide) Delahunt, Bill Washington Times Op-ed
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Melissa Johnson (Defense Fellow) Kyl, Jon War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lisa Y. Williams (Ofc. Manager) Murphy, Patrick USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David S. Adams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Doug Campbell (Legislative Director) Berman, Howard USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kristin Wells (Deputy Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David Abramowitz (Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Yeo (Deputy Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Pearl Alice Marsh (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Staff Assistant) Inhofe, James USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Maggie Fleming (Legis. Corresp.) Brownback, Sam USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James USAID in Ogaden
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-10-29 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-10-29 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-10-26 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff A. Smith (Professional Staff Member) Biden, Joe H.R. 2003 and U.S.-Ethiopia Relations
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jessica Lawrence (Legislative Aide) Sires, Albio USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Bret Rumbeck (Legislative Assistant) Costa, Jim USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Woodward (Legislative Director) Scott, David USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jose Delgado (Legislative Assistant) Sanchez, Linda USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ashley Orr (Legislative Assistant) Miller, Brad USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Scott Olson (Legislative Assistant) Wu, David USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Andrew Jones (Legislative Counsel) Hinojosa, Ruben USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nina Besser (Legislative Assistant) Jackson Lee, Sheila USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief Of Staff/Sr. Legislative Counsel) Jackson Lee, Sheila USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Goedke (Legislative Director) Woolsey, Lynn USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carling Dinkler (Legislative Director) Tanner, John USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jeremy Haldeman (Legislative Director) Carnahan, Russ USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Valerie Van Buren (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Watson, Diane USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sharvin Hodjati (Legislative Assistant) Crowley, Joseph USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sophia King (Legislative Director) Meeks, Gregory USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Forni (Legislative Assistant) Delahunt, Bill USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jason Steinbaum (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jesper Pedersen (Foreign Policy Advisor to Rep. Wexler) Wexler, Robert USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Don MacDonald (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Noelle LuSane (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) USAID in Ogaden
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sophia King (Chief of Staff) Meeks, Gregory Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sharvin Hodjati (Legislative Aide) Crowley, Joseph Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Valerie Van Buren (Legislative Assistant) Watson, Diane Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jeremy Haldeman (Legislative Counsel) Carnahan, Russ Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carling Dinkler (Legislative Assistant) Tanner, John Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Goedke (Legislative Director) Woolsey, Lynn Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief of Staff/Legislative Counsel) Jackson Lee, Sheila Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nina Besser (Legislative Assistant) Jackson Lee, Sheila Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Andrew Jones (Legislative Counsel) Hinojosa, Ruben Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Scott Olson (Legislative Assistant) Wu, David Washington Times Op-ed
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brad Sellers (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Senator Brownback Op-Ed
2007-11-26 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Glazewski (Chief of Staff) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-19 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Chief of Staff) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-19 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-15 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Chief of Staff) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-15 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-11-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-11-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Op-Ed
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Staff Assistant) Inhofe, James War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Maggie Fleming (Legis. Corresp.) Brownback, Sam War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-11-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam War on Terror / H.R. 2003
2007-09-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Lindgren (Chief of Staff) Chabot, Steve Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-09-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Angela Weaver (Scheduler) Chabot, Steve Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-09-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Lindgren (Chief of Staff) Chabot, Steve Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-19 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Glazewski (Chief of Staff) Kyl, Jon Send information on Amb. Assefa in preparation for meeting
2007-12-19 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-18 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-18 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Kiko (Republican Clerk, House Foreign Affairs Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Antony Blinken (Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian McKeon (Dep. Staff Director, Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Josh Blumenfeld (Legislative Assistant) Dodd, Chris Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Frank Lowenstein (Legislative Assistant) Kerry, John Somalia
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Alice Holmes-McKoy (Scheduler) Watson, Diane Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kathren Coleman (Scheduler) Smith, Adam Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Anna Rose (Scheduler) Miller, Brad Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katy Quinn (Legislative Assistant) Smith, Adam Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Kiko (Republican Clerk, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on African and Global Health) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mary Noonan (Chief of Staff) Smith, Chris Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Staff Assistant) Inhofe, James Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Maggie Fleming (Legis. Corresp.) Brownback, Sam Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Melissa Johnson (Defense Fellow) Kyl, Jon Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katy Quinn (Legislative Assistant) Smith, Adam H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mira Kogen (Legislative Assistant) Klein, Ron H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Caryn Schenewerk (Ways and Means Counsel) Doggett, Lloyd H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jessica Lawrence (Legislative Aide) Sires, Albio H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Bret Rumbeck (Legislative Assistant) Costa, Jim H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Woodward (Legislative Director) Scott, David H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jose Delgado (Legislative Assistant) Sanchez, Linda H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ashley Orr (Legislative Assistant) Miller, Brad H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Scott Olson (Legislative Assistant) Wu, David H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Andrew Jones (Legislative Counsel) Hinojosa, Ruben H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nina Besser (Legislative Assistant) Jackson Lee, Sheila H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief Of Staff/Sr. Legislative Counsel) Jackson Lee, Sheila H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Goedke (Legislative Director) Woolsey, Lynn H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carling Dinkler (Legislative Director) Tanner, John H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jeremy Haldeman (Legislative Director) Carnahan, Russ H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Valerie Van Buren (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Watson, Diane H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sharvin Hodjati (Legislative Assistant) Crowley, Joseph H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sophia King (Legislative Director) Meeks, Gregory H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Forni (Legislative Assistant) Delahunt, Bill H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jason Steinbaum (Prof. Staff Member, , House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jesper Pedersen (Foreign Policy Advisor) Wexler, Robert H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Don MacDonald (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Africa and Global Health) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Noelle LuSane (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Africa and Global Health) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lisa Y. Williams (Ofc. Manager ) Murphy, Patrick H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David S. Adams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Doug Campbell (Legislative Director, House Foreign relations Committee) Berman, Howard H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kristin Wells (Deputy Chief Counsel, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David Abramowitz (Chief Counsel, House Foreign relations Committee, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Yeo (Deputy Staff Director, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Robert R King (Staff Director, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-09-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Pearl Alice Marsh (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign relations Committee) H.R. 2003
2007-10-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Tim Rieser (Clerk, State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee on Appropriations) H.R. 2003 and U.S.-Ethiopia Relations
2007-10-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Cardin, Benjamin L. (Senator) Cardin, Benjamin H.R. 2003 and U.S.-Ethiopia Relations
2007-10-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Inhofe, James M. (Senator) Inhofe, James H.R. 2003 and U.S.-Ethiopia Relations
2007-10-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Rieser (Clerk, State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee on Appropriations) Meeting request
2007-10-23 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Debbie Yamada (Administrative Director) Cardin, Benjamin Meeting request
2007-10-23 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John H.R. 2003
2007-10-23 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Op-ed
2007-10-16 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Janice O’Connell (Foreign Policy Advisor) Dodd, Chris U.S. – Ethiopia relations; H.R. 2003
2007-10-16 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Janice O’Connell (Foreign Policy Advisor) Dodd, Chris U.S. – Ethiopia relations; H.R. 2003
2007-10-16 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam H.R. 2003
2007-10-11 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-10-11 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-10-11 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-10-11 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-10-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Mark Clack (Senior Legislative Assistant) Cardin, Benjamin U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-10-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Peter Mitchell (Chief of Staff) Nelson, Bill Meeting with Amb. Assefa
2007-10-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Pat Walsh (Personal Assistant) Dodd, Chris Meeting with Amb. Assefa
2007-10-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Debbie Yamada (Administrative Director) Cardin, Benjamin Meeting with Amb. Assefa
2007-10-05 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Senate staff Meeting with Amb. Assefa
2007-10-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Member Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (Member of Congress) Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana U.S. – Ethiopia relations; H.R. 2003
2007-10-02 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Antony Blinken (Staff Director) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Antony Blinken (Staff Director) U.S. – Ethiopia relations; H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff LeAnne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member) H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff David Silverman (Legislative Assistant) Cantor, Eric H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ H.R. 2003
2007-10-01 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ H.R. 2003
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Terry Lierman (Chief of Staff) Hoyer, Steny Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Schouten (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff LeAnne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-09-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Update on House Foreign Affairs Committee action
2007-12-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-13 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2007-12-13 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2007-12-13 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Sununu floor statement re: U.S.-Ethiopian relations
2007-12-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2007-12-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2007-12-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Hearing schedule
2007-12-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Hearing schedule
2007-12-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Hearing schedule
2007-12-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Hearing schedule
2007-12-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Appropriations
2007-12-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-12-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jill Larrabee (Scheduler) Kyl, Jon Meeting request on behalf of Amb. Assefa
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2007-11-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James Ogaden Humanitarian Developments
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brad Sellers (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Manisha Singh (Republican Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kristen Armitage (Republican Administrative Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-08 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Legislation on region
2008-01-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Legislation on region
2008-01-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Legislation on region
2008-01-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Legislation on region
2007-12-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Military Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-12-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Tim Morrison (Military Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2007-12-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Tim Morrison (Military Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legislative Director) Tancredo, Tom Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Flake, Jeff Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jamie Miller (Legislative Assistant) Wittman, Rob Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Leanne Gibbs (Legislative Director) Pence, Mike Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Wilson, Joe Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Director) Mack, Connie Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Hunt (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Shannon Smith (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Kyle Ruckert (Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Meeting request
2008-04-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Legislative Counsel) Vitter, David Somalia
2008-05-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Rachel Bohlander (Legislative Counsel) Vitter, David S. Res. 521
2008-05-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Somalia
2008-05-09 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Antony Blinken (Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) General legislative issues
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George Washington Times Op-ed
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Junior Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ann Norris (Senior Legislative Assistant) Boxer, Barbara Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Robert Gatehouse (Legislative Counsel) Nelson, Bill Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Lippert (Foreign Policy Adviser) Obama, Barack Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keith Huffman (Legislative Correspondent) Menendez, Robert Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Clack (Senior Legislative Assistant) Cardin, Benjamin Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jofi Joseph (Legislative Assistant) Casey, Bob Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Park (Legislative Assistant) Webb, Jim Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Pearl Alice Marsh (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Robert R King (Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Yeo (Deputy Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David Abramowitz (Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kristin Wells (Deputy Chief Counsel, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Doug Campbell (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Berman, Howard Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff David S. Adams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lisa M. Williams (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Noelle LuSane (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Don MacDonald (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jesper Pedersen (Legislative Assistant) Wexler, Robert Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jason Steinbaum (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Forni (Congressional Aide) Delahunt, Bill Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sophia King (Chief of Staff) Meeks, Gregory Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sharvin Hodjati (Legislative Aide) Crowley, Joseph Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Valerie Van Buren (Legislative Assistant) Watson, Diane Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jeremy Haldeman (Legislative Counsel) Carnahan, Russ Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carling Dinkler (Legislative Assistant) Tanner, John Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Goedke (Legislative Director) Woolsey, Lynn Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief of Staff/Legislative Counsel) Jackson Lee, Sheila Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nina Besser (Legislative Assistant) Jackson Lee, Sheila Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Andrew Jones (Legislative Counsel) Hinojosa, Ruben Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Scott Olson (Legislative Assistant) Wu, David Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ashley Orr (Legislative Assistant) Miller, Brad Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jose Delgado (Legislative Assistant) Sanchez, Linda Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Woodward (Legislative Director) Scott, David Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Bret Rumbeck (Legislative Assistant) Costa, Jim Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jessica Lawrence (Legislative Assistant) Sires, Albio Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Caryn Schenewerk (Legislative Director) Giffords, Gabrielle Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mira Kogen (Legislative Assistant) Klein, Ron Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katy Quinn (Legislative Assistant) Smith, Adam Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Rachel Bohlander (Legislative Counsel) Vitter, David Meeting request
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff LeAnne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Staff Assistant) Inhofe, James UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Maggie Fleming (Legis. Corresp.) Brownback, Sam UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Melissa Johnson (Defense Fellow) Kyl, Jon UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-20 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UN mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia
2008-02-19 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jennifer Park (Legislative Assistant) Webb, Jim U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2008-02-15 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Elizabeth King (Counsel / Sr. Policy Advisor) Reed, Jack U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2008-02-15 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jennifer Park (Legislative Assistant) Webb, Jim U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2008-02-15 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Frank Lowenstein (Legislative Assistant) Kerry, John U.S. – Ethiopia relations
2008-01-28 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Subcommittee action
2008-01-28 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2008-01-28 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Subcommittee action
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katy Quinn (Legislative Assistant) Smith, Adam USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Caryn Schenewerk (Ways and Means Counsel) Giffords, Gabrielle USAID in Ogaden
2008-01-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mira Kogen (Legislative Assistant) Klein, Ron USAID in Ogaden
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Dir.) Mack, Connie Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Wilson, Joe Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff LeAnne Holdman (Legislative Dir.) Pence, Mike Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legis. Assistant) Flake, Jeff Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legis. Director) Tancredo, Tom Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member,House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Staff Assistant) Inhofe, James Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Maggie Fleming (Legis. Corresp.) Brownback, Sam Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Melissa Johnson (Defense Fellow) Kyl, Jon Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Tim Morrison (Legislative Assistant) Kyl, Jon Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Dir.) Murkowski, Lisa Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Ann Keehner (Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Clayman (Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Amy Norris (Staff Assistant) Smith, Chris Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ashling Thurmond (Executive Assistant) Tancredo, Tom Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lesley Parker (Scheduler) Boozman, John Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katie Parsley (Scheduler) Fortenberry, Jeff Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mary Elen Williams (Scheduler) McCaul, Michael Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Lindsey Plumley (Scheduler, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-02-22 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jeana Plas (Scheduler) Woolsey, Lynn Invitation to Black History Month event at Ethiopian Embassy
2008-03-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Sen. Feingold statement on Ethiopia
2008-03-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Sen. Feingold statement on Ethiopia
2008-03-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mariah Moncecchi (Legislative Aide) Barrasso, John Sen. Feingold statement on Ethiopia
2008-03-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Sen. Feingold statement on Ethiopia
2008-03-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Feingold, Russ (Senator) Feingold, Russ Upcoming Senate hearing
2008-03-06 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Mark Clack (Senior Legislative Assistant) Cardin, Benjamin General legislative issues
2008-03-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Greta Lundeberg (Legislative Assistant) Nelson, Bill Upcoming Senate hearing
2008-03-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Robert Gatehouse (Legislative Assistant) Nelson, Bill Upcoming Senate hearing
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Leanne Gibbs (Legislative Director) Pence, Mike UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jamie Miller (Legislative Assistant) Wittman, Rob UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Flake, Jeff UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legislative Director) Tancredo, Tom UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committe) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committe) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Kiko (Republican Policy Analyst, House Foreign Affairs Committe) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committe) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committe) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Martin (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Director) Murkowski, Lisa UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Member Inhofe, James M. (Senator) Inhofe, James US-Ethiopia relationship
2008-07-28 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting John Wysham (Ethiopian Desk Officer) Broad discussions on Ethiopia issues
2008-07-23 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief of Staff) Jackson Lee, Sheila Somalia
2008-07-23 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Appropriations Process
2008-03-25 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Appropriations
2008-03-27 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Appropriations
2008-03-28 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Appropriations
2008-04-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Sarah Margon (Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Follow up on Senate Hearing
2008-04-07 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Jessica Lengsfelder (Junior Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Follow up on Senate Hearing
2008-04-16 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Christopher Bradish (Legislative Assistant) Specter, Arlen S. 2700
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny US-Ethiopia relationship
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Michael Phelan (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Kenneth Myers III (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Dan Diller (Deputy Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rexon Ryu (Sr. Foreign Policy Advisor) Hagel, Chuck Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ana Navarro (Legislative Assistant) Coleman, Norm Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jean Siskovic (Legislative Assistant) Voinovich, George Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Director) Murkowski, Lisa Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Martin (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Kiko (Republican Policy Analyst, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Somalia
2008-04-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana Somalia
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Stacie Oliver (Legislative Assistant) Corker, Bob Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chris Socha (Sr. Policy Advisor) DeMint, James Washington Times Op-ed
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Hunt (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Director) Mack, Connie UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John UNMEE
2008-07-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Wilson, Joe UNMEE
2008-07-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yohannes Tsehai (Deputy Chief of Staff) Jackson Lee, Sheila Somalia
2008-07-16 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone John Wysham (Ethiopian Desk Officer) Broad discussions on Ethiopia issues
2008-06-24 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Somalia
2008-06-10 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Somalia
2008-06-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Somalia
2008-06-04 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Henrietta Fore (US AID Administrator, US AID) Food shortage in Ethiopia
2008-05-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Phone Staff Ariel Wolf (Legislative Assistant) Brownback, Sam Somalia
2008-05-30 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Klotz (Legislative Correspondent) Inhofe, James Somalia
2008-05-21 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Meeting Member Isakson, Johnny (Senator) Isakson, Johnny US-Ethiopia relationship
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Katy Quinn (Legislative Assistant) Smith, Adam Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mira Kogen (Legislative Assistant) Klein, Ron Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Caryn Schenewerk (Legislative Director) Giffords, Gabrielle Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jessica Lawrence (Legislative Assistant) Sires, Albio Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Bret Rumbeck (Legislative Assistant) Costa, Jim Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Gary Woodward (Legislative Director) Scott, David Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ashley Orr (Legislative Assistant) Miller, Brad Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jose Delgado (Legislative Assistant) Sanchez, Linda Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Pearl Alice Marsh (Senior Professional Staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jennifer Park (Legislative Assistant) Webb, Jim Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jofi Joseph (Legislative Assistant) Casey, Bob Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Clack (Senior Legislative Assistant) Cardin, Benjamin Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keith Huffman (Legislative Correspondent) Menendez, Robert Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Lippert (Foreign Policy Adviser) Obama, Barack Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Robert Gatehouse (Legislative Counsel) Nelson, Bill Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ann Norris (Senior Legislative Assistant) Boxer, Barbara Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Savannah Lengsfelder (Junior Legislative Assistant) Feingold, Russ Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Frank Lowenstein (Legislative Assistant) Kerry, John Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Josh Blumenfeld (Legislative Assistant) Dodd, Chris Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian McKeon (Dep. Staff Director, Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Antony Blinken (Staff Director, Chief Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-14 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Shannon Smith (Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Javier de la Luz (Legislative Counsel) Fortuno, Luis Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ryan Hamilton (Legislative Assistant) Inglis, Bob Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Nicole Hunt (Legislative Assistant) Poe, Ted Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Ari Stein (Jr. Legislative Assistant) McCaul, Michael Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Diana Tasnadi (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Fortenberry, Jeff Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Francis Gibbs (Legislative Director) Mack, Connie Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Carla Campbell (Legislative Assistant) Barrett, Gresham Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Beau Walker (Legislative Assistant) Boozman, John Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Callahan (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Wilson, Joe Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Blocher (Legislative Assistant) McCotter, Thad Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Leanne Gibbs (Legislative Director) Pence, Mike Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Jamie Miller (Legislative Assistant) Wittman, Rob Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Chandler Morse (Sr. Legislative Assistant) Flake, Jeff Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Daniel McAdams (Legislative Assistant) Paul, Ron Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mac Zimmerman (Legislative Director) Tancredo, Tom Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Szu-Nien Su (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Keri Sikich (Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant) Chabot, Steve Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Thomas Sheehy (Subcommittee Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Paul Berkowitz (Legislative Assistant) Rohrabacher, Dana Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sarah Kiko (Republican Policy Analyst, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Yleem Poblete (Republican Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Richard Mereu (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Brian Fauls (Prof. Staff Member) Burton, Dan Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Mark Milosch (Senior Advisor) Smith, Chris Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Peter Martin (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Sheri Rickert (Prof. Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health) Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Rachel Bohlander (Dep. Chief of Staff) Vitter, David Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Catherine Henson (Legislative Assistant) Isakson, Johnny Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Derrick Landwehr-Brown (Legislative Correspondent) Voinovich, George Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Martin Bayr (Legislative Aide) Sununu, John Washington Times Op-ed
2008-05-12 None DLA Piper US Ethiopia Email Staff Isaac Edwards (Legislative Director) Murkowski, Lisa Washington Times Op-ed

DLA Piper receives $1.3 million from Ethiopia’s corrupt regime, a web site run by ProPublica and Sunlight Foundation, has disclosed that the corrupt dictatorship in Ethiopia led by Meles Zenawi has so far paid the Washington DC-based law firm DLA Piper over $1.3 million.

The money has been used to make sure the U.S. Congress doesn’t pass any law that requires the Meles regime improve its human rights record for the U.S. assistance to continue.

The genocidal dictatorship in Ethiopia has also paid the following firms a total of $700,000 since December 2007, according to

Dewey & LeBoeuf $511,949.98
Mark Saylor Co $328,040.18

Since late 2007, the Meles regime has squandered over $2 million on lobby firms, instead of using the money for the underfunded social services in the country.

DLA Piper demands removal of Sara Al Amoudi story

The Washington-based DLA Piper, a law firm specializing in representing genocidal dictators, looters and terrorists around the world, is once again trying to silence Ethiopian Review on behalf the drunkard Ethiopian/Saudi billionaire Al Amoudi who is looting Ethiopia in collaboration with the ruling tribal junta. It is puzzling that Al Amoudi makes such an effort to silence any story about Sara Al Amoudi while he is accused of so many other serious misdeeds and he rarely reacts to any of them. It seems Sara is getting under his skin.

The following is a letter by Mary E. Gately, a lawyer for DLA Piper:

Mr Elias Kifle
Publisher, Ethiopian Review

Re: July 15, 2010 Online Article Entitled: “Mohammed Al Amoudi’s daughter back in the news

Dear Mr Kifle:

We act for Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi and family.

We have seen the article on the website dated 15 July 2010 and titled ‘Mohammed Al Amoudi’s daughter back in the news’ (“Article”).

The woman referred to in the article is not the daughter of our client, and the claim made by the Ethiopian Review that the woman in question is the allegedly estranged daughter of Ethiopian billionaire businessman Mohammed Al Amoudi is entirely false.

Further, the Article is defamatory.

The Ethiopian Review was put on notice by this firm earlier this year that the allegations that “Sara Al Amoudi” is our client’s daughter were false. At that time we requested that you remove those false and defamatory allegations from the Ethiopian Review website which you initially refused to do, although we note that the publication was subsequently removed by your internet service provider. Accordingly, the current publication by the Ethiopian Review of further false allegations that “Sara Al Amoudi” is the daughter of our client is entirely unacceptable and is malicious.

We hereby reserve all of our client’s rights and remedies in relation to the publication of the Article. As an interim measure, however, and without prejudice to our client’s rights, we require that you:

1. immediately cease and permanently desist from publishing the Article and/ or any part of it that alleges or suggests that the woman referred to in the Article is our client’s daughter.

2. immediately remove the Article from the Ethiopian Review website; and

3. Provide an undertaking not to further publish or disseminate in the future any thing that alleges or suggests that the woman referred to in the Article and/ or the “Sara Al Amoudi” identified in the Article, is our client’s daughter.

We await your urgent response.

Very truly yours,
Mary E. Gately
DLA Piper, LLP
500 Eighth Street, NW
Washington DC 20004
[email protected]
Tel: 202 799 4507
Fax: 202 799 5507