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Kinijit leaders to be released this afternoon

Family members of the jailed leaders of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit) and the journalists are heading to Qaliti prison this morning to receive them when they finally get out this afternoon. Members of the media have also arrived at Qaliti.

At the other side of town, the real criminal, Meles Zenawi and his puppet, President Girma Woldegiorgis, are giving press conferences. The mediators will also give a press conference this afternoon at the Sheraton Hotel. The three press conferences will be broadcast by the Woyanne-controlled media tonight.

Those who will be release today include:

Ato Hailu Shawel, Wzr. Bertikan Mideqsa, Ato Muluneh Eyoel, Dr Befekadu Degifie, Ato Gizachew Shiferraw, Ato Abayneh Berhanu, Dr Hailu Araya, Shaleqa Getachew Mengistie, Dr Berhanu Nega, Ato Seleshi Tena, Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam, Dr Yacob Hailemariam, Ato Ashalew Ketema, Dr Tadios Bogale, Ato Gebretsadiq Gebremariam, Ato Assefa Habtewold, Ato Brook Kebede, Ato Tamrat Tarekegn, Ato Andualem Aragie, Wzr. Negist Gebrehiwot, Ato Debebe Eshetu, Ato Yeneneh Mulat, Ato Mamushet Amare, Ato Anteneh Mulugeta, Ato Tesfaye Tariku, Ato Waltenegus Asnake, Ato Mulu Gashu, Ato Mesfin Tesfaye, Ato Andualem Ayele, Ato Mesfin Debesa, Ato Berhanu Alemayehu, Ato Wudneh Jedi, Ato Melaku Uncha, Ato Abyot Wakjira, Ato Daniel Berihun, Ato Wonakseged Zelleke, Ato Dawit Fassil.

Their release came about following several months of mediation involving the American embassy, European diplomats, and some prominent Ethiopians. After a great deal of pressure from donor countries, Meles Zenawi has been forced to release his hostages, but only if they admit that they had committed the crimes he charged them with. Out of the 71 hostages who signed such a statement (with guns to their heads), 38 will be released today. The rest will await the court ruling before the Board of Pardon review their request for pardon. And thus the Woyanne tragic comedy continues.

… more update shortly


27 thoughts on “Kinijit leaders to be released this afternoon

  1. Really, it is an excitement to all freedom lovers of Ethiopians and others. This is also a nightmare for Lidetu and his cliques.

    Keep on updating us.


    Aschalew, Frensay Legation

    Addis Ababa

  2. hi all !!

    Now our gool have to be to back our leaders to politcs
    and bring the ppl to leadership .

    Don’t forget that all starts to return the leadership to the people .

    The strugle starts now ,


  3. Hi guys: This is spectacular day to the Ethiopian People.We hoppe democracy and truth will Trumph,no matter wich drama WOYANE plays.
    Long live to Ethiopian Martyrs.

  4. Please accompany me to celebrate freedom of our Millennium Hero!

    Once again I would like to use this opportunity to thank our leader for their commitment and strength.

    May God bless Ethiopia!

  5. for Those who died for democracy,those who paid sacrifices by the inprisonment for those who left their country and strugled from outside in general for all ethiopians,I would like to say congratdulation for
    the release of our Leaders.this is the begnning of the strugle.we have to finish it in a civil way as our leaders showed us what it means to love the mother land OLD ethiopia.

  6. Is it an excitement or sad and the darkest Ethiopian history which will be remembered for generations to come committed by woyanes from Tigry? I think the latest.

    Let alone Ethiopia, even in the African and world history these kinds of woyane atrocities have never happened to any nation. Which country has an ethnic politics and policy? None. Because it is a crime in the 21- century at the time when the world is moving to become one. Which minority group (less than 5%) the population is committing so many crimes against the nation holding power by force and controlling all key administration, political, security, media and economic branches as the woyane do? Nobody but the Tigreans. Which organize crime under Ethnic policy is become an enemy to the country and hostile to the nation but own Ethnic groups? No body but the woyanes( Tigres). Which organised criminal groups have taken power after committing so many crimes and become champion with world record in world history with looting the nation wealth, lending in the name of the nation for their own benefit and hiding it all in Tigry like professional thieves including stealing territories from other part of Ethiopia? No body but the woyanes( Tigres).
    I even cannot mention the fraction of the gruesome and devastated crimes woyanes (Tigres) have/are committing against the sovereignty of the country and the day today life the people is facing. We all know and it must be documented in order to the present and next many generations to know about their atrocities against Ethiopia and her innocent citizens.

    The elected and respected leaders admitted and asked forgiveness to whom? The people? The Ethiopian people know perfectly to the very detail that they have done nothing wrong. The so called the sign document about accepting Guilty? We know why they have done it. Because we Ethiopians have witnessed and suffered by a 33 years woyane (Tigry) evil action and anything which is not the interest of Ethiopia must be part of ongoing woyane (Tigres) atrocity against the Ethiopian people.

    The woyanes wove against the elected leaders starting from accusing them with fabrication cases, the court procedure and the death sentence all of it was part of almost the two years torture against the elected leaders in prison and the Ethiopian people forcing them to admit the crime they never committed and signed the admission is further exposing and weakening woyanes how stupid, cruel, desperate, valueless, childish, small minded, have no respect to the Ethiopian people and they are out of any kinds of human conscious.

    Doesn’t matter what the woyanes are saying. They are weakening and cracking each and every moment. The Ethiopian people and the International community know on one side about the innocent behaviours of the elected leaders and on the other hand about the evil and hostile woyane (Tigres) behaviour. We need to keep up the struggle. This is not the end but the beginning. The elected leaders have done a lot to Ethiopia in this very crucial woyane times than any body else.
    By being in prison, the woyane court procedure, the death sentence and they forced to admit and sign a document is badly exposing woyane in the international community. For this matter Elected leader must feel winners not losers. Because of them the international community know about the woyane atrocity against Ethiopia all directions for long. Thank you the elected and respected CUD leaders. Because of you the woyane dream to destroy Ethiopia is exposed. Because of you the international hostility against woyane is grown and its Ethnic supporters crimes will be judged in the international court soon.

    The struggle is getting momentum. Its is getting bigger and wider. Don’t give time to breath to the woyanes. They are not sleeping since the election while thinking something bad against the Ethiopian people. It is time doing the last decision in action between them (woyanes) or us (the Ethiopian people). Don’t take time when it comes against them. We have to continue the way we are doing till now and intensify further. Be united and fight the people enemy(woyane) together all sides.

  7. What so ever the deal was, what we need is our leaders to be free and lead us once again to the enevitable vicory over the tyranny regime and other opportunist and divisive elements.
    With the sacrifice they paid so far,at the end, our struggle for peaceful tranformation our country into a free democratic and united nation is becoming a reality soon.

    Welcome back our heroic and beloved leaders to your distinguished & historic mission of librating milloins of Ethiopians from rule of jungle.


  8. Hi! my fellow Ethiopians who are in the diaspora. Happy birth day. While our leaders eanters to the palace meles and his fellow should go to kaliti before they scapes to the Areb countries. May Our LORD HAVE MERCY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED FOR THIS BLESSED DAY. AMEN!

  9. First of all, I would like to thank our almighty God. you c, there is nothing powerfull than our God. This is a real victory of Ethiopians and people who love Ethiopia as well.

    Thanks God aganin.


  10. “Wudketin letikit tibit tikedmewalech” I got it from our holly bible but I don’t know where it is. This is a warning to Woyane leaders & Aba Paulos.


  11. God is God

    I am happy today because Ours Ethiopia hero leaders born again.

    The truth winn and the dark be light to ethiopia pepole.

    Tears become be dry by ours leaders.

    god bless and keep it motherland

    selam ethiopia

  12. “ … They are being released as I speak….” The Prime Minister

    Well, well it is now official… The jailed leaders are now freed. They are being freed with their constitutional right restored.. That means the pardon is absolute and total, they can run for office, they can take over their seat in parliament; they will also administrator the City soon!! “We believe that, the sorry saga of the orange revolution is behind us .. “ Meles told to the reporters!! They are now free individuals!! Kudos to the Government, and the Shemagleoch , congratulation to the leaders!!! May the almighty God bless all of you!!! In the coming days we will see where the politics goes….

  13. gun at their heads??????

    We all are happy to see them freed. but why do you put your assumptions as news??? it is not that woyane can’t do it, but in this case it will be good if we hear it from them. The REAL TRUE Ethiopians.

    We will hear the truth in few days, thanks to God, they are free now to talk to what happen. I hope your assumption of a gun will be also discussed.

    This kind of hardline politics, has to be molded. It is no good to our leaders or our country.

    What will you call them, if they sign whatever, with out a gun in their heads?

    They are our heros yesterday today and tommorow

  14. You guys are funny, I know it is a sad day for ethiopianreview and shabias in general. There would be no means to get money and support to divide Ethiopians.

    huurrrrrrraaaaaa they are free,

  15. Hi all

    This is indeed a great news. However, what about the rest of the political prisoners?? One example is Mr Kifle Abate and others who are detained with no reason other than political vendetta. If all prisoners are not freed, our happiness will not be full. The elders should coninue their pressure until there is no political prisoner behind bars.

    May God bless Ethiopia

  16. Thanks God! who is forever with us. I would like congratulation for all of struglle for democracy in domestic and abroad, ethiopians and ethiopian friends.The second round one step is started today. We love our heros. Please standup together for democracy and human rights. No one is benifitable from separation. We can force the goveroment when we work together.
    Long live for Ethiopia, CUD and other strguller for democracy and human rights!!!

  17. Me and my friends are so happy for whats going to happen to Us ,the present Ethiopia and the future Ethiopia as a result of all the things that happened and will happen next ,
    God is always with Us and he gave us a prooooooooooofffff
    Long live to CUD and the leaders ,ethiopia and the people who has ,who have and who will have positive sense towards our struggle to bring change!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Kudos to the Government, Kudos to Yeager shemegleoch especially to Professor Efrem, kudos to all peace loving minds, congratulation to the freed individuals and their loved ones!!! We can declare, the day of reconciliation in Ethiopia, let’s use this moment to bring peace and toleration in our future politics; this can be a historical turning point, if we use it wisely!!! Again The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wil be the only judge for these entire SAGA!!!

  19. Congradulation to all the People of Ethiopia,
    Specially those in Urban places…specially in Addis where the people felt the hardest living condition put by these devils.
    Let there be ‘TRUTH’ always on my country.No More lies.

    Let’s see people elected knowledgeable leaders bring our country from where she is now.I know we can make it and it’s very easy if the liars are gone and true Ethiopian’s takeover.
    God bless all

  20. It`s a good news that the innocent opposition leaders are out of jail and with their families and friends.Let us all remember obout the sad fact in Ogaden where mass arrest,disappeance and killing conteous.Some of us are ready to go back to sitting on the sidelines.Are the the people in Ogaden Ethiopians or even humans worthy of your concern?Please advice?

  21. Glory to God in the highest,

    Congradulations to the heroes of ethiopia who challenged the barbaric regime of meles zenawi!
    They defeated their enemy through a peaceful struggle.
    The woyannes, who came to power due to historical mistakes in ethiopian state and failure of nation building, have finally backed down through enormous pressure both within and without.

    But, this is just the beginning,not the end of our struggle. Zenawi will not leave any stone unturned to stay in power.

    this victory should bolden our determination and resolve in the fight for the long-awaited and aspired democracy and rule of law in ethiopia.

    let us keep up the pressure, put in more fire, and join hands more than ever before to see that our vision is a reality.

    Remember, every one is responsible for the struggle and should participate in any way they can!

    Truth shall prevail!

    God is great!

  22. now i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. we are so happhy people living in gamogofa so so happy for the release of our heroic leaders.
    Lets end ethinic politics peacefully.

  23. Hi all ethiopians!
    congra for the release of the CUD leaders!
    but here besides to this situation every ethiopian should
    think abroad cuz don’t think ethinically be glovalized.
    every thing is will pass away one after an other so Please see the bright full,hope full country ,

  24. hellow friend negatu
    please wake up from the day deaming.u r sleeping in 19th
    century.who is ethiopian? do u mean that all the people who r not supporting ur idea was not Ethiopian!
    Please be Democrat,any body can support any party.but with keeping an others idea as it is . it is possible
    to live in difference!
    but here let me remind u who is Tigrie?
    Do u mean Tigrai’s people? Do u mean Ethiopia with out
    Tigrai is Ethiopia? i think no Ethiopia will appear if loose not tigrai but also any an other state in ethiopia.
    Blame ideas not People at all.
    but u should have to know again Tigrains are the true Ethiopian with hospitable and widely thinking.
    i hope i will see u by 2000 e.c with best thinking.
    wast ur time for Good!
    God Bless u and Ethiopia!!

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