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Mortars rock Woyanne-sponsored talks in Moqadishu

At least six mortar shells on Thursday slammed near the area where the Somali national reconciliation conference reopened in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, as heavy fighting between security forces and insurgents occurred in and around the main Bakara Market hours before the talks resumed.

No casualties were reported from the latest attacks but residents said the sound of the blasts could be heard in the surrounding neighborhoods of Shibis and Abdel Aziz districts of Mogadishu.

Somali government officials have not issued any statement relating to the latest attacks.

The Somali Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Gedi, said this conference underscores the transitional government’s commitment to peace, security and reconciliation.

“Ours is a government of reconciliation and we will work towards realizing that goal,” Gedi told delegates at the conference.

He said the talks will pave the way for free and fair elections at the end of this government’s mandate in 2009.

An agenda letter circulated at the conference said the conference will discuss the reconciliation of Somali clans, religious extremism and national unity.

Most opposition group inside and outside Somalia boycotted the talks, saying the country is under Ethiopian [Woyanne] occupation and the conference is manipulated the transitional government.

The conference venue was under tight security after it was attacked by mortars at Sunday’s opening ceremony as the Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf was addressing the conference, which was immediately adjourned.

At least six mortar rounds also landed near the venue of the conference Tuesday.

Islamist insurgency threatened to kill anybody attending the government-organized peace talks which was boycotted by major opposition groups who argue the conference is aimed at giving legitimacy to Ethiopian occupation of Somalia.

Source: Xinhua

One thought on “Mortars rock Woyanne-sponsored talks in Moqadishu

  1. Please do not disturb

    I am not a supporter of any political organization. However, I have to comment as an Ethiopian national. Because of I am bored of destructive comments from selfish people who think that they love the people of Ethiopia, however do extremely hate in practice.

    Hatred does not help any body and will not be a solution. This has been done for the last seventeen year. Those who hate are always loser. That is natural rule. Solution to our problem is submission of our extreme thoughts. We have to discuss on what makes us similar instead of tenaciously sticking to what makes us different. Once we agree on our similarities, we will start to negotiate on our difference. Our similarities, I hope is development. Do not equate you struggle to that of Mandela. Ours is very different from that. There fore, give the government time which help it could spend on important development activities instead of making it busy with unnecessary political games. If you do not do that it is not you who suffer the consequences. It is the people. You are already living safely.

    I have seen many political organizations who strongly want to come to power. However, I haven’t seen any political organizations who love Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia. Many do not even know the people of Ethiopia. Contrary to this they want to govern it.
    It is also shameful to hear from some of them that they joined the political struggle because they have completed their family and they have sent their children abroad. Nothing worries them if they are even killed because they have almost doubled the average Ethiopian life expectancy. Their children and grand children are safe abroad. Therefore, they want to come to power by swimming in the blood of children of other Ethiopians.

    Why do you disturb the people? Why should the people of Ethiopia be killed to carry those politicians to power. You have been propagating to help some politician to come to power for several years. Those politicians need support from people until they come to power. Once, they are comfortable, they start to kill people. Please, leave the people to live in peace. Please do not disturb. You have been also advocating for the outdated monarchial leadership. All did not help. All what you are doing will never help unless you are matured enough. Our country will disintegrate.

    Finally I would appreciate if you can you change the way you are writing. Because it is not much different from what the government of Eritrea is propagating against Ethiopia. The Government of Eritrea is an extreme enemy of Ethiopia and its people. I do not understand the motive behind you. Your motive is I think Ethiopia must not exist unless the political party we support governs.

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