NOFORN SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/09/2019 TAGS: PGOV KDEM PREL ASEC ET SUBJECT: INSIDE MFA: PARTY HACKS AND VIEWS ON BILATERAL RELATIONS REF: ADDIS 257 Classified By: Ambassador Donald Yamamoto for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). ¶1. (S/NF) In a private February 10 meeting with Pol/Econ Chief, a long-term Foreign Ministry (MFA) official lamented that the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has begun stacking government offices with newly-recruited party members through the on-going Business Practices Re-engineering (BPR) process. The source confirmed previous reports from MFA counterparts that the Ministry has brought on 230 new "trainees" to bolster the Ministry's capacity per BPR recommendations. Of the 230 new-hires, all are party officials, with roughly 160 of them coming from middle-management positions in Ethiopia's regional governments. Unlike current MFA employees, all of these new-hires have received Ministry-provided housing and salaries at levels double the prevailing rates of current MFA officers. The source noted that the expectation from Ministry leaders is for these new staff members to assume middle- to senior-level positions (possibly to include Director General level positions) in MFA and Ethiopian embassies upon completion of their one-year training programs. ¶2. (S/NF) The source reported that the ruling party recognized that the Ethiopian military and security service was most loyal to the party in the 2005 national elections, but that the civil service was a potential vulnerability. The source confirmed other reports that since 2005 the military and security services had been purged of individuals and ethnicities perceived not to be loyal to the ruling party, but argued that the civil service throughout the executive branch of Ethiopian Government (GoE) has seen a similar purging. The source reported that since 2005 the MFA has introduced a four-point grading system for employees. Individuals who are members of the ruling party and fully support the party are given an "A" grade. Those perceived to be loyal to the party and its platform, though not necessarily party members, are given a "B" grade. Both A's and B's are considered for promotion. Those who are not party members, or who are apolitical, are given a "C" grade, are subjected to increased observation, and are not considered for promotion regardless of any positive performance. Those perceived to oppose the ruling party or its platform are given a "D" grade, are terminated from the GoE, and generally subjected to observation by the security services. The source reported that he has repeatedly been approached by superiors and encouraged to join the ruling party. The source has similarly been approached by colleagues and pressured to contribute financially to the ruling party's NGOs. He attributes his refusal of such overtures to his being frozen in his position for years. ¶3. (S/NF) The source noted that while the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Africa's tough message to the GoE in late-January (reftel) initially got people's attention, it was brushed aside as bluster almost immediately by the MFA and ruling party. The source argued that MFA officials fundamentally believe that the United States assesses that it (the U.S.) has too many interests at stake in the Horn of Africa to risk a cooling of relations by pressing for political reforms. He argued that public statements in 2005 and 2006 by U.S. Chiefs of Mission in Ethiopia made clear to the Ethiopian people that the USG has picked allied itself with the GoE. He argued that while the USG may have had influence over the GoE to induce positive reform up until, and soon after, the 2005 elections, it has lost all such influence since then. He argued that the ruling party views its narrowing of political space since 2005 as critical to its continued existence in the face of the threat from the opposition and civil society. As such, if faced with the dilemma of whether to make reforms under international pressure and risk being toppled or forego strong external relations to survive, the GoE will certainly choose the latter option. COMMENT ------- ¶4. (S/NF) While the source's comments are not surprising, they do offer a deeper and closer glimpse of the extent to which the EPRDF is so fundamentally dominating the stage for the 2010 elections. His insights on bilateral relations ADDIS ABAB 00000379 002 OF 002 suggest that the U.S. Administration's new tone of diplomatic engagement will fail if not accompanied by clear and bold actions. At the same time, his warning is prescient in noting that in pushing the GoE for reforms -- through dialogue and action -- we must remain mindful to explain our common stability objectives clearly to the GoE and EPRDF and to avoid over-reaching for too drastic of reforms lest the ruling party opt to choose survival over engagement. End Comment. YAMAMOTO
21 thoughts on “Wikileaks: US knew but ignored abuses by Ethiopia’s Zenawi”
Yes they knew, but what could they do without a viable alternative to work with? We Ethiopians are very difficiult to work with.
Unity replies:
March 10th, 2012 at 5:54 PM
How dare you say that. You must be an America -excuser.
“5. Girma” shows you that you are wrong.
“When Ethiopians rose in unison in 2005 to vote the thugs out, it was the USA that sided with the tyrants. There is circumstantial evidence that the US embassy in Addis, headed by former Charge Vicki Huddleston, played overt and covert roles to reverse the results of the election and to keep Meles Zenawi in power. Why? Because the popular election was getting in the way of preparations for the planned invasion of Somalia. ”
Although i disagree with his explanation why the US sided with Meles in 2005 and frustrated the popular revolution,at least he admitted that there was an organized and even a popular alternative to woyanes. It is because of US’s destructive role that our people are still suffering.That country has even a special responsibility to help to oust the regime it brought to power.
Girma could be a disinformation agent. In my opinion the real reason why the US sided with Meles in 2005 was that the forces that would have come to power were PRO-UNITY and anti-ethnic politics. The US wanted to prevent that at all cost. This Somalia invasion explanation is rubbish and probably is CIA disinformation.
So we see that your’s and Girma’s comment show that you guys are too soft on the US. And there are many among you who are US agents and are perpetuating the suffering of our people.
Any Ethiopian with 5+ years stay in the US can not be trusted.
Anonymous replies:
March 11th, 2012 at 8:36 AM
Dear Unity,
Thank you for your response. Your analysis of US’s role during the election could be right or not. But my argument is that CUD was not a viable alternative in light of US interest in Ethiopia.
For example we should be able to guarantee US not in words but in terms of proven capacity to smoothly take over and run government institutions, including the military. But, in light of the post prison realities about CUD, can you still argue that Dr Birhanu and Ato Hailu could work together to lead the country in to democracy; and maintain diplomatic commitments.
The popular support they won during the election was mainly due to culmination of peoples’ opposition against ‘Woyane’, not because of their capacity or program. That popular opposition is still there, but CUD is not there any more. Popular support is one thing and capacity to ensure smooth transition and stability is another.
Before, offering any support US makes capacity assessment and determine expected outcomes. Such capacity is mainly determined by the organizational strength of the opposition, measured by capacity indicators. Thus, US’s support will go to where they determine they can achieve better outcomes. So, US might not be wrong for refraining from supporting CUD.
The worst thing is that we never do self assessment to learn from our past. So, we repeat the same mistake again and again. We are organizationally fragmented and often hostile to each other. That is why I say we, as a political opposition, are too difficult to work with. In addition, I would like to direct your attention to my response below to Almaz #3.
Unity replies:
March 11th, 2012 at 6:07 PM
አውቆ የተኛን ሲቀሰቅሱት አይሰማም ይባላል
If CUD was not “viable” then you are looking for excuses. EPRP people say also that CUD’s victory in 2005 in reality reflects people’s rejection for woyanes. That is nonsense and ውሃ ቀጠነ ብሎ ማማረር ነው
The people voted for CUD for it’s positions against woyanes’ ethnic policy, for reintroducing the former provinces and for revising relations with Eritrea, including the issue of Aseb.
Citing differences between Ato Hailu Shawel and Dr. Berhanu Nega to show the weakness of CUD is also nonsense. After all CUD was about 80% AEUP,the party led by Hailu Shawel. And Berhanu’s Keste Damena was a tiny part of it.
As to US interest, a future Ethiopian government will not automatically accept agreements and treaties signed by woyanes. And as a result of it’s support for woyanes the US will be viewed if not the top, among the top three external enemies of Ethiopia for decades to come. Still the two countries can cooperate in a number of areas.
But Ethiopia will find other countries with whom it shares more common interests like Russia, India and China.
The USA position for all intents and purposes can be taken to be the same as the age old political pragmatism like the co-existence policy that USA chose with south africa’s apartheid in the apratheid era with outwardly harsh criticism intended for internatioanll diplomatic consumption but with the defacto statusquo of alliance and cooperation maintained. South africa was taken by then as an ally in the war against communism. Now by a more or less similar strategy, EPRDF is taken as a strong ally in the war against terror in the horn of africa, where the meles army is taken as a derpendable sttrategic ally to fight the alshebab and other terror groups allied with alqueda. Change is largely internally driven and external influence as far as ethiopia goes has little impact. Ethiopia is not like Libya an oil wealthy nation. Nor is ethiopia an orienatal state lie egypt playing a stretegic role in the israel-palesteine quagmire. Ethiopia is a poor country dependent on aid from the western country. Ethiopia under any state is on the recieveing end of nearly every thing and is subservient to the interest and demand of the west. So change can only be brought about by internal revolt what ever that may entail in terms of suffering of the people of ethiopia and the cost of human life.
Thanks to our Ethiopian journalists, political activists,intellectuals and all the true children of Ethiopia, we knew what was going on in that poor country. As it happened in all other countries where dictators rule using force, ethnic discrimination and a propaganda machine ,you have to be from a certain ethnic group and/or a member of a certain party to have a job in your own country. You have to be a member of their stinking garbage collecting organizations to keep your job. And it is very upsetting to see that your loyalty to EPRDF is the one that decides whether you are going to eat, feed your children and keep your family together. We do not need any other proof in order to fight for the removal of this government and its servants. I do not even understand how is it possible for Ethiopians to live this long under this racist, dictatorial and brutal government for 20 years.
When is it going to stop? Are we waiting until every one is dead one by one and one day at a time?Are we waiting until the country is sold piece by piece? Are we waiting until every journalist, political leader, teacher , student and farmer from the Amhara, Oromo Somali, Gurage and so on are piked up in a broad day light and thrown in prisons? Are we waiting until those who speak out defending freedom and democracy are sentenced to death? Are we waiting until Eskinder, Andualem , Ryot and others are dead in prison or are we waiting until they are free to lead us?
When is this going to stop? How can any Ethiopian where ever he lives can sleep when his people live in this condition? Is it fear that is stopping you? Is it not knowing what to do that is stopping you?
Minale replies:
March 10th, 2012 at 6:22 AM
Dear Almaz
The problem with us is that we do not know how to do what we have to do. We have got a home work to do that looks like solving a mathematical equation, but we are pursuing the wrong method. We are not only applying the wrong method but also we are not willing to change our method when it fails to lead us to the right answer. Instead, we strive to justify our method and to believe our wrong answers as right. This behaviour of us has been well known by the US administration, hindering what ever support they could provide. The US administrations approach to any assistance is outcome focussed, not driven by arbitrarry actions.
The currrent distructive regime would have been got ridden of long time ago if it wasn’t for the US’s partnership with the regime and support by disregarding the need Ethiopians and international community wanted to replace the decaying regime of Zinawi. Yes,this filthy regime of Zinawi has been fully convinced itself that it is just a matter of time it would fall appart and break into millions of piece;however,by spending millions of dollars from the public’s coiffer and actively engaging in secret meeting with US and British government in saving it from being toppled by Ethiopians,plus brute force and blackmailing politicians and democratic leaders,it continues to survive into the next election which it plans to win in any fraudlent or cheating way.Therefore,Ehtiopians,keep fighting this archaic and fascist regime and bring it down to its complete defeat.
Waka replies:
March 10th, 2012 at 6:51 AM
I can not say it any better ,U.S will only be on your side if they proof that Zenawis chair is hot by the bravery of the peoples and as long as it is not the case they even work with a devil if they could not find no alternative they only need a regional cooperation for their national interest.
The US is playing a destructive role in the name of protecting strategic interests and fighting terrorism.
The poor people of Ethiopia are sacrificial lambs to a short-sighted American policy of expediency. The truth is that the US has no problem supporting a minority tribalist regime.
A tribalist regime that requires party membership for college attendance or employment; a tribalist regime that uses foreign handouts to oppress its own subjects; a tribalist regime that routinely arrests, tortures and murders innocent citizens. A minority tribalist regime that is keeping Ethiopians hungry, poor and oppressed. A tribalist regime whose social contract is not with its own people but with the foreign alms givers.
When Ethiopians rose in unison in 2005 to vote the thugs out, it was the USA that sided with the tyrants. There is circumstantial evidence that the US embassy in Addis, headed by former Charge Vicki Huddleston, played overt and covert roles to reverse the results of the election and to keep Meles Zenawi in power. Why? Because the popular election was getting in the way of preparations for the planned invasion of Somalia.
Foreign powers and their representatives have shown moral bankruptcy by looking the other way in the face of a murderous regime. They bear a moral and legal responsibility for the continuing suffering of the Ethiopian people.
It sounds like the international community want to systematically get rid of Africans and take Africa for themselves.They want Africa to be like Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada in 500 -1000 years so that their ancestors could lead an even more comfortable and luxurious lives in the beautiful, sunny and resource rich continent. With all the natives almost extinct, living primitive in the bushes while they happily live, enjoy and rule Africa … They would tell their kids, once upon a time, there lived very diverse people in this precious continent. These people are now extinct due to DISEASE, civil conflict, drought, self distractions etc. They would have massive museums to show them pictures of these diverse folks. They will never say who actually invented the diseases to eradicate them nor would they say a word about who was actually behind their conflict. The end.
what do we actually know about the Aborigines, Moris, Native Americans and many other indigenous people that they almost eradicated from the face of the earth, pushed to jungles? Their civilizations, ways of life, technologies etc except what they are portrayed by Caucasian dominated media? They surely must have had some empires, civilizations etc 1000s of years ago.
They carbon-date skeletons that are apparently millions of years old and tell us too many stories about that skeleton yet no word about who exactlly were the real Indigenous people of Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South America etc. Their fate awaits Africans.
One can easily notice that Bereket Simon could get lucky in purging Meles from his position and if that happens, it will be a mess for a while but our pain will be over.
very much shocking news for our citizens
If we continue as we have done in the past decade; it becomes clear to me we will accomplish nothing meaningful for Ethiopians. If we get anything accomplished at all it will probably be for self-interest and not for the collective good. And silencing the critics by refusing their message to post or editing and rewriting their idea and reposting it won’t help either. If anything such censorship and infantile character conforms the paranoia and the growing problem of political fiefdom within the diaspora.
With the exception of very few highly dedicated, self-less, and disciplined such as the then CUD and the now UDJ capable leaders, the rest of the Ethiopian political leaders have failed the public. I do really believe before anything else the rest of the many organizational leaders and political activists need to take honest look upon them. I mean they need self-reflection to see the one illusive problem that is hidden from them, but is obvious to the rest of us and deal with it now. If not, I am here to tell you, whatever you thought is working is not. In some cases what we have is just Professor so and so as a chairman of an organization operating from some unknown destination .And, this, my fellow countrymen is not to guaranty our freedom-big jock!
Let us assume that the majority of rank and file Ethiopians believe a unified struggle, as opposed the multiplicity of organizational approach will help to achieve the needed goal. That means, for such strategy to be embraced it requires each leader to sacrifice and humbly submit self-interest, and personal ambition to the will of the people. In other words,
if the need arise and if asked ,for the sake of the general good ,will some of these leaders be willing to take their sit at the last row. If the assumption that the unity of Ethiopians determines in shortening or prolonging the required freedom holds true, then be willing to pay the required sacrifice for it.Unfortunately,what we have for these many years counter intuitive and counterproductive strategy and a mushrooming of organizations. In reality the crux of the matter is this, whether these leaders like it or not they must transcend their ethnic, sectarian limitations and practice the art of living and working together-halo Mr. Ms. Political leaders and activists do you hear me?
What is the rationale behind the motto or principle that comes in the form of -I am struggling for Ethiopia, but I have to set up my own organization and do my part. Do we ever learn from our past? Consider the many organizations that have come and gone. That is not the end of the story they left behind them the moral wreckage of the Ethiopian people.
At the present consider Medihin, G-7, and yes Dr. Fiseha Eshetu’s “Ethiopian national Council”. I am sure the list will grow by leaps and bounces before this year is out, all because many are not willing to submit to collective good.
My friends, Money talks and do wonders around the world regardless, it ethical or unethical! The Ethiopian treasury Department and the entire Ethiopian government is under Meles without any kind of accountability, and Meles can use the Ethiopian Tax Payers money as he please to buy influential people around the world with the help of his law firm Dla Piper to look the other way when Meles and his tplf dogs commits despicable crimes on law abiding Ethiopians.
Meles has not only selling the land of Ethiopians, Ethiopian young girls are also being sold and abused, used and tossed like napkins in Arab countries. As a parent, I am sicken by this profoundly disturbed video of young Ethiopian girl being kidnapped in Lebanon. It is unfortunate the world is ignoring the sufferings of Ethiopians in and outside of Ethiopia. It is a must see video, be alarmed very disturbing indeed:
this is disturbing guys, and it is a day to day practice even in NGOs.what can we do………. hope God wil call a day some time in the future
now what can i do as a citizen?i guess nothing because of this imperialist.i fear that my children will face the same life i am going to face.
When U.S knew and do nothing, the indication is fraud/recovery fraud and more conspiracy in Gaithersburg. Clinton is not easy unless that buried wine when the Foundation was inaugurated be recovered and be given to Bush then as an Olympic Torch, be distributed everywhere and be drunk as blood by McRobinson who is Mr. Wine. They recovered and kicked everyone’s ass and killed them by prey as targets. They stink.
Wikileaks is not telling us anything new. Are you surprised that US knew and didn’t do anything about it? You gotta be kidding. Where did this notion of US being good come from when we know almost all Africa’s dictators’, one time or another, were supported, if not created, by the USA. Even Mengistu Hailemariam was once was supported by the USA.
What I don’t really understand is that you guys seem to get it wrong all the time, even when the USA clearly stipulates that it will do or not do anything in Africa or the rest of the world based on its interest. The very armament and Vehicles used to massacre innocent young men on the streets of Addis Ababa during the 2005 election and before were supplied to the current Ethiopian regime by the USA. Didn’t USA know what are those materials to be used for? Of course it did.
USA has been the source of most of evils in Africa and the rest of the world. Go and do your assignment about the history of USA before you come here and play how much surprised you are by USA’s awareness and ignorance of some facts that happens in Ethiopia.
God bless Africa!!