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Andualem Aragie beaten up in prison

UDJ Party official Andualem Aragie has been beaten up in jail and his captors refused him medical tratement, according to Dr Negasso Giddada. The following is a letter that is sent out today by Dr Negasso:

Yesterday, around noon time, I received information that Andualem was beaten up by an {www:inmate} in his prison cell by an inmate day before yesterday and that someone should come to the prison and see him. I phoned his brother and his lawyers to ask them if they could
visit him in the afternoon. They could not go to the prison in the afternoon because the visit hours were only in the mornings.

They could see him today and came to UDJ office to report what they found out. First of all about Andualem’s condition. Andualem, who is usually emotionally and spiritually strong, was down. He was depressed and was weeping when he met his brother and his lawyers. He complained of headache. A small bruise can be seen on his face on the right side below his eye. He expressed that he has fear that “they” want to kill him. No medical care has been given to Andualem so far.

Background: Andulem is in a prison cell for 14 people in the so called maximum security zone (Zone 3) with people such as Ato Bekele Gerba of OFDM and Olbana Lelisa of OPC and Dr. Tilahun Fantahun. The cell does not have windows.

About a month ago a prisoner named Ibas Asfaw was added to Andualem’s cell. Ibas has been in prison for 16 years and was once sentenced to death because of murder. His sentence was latter changed to life imprisonment. It is said that he has transmittable illness. Ibas is
{www:provocative}, insulting and {www:quarrelsome}. He takes away food from his cell inmates by force and gives it away to others. He is frequent visitor to the office of prison administration and is said that he is in friendly relations with the authorities there.

Ibas started insulting Andualem since the 13th of February. He took away papers Andualem was using to writ his defense case for the court in two weeks. No one knows where he took the papers. On the 14th, Ibas comes to the cell at around 13 hours with another prisoner
from outside the cell and closes the door and asks Bekele and Dr. Tilahun, who were resting, telling them to get out of the room because they have something secret to talk with Andualem. The two refused to get out. Ibas then went directly to Andualem and kicked him on the left side of his head. Andualem fall down. Ibas boxed Andualem three times while he lay unconscious on the cement floor. Bekele was trying to push away Ibas while Dr. Tilahun called the guards. The guards took Ibas away.

It is rumored that he was taken to the prison administration office and received more than Bir 2,300 and taken to another cell in zone 1. It is said that he receives money since 2005 because he was injured during the shooting in prison when many prisoners are said to have
been killed.

To the questions of the lawyers the prison authorities said that they can allocate prisoners in any cell they want, that this is administrative matter, they will deal with Ibas administratively, they can get Andualem’s papers from Ibas and Andualem can forward appeal and accusation to the prison administration if he wants to. The prison administration did not take the matter seriously.

Conclusion: We suspect that the placing of Ibas in Andualem’s cell is deliberate and that it was an indirect way of torturing Andualem, humiliate him and have him morally, psychologically and physically broken down, as has been done to Burtukan Mideksa.

The Executive Committee of UDJ will discuss on the matter tomorrow and will decide what action it would take. In the mean time I appeal to all friends to forward this information to all defenders of the Human Rights to condemn what happened to Andualem and demand that he gets medical attention as soon as possible.

Dr. Negaso Gidada, Chairman of Unity for Democracy and Justice Party

65 thoughts on “Andualem Aragie beaten up in prison

  1. People with Transmittable illness, should be kept seperatly. who ? in the world would ignor this kind of things ? Hummm. Indet ayinet fird new yihegnaw degimo ?

  2. we should fight the weyane evil memebers by any means possible, and shame to so called udj supporters abroad led by abuigida website and qale room where the moron Machew is telling ethiopians to die while his fat coward ass is sitting in canada and talking garbege, shame on those eprp and mead so called supporters, and shame on those arrogant ecadf some admins who are insluting adulaem and other brave ethiopians, regardless ethiopians like elias, ginbot 7 memebers and others should be appreciated for thier work and all of us should join the new corrdinated struggle in order to get rid of weyane….no more talk..lets do our own part to save ethiopians, death to every weyane/tplf members and death to thier stupid non-tigreans servants like laureate, ezana and aba mela of paltalk….

    alem replies:

    We failed him. Only talk talk talk talk…Only talk leads no where.

    Treaty replies:


    You wrote,

    “… ethiopians like elias, ginbot 7 memebers and others should be appreciated for thier work and all of us should join the new corrdinated struggle”

    I can see your frustration ;it is the burden that needs to be shared by all conscioncious Ethiopians,if we ever to survive as a nation from the assault that is being perpetrated by the the psycho-pathic clique on our people and very existrence.You are rightly right in pointing out we need to fight back.However,I disagree with what you have said about abugida and some of EPRP supporters to the peacefyull movement.I agree to the notion ,at least those who have openly announced as far back ,to use all means to bring down TPLF rulers from power.However, we can not force Abugida and her supportere to resort to violence,because their mission is to promote peacefull means of struggle.You haveevery right to persuade any individual or web site to change their strategy,however,if tahey refuse we have to respect their stand on this issue.

    My problem is THIS even those who have been making much noise about armed action aginst the junta have never registerd any meaningful gain thus far.I am afraid armed struggle ,as we come to know it, in the G-7 camp is just mere TALK.What is needed now is a rethinking and regrouping by those who share the same vision of armed struggle.One way to do this is train some military leaders oversees.Followed by arming Ethiopians at home and those who volunter to go to neigboring countries to raise arms.The idea is to follow the path of Syria.Provided all Ethiopians from the south-center to the east and west unite TPLF is hated and can not handel such aprisng.
    We need armd resolve now other wise we are ging be humilated and killed one at a time.Evil can only thrimp because of our refusal to involve and for lack of resolve.In closing,if Ethiopians rise in unison now all of a sudden the political dinamics will change on the ground.Ther will be more coverage by the international news;further more,we can expect an open denouncement of the TPLF regime by,heads of states and major news organs across the globe.

    May the LORD give us courage to stand up; how long and how often we have to come to these forums just to bemon ,and not do any thing about it.It is not just as Patric Henery’s “Give me Liberty or death” motto that needs to be heeded but it is also equally true that ,often, freedom is secured “through a barrel of a gun”.

  3. TPLF does not like to be held responsible for its crimes. So they use other criminals and pretend their hand is not involved.

    I think it would be very appropriate to use their same method when the sh*ty system falls. Hope to capture Chenawi alive and make him taste his own medicine.

  4. “It is said that Ibas receives money since 2005 because he was injured during the shooting in prison when many prisoners are said to have been killed”.

    I really feel sorry for Andualem, who dedicated his life for the likes of you and me. He has been let down by the Ethiopian people. He has been let down by former prisoners like Birtukan Mdeqsa, who wouldn’t tell their story and thus help us understand the kind of terror and humiliation that Andualem is undergoing. I hope the woyane are not using prisoners like Ibsa who have communicable decease to molest and humiliate Andualem. It is really sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Beaten by Inmates, give me a break! It is the Hitler TPLF bloody hand thugs who have beaten up an innocent man, Andualem to break him physically and mentally. The tplf looter thugs and killers are taking all their anger and hatred of all Ethiopians on the few Ethiopians they have locked up in that cold woyane rat infested prison. Only Meles and his thugs see Advocating for democracy and Human Rights is a punishable crime. My heart is braking to pieces and my tears is coming down like pouring rain for our hero Andualem and the rest of innocent political prisoners who are locked up for loving their country and their fellow Ethiopians. I cannot even imagine what his mother, father, his siblings, close relatives and friends must be going through. When is ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? May God bring the deaths of tyrant Meles, his heartless thugs for the sake of innocent Ethiopia/ns!

  6. Folks! You seem to be liking dayly fire fighting and dissipating scaece energies with no major results. If Ibas is transfred Wayane will bring in another Ibas. If Andualem is transfered another Ibas will be wating for him in there. If Andualem is freed like Birtukan, another Andualem will replace him just like he replaced Birtukan.

    The fundamental source of the problem is minority Wayane dictatorship. As long as tplf minority is dictating there will always be tyranical rule, tyranical prisons and tyranical inmates working for the tyranical rulers and torturing anti tyrany prisoners.

    The solution is simply genuine unity/alliance within diversity and transforming that troubled prison house country in to a democratic free and vibrant heathy and wealthy country. :)

  7. #1.anonymous

    The “bully” inmate’s name who takes from the relatively rich like Robin Hood and distributing to the reletively poor is not “Ibsa” as you wrogly put it but “Ibas.” Distortion spoils the main issue.

    Anonymous replies:

    And you call this low-life hoodlum Robin Hood, eh?. And that distorts nothing? You Woyane thugs will get what you deserve soon, it is just a matter of time.

    Anonymous replies:

    Mr.Biruk, you must have a brain as small as a could not say anything else but correcting the spelling of the thug that was hired by the fascist junta did not care about the “main issue” every body is upset about. I want to ask you one question why are you so concerned about the spelling of his name? is he your father?

    we will see the day when these so called rulers of Ethiopia running like rats. Ethiopia and all the political prisoners will be free again.

  8. How long are we going to tolerate this?”ERE SMANG AGERE TEW SMANG AGERE H.I M TEWODROS” all of us Ethiopian WE can be TEWODROSIII if we unite against this in human TPLF we would WHYP THEM OUT IN A DAY!!!

  9. It is clear that they sent this gay to sodomize Andualem by this AIDS infested woyane criminal. Birtukan should get in public and write about her ordeal in that prison. Woyane knows that Ethiopians are too ashamed to talk about something like this and is using it as a weapon. Only then the true and inhuman nature of woyane will come out to light.

    Anonymous replies:

    Meles is using every form of humiliation including sodomy to pacify and domesticate the opposition. That Birtukan Mdeqsa wouldn’t dare to say anything against him and what he did to her 5000 km away from the infamous Qaliti is simply beyond me. Meles does everything to demean the opposition, and the opposition (even in diaspora) calls him yetekeberu PM, antu, ersachew, teqlai ministeru, etc. What a shame! Meles sees this as the source of his legitimacy, a respected and feared government and demeaned and humiliated opposition.

  10. Shame! Shame!…..min biye menager endalebign alawikim…..keminin gize belay BEKUM MOTENAL!…ayi Ethiopiawinet!?

    Anonymous replies:

    He brother don’t Give up freedom never free,people like ANDUALEM paying the greatest price for your freedom and main…. the Question is what are we going to do? are we going fight or look the other no we will fight all we have to do is do what we can in our power to unite in the struggle…FREEDOM NEVER FREE!!!


    In present day Ethiopia people “disappear”, framed, detained, tortured, assassinated or executed without any trial. Even if the constitution and the laws theoretically exist , they are frequently bypassed and flaunted reality and practice. The authoritarian regime is also manipulative and hypocritical to justify its brutality by utilizing such pretexts as maintaining national stability , keeping law and order or protecting the country . But what we see is falsely accusing innocent individuals of subversion, arrest them, and incarcerate them for an indefinite period of time. This is intended to silence, subdue and break them down.

    The universal declaration of human rights bars torture and “acts of cruel, inhuman, degrading, treatment or punishment” of political prisoners.According to the declaration any practice that involves these result in severe physical and psychological pain or suffering. And this is Torture. The dictators are obligated to take effective legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures to prevent any acts of torture. BUT THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT DOING IT AND THE RULERS SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.

    what needs to be done?
    1–Andualem and all political prisoners should be released without any condition
    2–The people of Ethiopia need to know this crime.This is another evidence that shows the brutality of the government. And they should not wait until the next “election”.
    3–Lawyers in the country should document this crime for possible prosecution of members of the ruling junta in the court of law
    4–The International Red Cross and others should be given access to visit and interview political prisoners.

    The time has come for the people of Ethiopia to take their country back. The young people of Ethiopia get up and lead nothing is greater than a country.

    “neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history waiting for the train of the future to run over him” Eisenhower

    “freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed” Martin Luther King Jr.

    “there is no such thing as a little freedom, either you are all free
    or you are not” Walter Cronkite

  12. The country our great grandparents died for is now under the most evil group of people Ethiopians or even the world have ever seen. These inhumane woyane thugs have been brainwashed and trained like a dog, since their childhood for forty years to dislike, mistreat and see Ethiopians as foreign enemies or like insects by Issayas and Meles. And the last twenty one years is a testimony by itself that Meles and his TPLF servants have shown their utmost disrespect and ill treatments on Ethiopia and Ethiopians, and they won’t rest till Ethiopia is totally dismantled and Ethiopians divided and fall.
    I’m so disappointed with the opposition leaders. If they are not capable of informing the 86 million Ethiopians and strength to reject the TPLF regime and demand democracy, whoever the opposition leaders are, they need to step down and give the power to someone else who is driven to lead and demand justice. I am not affiliated with no political party, I am just one of 86 million Ethiopians who are tired of reading and seeing my birth country being looted and more and more of our fellow Ethiopians being treated like second class citizens and beaten and killed day after day for the last almost 40 years, 21 of it by tyrant Meles.

  13. What is type of country is this country? a country of subhumans? what is government for ? only to sell land? I am disgusted by the lawlessness of this reteched nation which is invaded by thieves. What a messs? did Meles Zenanawi spent 17 years with intention? to humiliate, to break the dignity of our people? what is wrong with this country? The only thing we hear robbery, injustice inside and outside the country against our citizen? where must our people go? They cannot live in their country? even if they go outside, they robbed their dignity? what we must we do to change this? Is this country has become 100% lawless? what a mightmare? I cannot believe why people became so wicked and down trodding their people consider a virtue? I am dismayed and I am tired of hearing the dignity of my people trashed by few selfish bandas who have who have no any moral standard. Money is all they want. They have regards for people. These idiots are only happy to tell us how much hectare of land sold for 100 years for 1 dollar per hectare.

    Men, I am tired of hearing subhumanity in this ancient nation which is now on sale for few dollars. I again say, something must be done. We are fed up of hearing injustice against our people within their country and outside their country. We better all die with our dignity than live in this despicable and humiliating live. Even outside we are not able to live in peace. Why these people became so stoned headed. They put in prison and even in prison people are degraded. What is the the prison then for ? Aye, Aye,… afer belu, dem blu, kefafi zega. Babaric and primitive, selfish.

  14. The prison administrator is right. It was a squabble between two prisoners and the instigator will be reprimanded according to the prison rules. If Ato Andualem instigated the fight, then he will face the decision and if it was the other prisoner who broke the rule, her will also face the consequences according to the law. Let’s not rush to judgment. I wouldn’t doubt if, with a fiery personality he has, that Ato Andualem was the instigator. But let’s wait to hear from the prison chief. And don’t call me a Woyane. I am a red-blooded Ethiopian and have been as such for more than 3,000 years and more than any other nationality in Ethiopia. So don’t mess with my patriotism. You, all of you don’t even come close. You cheap sellouts!!!!!

    Anonymous replies:

    I don’t understand you. I am not sure if other people understand you either. First of all you are right you said you don’t think Andualem was the instigator. But you missed the bigger facts one is Andualem should never even be in prison for being an opposition, Number two is the criminal thug should not be living with people who are political prisoners. Some are young and some are elderly patriots of the country. They don’t deserve to be humiliated.

    And you also said the prison administrator is right and it is a fight between prisoners. What a joke? You don’t know Andualem so you should not even open your mouth and say stupid things.

    Also you went on saying you are a red-blooded Ethiopian(never heard of that before) …..and more than any other nationality in Ethiopia.” and you said ” all of you don’t even come close. You cheap sellouts”. Who are you to call yourself a better Ethiopian? I could not believe that there are people like you out there who talk garbage and they should belong in a garbage bag. you were given a chance to post your opinion here and you are insulting other nationalities. And who are cheap sellouts? Did you mean those who are selling Ethiopia for profit? or Did you mean those who murdered our children in broad day light because they lost an election? Or did you mean those Woyane servants of Melese who are in and out of the country? Read what you typed before posting it. If it makes sense to you that means it does not make sense to others. So don’t post it. You are chronically mixed up or you have lost your identity by mistake some where and my advice is that go and start looking for it.
    i wanted to say more but if you did not understood what other Ethiopians are saying and thinking so far you are not going to understand what i wanted to say. You are simply a little man with a little brain.

    I am not calling you Woyane but you are a good tool of Woyane.
    The time is up for the junta murderers. Ethiopians are aware of what they are doing.

    Anonymous replies:

    Don’t worry berhe, it’ll soon be your turn you low-life. You will be sodomized by truly angry prisoners, not planted ones. The Ethiopian justice will treat you decently, you will be allowed visitation, your wife and children will be allowed to come n visit you all the way from adwa, but no matter how hard we try we will not be able to protect you from the rage of the truly angry prisoners.

    Berhe replies:

    You Anonymous,
    You don’t even have a name worth mentioning. But I can guess who you are and where you are from. You must be one of those Isaias beasts of burden. You tried us 14 years ago and we have kicked your ass fair and square. Now you have been delegated by your master in Asmara to be donkeys of the Amhara losers. We have buried those wicked Amhara rulers already. They are gone. It will be a very futile attempt by you or anyone to bring them back. Our friends from Gondar and Gojjam do not want to be despotic rulers again. The other Amhara off-shoot group, EPRP has never gained consciousness from the heavy blow it was dealt with by our gallant fighters more than 30 years ago. I was reading one of their articles the other day, they are still accusing us in the disappearance of their former leaders who were captured while hiding behind ‘Mitaad Akmbalos’ in Gojjam in 1991. They were captured by ANDM fighters led by Tamrat Layne. They should ask him what he did with them. But look what have been done for the people and country since then. Ethiopia is on the move. The economy has been growing by double digits for more than two decades now. Industry is flourishing like mushroom in every part of the country. You are not hating Meles but you are sick to death with Ethiopia and its peoples. Meles himself can tell you now that Ethiopia is a land of many sincere patriots like him and by millions of them. They are ready to grab the baton from him at any time and in an orderly fashion. Anarchists and Ethiopia haters like don’t that to happen. You want to wreak havoc on the country and its peoples. Our difference with some Oromo groups is just temporary. They are not new to us and we are not new to them. At one point and for several years we were burning the midnight oil every day to take the peoples of Ethiopia out of abject poverty. They just departed their ways and we never lost sight of them and sooner or later we will come together again once and for all. It needs some details need to be worked out. That is all. But rapscallions like you will never stop working to do harm to that dear country we all call Ethiopia and its glorious peoples. Those peoples are so sad to see you turning into a doorknob. Poor soul you!!!!!

    Rezene replies:

    Mr. red-blooded Ethiopian thank you for your honesty you just told us who you are. I am sorry to disappoint you that i have nothing to do with Isayas of Eritrea. It is not about him now. My name is Rezene and I am from Endaselassie in Tigray. Let me tell you one thing I am not ashamed because i am from Tigray but i am ashamed there are people like you who are so filled with hate, crime and murder in the name of politics.You are so angry and swimming in an illusion. I do not care where a leader is from. I care about justice, democracy and the rule of law. And many Ethiopians are too.
    I grew up like you hating the Amharas. But I have seen and met many Amharas who hated the “Amhara governments” in Central Ethiopia. There are some Amhara hodams who work with your masters and we will bring them to justice with Meles and his company. And you talked about EPRP, I do not know much about the organization but I know that there were many Tigres from rank and file to leadership. Tesfaye Debesay and Berhane Meskel were not Amharas. You murdered every one on your path. From Tigray to Addis. Amharas, Oromos alike.

    You know I have those little Tigre symbol scars near my eyes but when they did yours they must have punctured your brain and it is still bleeding that is why you are not thinking right.You said Meles himself can tell me Ethiopia is a land of many sincere patriots like him. How is that? Selling a country is patriotism? Degrading its flag, its history, its people is it patriotism? Working for Italians like his grandfather is also patriotism?

    How about the Oromo people? you said “they just departed temporarily”. I don’t think it is a joke. I hope they will reply and speak out to your outrageous comment about the great Oromo people. I personally have Oromo friends i respect so much. But why are prisons filled with Oromo fighters? why is their lands and belonging snatched by Meles your master? Don’t try to shed your crocodile tears for Oromo people. They will be free soon from tyrants like your masters.

    How about the people of Gambela? How much money is enough for Meles and his company? They keep selling everything. How about the Afars? The Somalis, the Kembatas etc. Come on, be a man enough to admit that crime is being committed in the name of Tigray, Human rights are being destroyed in the name of Tigres. I am not blind folded like you who hates others. Your are a disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Your double digit figure you and Meles are talking about is an empty cry. Do some research and read what the economists are saying.

    By the way before i forget for your brain problem, look in the yellow pages under “Brain Surgeons” I hope you will find one and hopefully it won’t be an Amhara or Oromo doctor. Good Luck.

    tezibt replies:


    I admire your talent of trying to confuse Ethiopians. Of course, we have TPLF to make our lives misrable. Your talent to add to ouir misry is amazing. I will not tell you how but I confirm to you that you are a smart Shabia from Asmara. I got you brother. You really are good.

    Berhe replies:

    This is for Rezene,

    Where did I say I hate all Amharas? I said specifically ‘those wicked Amhara rulers’. I am not an ‘Amhara hater’ and I can not afford to be just that. My father-in-law was a very fine Amhara gentleman (RIP). My nephews and nieces have both Amhara and Oromo heritages. How dare you call me an Amhara hater!!! How dare you with out knowing and understanding me!!! To be honest with you, you don’t oppose the support I have for the economic and political changes that country has gone through during the last 22 years. You just have a problem with the way I am putting it. You talked about allegations where land poor people depend on for survival was unjustifiably given away to foreigners by force. If you take this case to court here in the West you will lose it as an open and shut case. You can not use that pre-planned and well-executed interviews and pseudo documentary by some channel in the UK. But the reality is every land that was leased to foreign investors is a public land owned by the federal government. The federal government here in the USA owns a vast area of public land that is about 15% of the total US land mass. It leases areas to companies and individual investors for many reasons, transports routes and oil explorations among many. If there are squatters they will be removed voluntarily or by force if needed. What is wrong with that? The peoples of Ethiopia have vowed to be food self-sufficient and they have every right at their disposal to search and locate people with deep pockets to go in and develop virgin and fertile land that can be developed for the good of the people at large. What is wrong with that? Rezene!! Come, come now!! Fair is fair. And be fair!!!

    And you tezibt: you don’t really deserve an answer.

  15. February 18, 2012 (The Indian Ocean Newsletter N°1326) ”Some Ethiopian opponents are convinced that the United States may have already begun to discuss the succession of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

    The United States has already reportedly begun to check two options for what could follow after Prime Minister Meles Zenawi: he could either rapidly designate his own successor to prepare him for his role or he could establish government of national unity before the end of his term. Such is the belief of Ethiopian opponents who have had contacts with American diplomats in Addis Ababa or in Washington. These diplomats have had talks with the faction of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) headed by Kemal Gelchu, with the Ginbot 7 group led by Berhanu Nega and with Daoud Ibsa, the leader of another faction of the OLF who was discreetly invited to Washington at the end of last year.
    Several economic (higher inflation, rampant corruption) and political (the recent sidelining of 300 officers including Tigrayan generals) factors have led the U.S. officials to deem that Ethiopia is not immune to uncontrolled social explosions, even if the EPRDF governing coalition has the situation well in hand. Hence the idea that Meles Zenawi take the initiative to open his government to some opponents such as Birtukan Mideksa or Seye Abraha, who are currently undergoing training at Harvard University.

    Failing that, the U.S. delegates reportedly suggested that Meles Zenawi should plan the period after he is no longer in power and prepare his successor, whether it be Tewodros Adhanom the current minister of health, Arkebe Oqubay (advisor to the Prime Minister) or former Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian army, the former General Tsadkan Gebre-Tensae who now works for the UN in South Sudan. But Meles Zenawi is not believed to have favored either scenario.

    – ION

  16. February 18, 2012 (The Indian Ocean Newsletter N°1326) ”Some Ethiopian opponents are convinced that the United States may have already begun to discuss the succession of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

    The United States has already reportedly begun to check two options for what could follow after Prime Minister Meles Zenawi: he could either rapidly designate his own successor to prepare him for his role or he could establish government of national unity before the end of his term. Such is the belief of Ethiopian opponents who have had contacts with American diplomats in Addis Ababa or in Washington. These diplomats have had talks with the faction of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) headed by Kemal Gelchu, with the Ginbot 7 group led by Berhanu Nega and with Daoud Ibsa, the leader of another faction of the OLF who was discreetly invited to Washington at the end of last year.
    Several economic (higher inflation, rampant corruption) and political (the recent sidelining of 300 officers including Tigrayan generals) factors have led the U.S. officials to deem that Ethiopia is not immune to uncontrolled social explosions, even if the EPRDF governing coalition has the situation well in hand. Hence the idea that Meles Zenawi take the initiative to open his government to some opponents such as Birtukan Mideksa or Seye Abraha, who are currently undergoing training at Harvard University.

    Failing that, the U.S. delegates reportedly suggested that Meles Zenawi should plan the period after he is no longer in power and prepare his successor, whether it be Tewodros Adhanom the current minister of health, Arkebe Oqubay (advisor to the Prime Minister) or former Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian army, the former General Tsadkan Gebre-Tensae who now works for the UN in South Sudan. But Meles Zenawi is not believed to have favored either scenario.

    – ION

    treaty replies:

    I don’t think this posting is appropriate here. But my reply to it is that the Ethiopian people are not demanding the replacement of one individual junta by an other one from his own party with the same crimes in his or her hands. We are against the system that is dividing our country, we are against the TPLF rulers who are not Ethiopians but occupying the country by force, we are against the economic and political policies of exploitation, discrimination, racism, murders, and imprisonment of our people.
    This talk of replacing Melese is a ploy to stop the fire from burning. We are not going to be tricked again. Justice should prevail in the country, and Freedom and democracy should shine over the people. Nothing less.

    Sened replies:


    What is your point of recycling what is posted in other web site unless your aim is to divert attention so that Ethiopians won’t rise and demand their freedom?That is wright! that seems to be yur point here.I must say we are tired of your types (regime enbatebakis).It is clear those who one way or another connected with the killer beast TPLF seem to say to the people of Ethiopialeave us alone,we love looting ,bleeding,and humilating the country and her subjects.

  17. I know Yibas Asefa(not Ibas Asfaw as it is mentioned above) since my child hood in Addis. He was born and grew up between Teklehaimanot and “GEJA SEFER” in a place called “TURETA SEFER”. Yibas’s father was a notorious criminal both in Haile Selassie and Mengistu times. When his wife gave birth to his first child (Yibas) around 1966 Ethiopian calendar, he named him “Yibas” meaning “let my son be worse than I am”. His father’s wish came true when Yibas reached the age of adolescence. As a teenager, he started raping girls; pick pocketing, burglary robbery and stabbing people for no apparent reasons. I remember one time he abducted a girl and tried to rape her in his mother back yard. When the girl refused his demand, he literally cut her breast and left her bleeding outside her parents’ house. I heard the girl was traumatized, psychologically affected due to the incident and finally passed away. Yibas was/is so cruel that using him to intimidate and harass people like Andualem is very creepy. Please let’s do something for his unconditional release. Let’s sign petitions or write letters to human right organization for their intervention in this matter. The likes of Professor Alemayehu, please do something before this criminal take the life of our brother.

  18. ቅናት መጥፎ ነገር ብዙ ያሰራኛል:
    ኢትዮጲያዊ የሚባል ያስደነ ግጠኛል::
    ከአያት ከቅድመአያት በውርስ ያገኝሁት:
    ባንዳነት መሆኑን እነሱስ መቼ አጣሁት::
    በንጹ ህሊና :ቃሊቲ ይሞቃል: ሲሉ:ሰምቻለሁ:
    እኔ: ቤተ መንግስት: በፍርሃት :ብዛት:ላብድ ደርሻለሁ::
    ቃሊት ብከተው ባስረው ጨለማ ቤት:
    አሸባሪ ብለው ብከሰው በሃሰት:
    ዱላ ባበዛበት ጠያቂ ባሳጣው:
    አልሰበር አለኝ ጠንካራ ህሊናው::
    ሳስብ ሳሰላስል ያገኘሁት ነገ ር:
    ነፍሰ ገዳይ ቀጥሮ ማስደብደብን ነበር::

  19. Here is a little advice that can be helpful to supporters of the TPLF regime. The Woyane government is one of the most inhumane dictatorship that is known by all Ethiopians and also been accused of looting the country, torturing and killing innocent Ethiopians and Somalis by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and most of all by the victims themselves–the innocent Ethiopians.
    Supporters of Dictator Meles: Save your gas and money, don’t waste your time to go to Churches, Mosques, Temples or to synagogues to pray and worship the Merciful Loving God and at the same time worship a man that has been accused of committing despicable crimes on humanity.

  20. Our heart goes out to one of the most ccourageous Ethiopian,Mr. Andualem,political leader, who has been fighting the enemy,the enemy that you,Ethiopians are fighting today tooth and nail since our country had been invaded and our people were held hostages by the invasion forces lead by a group of robbers and today have become the most notorious terrorist group.Mr.Andualem,for sure is the victim of Zinawi and his regime and is in jail on false accusation of being a terrorist by this same group which itself is the real terrorist,committing crime in a jail Mr. Andualem is suffering.Yes,we are hurt because the enemy is causing damage on our children’s life.

    Yes,yes Zinawi is responsible for the hurting of Mr. Andualem by sending his own member of the security into the prison and beating up Mr. Andualem;Mr.Andualem is hurt and we are hurt too.We shall retaliate Zinawi in a very unforegettable way that he will remember everything to the detail in his deep sleep forever.

    If Zinawi is captured,the whole structure that he built will come to its distruction.This is a must-have to do task for all Ethiopians,and it must be done as soon as possible.

  21. Inmates get beaten up by fellow Cellmates in the United States every day. What’s new? Elias, you deserve to be in that cell with Ibas and they should raise his payment so that he can do more damage.

    Jegnaw Ethiopiawe replies:

    He body why don’t you Volunteer your self to jail like that and come back and tell us how it feels to abused… That is a good one!!!!

    Anonymous replies:

    You are one gemtam Wayne

    Wey'gud replies:

    Alula you are a moron. You watched a jail fight show between gangs in United States and you are trying to tell us it is the same in Ethiopia. We should call you doctor of stupids. Oh don’t forget the killing of our people every day in Ethiopia that is ok too because it happens in other countries.How old are you? you could be just an adult with a child brain that does not know the difference between what he watched on tv and what we are talking about. Only a child watches cheap shows like that tells to adults as if it is a big thing. You can make a good adviser to your master Meles. A thief, a murderer, liar communist who came from a dirt where you are from too. it is not only him even his grandfather was a banda, hired by the fascists to kill Ethiopians who loved and fought for their country.
    Wait until next time when we slap you master Meles in his face and we will tell you it is not new it happened to Gadaffi too.

    And you are telling Elias Kifle he deserves to be in jail. You don’t even deserve to mention his name with a dirty mouth you got. I know that is the wish of all TPLF murderers.He is your nightmare and worst enemy. It is your policy to say anyone who loves his country Ethiopia should go to prison. You want to see Amharas, Oromos, Somalis, Kembatas, Gurages etc all of them going to jail. And any one who steals and kills will get a free money to build a house in Addis.

    I have a news for you a good news and a bad news.
    The bad news is TPLF’s days are numbered and the good news is that the Ethiopian people will put your masters in jail and pay them to fight and we will film it and show it on your favorite channel. Enjoy the show!!!!

  22. [Alula],
    little allula banda,you foment your haterd against the Ethiopian people, at least for now.But, you know not,in the moment our people are given a green light by the socalled leaders,you will see the sleeping jaint in us.More than any thing else we need these leaders(G-7)to call the people for action.Only such bold confrontati0on will force the whole political situation in the country to change in a split second.I for one will volenter for any mission be it by traveling to the border or targeting the weyne leader and his clique as they travel oversees.I in particular like the idea expressed by Anonymous #15.I completely agree if G-7 and those who have been promising to fight back refuse to call the public for action thius time,they need to be told to live step down from their postion.We need bold leaders at this moment among the rank to come to the for and call the public to rise.

    We have heard the likely hood of negative scenarios will take place if Ethiopians rise.Forget about such speculations.Ethiopians have been there,have passed through many storms in their long history and our people have overcome it all.Only if We overcome our own fear and rise ther rest will take care of itself.

  23. THIS IS for ALULA!
    why don’t you Volunteer to a prison and Get abused by the those inmate and come educate us how it feels to be abused, may be we might listen.

  24. The depature of zenawi will be a new era if he can leave by will. But I do not like the involvement of USA in the affaires of our country. No no no USA. Be it Birtukan or Siye or Berhanu or Doud, if they coming as USA agents, I say no no . Even if an Angel comes either from America or Arab, we do not need them. I do not understand why USA has to decided the destiny of our people. They landlocked our country and now what do they want?

  25. Alula,

    Who said we have to do whatever USA do? who cares what happens in USA? What does Ethiopia has to do with USA? USA is not a calibre of our rights. Our rights does not come from USA? our right is given to use by God. Who cares what happens in USA? People get killed by rampage shooting in USA? so do we have to do that? The bad thing is that the TPLF bandas use USA as thier model? What does USA has to do with right and dignity of an Ethiopinan man? It seems everything bad things which happens in other countries has to be imported to Ethiopia? Banda Meles woyane = wicked =wanton = banda = backward = baria = ager shech = worebela.

  26. #31.TANGO,

    I can tell you frankly the fact that we Ethiopians are NOT going to be free from Wayane and all the bygone and onging direct and indirect agonies being inflicted on us until Amharas and Oromos stop fooling each other and playing childish endless games but instead get their common senses back and come together in comprehensive and inclusive unity within diversity and deal with the tplf tyrants from its very root.

    Poor Ethiopians keep touring the planet in order to find the hidden right key that opens the hidden right door while the hidden key is in fact at the bottom of their own pocket.Fools! :)

  27. What can we expect from this wild animal gov’t?/group? Andualem what can I do except crying. What if you don’t care for the so called this Ethiopia. God help you if there is realy a God.

  28. This is for Rezene,

    Where did I say I hate all Amharas? I said specifically ‘those wicked Amhara rulers’. I am not an ‘Amhara hater’ and I can not afford to be just that. My father-in-law was a very fine Amhara gentleman (RIP). My nephews and nieces have both Amhara and Oromo heritages. How dare you call me an Amhara hater!!! How dare you with out knowing and understanding me!!! To be honest you, you don’t oppose the support I have for the economic and political changes that country has gone through during the last 22 years. You just have a problem with the way I am putting it. You talked about allegations where land poor people depend on for survival was unjustifiably given away to foreigners by force. If you take this case to court here in the West you will lose it as an open and shut case. You can not use that pre-planned and well-executed interviews and pseudo documentary by some channel in the UK. But the reality is every land that was leased to foreign investors is a public land owned by the federal government. The federal government here in the USA owns a vast area of public land that is about 15% of the total US land mass. It leases areas to companies and individual investors for many reasons, transports routes and oil explorations among many. If there are squatters they will be removed voluntarily or by force if needed. What is wrong with that? The peoples of Ethiopia have vowed to be food self-sufficient and they have every right at their disposal to search and locate people with deep pockets to go in and develop virgin and fertile land that can be developed for the good of the people at large. What is wrong with that? Rezene!! Come, come now!! Fair is fair. And be fair!!!

    Rezene replies:

    Ok Berhe, Fair is fair. let us talk for a minute or two and I would just like to quote your comments and throw few words. I promise nothing personal.
    this is what you said to me before at comment number 18
    “you have been delegated by your master in Asmara to be donkeys of the Amhara losers We have buried those wicked Amhara rulers already. They are gone. It will be a very futile attempt by you or anyone to bring them back, our friends from Gondar and Gojjam do not want to be despotic rulers again.”

    you see Berhe your story about your own family is a classic example of what Ethiopia is about. Tigres, Amharas, Oromos etc etc are all connected, related and inter-married with each other. But what you said above is directed at all Amharas and it is not a fair characterization of the regular Amhara citizens , the same should be said about the rulers of TPLF.They do not represent the people of Tigray specially now. Your friends from Gondar and Gojjam, who are they? If you were talking about some individuals from Gondar and Gojjam who were in the Haile Selassie’s feudal government and Mengistu’s Derg, I agree with you. There are some within the EPRDF as well. There are Oromos and Kenbatas and so on and on. I don’t think that was what you meant because you know and i know that you were talking about all Amharas. We both were told the same story “those Amhara rulers” meant all amharas. We have to stop that and think of our country. Ethiopia is not for Amharas, Tigres , Oromos only she is everybody’s country. There were and still are so many who fought for equality, justice and democracy regardless of their nationality. I for myself as an Ethiopian from Tigray, have chosen to fight along side all Ethiopians.

    You continued saying: ” the other Amhara off-shoot group, EPRP has never gained consciousness from the heavy blow it was dealt with by our gallant fighters more than 30 years ago”
    Are you kidding me? EPRP was “the other Amhara off-shoot group”? I hope you are joking. Because I told you I am from Tigray and i knew thousands of people from there who were EPRP members. How did you arrive to that conclusion? There were times that I used to think it was a Tigre off-shoot group. I know why you said that. It is because in their program it says “to liberate the whole country”. I was not a member of EPRP and I will not be one in a million years because communism is not my cup of tea. I hate it with a passion. TPLF rulers are also communists they say they are changed now. And what happened to EPRP fighters also should not have had happened. You sound that you are happy about it. There were so many innocent Ethiopians (not Amaharas only ) who were caught up with the “revolutionary” sentiment of the time and were murdered by TPLF, Derg, EPLF, ELF, etc.. It was such an unfortunate dark history of Ethiopia written with blood in every corner of the land.

    I was going to respond to your comment about the “distribution”of Land in Ethiopia and USA. But one thing though. The land that was sold to foreigners in Ethiopia was not a federal or public land. It was land owned by the people for thousands of years. It is not some kind of interview in UK. They got the story from the people who were displaced by force. Look what is going now. There will be war in Gambela very soon.

    Berhe, fair is fair. come and join the struggle with all brothers of yours. Do it for your nephews’ and nieces’ sake. They are the future.
    Do it for democracy, and justice in Ethiopia.

    Berhe replies:

    Ato Rezene:

    I called you some names when you were replying to my comment with no name. That menace to the Horn of Africa from Asmara has foot soldiers who love to wreak havoc among us by using faceless names. Now you told you are from Tigray and believed that. I am taking that part back. You see I am a big boy and would not be shy to say I am sorry whenever I am wrong.

    Now let me get back to you about the membership of the so-called multi-national organizations such as the one you mentioned. I will be one of the first ones to agree with you that thousands upon thousands of our young people fruitlessly lost their lives literally walking into a raging first lit by none other than the butcher Mengistu. They were innocent young people and May God Bless Their Souls!!!! They died in the most agonizing ways. I don’t know if you have had the chance to read a book about EPRP penned by one its former CC members. He had put it so unashamedly that most of those who went to their fruitless deaths really believed that one such sacrifice with produce hundreds to replace it. Duhhhhh!!!! Imagine you he was one of the leaders who can put a stop to such madness by all those young people. But I am sure you can sense what he and his comrades of the CC were hoping. They would start an uprising in Addis and take power quick. And you know what happened. But others who took trust(legitimately so) in the terrains and peasants of country came out to be successful just as was Emperor Gelawdewos against the titan Gragn Mohammed and Our patriotic fathers who stood up to Mussolini. Leaders of this party never believed in teamwork (In practicality) and they still don’t. It was always the other guys who are at fault. They blame nationalist organizations, The Derg(legit), EPLF(legit),ELF(Legit) and including their own shadows. They never learn. They are still ‘fighting’ ‘American’ imperialism. They still have not lost faith on ‘scientific socialism’. They picked a fight that they could not win with everyone and as a result they lost. Now they are split into factions they could not contain. Please don’t take me wrong. They can be productive citizens if they really pay attention to all the very good facts on the ground back home. I bet you this: If there will be another national unity government, they will not join that sacred union with good intentions. They will not rest until they are the ones who will tell everyone else what to do. This is true and a very sad fact. My countryman!!! So much sacrifice had been paid to get to this point and will make no sense to let it go awry just like that. And the Ethiopian peoples are unabashedly against that. And that is a fact.

  29. I am speechless but expected barbaric acts from Barbarians. Brother Andualem, I pray to Allah that you come out of this misery safe. Stay strong…. You are one of the few respected individuals who took on the Barbarians…Inshallah, one day our country will be liberated…

  30. Meles Zinawi,for sure,has hopplessly addicted to not only khat,blood too.This addict is a wealthy known criminal in Ehtiopia and had been wanted on varieties of crimes since he had begun his career as both a bandit and a robber;today,he is a fugitive terrorist waiting to be standing trial as soon as Ethiopians arrest him wherever he is found.

    Meles Zinawi can not escape arrest as he has convinced himself,one day,sooner or later will end up in the hands of Ehtiopians chained from top to bottom and make walk him on his weak knees a long journey to national and international courts for trials and subsequently will he be sentenced to eternal life in prison to the appease of Ethiopians and international communities.

    This coward,additionally known for being pathalogical a lier both nationally and internationally will pay the heaviest and the dearest price as he should for all the crimes that he has been committing on Ethiopians.This terrorist is a waste to God and to all of us;God must have been regreted for having created this sinner and causing hellish life on the life of other innocent God’s creations.

    Meles Zinawi’s crime is the dearest cost on us;we shall bear it until he is arrested;when he is arrested,he will pay the roughest and the bitterest price for which he will condemn for setting his feet in Ethiopia on that unforegettable day,the day that he would remember,even in his ugly nightmares.

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