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The 66 TPLF Parasitic Companies Under EFFORT

Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) is the use of NVR weapons (strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, mass protests, nonviolent sabotage) to disrupt the functioning of the regime and make the country ungovernable. It is to deny the tyrant the compliance, cooperation and submission he requires. The economic hegemony of the TPLF coupled with its gross mismanagement of the nation’s resources and the massive systemic corruption that has infected the body politic of the nation is the ticking time bomb that may very well destroy the fabric of the Ethiopian society… [read more]

One thought on “The 66 TPLF Parasitic Companies Under EFFORT

  1. EFFORT would not be finished before it bought in American franchises as the Pakistani businessman from Illinois did today (for $550 mil) when he acquired the NFL football team of the St. Louis Rams. Sky is the limit for EFFORT, the Pakistanis Nuclear aresenal (150), the unduly exalted everywhere, the unusual and the out-of-place. Ethiopians everywhere, exileled as they are, should every day question, why am I here in Arkansas, USA, or Switzerland, Europe, when my country is run by plunderers who mismanage it to say the least, sell it off, burn and scorcth it, exile its people… what have I (we) done to live in this extraordinary times…. The Bible and History are full of histories of conquest and plunder and conquest and destroy but with time they all end, EFFORT’s/TPLF’s desire to stay forever, however, is its own very demise.

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