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President Girma receives additional food allowance

President Girma Woldegiorgis’s food budget has been increased by 60%. Meles Zenawi authorized the budget increase after Girma’s outstanding performance this week in parliament where he attacked the political prisoners as Eritrean mercenaries.
President Girma Woldegiorgis

44 thoughts on “President Girma receives additional food allowance

  1. Poor P.Girmish, Instead of the food increase, why don’t they get him some help with pouring his food. what is that I see on his left hand is that a cain? how is this man suppose to pour his own food with one hand, carry it over while using a Cain and has to go to a chair and eat it with out dripping?? that is not far, manew ya ke goneu yekomew, is that MAMAO the security guy? MAMO if you read this, instead of acting like a security for this Elephant of a man, I am quite sure no one will dare to cross an Elephant, why don’t you be a good man and help this man pour his food. And what is surprising is, at first I thought it was a fruit salad that he was eating, and then I was like, Poor P.G I guess they wanted him to be on diet, but then on closer examination it is actually a knife, A fricken Knife that he is holding on his right hand, so he must be carving some nice Kurt ha, that is even cruel, how is he going to cut with one hand, really I even have a hard time to cut a meat just with one hand, you need a fork to hold it on the other side. So it is sad to see our president is mistreated with all this delicious foods, kurt, kitfo, though the rest of the country has hardly any shiro to eat. still cum on let us have some sense and care, we need to demand our P.G to enjoy his meal ( while the rest of us can salivate watching him on pictures) still we should be nice and caring people to demand for this president that he gets some assistance with his meals. I hope to see the next picture of him, some one actually helping him with his fork to his mouth. Poor Girma look at him just salivating over his meet. I have heard melese is smart, he takes his food first cause, GIRMA leaves nothing once he starts, plus look at the way he is looking at the food, he looks like he is almost about to have an orgasm, is that lehach I see dripping out of his mouth, GOSH, can some one put this man on diet. If we didn’t know him as P.G, no one would believe that he is even Ethiopian. my goodness, what a disgrace to a country. Alright fox that is all for now.

  2. Kinda funny, have u heard the word hodam this is the Guy who sold his dignity and his country for just a piece of chicken leg. The Woyannes who never ate any better than kunti are now in their hay day but it would b short lived. Girma keep eating yene konjo you have no skills to support yourself. It is better than being a homeless.

  3. yet another unexampliary shameful act from yet another Ethiopian elderly. A person who was there when the king’s daughter proposed cake as an option for the bread craving ethiopians back in the day. Mr. Girma, keep it up and throw somemore signals that dignify the coming of your end.

  4. Politics aside this picture should be an advertisement against dangers of unhealthy eating. He is supporting himself with a cane due to his obsesity with one hand and cutting a cake with the other.

  5. Please give this guy some slack this time :). I am not a fan of the so-called president of Ethiopia, but what is depicted in the picture appears to be nothing but a ceremonial cake cutting ceremony. Having said that, his presidency is a joke, shameful and disgraceful. In my opinion, he is a lost cause and is not worth our time and energy to discuss even at a mender level.

  6. What a good news . I was worried that THE SO CALLED President (MELES ZENAWI’S PRIVATE A*S WIPER Girma Woldegiorgis) was going to start eating the prisoners. Since his food budget is increased the prisoners have a better chance to live a little while longer .

  7. Do pigs have a sense of Humor?

    Think this pig can fly? In reality,this man is stupid and must a hog.Well,one might think, is it better to toast or to roast the pork.

  8. This HODAM is a shame for Ethiopia and Ethiopians. As history clearly shows HODAMOCH are selfish and are for sale for their stomach. As a result, the suffering of Ethiopians under tyranny continues unabated. Wake up fellow Ethiopians to free yourself and beloved country from HODAMOCH and TYRANNY.
    Good bless Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

  9. This is bad news for our people. At the height of the food crisis in Ethiopia, it is shame for the woyane to increase the president’s food budget. Poor Ethiopians are now dying of hunger but Meles and his inner circle enjoy at the Sheraton Addis paying expensive food and drinks.

  10. Elias;

    This the elias I know unlike the one you push ‘Ethiopians for Cain’.
    This is the wisdom I used to know from ER.

    Please take off the “Cain” idea from your list. And do more such psychological war against the apartheid rulers of our country.

    wey gud

  11. The outsanding characterstics of Girma is his ravenous appetite for anything edible.Gee! This pig,he thinks he can fly?

    Jackal is a small animal about the size of a fox,but doesn’t it as much as Girma.This fool eats as if he did not eat since birth.After all,Zinawi bought it,domesticate it,and fattened it.

  12. I was woundering about the two digit economy growth that Melese talking about despite the fact that the rest of the people(the majority)suffering to get by,now i know where this double digit growth is going.

  13. Loooooool……… This is a killer political satire….. Fantastic job Elias!!…… You are pushing the political awareness & public engagement in the issues that affects them using using a fun-filled political satire….. learning a few trade secret from ya…. & I think

  14. Fersam Girma’s daily calorie intake is equal to three hundred street kid’s diet for three days!
    Check how Woyanes pick and categorize their puppets, they make sure that the person is addicted to something (in the case of assama Girma inter alia has food addiction), is greedy, is coward, is opportunist, is submissive, is a sellout, is corruptible……etc

  15. Clearly,God has refused to grant a pass to this gigantic hog.What sort of a human being does this animal resemble? You see,reaching for his beloved thing,food has now become a daunting task.

  16. Everyone knows Girma has been working with and for his stomach, besides he is worthless by any account. that is why he is still there and I am hopping to see him alive when this government is going down hill soon

  17. President Girma had once started a pig farm in Ambo and later abandoned it once he became a president. His intention was to convert the entire Ambo region in to a pig farm by displacing people. he is the first land grabber under woyane regime. Now he has settled as a pig.

  18. Wide-stomach pig, outdated arrogant banda, decayed, THE so called puppet-president, ur death numbered, but practically ur dead. U breaths due to a huge sum of money flows in to UR wide stomach robbed from poor peasants by banda Meles. Girma u hodam ur budget increased by 60%, u should know yr crime is x by 60 pounds. U dead Girma i know u before too that u r gubogha-corrupted and extremely hodam. U dead girma ur second death is numbered!!!!

    V 4 Ethiopian people!!!

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